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The Walking Dead

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And when will Darryl and Carol hook up?! It's driving me crazy! Haha..
Quote by Wilful

And I don't know about Glen at the moment. I really liked him in the early seasons, back when he was a bit of fun. But for me, he's become too dark and moody for my liking. I'm sure the tea and/or the animal medicine will save him. He just better cheer the fuck up though. He's starting to harsh my mellow, man.

I agree, he's been rather morose since that episode with Maggie and the Governor. One thing that totally threw me for a loop this season is why on earth Maggie would want to get pregnant and have a baby. In a zombie apocalypse. In a prison. After you had to saw open another woman to deliver a baby and then she died. (!!!). Like seriously! I get the whole "we have to live and have a bit of fun" philosophy, but it's the most insane idea I've ever heard. They're usually a very pragmatic couple, so that seemed really out of left field. If Glen dies, then I think Maggie should hook up with Daryl. I'm not a big fan of the Daryl/Carol idea - there's zero chemistry between them. Also, the new Carol is a bit unstable and ruthless compared to Daryl's softer approach to life and ethics. She would totally be wearing the pants in that relationship.
Oh, no way. Maggie's way too much of a ballbuster for Daryl. You're definitely right about Carol though - no chemistry and now too crazy.

I actually like Beth for Daryl. Sure, she needs to knock it off with the singing, but she's still got that softness that I think would balance his character nicely. They're apparently going to step her up this season, but I fear with all the fussing over the baby, she might fall ass backwards into something with Rick.

Yeah, Maggie's out of her mind pushing for a baby of her own. Sure, at some point you just have to get on with life, but you have to make sure you've got somewhere safe to live, with food, clean water, and you know, no deadly plague. Still, I don't think there'll be any telling her.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Spectacular series! I've always thought the show is more about human nature and what manifests when people are forced into extreme situations. The zombies are just the catalyst.

I actually think Michonne and Daryl are going to hook up. Two fellow warriors who get each other. Signs of it were evident in the last episode when Daryl pointed out to her that he noticed when she was gone and on the hunt for the Govenor. Also, being concerned for her safety when she wanted to go on the antibiotic run. We'll see.

Hershel was a stud in the last episode caring for the sick and he may now be infected when he got coughed on by the doctor. And I am sick that Glen is infected. He is such a quiet and unassuming soldier. Always in the mix of things and never whining.

Most hated character: hands down, Andrea. Couldn't stand her! Almost was giddy when she got bit on the shoulder in the Governor's torture room. Always pretending she was tough as nails but always gravitating to people who could take care of her; Shane, Michonne, the Govenor.

Favorite character: wow... tough one. I'll have to pick Daryl. Superstud! Also because he was in BoonDock Saints.
Fuck, hey?

Man, what Rick did to Carol was stone cold. I don't even know that I would have done that. What do you think, did he do the right thing? What consequences is that going to have?

And it was such a shame about that new girl in the greenhouse. First the Irish bird, now her. They've got to stop killing off the nice girls so soon. Or at least give Beth some more non-singing screen time.

I'm just gobsmacked after that episode.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Quote by Wilful
Fuck, hey?

Man, what Rick did to Carol was stone cold. I don't even know that I would have done that. What do you think, did he do the right thing? What consequences is that going to have?

And it was such a shame about that new girl in the greenhouse. First the Irish bird, now her. They've got to stop killing off the nice girls so soon. Or at least give Beth some more non-singing screen time.

I'm just gobsmacked after that episode.

That was actually a really brilliantly written episode. In retrospect, I could see the undercurrents leading to Rick's ultimate decision but I still couldn't believe he actually did it. I think one of the final turning points was in the house where he was telling the hipster girl that her leg was fucked up and it was a bad idea for her to be out and about because she didn't have full mobility and Carol was like - oh no, she'll be fine - it'll help us more if everyone is looking. And then Rick just kind of gave her 'that look' - especially as she started asserting herself and talking over him. It was like hey, it serves us best to have her out there looking, rather than thinking about what was the smartest decision for the girl's safety.

Everything in that episode showed us that Rick has regained his sense of humanity and Carol has gone pretty stone cold (did you hear her talk about Sophia and how being her mom feels like someone else's life and she doesn't think about it anymore?). I mean, granted - we saw Rick lose his mind a few times in seasons past, but I can kind of see his angle when it comes to Carol.

