In this arena ( where we are assuming that the subject matter is apolitical and we are dealing with adult females (please don't get political about genders here, it is an honest question seeking honest answers)) I have two questions:
As a collective noun, what do our female readers prefer as a collective noun?
As an individual, how would you prefer your (now, or future) partner to think/speak of you?
Does the collective noun need to match the individual noun?
For some additional info, I find the whole subject fraught with difficulties:
Does calling someone a girl denigrate that person's growth from a childhood to adulthood? does it sound cheesy? does it sound a bit uncomfortably to do with age?
Does calling someone a lady imply some social division from those called Women or Girls? does it imply some kind of stand-offishness? is this too, a bit cheesy ?
Does calling someone a woman imply lack of special feeling about that individual compared with every other female? or does it simply signify a mature female?
To test your answers try the following sentences and see how you feel:
You are the most beautiful XXX in the world
I really love going out with a XXX like you
You are the sexiest XXX I have ever met