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The Walking Dead

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Active Ink Slinger
Carol sees herself as pragmatic. Doing necessary work that nobody else has the stomach for. Like a garbage man or septic tank pumper. But maybe it's just me looking at it this way: how could anyone pop a little girl that way and remain aloof? How old was Lizzie? Maybe ten? How could any caring adult shoot a little girl in the back of the head and not want to die? And Carol does care - she spent months teaching the girls how to be violent in order to hopefully save their lives. She might even feel partly responsible for helping shape Lizzie into the bloodthirsty savage she became. But now she's going to be torn between her desire to die and her need for redemption. It's gong to be interesting.
Alpha Blonde
Not only does Terminus looks disarmingly creepy but I'm not totally convinced they don't have Beth on that BBQ.

Ok, maybe it's not Beth - but I do think that big BBQ looked ominous. Plus, if you've diversified your menu options, it's such an easy way to lure people in.

My other thoughts on the episode:

- Yay, Maggie and Glenn are reunited just in time as I was about to start hating Glenn for being so stubborn and reckless in his ultra impatient quest to find her. I felt so bad for Tara limping along and ready to sacrifice herself for his cause. Seriously, who would go through that tunnel if they didn't have to?

- Isn't it strange that Maggie doesn't seem to care at all about her sister's welfare? All the notes along the way to Terminus were only for Glenn. When Sasha mused about Tyrese possibly being at Terminus and how she needed to know for piece of mind, Maggie said nothing - not did she even look similarly concerned. It was as if Beth's fate wasn't even on her radar.

- This whole showdown between the gangsters/Darryl and Rick, Michonne and Carl looks like it's going to be intense.

- They'd better not kill Rick Grimes on next week's finale! I am nervous at the way they've been presenting him lately - especially that fond look back at Carl as he makes nice with Michonne in the candybar reminded me of the reflective scenes before Hershel's demise. Just... ugh. They better not kill his character off! I will be traumatized and I really think the show would suffer without him.
Alpha Blonde
Will you be watching the spin-off/companion show?

Do you think it's a good idea or do you think it might result in overkill (no pun intended) of the whole concept?

Quote by [url=
Link to Story[/url]]

‘The Walking Dead’ Spin-Off Is Official; May Arrive Sooner Than 2015

Fans of ‘The Walking Dead’ — gird yourselves. Just in case one show based off of the insanely popular series of graphic novels isn’t enough for you, AMC has officially brought a showrunner on board to write and produce the upcoming spin-off!

Dave Erickson, who has also served as Executive Producer on the widely successful Sons Of Anarchy — and the less successful Low Winter Sun — will executive produce the Walking Dead spin-off, as well as co-write the series along with Robert Kirkman, writer of the original Walking Dead series of graphic novels and AMC’s first Walking Dead offering.

Details are still scant on what the show will actually be about, but what we do know is that it will serve more as a “companion” series than a true spin-off. It won’t feature any of the characters we’ve grown to love on the original Walking Dead, but will tell a separate, sure-to-be-horrifying story.

While it was reported back in Sept. 2013 that the series would air in 2015 so that AMC would have the time to create a perfect show, Uproxx is reporting that we may see the series in our faces even sooner than that. After all, we’re only in March and a showrunner is on board! All good signs.

Flutterby Pharie
I am doomed. There is a marathon that starts in about a half an hour and it runs all the way to tomorrows season finale. Good thing I don't have anywhere to go.
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Devil's Advocate
What the fucking fuck am I going to do until October?! These short seasons are killing me!

I'm in two minds about a spin-off series. Sure, it'll fill the void, but I'm yet to come across a spin-off that's as good as the original. I'd rather they poured the cash into twenty odd episodes of The Walking Dead each year and be done with it. Still, I hope I'm wrong. And yes, of course I'll watch it.

Maggie's one-dimensional search for Glen is just as tedious as his for her. And the fact that it's apparently come at the expense of any concern for her sister is weird. Good pick up, Doll. There was a bit of tension between them over Beth's suicide attempt back on the farm, and I do remember something about them only being half sisters or stepsisters or something, but still. Character flaw or plot hole, I'm not sure. I've never really liked her, so if it's the former, I'm right on the money. If it's the latter, we'll just put it down with the lack of rain and the freshly mown lawns in every town. Just sayin'...

That was one hell of an intense showdown with Daryl's lord of the flies gang. They captured the blinding rage of that so brilliantly. I'd be off my chops if that was me. I admire Rick's restraint. It was far too good an ending for them. God, I'm still angry about it!

As for Terminus...I think you nailed it again, Doll. Nothing more than bad guys ringing the dinner bell. Sure, the human remains and desperate messages scrawled on the walls are a bit of a giveaway. But just looking at Rick's reaction to Glen's watch, the riot gear and Maggie's poncho, even if Glen and Maggie had won them over with their charm and got themselves thrown in the clink, good guys wouldn't steal their shit. I can't wait to see how Rick at full flight is going to handle this one.

