Quote by Magical_felix
You're an idiot.
I watched Brandie being an idiot.
5 out of 5.
Quote by Ping
Now, this video really has nothing to do with Sucker Punch, but it's the reason I watched the movie. I had never heard of it. But I LOVE this Lana Del Rey song.
A lady on YouTube created this wonderful Sucker Punch montage to this song. Her editing skills and intuition for what images from the movie work well with the song are exceptional.
The movie had great promise, but deserves the poor reviews. Sadly. It's disjointed. Some poor acting. And the disconnect for me begins with the movie's title. However, the day dreaming sequences make this movie worth giving it a chance. Monster Samurai killers. Steam punk WWI zombie German trench warfare with zeppelins. Cyborgs on a train. Big ass dragon. All from the cute blonde pig-tailed mind of Baby in an insane asylum. What more could a movie goer want? Well, lots.