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Horror genre has been killed

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I just saw a commercial for the last exorcism and I didn't even know there was a first..
Needless to say it looked so bad I had to come here and make a thread..

What's with all this Hollywood pg-13 garbage.
Darkskies (I desperately want to be good but I know it won't), a haunting in connecticut.. I can't remember the last time a decent horror movie came out, a remake of the Texas chainsaw massacre? fail. The last two remakes and several sequels weren't good. Why another?

My bloody valentine.. PIRANHA, and don't even get me started on paranormal activity, or Chernobyl diaries... Just ugh

They're all ridiculously bad. What happened to good old horror...
I don't understand why studios aren't willing to give r-rated movies big budgets for horror, there's no sound argument behind it. You won't lose money if you actually make a good one. There's no money to be made in horror cause you keep making bad movies. you take no risk and so for years there's no reward. So they continue to grind out low quality snore-fests and can't seem to figure out why.

anyone have any thoughts or know any half way decent movies?
Personally I'd reccomend [rec.] Since found footage is the trend lately
I've been rather down on horror as a film genre since the 1980s. Just not much being made that appeals to me. Found footage is overused. Zombies are way overused. Slasher movies aren't my thing (though I like the original John Carpenter Halloween). Vampires stopped being scary a while ago even in books (save for David Wellington's Laura Caxton series which had very nasty, scary vamps). Ditto werewolves (which have never been my thing anyway).

I've always been fond of the some of the low budget fifties and sixties stuff. The original Night of the Living Dead, Carnival of Souls, the 1963 version of The Haunting.
It sucks but yeah, I agree. The horror genre is so full of shit movies that it feels like gambling when I go to one... with the odds being way against me that it will be good. The New texas chainsaw massacre being one of the worst pieces of shit I have ever seen. I actually felt guilty that millions of dollars were spent making the movie. It made me think of all the ways the money could have been spent in a better way. Almost anything you can think of will be better. Anything.

Dark skies. Yeah, you know it's going to suck. I want it to be good. But it won't be. At least back in the day they put some tits in it or something. Now that they are PG-13, you don't even get that.

This one doesn't look bad though. It's a remake (remake... I know, I KNOW) of Evil Dead. Something that was done shittly enough to justify a remake I guess plus a lot of people have never seen it or even heard of the Evil Dead movies.

Warning: this trailer is fucked up.

I have no desire to see any "horror" movie that's PG-13. What a waste. There are some decent horror movies out there but none by big name studios or producers. They're just after money.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Horror died as soon as it became mainstream. You watch the trailer of a movie and your let down cause of the bad acting and directing. Excorsist and Poltergist were amazing films but now directors reuse the same themes as the good Hitchcock films e.g Physco. To many woman are killed in showers!
And guys, remember when vampires use to kick ass and all bloody and gory and you can see how much guts and insides are spilled everywhere? Now they sparkle... Or there on the veggie diet. How badass is that? Not.
You may think I'm some stupid girl who don't know ANYTHING about a good horror movie but I would love to see a good R rated movie come out. Don't you think they aim them for the teenagers these days?
THE EXORCIST (1973) Still the scariest movie i have every seen and the crucifix masturbation scene is still disturbing to me. ( how did they get away with that? lol) Wish i knew how to link movies clips and pics in here. CG effects have hindered the Horror genre iimo, even computer breath looks cheesy and lame.
Quote by EmoQueen
Horror died as soon as it became mainstream. You watch the trailer of a movie and your let down cause of the bad acting and directing. Excorsist and Poltergist were amazing films but now directors reuse the same themes as the good Hitchcock films e.g Physco. To many woman are killed in showers!
And guys, remember when vampires use to kick ass and all bloody and gory and you can see how much guts and insides are spilled everywhere? Now they sparkle... Or there on the veggie diet. How badass is that? Not.
You may think I'm some stupid girl who don't know ANYTHING about a good horror movie but I would love to see a good R rated movie come out. Don't you think they aim them for the teenagers these days?