1. If Carl or Judith were bitten or got sick randomly, would Carol even give him time to say goodbye properly or make amends before finishing them off? She seems to not even hold her dead daughter in her heart anymore. There is no emotional component to her outlook anymore and they are still technically a 'community'.

2. She made a decision to impose the death sentence on two of their own without consulting anyone else. She decides and acts - that could be a dangerous precedent.

3. If he brings Carol back and he tells Tyreese the truth, the camp will be divided on what happens next (IF Carol survives Tyrese's wrath, that is) and a fracture in the group would be bad news at this stage. It'll be interesting to see what happens when he explains everything that happened - I suspect there will be a lot of mixed reactions. On the other hand, everyone in the group has pretty much condemned the actions of whoever killed Karen and the other sick dude, so maybe not.

If I was Rick, I would kind of lay down the law with her and ultimately give her a second chance. Kind of like a 'you're on parole' type situation where one more fuck up could mean being outcast - but I think he reacted in an extreme way. He's already evolved past the whole "cold and unemotional" stage in dealing with the stresses of the world - but at times, he also gunned down potential newbies, left that jogger/hitchhiker on the side of the road, his son shot that unarmed teenager after the governor's raid. It's not like he's been 100% saint the entire time. I think it was partly Carol's lack of remorse or inability to concede that maybe she did the wrong thing or reacted too quickly that made him feel like she was already too far gone. Honestly, out of everything she's said and done so far - that comment about Sophia was the one that shocked me the most.

And yeah, I was also sad that they killed the poor girl with the wonky leg (and assumably her boyfriend). They actually seemed like fun characters. sad
Yeah, I think I'm with you, Doll. I would have given Carol one last chance if it was me. It's not like she was the first to act without consulting the group, even though what she did was so extreme. Turfing her out like that...just doesn't sit right with me.

While the others seem okay with it so far, I don't know how Daryl's going to take the news. I can't help but think he's going to take off after Carol. I can't see him going with the flow.

I thought Glen was done like a dinner there for a bit. They really rode the tension well on that one. The edging aside, I'm glad they got to him in time. Hopefully he'll put a smile back on his face with his new found lease on life.

And that Governor, hey? I think we've found who's been baiting the walkers by the fence. What a fucking psycho! I know we need an evil villain, but seriously, time to let it go, man.

There's just too much going on. I'm over-stimulated!
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
In last week's episode, I swear I was starting to buy the idea that the Governor was a changed man. This goes to show that my asshole-radar is still broken. He is still evil.

Great episode last night. When he whacked Martinez, that literally had to be one of the more shocking moments on the show. I totally did not see it coming at all!
love love love this show!!!

that gov is one messed up man is he
Doesn't do anything for me, saw one episode and have no desire to put myself through that boredom again.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
In last week's episode, I swear I was starting to buy the idea that the Governor was a changed man. This goes to show that my asshole-radar is still broken. He is still evil.

Great episode last night. When he whacked Martinez, that literally had to be one of the more shocking moments on the show. I totally did not see it coming at all!

I can't believe Martinez didn't slot him when they found him in the ditch. Obviously we need a show, but still. If it was me, I would have killed him last season after he turned on the Woodbury crew after the failed raid on the prison. Or when he was just letting that walker burn in the fire. Any other time really.

It wasn't so much a surprise for me that the Governor whacked him, but rather how quickly he made his move. And then to just feed Martinez to the walkers like that. Man, what a cunt. To say nothing of the poor bastard in the lake.

The most shocking for me though was how the Governor just walked away after saving the little girl from the walker. No hug, no comfort, no nothing. I think that, more than anything, shows just how much of a psycho he is.

Are you guys getting a mid-season finale up there next week? It looks like they're going to leave us hanging over Christmas again.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Quote by Wilful

I can't believe Martinez didn't slot him when they found him in the ditch. Obviously we need a show, but still. If it was me, I would have killed him last season after he turned on the Woodbury crew after the failed raid on the prison. Or when he was just letting that walker burn in the fire. Any other time really.

It wasn't so much a surprise for me that the Governor whacked him, but rather how quickly he made his move. And then to just feed Martinez to the walkers like that. Man, what a cunt. To say nothing of the poor bastard in the lake.

