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Kanye West announces that he is the biggest rock star on the planet?

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Kanye is cool and makes some great songs, but he is just trolling, he isn't a rock star,rap might be bigger than rock in some places around the world, but then so is house music in a lot of other places, and those guys aren't rockstars either. I don't know why everyone wants to paint themselves as a rock star or call people who don't play rock music rock stars, why can't he just be a rapstar.
Kanye West....who's that? Sorry, never heard of him (at least not that I am aware of....)
Oh, sorry. Thought the title said biggest douchebag. My mistake. Carry on.
"I expect nothing. I fear no one. I am free." Nikos Kazantzakis

When was he a "rock star"?? An annoying rap artist yes, A rock star=NEVER
I think he really needs a reality check. Can I name a song of his heck no.
Quote by countrygirl58
I think he really needs a reality check. Can I name a song of his heck no.

Gold digger. Diamonds from Sierra Leon. Touch the Sky. Homecoming. Hey Mama. hope that helps. btw, i can't name a single song by Josh Grobin or Il Divo. doesn't mean they're not amazing. just not what i listen to. I think i know a couple of Johnny Cash songs, and one of two of the bigger country songs, but again, that's about it. means nothing. just a thought.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Kanye who? Is a what!!! Lol, he needs a reality check
Are there seriously people around that have never heard of Stronger? That song was played on every radio station, shopping mall, gym and in every mainstream bar and club non-stop back in the day. For at least two years straight I was hearing it at least once a day somewhere - not kidding. Good tune. Brings back some memories.

Personally I've always had a soft spot for his song, 'Amazing'. Gold Digger is an obvious mainstream classic as well, but 'Amazing' just has that vibe.

And this is coming from a girl that doesn't really listen to much hip hop.

And ok... huge admission - I have been to a Kanye concert. Yeah, I know - I can hear your collective screams. Someone took me and it was free. He does put on a good show - from what I remember anyway, I was really drunk that night.
Boo he shouldn't be aloud to speak.
Who is West? Or what planet is it that he speaks of?
Is he another Illuminate puppet spewing non sense to the zombie youth population who survive on prescription meds and Obama issued freebies???? Please understand that this entire human experiment is going to end very badly!!! Very...
I can only guess that it's a response to him being gay fish.

Great music, large ego.....he's an intelligent man just sometimes.....
Never crossed my radar but if he is that big then maybe he should think about cutting back on his food.
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
The man needs a dose of reality.
Oh well, freedom of speech in the USA lets you say that kind of thing. Also lets me say the same thing, though the media won't jump on it when i do. Kanye's boasting is a don't-care thing for me.
And his next announcement; "Kim is still a virgin!"
Quote by enjoysex52
And his next announcement; "Kim is still a virgin!"

That's a knee slapper.
Quote by LadyX
As far as I can tell, he's right- he is the biggest rock star.

Now, if we're going to say "well, literally speaking, he doesn't produce 'rock music', so he's not the biggest rock star", then I guess that's one way of looking at it. But a) the term 'rock star' generally means something broader than a specific music genre (Madonna is and was a massive rock star, even though she's never 'rocked'), and b) there's no disputing the fact that hip-hop has replaced 'rock music' in terms of popularity and cultural influence. Hip Hop, which makes up or directly influences most of the top 40 today, is what Rock used to be, and Kanye is it's biggest and arguably most talented personality.

If you took ten typical fans of pop music in 2013, I'm not sure two of them could pick Eric Clapton out of a lineup, and most wouldn't know who Freddie Mercury was.

I'm not sure I would say "no disputing that hip-hop has replaced 'rock music'"

Looking at this I would say Pop dominates it. I have no idea how many sub-genres these break down into, but even if Rap, hip-hop, and R&B were in one group I still don't think that's the biggest part of the list. I would definitely agree that rock does not dominate it the way it once did, but it looks more like people have come to accept way more with stuff like country taking up some high spots on here (and not just Taylor Swift).

Even outside that debate - even if you consider any music star to be a rock star. He's still not the biggest. Is he talented? sure. I have a couple of his songs. But he's not the biggest anything except idiot. And with Bieber still out there - that's saying a lot. :P

He's just saying rock star to counter-protest the people of Glastonbury petitioning to get him out of there because he isn't a 'Rock Star' (sorry if someone brought this up already)
Hows' that go...."he is dreamin a lil dream"
His ego is bigger than his wife's. OMG, Its almost as big as her ass!!
And Kanye's "music" and the term Rock just don't go together. JMO of course...............don't want to get all the rap fans mad at me, LOL!!

See, my opinion has not changed in 2 yrs.ilmjCjgAe7j7WBKm
I'm sorry,since when is the music he makes considered rock?
A rock star Hahaha
Well, with a remark like that, you can honestly say he's the biggest something, but it wouldn't be a positive. Honestly, if people are prone to making such remarks, it tells you all you need to know about just what kind of person they are on any and all levels.
this TRULY disturbs me. his first three albums were so dope... unfortunately, his narcissism has alienated a lot of hip hop fans and MANY others. i hope that he can find his way back.

Say. Her. Name.

Quote by honeydipped
this TRULY disturbs me. his first three albums were so dope... unfortunately, his narcissism has alienated a lot of hip hop fans and MANY others. i hope that he can find his way back.

It reminds me of when Guns n Roses got real big and Axel Rose become such an insufferable douchbag that he basically made everyone hate him, including his own fans.