I never went to college but I think I'm pretty smart. I'm just not great at sentence structure and some of the finer points of writing. Would you rather read a story that is hot but may not have great sentence structure, or read a boring or average story that was written really well? I know I get good reviews here so people who read my stories seem to like them. I have 18 more stories to share including my first new story in 16 years, but I will never be good enough in sentence structure or whatever to get posted here.
Was curious about your thoughts.
I prefer well written stories and will overlook a few typos but if you need me to reread a sentence a few times because you chose to not write it well, then I'll pass
I find a story hotter if I am not being distracted by errors (I'm a bit of perfectionist when editing my own stuff) but have some toleration for stylistic things like sentence structure. It is more blatant grammar errors and things like writers using "discrete" where they should be using "discreet" that get my goat. If your existing stories are getting past the mods and are getting read, your writing can't be too bad.
Seriously, if you have a story just get it down. Use something like Grammarly and it will help you. Everyone has their own style too so try to not compare yourself with others. I got an A at GCSE English language but I didn't study it pass that and completely forgot it all. I find practice makes perfect. I started writing at 16, started my current story at 18, stopped writing it because I thought my writing was absolutely awful and I picked it up 9 years later when I had more confidence. I'm not great but I'm getting some good feedback and my stuff submitted back in November is so much different from my most recent submissions.
I'm a grammar Nazi, so I can't read anything without being distracted by every error in spelling, syntax, and punctuation. But if you can write a good story, all you need is an OCD editor like me to make it a great, error-free story.
I don't mind a few errors or structure problems so long as its not throughout the entire story itself
the most important thing to me is creativity and the ability to keep me intrigued throughout.
Don't worry over much just write your stories and let your imagination have some fun
you can always find someone nice enough to help you edit and give you more advise on writing also.
Something i meant to add earlier.
The best thing you can do to get past the grammar stumbling block and worry
Is to get ahold of an editors addition copy of a book.
Several years ago I ended up with one ( sent by mistake )
But in reading it I learned that writers generally fuck up they aren't perfect
That's why editors have jobs ?
Also look through an R.L Stine book and you'll find constant mistakes
yet he's one of the most famous writers out there.
Writing really well must include the ability to make a story entertaining. Good grammar is a major ingredient in doing just that.
i'll notice (most) errors, but if there minor they don't distract me from the story.
(see what i did their?)
seriously, just work toward improving as a writer. that includes developing the storytelling skill and the technical writing skill. if you can tell an engaging story, i'll overlook the growing pains.
Sentence structure is important because if you get that wrong the meaning of the sentence changes, and the flow as well. Flow is critical to writing good erotica. Fortunately, with practice you get better. Read a story aloud before you submit it. You'll be amazed how many blank spots your brain fills in until you do that.
Send one of your stories to me and I’ll correct your mistakes. Then we can discuss it.