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Do you remember the first explicit erotic story you ever read?

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite

*nods* mods are omniscient - it's why we're mods. actually, some of us are also omnipotent. well, i am, at least. the rest of them only strive to achieve.

*smiles* I know sprite, I have believed in you since the first words from you that I read (and that's true btw)
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

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Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Rainbow Warrior
Yes, I was younger (edited by admin for content), and found my dad's Penthouse forums. It was a story about a girl whose boyfriend's brother caught them having sex and blackmailed them to let him have sex with his brother's girlfriend.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by NymphWriter
I was in high school and had just gotten into Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire and her other books when I talked my dad into getting me her Sleeping Beauty Chronicles for my birthday. Little did I know what I had just purchased. From chapter 1, I had been forever corrupted and found a new love for the world of erotica.

Would you recommend the Sleeping Beauty Chronicles then? The only Anne Rice book I've read is Pandora (a while back), which was the first time I read about sexual scenarios from a woman's perspective.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BethanyFrasier
Yes, I was younger (edited by admin for content), and found my dad's Penthouse forums. It was a story about a girl whose boyfriend's brother caught them having sex and blackmailed them to let him have sex with his brother's girlfriend.

So was reading it an interesting/ arousing experience or did it just gross you out? Or were you mostly indifferent?
Unicorn Wrangler
Quote by CyberwalkerX
Would you recommend the Sleeping Beauty Chronicles then? The only Anne Rice book I've read is Pandora (a while back), which was the first time I read about sexual scenarios from a woman's perspective.


I will warn you that in books 2 and 3 she changes the POV from a 3rd person to a 1st person in some chapters. However, you are warned as you'll see the name of character who's talking (I think it's Tristan... but an asshole ex stole my books.) These books were my first exposure to oral, anal, gay (male and female), and rough sex. It stirred feelings in me that I never knew existed.
Gentleman Stranger
I believe mine was probably in an old Playboy magazine lifted from my father's stash. They had a regular feature called, I believe, "Ribald Tales". Tame by Lush standards, they were written in a somewhat archaic "Olde English" style and often featured merry maids, unsatisfied and horny housewives, wealthy gentlemen, stable hands and something called a cuckold, which I probably had to look up.
The Bee's Knees
the first piece of erotica that i read was the claiming of sleeping beauty, by anne rice. i remember my friend lending it to me with a warning not to leave it lying around (i was in high school). i thought it was just another romance novel -boy was i surprised lol

Say. Her. Name.

It was a story in a magazine which I found in my friend's place. We're in (edited by moderator for content)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Peri
It was a story in a magazine which I found in my friend's place. We're in (edited by moderator for content)

I see. But did it make any definite impression on you?

First time I read an adult scene was in a Robert Ludlum book, back when I was in school.

I didn't know that printed material could have that kind of content. Or that anyone could ever write about that stuff openly, if you would believe it. Not that sex wasn't a rampant subject in school.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by NymphWriter


I will warn you that in books 2 and 3 she changes the POV from a 3rd person to a 1st person in some chapters. However, you are warned as you'll see the name of character who's talking (I think it's Tristan... but an asshole ex stole my books.) These books were my first exposure to oral, anal, gay (male and female), and rough sex. It stirred feelings in me that I never knew existed.

Haha... guess I ought to get back to Anne Rice after such a strong recommendation! I still have Interview With a Vampire lying in my shelf though. I know Sleeping Beauty is by a different persona of her.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by stormdog100
I believe mine was probably in an old Playboy magazine lifted from my father's stash. They had a regular feature called, I believe, "Ribald Tales". Tame by Lush standards, they were written in a somewhat archaic "Olde English" style and often featured merry maids, unsatisfied and horny housewives, wealthy gentlemen, stable hands and something called a cuckold, which I probably had to look up.

That's interesting. I wonder how I would have reacted to reading an adult story in olde english when I was younger.
Unicorn Wrangler
Quote by CyberwalkerX
Haha... guess I ought to get back to Anne Rice after such a strong recommendation! I still have Interview With a Vampire lying in my shelf though. I know Sleeping Beauty is by a different persona of her.

