I like a word that sounds good in the mouth.
Like a nice heavy cock does. 8D
But it also has to sound pleasing to the ears, just make sure you don't repeat it to much. xD
The correct term is swollen appendage.
Sometimes its good not to directly mention them, but allude to them. All depends on what the intent is with the story. I personally dislike words like cock, pussy, cunt, etc. I find them derogatory and used as a means for the author to be lazy. Now, it cannot take away from the quality of an author as a whole, but it can slightly mar the quality of the story. But that's my opinion, not a solid fact.
Well for some reason i cant view page one... but i prefer COCK. Dick sounds so much harsher to me. Not sure why.
Although - and i may be the only one, i really don't have a problem with the correct anatomical terms being used... maybe it is because it doesnt sound as sexy in the bedroom? But there is something about using PENIS or VAGINA that is more confident or something. Maybe its more of an intimate thing as i guess you would call me a serial monogamist and 'touch my cock' sounds a bit more pornstar.
Ahh i dunno, but i know what i mean so ill leave it at that.
lirri-loo, 23.
on a self imposed drought.
going crazy, making friends.
I prefer "cock"... but don't use it times in the same story.
I can say exactly what I prefer.
When I see things like member, or love shaft or such or god forbid lady garden and stuff like that, I can't help but think a prudishness and naiviete that is probably not meant.
Pussy denotes a smooth sleek femininess that is UNIQUELY female meaning it can not be reasonably shared with even effeminate males (unless of course its a crude insult)..to me that is exactly the way it should be
I think the same is with cock.... cock is masculine, proud, declaring... which is exactly what it is and should be. To me the cock represents all the fantastic qualities that is male. You see or hear the word cock in an erotic context and you know exactly what it is. That long hard pulsating shaft that says his need and desire without a word spoke.
I hear dick, and I think playground. Or, even a perjorative. An annoying immature guy snapping a bra strap and giggling, is a dick. You don't call someone a cock. You lust for cock, you hold cock, you suck cock, you fuck cock and cock fucks you.
So my vote is cock... it doesn't need to be said endlesslessly I am sure, but when the word IS needed, I think cock is the by far surperior choice.
Definitely cock!
I had a manager at work that actually asked one of the employees named Dick if he would go by Richard, she is such a prude that she didn't like using the word Dick. So, I hear Dick with more amusement than arousal.
When I write I usually use the term cock...but have mixed in the odd dick..giggles that does sound funny...if I see the words penis or vagina, somehow that seems a huge turn off.. he slide his penis into her vagina...doesn't sound as hot, sexy and raw as he slide his cock into her pussy...but hey that is just me.
Has to be cock for me.
I used to use "Dick" when I was a kid insulting my sisters.
"You bloody dickhead" mainly.
So whenever I see it in erotic I feel like a kid again and can't help but giggle like a prepubescent tween over a penis.
I usually stick to "cock" "erection" or "shaft."
Dick should be left to insulting your friends with.
Cock its just more...porn haha
Depends on the story, the characters, the mood of the story. I love dick for crass/playful, cock is likely my default, also use rod, staff, phallus when I use anatomy-specific language. I prefer to write around the terms if it's possible to do and still keep the tension.
Don't believe I've read about a hot, hard, WILLY, just doesn't have the same ring to it as a gorgeous cock
Depends on the character/narrator, the story and the audience. In my mainstream stuff, I usually get away without ever having to give it a name at all, but you still know what's going on. Actually just writing "him" or "himself" usually gets the message across.
But, on here, I'm definitely a cock girl.
And, in my opinion, stay away from cumspitter, schlong, pulsating pussy pounding pole etc, because it just makes people laugh. It's a total mood killer.
Mix it up, use more than just dick and or cock or the story seems boring
I like dick for casual days and cock when its more sensualite
I like tool, rod, pole, drill, joystick, snake, rocket, noodle and schlong.
Every penis is different and it depends on the situation.
xx B.
Cock just doesnt do it for me. Gotta go with dick.