Tyreese and Carol are a bit of a concern. Unless I've been outsmarted by editing, they would have arrived at Terminus before the others. Were they spared because of the baby, or was it one of them on the barbeque?

And who the fuck lifted Beth?! Terminus bad guys posting signs, or someone else? I'm out of my mind down here!
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Alpha Blonde
I think Carol, Tyrese and Judith are already there - either moved to another rail car or worse. Rick saw those squashed boxes of powdered milk outside the steps on his way into the train car - it must mean they're already at Terminus. Unless they keep jumping around with their time-lines next season (which is possible, I suppose), I can't imagine they'd drop those three characters off-screen, so they must have been moved elsewhere in the compound.

Of those three, I'd say Tyrese is most vulnerable. While I like him, other than being sad about Karen and being a nice guy, there aren't any major storyline investments involving him that haven't been tied up. I think Carol is too strong a character to consider removing at this point and her ties to Rick and Darryl are still unresolved. Re Judith - if anything, I would guess it's quite possible that one of the females at Terminus might have been drawn to the idea of a cute baby (since it's probably the last one they will ever see), and given her size she's not really a strong candidate for their plans. Personally I think she's been spared and has been 're-adopted' by their group.

Terminus was so heavily foreshadowed in the beginning of the episode with Rick talking about how to make a rabbit snare so all roads lead to the same trap. Pretty much exactly what was going on with the group. Even look at the way the sniper was shooting to force them to move in a specific direction in the compound, rather than hitting them. They were meant to be kept alive and put into storage. I think the candle-altar room shows they are probably fairly cult-like in mentality. They probably need this sort of vibe, the "Us First Always" mentality in order to focus themselves and prevent subtle alliances and compassion from forming for the new people that walk in. Next season is going to be pretty dark. I like the new Rick.

Re Beth - I would assume she's already there as well? Unless they're introducing more new characters which will eventually intersect with that group, I can't see them leaving her off as a separate storyline at this point. It makes the most sense to have everyone reunited with one plot moving forward.

The finale was awesome and appropriately disturbing - with one exception - the last line. It was a bit cheesy. haah.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm glad I'm not the only one who eyed the BBQ a bit suspiciously. I was starting to wonder if I had a "sick" mind.

I'm seriously addicted to this show and was ready to riot if they killed off Darryl. I was unprepared for (but duly impressed) by Rick's zombie type approach to handling of Joe, the leader of the gang.

It's gonna be a long wait until October......
The intellect is always fooled by the heart. ~ Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Rookie Scribe
I had a feeling Terminus was a trap from the first time it was shown. With all the signs and such advertising the place as a safe haven I would expect to see a lot more people and activity there. It just looked way too empty. When the first group arrived I figured they would either find that it was an old refugee camp that had been over run, or that it was a trap. When they walked in and found one person tending a grill the question was answered. Trap.

Rick and his group had a better idea, watching and then sneaking in. They just didn't spent enough time doing it. They really should have spent a couple days checking the place out before making themselves known instead of a couple hours. I'm also kind of surprised one of them didn't go in first while the others waited to see what happened.

I'm not convinced that Carol, Tyreese, and Beth are already there. Someone mentioned earlier that the woman at the grill was wearing Beth's sweater, I'll have to go back and watch that episode again.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by Wilful
I've just discovered the Screen Junkies on Youtube, and their honest trailer for the first three seasons.


Chat again in October, I guess...

That was so awesome! Funny how I never really noticed things like Shane constantly rubbing his head. silly
The Linebacker
You know I didn't think that much about it. but Shane does rub his head a lot.
Active Ink Slinger

Oh dear - Season 4 finale was a big let down.

I think the writers are struggling a bit now. Resorting to "Rocket Man" style cliff hangers is weak and outdated.
Alpha Blonde
In case anyone missed it - the official trailer for next season is out. Looks good!

Active Ink Slinger
The new season starts tomorrow night. I know where I'll be.
Active Ink Slinger
I wait and then watch the whole thing on Netflix, I could never remember when it was on to watch so missed several showings and that really screws up the whole thing.
Devil's Advocate
*hopping from one foot to the other, wiggling fingers with glee*
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Active Ink Slinger
My one hope is that the show doesn't dwell in Terminus for too long. I want them to be out or have taken it over by the end of the second episode.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by emersonbosworth
I wait and then watch the whole thing on Netflix, I could never remember when it was on to watch so missed several showings and that really screws up the whole thing.

The reason why the PVR is set to record each episode. Takes the guesswork and the frustration out of it.
Alpha Blonde
That was SUCH a badass way to start the season tonight!

It almost felt like an entire season in a single episode. Edge of my seat. Carol was a total rockstar with that ambush.

But that trough scene... *shudders*... that was just unexpectedly terrifying, considering how macabre the show is in general.