The most shocking for me though was how the Governor just walked away after saving the little girl from the walker. No hug, no comfort, no nothing. I think that, more than anything, shows just how much of a psycho he is.

Are you guys getting a mid-season finale up there next week? It looks like they're going to leave us hanging over Christmas again.

i know... I hate these 'mid-season' breaks. I'll bet at least one main character dies on the next episode. On the Talking Dead (the show after it) they said next week they will have a special 'surprise guest' from the W.D. cast. That usually means that their character just got killed off. Plus I know they'll want to leave things with a major hook to generate buzz for 2014.

I think the Gov knows that the little girl is just filling a role as substitute daughter. She's like a Penny 'patch' for him that enables his emotional fantasy-land. Same as the girl he's hooked up with. I think he's far removed from any real ability to feel genuine human emotions. It's kind of like he's dead inside and just going through the motions of this pre-fabricated script that enables him to function... otherwise he's in that bearded tragic wanderer mode. Being 'evil Gov' is probably comforting in a way - better to just be evil and direct everything outward than to feel the pain and loss. He's a very cool character though - very complex. He's fun to hate.
Anybody reading the comics? Up to issue 116.

Quote by Dancing_Doll

Who's your favourite and least favourite character?
Most memorable scene?
Scariest or most shocking moment?
Favourite season?

And if you have any general thoughts on the show, feel free to share... smile

favorite character: Daryl
least favorite: Carl
most memorable scene: there alot for me i love walking dead so i cant really say.
shocking moment: would have to be when rick made carol leave the group
favorite season all of them lol

im reading the comics and love them the show is just as good with afew changes from the comics but i love walking dead in general greatest show and comics ever
This is my favorite TV show of all time i cant get enough of it. But the Governor he is one Bad ass psycho
I've had friends try to talk me into watching this; now I'm sorry I didn't. Wonderful love shown here for the quality.
I adore this TV Show!
Yes, Liz; I'm a comic guy from way back. I love them. also give a read to Locke & Key -- good writing and great art.
Omg. The mid-season finale was so traumatizing. Even though I was kind of expecting certain things - I was shaking like I was at the prison myself. I would absolutely suck in a Zombie Apocalypse.

My immediate thoughts:

- While I know it wasn't *really* about the prison - I feel like Rick could have made a more impassioned speech to win over the Governor's converts. They've known The Gov. for five seconds. Plus as soon as he showed up at their camp, their leaders immediately got killed. That should have clued people in that something might be 'off' about him. And certainly enough to make them question taking up arms for him. Maybe Rick could have played the "hey, this prison is infected with the plague" card to make them reconsider.
- Hershel - omg. I screamed. I cried. It was like killing off your grandpa or something. So upsetting. sad
- The Governor - I kind of was hoping for a more gruesome death because he so deserved it. I was not expecting his matter-of-fact way of handling the death of the Penny-replacement daughter. He really was so evil.
- Carol's renegade trained army children save the day for Tyrese - awesomeness.
- The bloody carseat felt like such a 'whatever' moment after all the stress of the action and character deaths preceding it.
- Nice touch with bringing things full circle by showing the final zombies wandering toward the prison and we get to see the zombiefied Irish girl that began the season.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Omg. The mid-season finale was so traumatizing. Even though I was kind of expecting certain things - I was shaking like I was at the prison myself. I would absolutely suck in a Zombie Apocalypse.

My immediate thoughts:

- While I know it wasn't *really* about the prison - I feel like Rick could have made a more impassioned speech to win over the Governor's converts. They've known The Gov. for five seconds. Plus as soon as he showed up at their camp, their leaders immediately got killed. That should have clued people in that something might be 'off' about him. And certainly enough to make them question taking up arms for him. Maybe Rick could have played the "hey, this prison is infected with the plague" card to make them reconsider.
- Hershel - omg. I screamed. I cried. It was like killing off your grandpa or something. So upsetting. sad
- The Governor - I kind of was hoping for a more gruesome death because he so deserved it. I was not expecting his matter-of-fact way of handling the death of the Penny-replacement daughter. He really was so evil.
- Carol's renegade trained army children save the day for Tyrese - awesomeness.
- The bloody carseat felt like such a 'whatever' moment after all the stress of the action and character deaths preceding it.
- Nice touch with bringing things full circle by showing the final zombies wandering toward the prison and we get to see the zombiefied Irish girl that began the season.