I agree. There really havent been any great Horror movies since the early 70's with a few exceptions. All these slasher movies, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street etc really didnt do it for me. They were all the same, just gore fests!! i much prefer something like the shower scene in Psycho. Just seeing the blood at the drain is all you needed to see, Genius!!! It would have been so cool to have seen some of these old films in a drive-in theater on a date!! How scared I would have been, probably would have stayed a virgin until I was 30, LOL!!
Quote by Nikki703

I agree. There really havent been any great Horror movies since the early 70's with a few exceptions. All these slasher movies, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street etc really didnt do it for me. They were all the same, just gore fests!! i much prefer something like the shower scene in Psycho. Just seeing the blood at the drain is all you needed to see, Genius!!! It would have been so cool to have seen some of these old films in a drive-in theater on a date!! How scared I would have been, probably would have stayed a virgin until I was 30, LOL!!

I completely agree!! I would love to expirence many old fashioned things that we newborn humans have gotten rid of. We are the age of technology and CGI maybe we should revert back to the good old fashioned times.
John Carpenter's "The Thing" in the early 80's was a pretty good horror movie.

Also miss the lost art of stop motion animation in films ala Ray Harryhausen.
Quote by EmoQueen
Horror died as soon as it became mainstream. You watch the trailer of a movie and your let down cause of the bad acting and directing. Excorsist and Poltergist were amazing films but now directors reuse the same themes as the good Hitchcock films e.g Physco. To many woman are killed in showers!
And guys, remember when vampires use to kick ass and all bloody and gory and you can see how much guts and insides are spilled everywhere? Now they sparkle... Or there on the veggie diet. How badass is that? Not.
You may think I'm some stupid girl who don't know ANYTHING about a good horror movie but I would love to see a good R rated movie come out. Don't you think they aim them for the teenagers these days?

is the sparkle vamps even horror...ohhh i hope not! but I cant watch these waterdown "horror" movies as My Dark puts them...i have a hard time with blood in general...but i tried a few of those "oldie" movies and i nearly didnt sleep for a week after watching half of the excorist...and only lasted few mins of physco. I hope for all you fans they get better. Ill stick with my sissy movies ie...disney XD
my newest :)
I personally love horror films; I don’t even mind the “water-down” ones that they come out with today. But, nothing beats the classic ones. I’d disagree on some of the statements about some of the movies being called out on this thread, but to each their own, right?

I watched Sinister the other night, on YouTube, and it scared the crap out of me. I personally thought it was good. It wasn’t AMAZING, but it was still real good, in my options.

Magical_felix!!!! Oh my sweet gosh, that looks really good. It scared me, and it was just 2:22 long. I will most likely see it, it looks pretty decent.

I have not subjected myself to watching this movie yet, I do want to though. I’m not sure why I do, I guess because I’m twisted. I do however think it will fit the “scary horror” people are looking for. The Human Centipede.. I have only ever heard of “Holy shit, that movie is scary” from those who have seen it. Oddly enough, there is a second one. x_x

I would guess that lowering the rating is a lame way to get more bums in seats. Make it less violent, remove the language and then parents with kids in that age bracket would be taken along. Just a thought..
I used to love horror films and still like the classics like Friday the 13th, or Freddy Kreuger. I love the Scream movies very good stories, but the horror films here lately have sucked or I have no interest in seeing them. I seen House at the end of the Street and it wasn't scary at all it was more stupid than anything. I did love Jennifer Lawerence.
Quote by Magical_felix
It sucks but yeah, I agree. The horror genre is so full of shit movies that it feels like gambling when I go to one... with the odds being way against me that it will be good. The New texas chainsaw massacre being one of the worst pieces of shit I have ever seen. I actually felt guilty that millions of dollars were spent making the movie. It made me think of all the ways the money could have been spent in a better way. Almost anything you can think of will be better. Anything.

Dark skies. Yeah, you know it's going to suck. I want it to be good. But it won't be. At least back in the day they put some tits in it or something. Now that they are PG-13, you don't even get that.

This one doesn't look bad though. It's a remake (remake... I know, I KNOW) of Evil Dead. Something that was done shittly enough to justify a remake I guess plus a lot of people have never seen it or even heard of the Evil Dead movies.

