Quote by LittleBambi
11) Thou shalt teach me a phrase to start commandments with other than 'thou shalt not'
Nuh uh... You're on a roll...
nicola? Do you think we can get this on a plaque on the signup page?
Quote by Shylass
You've all given me a lot to think about, thank you. I won't be insisting on comments, you've all confirmed what I thought, thank you. I figure if somebody cared enough about it, they would tell me, and I love those of you who do.
Quote by Guest
Well. I think we ought to come up with the perfect system. Maybe we could have a limit on who gets to vote. If you break one of the 10 commandments you don't get to vote.
The 10 Lush Commandments
1) Thou shalt not post tens of photos of one's cock from varying, and yet scarily similar, angles
2) Thou shalt not start pubic hair topics
3) Thou shalt not contact thy fellow Lushers to ask about their level of horniness
4) Thou shalt not deliberately thread kill (unless it is a pubic hair topic)
5) Thou shalt not feel butt hurt if thee have been rightly shot down
6) Thou shalt not repeatedly pick forum fights with the same person just for the sake of it
7) Thou shalt not steal thy fellow Lushers stories
8) Thou shalt not beg thy fellow Lushers to comment on thy images
9) Thou shalt not take the name of thy Lush God(dess) in vain
10) Thou shalt not leave for being a dickhead and return under a new name
.....and.....11) Thou shalt teach me a phrase to start commandments with other than 'thou shalt not'
Quote by RumpleForeskin
Hope you're feeling better now, Shy-one. ;)
When it comes to comments, many writers seem to feel it is much, much better to receive than to give. That's a shame because learning how to 'read like a writer' and figure out what about a story you like or dislike, is one of the most important steps towards becoming an author...imho.