I am writing a "novel like" story.
Multiple chapters about a little town.
The characters I use are based upon real people.
Some of them, I met only once or twice, some I know pretty good
and some of them I saw just in a flash.
I began to use pictures I found to make it easier to write.
Posing pictures, as I call it.
Nude/erotic models that matched the real people.
My question is :
Would you prefer to see the pictures ( that match the description of the characters )
or would you prefer to create an imagine in your mind ?
You should probably not include pictures as it would limit your reader's imaginations. I rarely go beyond describing hair color or skin color because what you find attractive isn't what everyone else finds attractive too. Best to leave your pictures in your spank bank and let the reader fill the rest in with their imagination.
Pictures are an element of children's books. As an adult reader, I cringe. I will not read a story if photos pop up in the writing. The only time it's ok is if theyre scenery or similar stills at the beginning of a chapter. One photo in the beginning like what you can do on lush is akin to a book cover and entirely acceptable.
All good reasons to not to do it :-)
Although my imagination allows me to conjure up a good mental picture of a story in my minds eye there's nothing like a real picture/pictures from the author. Illustrations of a story are equally as important whether visual or written (in my opinion).
I think pictures are nice. It shows us readers what you want clearly.
I do not need pictures to enhance the stories that I read here. I have a good imagination and how I imagine the characters would surpass any photo that the author may provide and be more stimulating for my tastes, that is.
When I write I want the reader to feel as if they are a part of what is happening. Their likes or preferences may not necessarily be mine. I lead my reader, but I also try to leave room for their own imagination to run free and explore within the boundaries that I set. That way, there is always something there that is specifically theirs. Pictures put a limit or a cap on the options available to them. It makes it become clearly my vision and doesn't leave enough room for the reader.
Pictures can be a good embellishment, but a good story can stand all on its own without the need of visual cues.
Yes picture can be very good of expressing your exact emotions
No, I want the story to tell the tale and visualize it in my head. Pictures would make that impossible. When I write, I go to tremendous efforts to provide the subtle details that allow the reader to do the same.
I can imagine things infinitely more erotic than any picture you can post.
On the other hand, where appropriate, I have started using "cover images" on a few of my submissions. They are .jpg "cartoon" files meant to illustrate some relatively non-erotic part of the story.
They can work but I will never use them.
I use my words to put the picture in the readers mind.
I personally do not like photos when I'm reading a story, and like others I like to create my own mental images from your writings. I think it's a sign of a quality reader getting together with a quality writer and they build the story together, although at different times.
However, I did adapt a book about a vampire to a screenplay. The author sent me the actual manuscript to use, complete with her own drawings. She's a cubist painter and her illustrations really enhanced the story. I had the usual images already in my head about this vampire and others but her illustrations showed a deeper and darker side to what I had envisioned.
I look for illustrations now by the author not photos. Kind of like what Beardsley's illustrations did for Salome
Hope that helps.
Not really. I don't judge a story by it's cover albeit pictures in this case. I read for no other reason that i like the way the author puts pen to paper and will continue to read the authors' work because he/she continues to write with quality content.