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What actor(s) do you like so much, that you will watch their movies/shows just because they are in it?

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I saw the dislike thread so how about an opposite 'Like' thread?
There are some totally dire films which, for some reason have really good actors in them so, who do you like enough to watch regardless of how dire, or just not to your taste their movie might be?

I will start with my favourite who's films I would buy just because she is in them!

Cate Blanchett.

WooHoo!!!! 27,000 views! Could I dare to hope for a famous story...
Michelle Pfeiffer was like this for me at one point.

Sean Connery was another. He could make even a total stinker entertaining if he was on his game (see Sword of the Valiant for a case in point).

Harrison Ford, though he hasn't actually too many total stinkers. Of course, this means Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was am absolute must-see for me since it had both Ford and Connery.

Don't watch many movies nowadays so can't really name any current stars who are in this category, though I do like Tom Hiddleston based on seeing him as Loki in the Marvel movies and plan to chase down more of his work at some point.
Daniel Radcliffe..

most of the films or mini series he did after Harry Potter are very well thought out.. he knows his stuff.. he knows which kind is great even though some of them are not great blockbusters, but to me I could see how he made the intelligent choice of doing it.. most of his works has an appeal to ones intelligence and deep understanding.. very enigmatic..

he studied his roles well.. you can tell he loves his craft.. he's not in it for fame, but to be a part of a masterpiece.. smile
She's mad, but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire. ~ Charles Bukowski
Tom Hanks, since his work in the 90's. His early stuff was pretty lame. I'll also give anything that has Emma Watson in it a try.
Monica Bellucci because she is , to candid, beautiful and sensual in that Italian Way,
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
Jason Momoa and David Tennant... I have found myself watching all kinds of random things full of shitty acting and lame plots just because one of them is in it.
Robert Carlyle has made some brilliant films - Barney Thomson was a complete surprise to how good it was
Clint Eastwood - I regularly go back to Dirty Harry and Spaghetti Western Trilogy
Natalie Portman - she is such a great actress but also so sexy
Charlize Theron
Danny Kaye, if he were still alive.
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Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Gary Cooper
Barbara Stanwyck
Jimmie Stewart
Ava Gardner
Bridget Bardot
Orson Welles
Jack Lemmon
Humphrey Bogart
Elizabeth Taylor
Clint Eastwood
Gregory Peck
Lana Turner
Marilyn Monroe
Ann Margaret
Lee Marvin
Henry Fonda
Paul Newman
Marx Brothers
George C. Scott
Richard Burton
Jack Nicholson
Denzell Washington
Sally Field
Al Pacino
Robert Duvall
Harrison Ford
Peter Sellers
Morgan Freeman
Robert Dinero
Tom Hanks
Forest Whittaker
Daniel Day Lewis
Leonardo DiCaprio
Robert Duvall
Cate Blanchett
Robert DiNiro
Humphrey Bogart
Kate Hepburn
Tilda Swinton
Mads Mickelson
Jack Lemmon
Alec Guiness
Buster Keaton
Daniel Day Lewis
Harrison Ford
Denzel Washington
Audrey Hepburn
Cary Grant
Sigourney Weaver
Julienne Moore
Tim Roth
Matt Damon

There are a series of character actors I would follow as well:
Walter Brennan
Harry Morgan
Jeff Goldbloom
Steve Martin
George Lopez
Bernie Mac
Denis leary

Their autobiographies were too good to resist becoming a fan. I've read each of them two or three times over the years and I'm sure I will again at some point.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

used to be sean def tom hanks and meryl streep
Tom Hanks. Seeing Scully tomorrow.
Quote by HotWife4U
Tom Hanks. Seeing Scully tomorrow.

Tell me how that is. The last bad movie I saw with Tom Hanks was Under the Volcano.
Robert Downey Jr.
Sam Rockwell
Tilda Swinton (aka David Bowie in drag)
Juliane Moore
Diane Lane
Merryl Streep
Woody Allen
Quote by Verbal
Robert Downey Jr.
Sam Rockwell
Tilda Swinton (aka David Bowie in drag)
Juliane Moore

Yes to Sam Rockwell. He is so under appreciated as an actor, he's very talented. And also his girlfriend is a babe.

Christoph Waltz
Tom Hanks
Sam Neil
Who is his girlfriend? I live too sheltered a life to know.
Quote by 69Kisses96

Tell me how that is. The last bad movie I saw with Tom Hanks was Under the Volcano.

A really well done movie. Not what I expected but Hanks is incredible. He plays Sully perfectly. But he is old now. Cant believe this is the same guy that played in "Big."
Denzell Washington
Quote by HotWife4U

A really well done movie. Not what I expected but Hanks is incredible. He plays Sully perfectly. But he is old now. Cant believe this is the same guy that played in "Big."

No, no - it's all make-up Carol. Tom hasn't aged at all. And yes, I'd go to anything to see him. And he is supposed to rock in Sully.
Quote by Verbal
Who is his girlfriend? I live too sheltered a life to know.

Leslie Bibb.
Denzel Washington
Samuel L. Jackson
Matthew McConaughey
Billy Bob Thornton
George Clooney
Meryl Streep
Diane Keaton (except Annie Hall - simply because I detest Woody Allen)
Robert Downey Jr.
Ruby Dee
Ozzie Davis
Idris Elba
Kerry Washington
Gabrielle Union
Taraji P. Henson
Sanaa Lathan
Eddie Murphy
Diahann Carroll
Morris Chestnut
Lupita Nyong'o
Robert DeNiro

...just to name a few.
Quote by elizabethblack

No, no - it's all make-up Carol. Tom hasn't aged at all. And yes, I'd go to anything to see him. And he is supposed to rock in Sully.

You mean those were real wrinkles? Amazing how he got old and I didn't. Well... Not much.