Hi all,
as some of you might now i am In Panama right now and working at a small bed and breakfast in the jungle. We had a young couple staying here for a few days from Spain. Each night they had sex and the girl was really loud. Now, I truly believe in good orgasm but in this case I think she was faking it. How many of you women have done that? I did it a lot when I was in my late teens and early twenties.
Also, guys. How come you generally are so quiet during climax?
Some have very loud & intence orgasms, how do you know she was faking it? You don't know that. I myself have very loud orgasms. And I am not faking mine, my studs have the equipment to make me cum loudly, so do some of the women I have met, and me them.ybMtYcT2kRDMIgEU
A small B&B in the jungle in Panama? Damn, I like the sound of that. Hope you're enjoying it. I will be touring that country later this year (around Christmas) but not staying in any B&Bs. It's a guided tour so resorts are the order of the day.
And I always wonder a bit about loud sex, too, but I guess some of us get more into it than others.
Thanks for the answers.
Panama is best seen through guided tours, and you should visit the following pplaces if you can. El Casco Viejo, The Canal, Panama Viejo. Those are in Panama City. Also visit Volcan, Boquete and El Valle de Anton. Those are smaller towns worth a visit. Dont be one of those that lie by the pool all day sipping umbrella drinks hahah
Sassy Red-haired Mod/Beach Kat
I am very loud during sex and especially when I am having an orgasm. Especially during vacation/hotel sex. Most lovers (male and female) that I have been with have also tended to be loud. I've never needed to fake an orgasm, I am lucky in that respect.
sometimes i pretend not to have an orgasm when i, in actuality, am, and then am very loud about complaining about not having an orgasm.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
I dont understand the point in faking an orgasm. Sorry just me..
Great more answers! I have done the "not showing Im coming" so the guy continues hihi. Naughty us!