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Multi-part stories?? Good or Bad??

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Quote by TheTravellingMan
What is unusual in Lush is that it difficult to point the story forwards, if a reader finds Ch1, there is not a great deal that can help to point the reader to Ch.2.

It's possible though to change the link in the previous chapter once the next chapter has been approved. If it's the only change you make and you add a small note in the comment to moderator box, it's usually re-approved in a jiffy.
But you would think the software can do this for you.
Quote by ChrissieLecker

It's possible though to change the link in the previous chapter once the next chapter has been approved. If it's the only change you make and you add a small note in the comment to moderator box, it's usually re-approved in a jiffy.

Thanks Chrissie, that's good to know smile
Quote by avrgblkgrl
I love Multi-part stories. When I find a good one, I'm very dedicated to them--and to the writer too. I think that's the key though; it has to be a sustainable story. Each chapter has to be independently good but create a need/want for more. And, the writer can't be lazy and coast on cliche's and just sex (which is a problem with erotica). The characters have to have an appeal and the story line can't drag or move too swiftly. It takes a lot of planning to write them, forthought. I find that with a lot of the ones here, that's lacking. They keep doing the quick stroke stuff and it just gets boring. Not every story is fit for continuation because it's not complex enough. You can tell when someone is fumbling through the story line and that loses my interest too. Timing is important. Taking too long in between submissions can kill the momentum. You find yourself with new readers and people don't like to start in the middle. That's my downfall. You know you are doing well when each segment picks up more views and your first chapter still manages to draw. I don't think you should be afraid to rewrite ones that don't do well, chapters that is. Bring them up to par.

having said this are you caught too? Where is chap. 3 of " One Night Enough?" You have me hanging out dry. Naomi is so beautiful and Thomas so strong. What? Is there a collision ahead you know not how to avoid? The husband becomes abusive? Naomi becomes fearful of losing her own identity in Thomas? Thomas strays?

Please please do somthing. Thank you, Walter ]
Quote by jaycox

having said this are you caught too? Where is chap. 3 of " One Night Enough?" You have me hanging out dry. Naomi is so beautiful and Thomas so strong. What? Is there a collision ahead you know not how to avoid? The husband becomes abusive? Naomi becomes fearful of losing her own identity in Thomas? Thomas strays?

Please please do somthing. Thank you, Walter ]


I am sooooo busted!!
? A True Story ?
Gotcha' Madam the story is so exceptional it must be completed! I am certainly not a writer of your experience or skills but I would be happy to try to help in anyway you might need. Help with ideas or proofreading or???

I so admire your stories. A my profile shows ideas am not a young man and secure arousal just does not come easily any longer. Your stories DO AROUSE me! I cannot thank you enough for that.

Quote by ChrissieLecker

It's possible though to change the link in the previous chapter once the next chapter has been approved. If it's the only change you make and you add a small note in the comment to moderator box, it's usually re-approved in a jiffy.

That's my recommendation too. It leads your reader perfectly.
? A True Story ?
Quote by jaycox
Gotcha' Madam the story is so exceptional it must be completed! I am certainly not a writer of your experience or skills but I would be happy to try to help in anyway you might need. Help with ideas or proofreading or???

I so admire your stories. A my profile shows ideas am not a young man and secure arousal just does not come easily any longer. Your stories DO AROUSE me! I cannot thank you enough for that.


That is the highest of compliments. Thank you. I'll be updating soon.
? A True Story ?
Quote by chriskayaks
I've published a few multi-part stories with varying results. The first in the series has good voting turnout and great comments, but then the votes and comments taper off dramatically with each subsequent chapter.

I've tried to read other multi-part stories but always seem to lose interest after the second or third installment. There are several authors that have ten or more parts to their stories.... have they experienced the same results???

How do YOU read and react to stories that have multiple parts??

...I haven't been here long enough to judge...but on another site my part 1 will generally have 2000 or so hits...part 2 will only have 1000 to if I'm lucky 1200...part 3 will be only about 500...people have a short attention span...too many parts & they loose interest...
I much prefer reading multi-part stories. I mean, I am not going to read a lousy story whether it is standalone or multi-part, so if I am reading a story it means I am enjoying it. On the rare occasion when the story really loops you in I want to know more about the characters and their experiences in the universe created by the author.

I myself only write multi-part stories because I want to explore the lives of my characters as they navigate their way through my tale.
- hogwash
I've encountered some amazingly good multi-part stories here (currently working my way through Milik the Red's Myra stories, for example).

I think they give many authors a chance to develop their characters more fully. My favorite story of my own is a multi-part (A polaroid of Kristina).

I think the fall-off in views is a natural result of how most of us come to the stories on the front page. Something grabs you and you read it. Between two stories that you haven't read, ceteris paribus, you're more likely to pick the one that starts right then, rather than chapter 3 of something that you'd have to either go back to the beginning to read, or read a bit of before deciding that you want to read the beginning after all.

I guess if your primary concern is views, then as an author you should avoid the multi-parts. If you're writing more for yourself, to get out the story you want to tell, then you'll tell your stories in whatever length or scope makes sense.
Hopefully, Lush will get back to normal soon as far as approving stories. Then I'll see how Lush readers feel about my writings. Trying to keep each chapter interesting and also have sex in it can be frustrating and fun at the same time.
to me it depends on the conteent. but there are a few good ones I have red. I will list 3 specific ones - all from the 'Novels' caterory.