Warning: this trailer is fucked up.

Well I heard about the Texas chainsaw massacre movie a year ago and I was like? Really? wow that's gonna suck so bad, what gave it away was naming it "Texas chainsaw massacre 3D"
3D is a gimmick

And yeah I want darkskies to be good because they'res no alien abduction horrors.. The fourthkind didn't do well when it tried. I miss the xfiles

Evil dead was low budget when it came out, they did the comedy in it, evil dead wasn't that bad its a cult classic for well.. B horror, it doesn't take it self to seriously,
I've seen that trailer already, I assume you posted the redband trailer, the greenband has it cut out, and I wish I hadn't seen red cause now I know what's coming lol. Spoiled the surprise.
Anyway what I read is that this has some of the same people from the first evil dead but now thy have the budget and special effects to do it right, so this will be how the movie was supposed to be in the 80s (fingers crossed)

Quote by poppet
I have not subjected myself to watching this movie yet, I do want to though. I’m not sure why I do, I guess because I’m twisted. I do however think it will fit the “scary horror” people are looking for. The Human Centipede.. I have only ever heard of “Holy shit, that movie is scary” from those who have seen it. Oddly enough, there is a second one. x_x

I won't spoil it for you but that's not what I heard, and I have no intention of seeing it anyway because I find the entire concept more silly/gross than scary, no offense.

As for the rest I'm sorry but I found exorcist and poltergeist a little erm.. not up to par, I guess I've just been desensitized to horror, I remember phantasm, that was rather fun.
Anyone remember the first hellraiser? Before the sequels. they were scary and they werent even bad guys, they just dragged assholes to hell for sinning lol. That was good, and I agree with whoever said the thing, that's one of the best horror movies out there, but it loses to the first alien imo.

and yes I know found footage is overused but that doesn't mean theres not a few good ones.
[rec.] is a Spanish found footage film from a few years back, I don't know if any of you saw "quarantine" but that was the English remake and it was terrible while the first one in Spanish with subtitles was way better, and is actually a decent cheap movie. tunnel while not as good as rec is a free movie online they made from donations, it's like a documentary on a real incident. I actually had to google the location to see if it was real because the backstory was well done.
the characters that survive are interviewed in cutaways, it's a mockumentary that's actually made to look like one and not just a jittery cam all the way through. definitely worth it considering its free

I believe rec can be found on YouTube under rec 1 it's 1:15:00, I haven't seen the sequels but it's a new idea that comes together well in the first one, it's a new kind of zombie but I won't say anything spoiler related if you decide to take a chance on it and see for yourself if it's any good.

Anyway to anyone who read this all the way through I'd also like to see more arts related horror, pscholgocial and surreal, surreal being something like clockwork orange. Maybe not scary but it has it's own horror qualities and has an artistic approach sort of.

that being said twilight counts as horror because it's so bad its horrifying lol. That fits the bill, and say what you will about Apollo18, yes the monsters were retarded but the rest of it was good, the grainy film and it looked like it was from the time and had alot of suspense going up before they showed the creature
its missing a storyline and the suspense... maybe its time for some lushie's to put together a sexual horror.
Quote by Tranquil
its missing a storyline and the suspense... maybe its time for some lushie's to put together a sexual horror.

The horror genre in general?
I'm unsure what you were referring to.
If you want quality horror, you’d do well to move away from the American mainstream and head to foreign climes. In the last ten to fifteen years, the vast majority of decent horror has come from the Far East. Japanese films such as Audition, Ring (before the US remake), Dark Water (before the US remake) Ju-On (before the US remake – are we spotting a theme?), and A Tale of Two Sisters from South Korea, are fantastic examples of psychological horror.

The scares in these films don’t come from overblown set pieces with moronic, scantily clad teens pursued by a psychopath wielding the contents of Home Depot’s hardware section. Instead, they tend to build the tension slowly, and for the most part contain believable characters that find themselves in extraordinary circumstances. The Orphanage from Spain also fits well into this category.