I was also really happy to see that Morgan is going to be brought back on the show. Funny, I had re-watched a bit of the 'Clear' episode yesterday and was thinking, damn, this guy really is a fantastic actor and the character is intriguing - why is he only making a guest-appearance again? Cool to see that he's going to be brought back into the fray.
Active Ink Slinger
Last night's show was so intense. I thought for sure that Glenn was going to be slaughtered. Thank you Carol for saving them, lol. She was awesome. This season looks like it's going to be a wild ride.
That was easily the best season opener for TWD I have ever seen.
Devil's Advocate
It was frightening how dark that episode was. Brilliant, but just so chilling. It stayed with me for quite a while afterwards.

I thought it a very interesting take on how the original Terminus group...evolved. Discovering that it was their scrawled messages to never trust, and learning how they could become so evil was really well done. I almost felt sorry for them...almost. Such an obscene crossing of the line. It was so deliciously satisfying how it turned out. Carol leaving that woman for dead was such a symbolically perfect ending.

I'm so loving Carol now. Man, that was badass! And Tyreese! I loved the conflict with that scene, with him desperately wanting to stay out of it, but being dragged in. Some really clever storytelling.

My only doubt was how quickly it all went down. I was kind of hoping they'd spend a bit more time at Terminus. With all the build up and foreshadowing last season, I felt it might have been a little anticlimactic. What do others think?

And Eugene the Mullet? Does he have the cure, or is he just bullshitting for a guided tour to DC?

I hope Beth's okay.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by Wilful

My only doubt was how quickly it all went down. I was kind of hoping they'd spend a bit more time at Terminus. With all the build up and foreshadowing last season, I felt it might have been a little anticlimactic. What do others think?

I thought they would spend more time there as well... like at least 3-4 episodes, telling more of the backstory of Terminus, involving some of the newer characters (ie. Gareth) a lot more. I have to think they might end up going back there - either for supplies or to kill everyone, as Rick wanted to do. Or maybe they'll meet up with Gareth in some other episode as he flees the compound - he's a character I'd like to hear more from. But yeah - it all went down fast. If they keep up that kind of pace it's going to be wayyy intense going forward!
Devil's Advocate
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I thought they would spend more time there as well... like at least 3-4 episodes, telling more of the backstory of Terminus, involving some of the newer characters (ie. Gareth) a lot more. I have to think they might end up going back there - either for supplies or to kill everyone, as Rick wanted to do. Or maybe they'll meet up with Gareth in some other episode as he flees the compound - he's a character I'd like to hear more from. But yeah - it all went down fast. If they keep up that kind of pace it's going to be wayyy intense going forward!

I wonder if it was a bit of over-compensation from the Farm Season they copped so much shit over. But having just read the interview with Andrew West, the guy who plays Gareth, I don't think we're going to be disappointed. They're apparently not setting him up as the Season 5 villain, but we're definitely going to see more from him.

Doubling back for supplies would certainly be a smart move from our guys, but I doubt a murderous rampage is on the cards. As Carol said, "Their fences are down. They run or they die."

The promo for this week hinted at some churchy stuff, and Daryl told the others in the train that Beth had been snatched by a car with a white cross on it, so here's hoping...
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
I can hand on heart honestly say this is THE BEST TELLY for a long long time. I LOVE IT annnd British actors too. Go us lol xx
Alpha Blonde
Those last five minutes totally freaked me out.

The episode tonight was a little more slow moving, so I was kind of lulled into a calm, and then wham... Gareth is back! Eeek!

Who thinks Bob is done vs being kept around as a one-legged character like Hershel?

Is Father Gabriel a bad guy? He seems pretty benign. I'm guessing he's done some regrettable things in the past (maybe denying entry of survivors to the church?), but he doesn't strike me as very threatening at the moment.
Devil's Advocate
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Those last five minutes totally freaked me out.

The episode tonight was a little more slow moving, so I was kind of lulled into a calm, and then wham... Gareth is back! Eeek!

Who thinks Bob is done vs being kept around as a one-legged character like Hershel?

Is Father Gabriel a bad guy? He seems pretty benign. I'm guessing he's done some regrettable things in the past (maybe denying entry of survivors to the church?), but he doesn't strike me as very threatening at the moment.

Yeah, Bob's done like a dinner...literally. There's no way he's coming back from that. I think he's just going to be the first one picked off.

Man, those Terminus people are evil! That was just coldblooded. Sure, snatch him and eat him. But to keep him alive while they do it? That's a special kind of psychopath. Definitely a chilling ending to an otherwise slow episode.

As for the priest? I don't know. We had the same thoughts on denying people sanctuary in the church. I can't imagine what else a guy who can't even defend himself against walkers would do that would be so bad.

I do like that Carl's starting to find his way though. Interesting, albeit a little obvious, that they're morally positioning our guys to hold onto their humanity and help people in contrast to Gareth's whole snapped biscuit thing he's got going on. I just hope they don't labour the good versus evil point too much.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.