I agree with you, it was traumatizing. I especially hate that we have to wait until February.

Sadly I wasn't as shocked about Hershel dying because my friend sent me a texting saying Grandpa! Noooo! So I assumed he was killed.

I want to know who took the baby. I believe she is alive. My sister thinks Glen had gotten off the bus to get the baby.
Quote by smoothwetkitty

I agree with you, it was traumatizing. I especially hate that we have to wait until February.

Sadly I wasn't as shocked about Hershel dying because my friend sent me a texting saying Grandpa! Noooo! So I assumed he was killed.

I want to know who took the baby. I believe she is alive. My sister thinks Glen had gotten off the bus to get the baby.

Yeah, I was fully expecting Hershel to die based on his philosophical opus in recent episodes. They killed off Dale in the same way. As soon as a character starts prosthelytizing about life and the greater meanings of humanity, you know his number is up. It was still awful to watch though. Like beheading Santa Claus right before Christmas. Even worse was seeing him on Talking Dead and he was all teary-eyed and you can tell he was upset about leaving the show. Poor Hershel. sad

I agree - the Judith thing is technically up in the air. That was an awful lot of blood though. And in a concentrated location. It's hard to imagine what else could have filled that bucket seat. If they did kill off Judith, I can understand why they wanted to allude to it rather than actually show it. I mean... nobody wants to see that. Even avid horror-fans wouldn't be able to stomach it. Maybe there's a good reason though and somehow someone grabbed her in time and she's safe. So much happened in the second half of the show - it was like a roller coaster - hard to truly appreciate it all.
Oh my God! I just finished watching. What the fuck?!

My blood is boiling. I can't believe how much of a psycho that Governor is. Excuse me, was. That was nowhere near enough a satisfying end for him. Although I do love that it was the nurse who finished him off.

As for the rest of those sheeple who just followed him into evil. Seriously, that's so disappointing. Sure, it's a zombie apocalypse and everything, but strap on a pair and have some integrity. If I was in their camp, I'd be smiling politely and getting the fuck out of there. You make a good point, Doll, new guy + dead leaders = very bad things.

Speaking of, do you think Rick did the right thing? I know his hand was forced when Hershel was murdered, but... My first thought was to invite everyone else but the Governor to join them. No way the forgive and forget routine was ever going to work. Give the others an out and isolate him. Convince them he's a psycho and take away their reason to fight.

Then I was thinking, fine, just give up the prison and leave. Live to fight another day and all that. Not that he could be trusted, but still. Fighting was always going to be a lose-lose situation.

Yeah, I don't know about the baby. That could go either way. If she is dead, they'll need an eye witness to confirm it when they all get back together. Oh, I can't believe we have to wait until February. That sucks ass! I know the high production values are taking a toll, but, man, I'm gagging for it!

Hey, if I can have a bit of a nerd moment, has anyone else noticed how it never seems to rain on the show?
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Quote by Wilful

Speaking of, do you think Rick did the right thing? I know his hand was forced when Hershel was murdered, but... My first thought was to invite everyone else but the Governor to join them. No way the forgive and forget routine was ever going to work. Give the others an out and isolate him. Convince them he's a psycho and take away their reason to fight.

I think he did at one point. I think toward the end of his speech, he was telling them that anyone that wanted to walk through the gates would be welcomed and become part of their group. I don't know why the sheep didn't go for it. I think that tard in the tank and the Gov (being the strongest males) seemed to just veto the idea before any of the softer types could really consider it. The Gov just went ahead and killed Hershel before anyone could wise up that this was the better option to take and they didn't owe him anything as a camp-newbie. I don't understand how the tard in the tank could devote himself to being the Gov's right hand henchman after he *murdered* his own brother. What an idiot.

They also should have considered what exactly they were fighting for after blowing giant holes into the prison and running down the walker-fences with the tank. So this is where you're fighting to live in safety? Uhmm... ok.. Not sure how they were thinking that was a smart move. It should have been more than apparent that it was just a grudge the Gov had against this group because once the fences are down and they blow down certain prison walls (plus ringing the dinner bell for walkers with all the noise) I don't understand how it would give them a secure place to live, even if they *did* manage to kill all of Rick's group. Faulty logic.