However, I believe one American movie of the last few years does deserve a mention – Drag Me to Hell. Okay, so it wasn’t terrifying, but being from Sam Raimi, it did go some way toward finding that mix of horror and tongue in cheek humour that he brought to The Evil Dead movies.
I think I see at least three problems with horror movies today, at least for me:

- Gimmicks. Whether it's torture porn, bad twist endings, or found footage, I find that every time someone comes up with a successful new gimmick, it comes to dominate the genre.

There's nothing innately wrong with any of these gimmicks per se and they can work in the hands of a suitably talented, imaginative director. However, when viewers are focussing more on the gimmick than the horror, you haven't made a horror movie IMHO.

- Tired tropes. Slashers stalking teens, the world being overrun with flesh-eating zombies, vampires as evil, bloodsucking aristocrats, and so on. Overused, overexposed, and no longer scary except in rare cases where a director with some real talent puts a new spin on one of them.

That's not to say that you can't make movies with classic tropes and ideas. You just need to do something different with them. Back in the eighties, Kathryn Bigelow made a great little vampire movie called Near Dark. The vampires were a pack that wandered the South and Southwestern US in a camper grabbing "food" in the backcountry. Still evil bloodsuckers, still allergic to sun, but with a spin on how they managed to live in the modern world that set them nicely apart. The ending didn't work for me, but the rest of the film shows that you can go back to an old trope and refresh it.

- Gratuituous gore and violence (and sex). Look, horror is ultimately about death and horrible ways to die or undie so violence and gore are a part of it. But when the whole point of the movie is simply to throw more and more gross-out makeup and effects at the screen, then I lose interest. Give me some suspense, give me some understanding of the characters so I can sympathise with their plight, give me a reason for the violence, and then I'll watch. Ditto on sex. Don't toss in a scene with the hero fucking the heroine just because you have a quota for T&A. Use it to advance either the plot or the characters. If I want to stroke to a movie, I wouldn't be watching horror, I'd be watching porn.
For me, a true horror film has to contain a scenario or a story which is plausible, shocking and indeed - horrifying.

The last flick which contained those criteria and raised goosebumps - was 2005's Hostel.

1999's 8mm was another one which almost made me ill to watch it, plenty of shock within it - and I don't think either one of those were 'horror movies', but they both horrified me.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by WellMadeMale

The last flick which contained those criteria and raised goosebumps - was 2005's Hostel.

Agreed. I'm a huge fan of tourist/vacation horror or suspense films. Mainly because we are all typically overly trusting while on holidays and it's conceivable that bad things can happen, especially in locales with slippery or corrupt legal/authority systems. I know I've done many dumb/risky things while on vacation - so I can relate to the idea of it. Plus there are cases in the news that you could blueprint back to such sinister plot lines with a strong degree of believability. That's what makes it scary. As well - Eli Roth is a great talent in the genre. I even enjoyed his more campy (yet still strangely disturbing) film Cabin Fever.

I don't mind the gory/creepy varieties of horror if they're done well. I thought Rob Zombie's remake of Halloween was pretty good. If you can do the cinematic version of horror, it's still entertaining, even if it's not believable.

Other times, the quieter low-budget films that make you think or stay with you after-the-fact are the truly creepy ones. Stuff like 'Megan is Missing' will get under your skin a lot faster than the usual gore-and-slasher flicks. I don't mind found footage films if they're done well, but it's definitely a hit or miss style.

And sometimes part of the real horror is in the director's vision of a film and you see underlying pathologies emerge in the script - like convicted /sex-offender Victor Salva's horror film, Jeepers Creepers - the real 'monster' isn't always the ghoul in the movie. That can make it a compelling psychological profile of horror in a whole different way.
Quote by WellMadeMale
For me, a true horror film has to contain a scenario or a story which is plausible, shocking and indeed - horrifying.

The last flick which contained those criteria and raised goosebumps - was 2005's Hostel.

Last horror movie I watched!
Quote by WellMadeMale
For me, a true horror film has to contain a scenario or a story which is plausible, shocking and indeed - horrifying.