1. A Beautiful Wish By: 800ibgorrila

2. Mia By: HollyShamrock

3. Eros Academy By: SanchoHardbottle

If you want to read them just do a search for the author ie the username
I hope that this helps.
I think it's good. It's also kind of hard at the same time. At least it is for me
I get irritated by authors who write multi-part stories 600-700 words at a time. A lot of authors on this site seem to do this, and it just creates a lot of clutter in my opinion. Maybe they get impatient and want to publish what they've written right away before they've finished it. But there's a 10,000 word limit for most stories, so if your story is going to run that long, then just write the damned thing to the end and publish it as a single piece. There's no point in dragging it out over 10-12 installments, which I've said elsewhere is literary equivalent of giving a blowjob 30 seconds at a time, and then making the reader wait a day or two for the next 30 seconds of pleasure. It's beyond frustrating, so I rarely read anything that contains the words "Part 1" or "Chapter 1." If you do feel the need to write a multi-part story, then each episode should more or less be able to stand on it's own.

Don't believe everything that you read.

These are separate issues, though. The sub-flash-erotica length installments, versus having installments at all.
I have authored stories in parts as it keeps it short and lures the reader in. I also have experienced ups and downs with comments and visits. Maybe the title gets old and the one liner doesn't catch the reader's attention.
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
I get irritated by authors who write multi-part stories 600-700 words at a time. A lot of authors on this site seem to do this, and it just creates a lot of clutter in my opinion. Maybe they get impatient and want to publish what they've written right away before they've finished it. But there's a 10,000 word limit for most stories, so if your story is going to run that long, then just write the damned thing to the end and publish it as a single piece. There's no point in dragging it out over 10-12 installments, which I've said elsewhere is literary equivalent of giving a blowjob 30 seconds at a time, and then making the reader wait a day or two for the next 30 seconds of pleasure. It's beyond frustrating, so I rarely read anything that contains the words "Part 1" or "Chapter 1." If you do feel the need to write a multi-part story, then each episode should more or less be able to stand on it's own.

Since writing this, I started working on my own multi-part story - which is turning into more of a novella. So far it's 37000+ words (almost 90 pages in MS Word) and still going. I won't start posting it until I've finished writing it entirely. That way, I can keep the installments coming regularly, instead of making readers wait while I think up the next part. I expect that installments will average about 3000 words each (some longer, some shorter). I doubt there will be many sustained readers, but we'll see how it goes.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
I get irritated by authors who write multi-part stories 600-700 words at a time. A lot of authors on this site seem to do this, and it just creates a lot of clutter in my opinion. Maybe they get impatient and want to publish what they've written right away before they've finished it. But there's a 10,000 word limit for most stories, so if your story is going to run that long, then just write the damned thing to the end and publish it as a single piece. There's no point in dragging it out over 10-12 installments, which I've said elsewhere is literary equivalent of giving a blowjob 30 seconds at a time, and then making the reader wait a day or two for the next 30 seconds of pleasure. It's beyond frustrating, so I rarely read anything that contains the words "Part 1" or "Chapter 1." If you do feel the need to write a multi-part story, then each episode should more or less be able to stand on it's own.

That's the only kind of multi-part story I do.
Quote by chriskayaks
I've published a few multi-part stories with varying results. The first in the series has good voting turnout and great comments, but then the votes and comments taper off dramatically with each subsequent chapter.

I've tried to read other multi-part stories but always seem to lose interest after the second or third installment. There are several authors that have ten or more parts to their stories.... have they experienced the same results???

How do YOU read and react to stories that have multiple parts??

bad...each additional part has less hits than the one before.kRU4dVvC1Bu0zBph
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
I get irritated by authors who write multi-part stories 600-700 words at a time. A lot of authors on this site seem to do this, and it just creates a lot of clutter in my opinion. Maybe they get impatient and want to publish what they've written right away before they've finished it. But there's a 10,000 word limit for most stories, so if your story is going to run that long, then just write the damned thing to the end and publish it as a single piece. There's no point in dragging it out over 10-12 installments, which I've said elsewhere is literary equivalent of giving a blowjob 30 seconds at a time, and then making the reader wait a day or two for the next 30 seconds of pleasure. It's beyond frustrating, so I rarely read anything that contains the words "Part 1" or "Chapter 1." If you do feel the need to write a multi-part story, then each episode should more or less be able to stand on it's own.

i don't understand why you would be dismissive of a story because it is long and posted in chapters. All books have chapters. My story is a life journey and up to chapter 21 to date. Each instalment stands alone even though it's a continuing story. Agree with others that the votes and comments seem to tail off, but I have had massive spikes in some chapters. The votes and comments are only a fraction of the times viewed. Not sure if readers don't want to leave an opinion or are just lazy.
With linking, I do go back and forward link my previous chapter. I used to mention in the chapter intro that this is a continuing story but one moderator rejected my last chapter and told me off for doing it. It seems to me that a reader would appreciate being pointed to the beginning of the story.
If multi-part stories are well written and not repetitive as a reader I prefer them to short stories. A good author can keep the readers reading