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First Erotic Story Feedback for Last Night In Vegas

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Hello Lush,

I invite anyone who enjoys erotic stories about wife lovers, swinging or Asian women checkout:

Last Night In Vegas (In Wife Lovers)

This is my first erotic story so I'd appreciate any feedback.
I'm horny every time I read and write so forgive any errors.

Thanks, and I hope my story makes you cum!
LB, congrats on losing your 'story cherry'. You might get more folks to check out your epic by including a link to that bit of peerless porn prose.

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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Yes I read it. And it is a story category that I love.

I missed more on the backgound of the characters. Why they were in Vegas? Had there ever been talk about swinging between them? Was there any build up of sexual tensions during the stay or on that night? The descriptions of the sex acts was good, but the ending was abrupt. And what about after? Did this change their life or attitudes in any ways.

I know some are most interested in the descriptions of the sex acts, but for me it is important to get to know some more on what brought these acts on.

But a nice start. Keep working.
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