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Lost - Did you watch it till the end? Loved it? Hated it? Any thoughts? (There will be SPOILERS)

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A few years ago, when I first started watching Lost, I got addicted to it. I watched all the episodes available on the Internet at that moment and I was obsessed with Jack. When I ran out of episodes after season 3 I almost cried. It was like my life had no meaning at all (it may sound crazy to some of you, but this happens to lots of people when they finish a TV series or a book), I was devastated for a couple of days... then I started watching something else and managed to live out of the island.

Then I watched season 4, ran out of episodes, same story (though I didn't like it as much as the first 3).

For some reason it never seemed to be the right moment to start with seasons 5 and 6 when they were available. I remember all the excitement for the series finale... people getting out of bed in the middle of the night just to watch the episode, for once, at exactly the same time it was on in USA. But I hadn't watched season 5 yet, so I just prayed not to hear how it had ended before I decided to watch it.

Well, during Christmas I watched all 6 seasons... and part of me thinks it would have been better to stay as I was, because I absolutely adored that series... The last two seasons (specially the last one) however, well... were (for me) just "meh".

I loved everything related to the Dharma Initiative. I wished they would have exploited more that side. All the weird "science" stuff, Dharma, and I would have even been happy(ish) with the time travel, whatever.

Now, all the mysticism... that wasn't for me. The series would have been perfect for me if Jacob had never existed. Or been mentioned.

Or, I don't know... I might have accepted it if they had chosen one thing or the other: either Dharma or Jacob. The way they mixed things up broke my heart a little.

I know (even if I tried not to hear about it) that there were lots of people disappointed by how it ended, people who hated it with passion, but people who loved it as well. So I'm wondering... what did you think of it?
Advanced Wordsmith
When I first started watching lost I loved it somewhere around season 3-4 tho I started getting really pissed off at the story line. I wound up finishing the entire series just because I was attached to the characters and kept hoping they would turn it around and bring it back to being awesome. They never did in my opinion. It was all down hill from there. The ending was so bad when I see J J Abrams is involved with a film or series I always make the joke that I would rather claw my eyes out than watch it and it be as bad as lost. It has also become my go to horrible ending show. Someone once said that the end of "How I met your mother" was horrible and all I could say in response was "was it lost bad?" I have talked to some who thought it was good and tied everything up. I just don't agree.
Quote by Cambria
When I first started watching lost I loved it somewhere around season 3-4 tho I started getting really pissed off at the story line. I wound up finishing the entire series just because I was attached to the characters and kept hoping they would turn it around and bring it back to being awesome. They never did in my opinion. It was all down hill from there. The ending was so bad when I see J J Abrams is involved with a film or series I always make the joke that I would rather claw my eyes out than watch it and it be as bad as lost. It has also become my go to horrible ending show. Someone once said that the end of "How I met your mother" was horrible and all I could say in response was "was it lost bad?" I have talked to some who thought it was good and tied everything up. I just don't agree.

I wasn't a huge fan of the ending of How I Met Your Mother but no, it wasn't Lost bad... I don't think I've ever been so disappointed by the ending of a TV series before.

I was prepared to be sad because it was gone but, honestly, I was relieved. That last season was painful.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me!
I watched the first season up to the point where I realised there was no story to it
Quote by kiera
I watched them all...What a complete waste of my life ...If anyone here actually understands what the FUCK happened at the end please let me know??

I think only Jacob knows. Bloody Jacob. Everything was great till he appeared.

Quote by TheAngryishLover
I watched the first season up to the point where I realised there was no story to it

You saved yourself lots of pain.
Quote by kiera
I watched them all...What a complete waste of my life ...If anyone here actually understands what the FUCK happened at the end please let me know??

Hey Angry

Hey sexy legs (I don't know if it's okay to call you that, but I'm taking a gamble)

I usually send you a message after The Arsenal win. For that reason, it's been a little while since I last sent you a message....bloody football!!!!!!

Anyway, I'd still rather watch The Arsenal lose than watch 'Lost' (see how I didn't derail the thread, there? That was very clever of me)
Quote by natasha_

You saved yourself lots of pain.

All the Whisky in the world wouldn't have got me watching that shite- beyond what I did watch, anyway.

I actually watched it all, apart from the final episode, of the first season. The first several were quite good, then nothing happened for the next several, and then I decide I was just going to pain myself through to the end. I ended up missing the final episode, but recorded it. But it was so bad by then, that I couldn't even watch the end. It was just too much crap, by that point!
Short Arse Brit
Quote by TheAngryishLover

Hey sexy legs (I don't know if it's okay to call you that, but I'm taking a gamble)

I usually send you a message after The Arsenal win. For that reason, it's been a little while since I last sent you a message....bloody football!!!!!!

Anyway, I'd still rather watch The Arsenal lose than watch 'Lost' (see how I didn't derail the thread, there? That was very clever of me)

My fellow gooner...You are above reproach.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Quote by kiera

didn't Lock kill Jacob while he was possessed by the one who is also the black smoke??


Actually Locke was already dead... but the black smoke possessed his body or something like that...
Quote by TheAngryishLover

All the Whisky in the world wouldn't have got me watching that shite- beyond what I did watch, anyway.

I actually watched it all, apart from the final episode, of the first season. The first several were quite good, then nothing happened for the next several, and then I decide I was just going to pain myself through to the end. I ended up missing the final episode, but recorded it. But it was so bad by then, that I couldn't even watch the end. It was just too much crap, by that point!

Well, I still liked it at that moment... to be honest, I loved the first three seasons. But I wish I had never watched the rest.
So congratulations, really. Smart decision.