Quote by Wilful

Oh, I can't believe we have to wait until February. That sucks ass! I know the high production values are taking a toll, but, man, I'm gagging for it!

Agreed. I would actually be ok with a slower moving plot line if they could just make it a weekly show. They could always focus on quieter scenes and more character development. I would still watch. I hate the big breaks in between.

Quote by Wilful

Hey, if I can have a bit of a nerd moment, has anyone else noticed how it never seems to rain on the show?

Never noticed that, but you're right! Can't remember a rainy scene. Maybe it's to help prevent issues with the zombie make-up and prosthetics.
Quote by elizabethblack
I've had friends try to talk me into watching this; now I'm sorry I didn't. Wonderful love shown here for the quality.

Sometimes they do 'Walking Dead Marathons' leading up the beginning of a season. You can aways get the DVD set on Amazon or on Netflix or probably somewhere free online as well. It's very addictive. I actually think the first season was one of their best. I loved the pacing.
im still in shock...i catch up with this show everytime i visit family....and the last show left me breathless.....i watched talking dead after and cried with maggie and hershal! the doctor was a great man who will sorely be missed he not only healed bodies but their minds to....unfortunately after all the shockers of last night he would have been needed even more.
im left with the shock of where in the hell is judith aka shitkicker....when the producer said "well there was alot of blood in the carrier!" i was like omgosh Rick will go nuts again! honestly will have trouble watching that show if they kill her off too
feb 9 wont come quick enough!
my newest :)
I was really surprised that Rick mentioned nothing in his speech, about how the Governor brutally murdered all of his last group in anger, only that they took in some of the survivors, or did I not hear it properly?

I knew Hershel was dead from the moment there was that close up on the sword, and the blurred shot two mins later where you see his cut off head, I was crying and angry... I could of jumped through the screen and strangled the Governor myself (Absolutely fantastic acting from him to provoke so much hate, much like Joffrey in GoT)... Moving on.. His death wasn't anywhere near satisfying enough, would of prefered Michonne to have just cut his head off or something, but he's dead now so I'm happy about that

Carols girls shooting those two people to save Tyrese was oddly satisfying

Daryl again showing why he soo dreamy by just being him, I was soo scared that the Walker was going to bite him, till it came back from adverts and he was using it as a meat shield biggrin

Now that they are all split up into 5 different groups, do you think the rest of the season will be them all surviving in their own and gradually finding eachother? Or will they find eachother again and be stuck back in the same problem as season 2 when it was sooo slow with them trying to find a safe place to live?

To me, this half of the season was the best Walking dead episodes since Season 1!
I love The Walking Dead and haven't missed an episode, although I always watch from behind a cushion!! I was angry Hershel was killed off, but love Michonne. She's such a strong female character.
My new story has been awarded the Recommended Read. If you adore a needy bottom and fancy a short, but very naughty read...
lucybabee wrote:
"I was really surprised that Rick mentioned nothing in his speech, about how the Governor brutally murdered all of his last group in anger, only that they took in some of the survivors, or did I not hear it properly?"

Yeah, Rick's speech had some holes in it. He really needs to get himself off to Toastmasters. There's heaps more he could have said to win them over. But the Governor was going to snap his biscuit regardless, so it doesn't really matter. If it was me, I certainly would have tried to talk some reason into the group.

lucybabee wrote:
"Now that they are all split up into 5 different groups, do you think the rest of the season will be them all surviving in their own and gradually finding eachother? Or will they find eachother again and be stuck back in the same problem as season 2 when it was sooo slow with them trying to find a safe place to live?"

Hmm, good one. I think it'll be a combination of both. There's drama in the search for each other, and there's drama in the quest for a safe haven. My money's on some of them linking up quite quickly, but I think it'll take the rest of the season for them all to get together. There might be an opening for Carol to get back in with some of them though, which will certainly ratchet up the tension. And there's that rat baiter to deal with too.

I can't wait. I'm out of my mind!
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Gotta say, now that Herschel is dead, him being the conscience of the group much like Dale in Season 1 and 2, it would see that the moral compass if now going to be a little confusing. after all, Daryl is no innocent, Michonne has more issues than a politician and Rick is slowly getting closer to the edge. Without a conscience there, it is only a matter of time before things go from Bad to Worse for them.
just shocked over everything

but my son said they are following the comic/book pretty close