It was because of Interview With a Vampire that got me into her work. When I got Sleeping Beauty I had no idea what it was about. I was thinking it was just an alternate view to the classic fairy tale... oh boy was it!!! My father would have shit a brick had he known what he had actually bought me.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by NymphWriter

It was because of Interview With a Vampire that got me into her work. When I got Sleeping Beauty I had no idea what it was about. I was thinking it was just an alternate view to the classic fairy tale... oh boy was it!!! My father would have shit a brick had he known what he had actually bought me.

Hahaha... wish I read it when I was in my teens. But let's see. Thanks.
Active Ink Slinger
Ooh I do... I do... It was Addicted by Zane

Good lord, this book is HOT! And this book began my reading journey of Erotic/Erotica Romance

Daddy's baby girl
I remember looking and reading my dads Playboy magazines. Also, my cousin had a book that he showed me, I have no idea what the name was, in one part of the book it involved a guy, and a girl, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich which the guy had put somewhere, and was eating it That was very explicit.
I am not sure how I ended up reading this but I think it might be this one
The Right Rev of Lush
Do I remember the first smut I read? Hell's bells, I'm nearly 70 and do good to recall the last lusty story I read. smile

But seriously, fellow Lushlanders, my first 'smutty' book was "Peyton Place." The first short story came in high school when someone typed out a two page 'teacher seduces one of her students' yarn the ran copies off on the school's memograph. No doubt the culprit was one great American in the making.

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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Active Ink Slinger
Mine was a book called "Candy" that I stole from my father. It was such a blast that I couldn't get enough. I'd have to pretend to be studying so I could read ir all.
Short Arse Brit
I do and I will likely get laughed at here.

I think the younger you are ( was over 16 btw) bit lacking in experience though, so when you are younger it shows and something you read might turn you on that simply would not now.

The first book I ever read that had sex scenes in it was The Burning Shore by Wilbur Smith..It wouldn't turn me on now as I am older and have more experience but at the time I thought it was hot because I had never read a book with sex in it before
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Advanced Wordsmith
I was about *edited for content* and it was a sex in the shower scene in one of the James Bond novels. I read it over and was such a turn on.
Short Arse Brit
Quote by Dudealicious
May I please remind everyone that this is an adult site and there is zero tolerance for any posts referring to any underage activity (16 years of age or less).

Please refrain from any such posts.

check the one above?
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by kiera

check the one above?

got it, and thanks, now go to bed, young lady! smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Advanced Wordsmith
It was a Penthouse Forum story that I found with some friends of my in a stack of magazines in an abandoned house. I won't mention our age because it would just be edited for content anyway. We spent hours going through the stack with slackened jaws and dilated eyes. I always knew girls were different but never understood the purpose of the differences until that day. I've been hooked on enjoying those differences ever since.
With a whisper, a touch, a kiss,
I showed her the path,
She ran to the arms
Of baby's safe harbor.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kiera
I do and I will likely get laughed at here.

I think the younger you are ( was over 16 btw) bit lacking in experience though, so when you are younger it shows and something you read might turn you on that simply would not now.

The first book I ever read that had sex scenes in it was The Burning Shore by Wilbur Smith..It wouldn't turn me on now as I am older and have more experience but at the time I thought it was hot because I had never read a book with sex in it before

I really can imagine what you mean. It's not that it really turned me on, but I remember the effect it had on me when I first read a sex scene in printed material when I read a book by Robert Ludlum, which was not an erotic novel by any stretch of imagination.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite

got it, and thanks, now go to bed, young lady! smile

Hey, please don't take this as anything close to a protest. I'm just curious. is illegal for sure. But I am not well informed about underage reading of adult material (I don't mean watching porn). Is it actually illegal to read a thriller story with a sex scene in it? Is that why lush is strict on censoring such information? Or is it an unwritten guideline for all decent websites to follow? Thanks.
Lates '70s I was going around an old car yard with friends and we found a stash of magazines (not burgling btw!) It was a story about a guy who'd taken his girlfriend on a ghost train at the local fairground and he described how they were getting it on during the ride. His hand slipped inside her knickers and then into her pussy and suddenly (his words) became very wet. I didn't have a clue what that meant, but the fact that he was fingering a girl was so hot!
Yes... I have a vague memory...

But won't tell.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by natasha_
Yes... I have a vague memory...

But won't tell.

Pliss! Pliss! Pretty please (for lack of a weirdo smiley)