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What actor(s) do you dislike so much, that you won't even bother watching their movies/shows?

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Rob Schneider is the worst.
I can't believe no one's mentioned Sasha Baron Cohen. It's easier and quicker to name good actors than bad ones. There are just not that many good actors.
Red is the color of sex and signs that say Do Not Enter

The best thing to hear in the middle of the night - Lick Me
I can't believe no one's mentioned Sasha Baron Cohen. It's easier and quicker to name good actors than bad ones. There are just not that many good actors.
Red is the color of sex and signs that say Do Not Enter

The best thing to hear in the middle of the night - Lick Me
I can't believe no one's mentioned Sasha Baron Cohen. It's easier and quicker to name good actors than bad ones. There are just not that many good actors.
Red is the color of sex and signs that say Do Not Enter

The best thing to hear in the middle of the night - Lick Me
I would have to say Adam Sandler, I've tried to like his movies but half way through the movie I always give up... How did he even become an actor?
Arnold Schwarzenegger. California is still suffering from all the crap he did to mess up this state when he was governor, and I know of at least three people who died as a direct result of his actions as governor, so I'm not going to help him get richer by spending money on any of his movies - plus they are all crap anyway! And he cheated on Maria Shriver (who would cheat on her?) and had a baby with his maid....real classy!
I don't like Jim Carey or Will Farrell.0tCqJiFeSDPewd64
Quote by Candylips1960
I don't like Jim Carey or Will Farrell.JD4RUP4Z45a0TaTg

Me too! They just aren't funny.

I used to like Nicholas Cage (The Rock, Con Air etc.) but lately his movies are just weird.
I never could stand Johnny Depp, Hugh Grant, Bill Murray, Danny DeVito, Joe Pesci, Charlie Sheen, Michelle Williams, Amanda Seyfried, Helena Bonham Carter, or Heather Graham.
tom cruise,russell brand,steve martin. i totally cant stand ricky gervais. nothing funny about him at all
Adam Sandler and Jim Carey, so I find them immature more than funny. I like a good comedy, just not them.
It would most definitely be Tom Cruise. There was a time where I'd watch whatever he was in but sadly that those times have come to an end.
Jim Carrie, Chevy Chase, Will Ferrell nothing funny about any of them.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
David Caruso
Jim Carey
Billy Crystal
Whoopi Goldberg
Woody Allen
Tom Cruise hands down!
Mark Wahlberg - he just annoys me, and he usually plays heroes who are complete jerks.
Adam Sandler - maybe if he was in some decent movies I would like him more, but typically I associate him with bad movies I'll hate.
Tom Cruise - I just have an extremely hard time believing him in action roles, which are pretty much exclusively what he plays.
Kirsten Stewart - she just can't act to save her life, maybe if she took some classes and improved her skills I would have more faith in her as an actress.

I'm sure there's more but I can't think of any right now.
The variety of opinions here is amazing. I personally can't stand Tom Cruise, he's far too crazy these days. Shia Labeouf is in the same boat, he is an arsehole in real life which has put me off him completely. Any romcom of Reese Witherspoon's is usually crap of the highest order. Also, can't stand Courtney Cox. She very nearly ruined Friends for me. Adam Sandler has yet to make a movie I can sit though, he should never have been allowed in front of a camera.
I love movies, so if it seems good , I will watch it...but there are a few actors that I'm inclined to wonder if I should even bother. Some of these have already been mentioned: George Clooney, Kevin Coster, Russell Crowe, Jennifer Lopez, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Aniston.

Why must the Nicholas Cage movies sound so great...and then he ruins them?

I love the comedy of some actors, but some of their movies sucked! For example, Will Ferrell in Casa De Mi Padre...ugh. Adam Sandler was funny on SNL, his movies have progressively gotten worse over time.
Jimmy Fallon.

Smug prick.

My life has no meaning, no direction, no aim. No purpose. But I'm happy. I can't wrap my head around this. What the fuck am I doing right?
Matt Damon! I don't know why, because I like his politics and he seems like a very decent person. Just can't stand him as an actor. I also used to not watch Nicholas Cage, but I've been giving him a chance lately. Ben Affleck is another one I can barely tolerate.
Gene Hackman, Donald Sutherland, Kiefer Sutherland, all daytime soap actors/actresses :P, the list goes on!
Keanu Reaves, Jennifer Aniston and Megan Fox
Quote by naughtygirl00
I would have to say Adam Sandler, I've tried to like his movies but half way through the movie I always give up... How did he even become an actor?

Agreed.. Can't stand him..
Lets face it there hasn't been a good actor or actress since the 60's All the actors and actresses in the world today suck big time so no fucking use going to a movie. That is the consensus I get from the last 4 pages of this question and I take it that the world hates Tom Cruise
Richard Dreyfuss, Alan Alda, Anna Paquin, Whoopi Goldberg, Tom Cruise.....way too many to list
K Stew, Schwarzenegger, Sandler, Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, Cruise...
Will Farrell is terrible most of the time as are most of the current generation spurting from SNL
Many of the actors /actresses that have placed their politics on their sleeve - names escape me right now. But they become so tainted by their absurd quasi educated statements they are no longer able to separate themselves from their bullshit and are therefore unbelievable.

One I have a returned respect for is Richard Dreyfuss. His campaign for returning civics education and real history to the classroom is admirable and welcome.
Tom Cruise and Jean Claude von Damme ....gwd they both suck.