I just saw World War Z, and it was decent. A new take on a zombie movie, I suppose. Although, the two that are tied, and it looks like they always will be are, Zombieland, and Shaun of the dead. Both perfect 10s, and instant classics too.
Night of the Living Dead, the 1968 original that launched the genre. Stark, black and white, and creepy as hell with the gore mostly implied.
Zombieland is definitely my favorite, who doesn't like to see Woody Harrelson fighting zombies
I love me some zombies - but not all zombie movies have to be with mindless hordes attacking the living. . . they all go toward the 'post apocalyptic' when they do that: where the people hole up in the last known town and make the final stand . . . because the final stand wouldn't be possible when there were fewer zombies and more people (rolleyes)
The Cabinet of Dr Caligari still takes the cake for me.
Love the classics.
Zombieland. Easy. Never get tired of that.
Followed by Shaun of the Dead.
Absolutely loathe the 28 ____ Later Movies. Cannot abide stupid characters in movies. Which is probably why I hate horror movies in general.
hehe - Zombieland is great - I do love that one. It has some key 'classic making' concepts: the no-names idea was original to the genre as was the Twinkies thread in it. . . and the rules for survival. . . top rung ideas.
The keys to making a successful story that sticks: giving characters depth by giving them a goal to achieve . . . and their role takes them there.
And of course - it has Woody in a fucking cowboy hat.
Zombieland was great.
The original Night of the Living Dead was as awesome theme for a fraternity party in college. We'd play the movie on all the TVs, dressed & made up like zombies, and have several kegs of beer and smoke some weed. We had a large chocolate and strawberry cake made to look like a human body (kind of) and the rule was you had to eat it with your hands.
World War Z, Zombieland, Resident Evil trilogy
Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead. Guh, especially Shaun of the Dead. The scene in the bar (when they were hitting the zombie with pool sticks to Queen) is definitely one of my favorite movie scenes ever.
Also, I have a bit of a soft spot for Resident Evil II. I don't even know WHY.
Definitely gonna' go with Warm Bodies. It's adorable. :P
zombieland shaun of the dead army of darkness and the resident evils
Shaun Of The Dead. Just brilliant in every way.
To date, "Day of the Dead" 1985 Romero
There's Never Really Only ONE Favorite. I'm Going With ANY Zombie Movie That's RATED R!!!
I Don't Think Any 'Resident Evil' Movie Ever Mentioned The Word Zombie! I Just Wanna Leave That Out There! They're ALL Still GOOD Movies Though!
only seen one zombie movie "Warm Bodies"
I have to agree that Zombieland is a pretty amazing movie! "Double tap!"
Zombieland, evil dead, Resident Evil trilogy
Shaun of the Dead is the zombie film I enjoyed the most. Zombieland was good too. I'm not sure if 28 Days Later counts as a zombie movie, but I liked that one too. The people with the rage weren't the living dead, just victims of the virus.
Of the Romero movies, I liked Dawn of the Dead best. I didn't care much for any of the remakes, and I saw Night of the Living Dead before I was really old enough to appreciate it.
I love zombie films in general though, and I'm pretty easy to please.
Scary but funny: Zombieland!