In a revenge story, how far and brutal should be enough...
cheating - how far to take it...
Bullying - how far to take it...
revenge for - how far to take it..
don't know if i explained myself correctly...
Story submissions
I agree not to post stories which feature underage people / minors. I also agree not to submit stories which include content pertaining to , abusive situations, graphic violence, totally unwilling participants, drugging, dangerous sexual acts, snuff, or sex with animals ( ).
My latest offering -
Once more in Love Poems - My Forever Beauty
My 2 previous submissions:
Both Love Poems
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Quote by Fiona69m
i agree, the is enough to get a story bounced, but the in question would not happen in the story, it would the events that take place after...
another great response, thanks.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.