The last flick which contained those criteria and raised goosebumps - was 2005's Hostel.

1999's 8mm was another one which almost made me ill to watch it, plenty of shock within it - and I don't think either one of those were 'horror movies', but they both horrified me.

I agree. It is so much better when the scenario is believable and also not so predictable. Like in most of the slasher movies, when ever you see an naked girl alone or a couple having sex, you know they are about to die!! Even the original Halloween was kind of believable, well maybe the ending was a little far fetched.
Quote by Poppet
I personally love horror films; I don’t even mind the “water-down” ones that they come out with today. But, nothing beats the classic ones. I’d disagree on some of the statements about some of the movies being called out on this thread, but to each their own, right?

I watched Sinister the other night, on YouTube, and it scared the crap out of me. I personally thought it was good. It wasn’t AMAZING, but it was still real good, in my options.

Magical_felix!!!! Oh my sweet gosh, that looks really good. It scared me, and it was just 2:22 long. I will most likely see it, it looks pretty decent.

I have not subjected myself to watching this movie yet, I do want to though. I’m not sure why I do, I guess because I’m twisted. I do however think it will fit the “scary horror” people are looking for. The Human Centipede.. I have only ever heard of “Holy shit, that movie is scary” from those who have seen it. Oddly enough, there is a second one. x_x

My son and his friend watched both of the Human Centipede movies. They both said the same thing, they only watched the second to see how much more stupid it could be. Go figure. Neither liked them and said they weren't scary at all just twisted. That seems to be the way of the horror movie anymore. They go for the gore factor or to see how utterly twisted they can be. I am ready for a good old fashioned "scary" movie. I haven't seen one of those in YEARS.
Quote by Nikki703

I agree. It is so much better when the scenario is believable and also not so predictable. Like in most of the slasher movies, when ever you see an naked girl alone or a couple having sex, you know they are about to die!! Even the original Halloween was kind of believable, well maybe the ending was a little far fetched.

I'm willing to trade a bit of plausibility for suspense, for the sense of not knowing what's really happening or what might happen. The original Halloween was one of the few slasher flicks that worked for me and part of what made it work is that it is, first and foremost, it's driven by suspense. There's very little gore and even the violence is often either brief or implied.
Quote by WellMadeMale
For me, a true horror film has to contain a scenario or a story which is plausible, shocking and indeed - horrifying.

The last flick which contained those criteria and raised goosebumps - was 2005's Hostel.

1999's 8mm was another one which almost made me ill to watch it, plenty of shock within it - and I don't think either one of those were 'horror movies', but they both horrified me.
See, those kind of movies are too much like real life for me though. It was a decent movie but, i could do without that sort of realism.
Oddly enough I never got around to watching hostel. I've seen bits and pieces adding up to most of it but never actually in order lol.
It only reinforced what I already suspected of backpacking in foreign countries just like wolfcreek which was loosely based on a real back-packer killer, to torture-y like it belongs on the news

I'm more of a midnight meat train guy hahaha, now that's a good movie
I find horror movies boring. Last couple of decades it has been the following recipie

1) Introduce a bunch of people(usually teens) within the first 20 minutes or so.
2) Make them do something bad or end up in a place they don't want to be
3) Make the audience understand there's a bad guy
4) Start killing them off one by one, maybe with chase scenes or other scenes were the suspense is built up and you rely on shock effect.
5) Kill off the bad guy or at least make the survivors in the movie believe that they killed him off.

There's no real feeling of uncomfortable or anything like that, it's all suddenly he pops up with a big knife and there's a loud noise. It becomes utterly boring, simply because the only way to make the movie interesting is if you watch it with someone else and make bets on who's going to die first and second and so forth. They bore me. Sure, I've jumped a few times, but it doesn't entertain me at all. If I wanted to be scared I'd sit in a dark room and have someone poke me every now and then.

I saw a movie a couple of years ago, remake of Bram Stoker's Dracula. Think it was from 92. It left me with a real feeling of being increadibly uncomfortable and kinda freaked out. Getting goosebumps. There was no shock or anything, but you suddenly felt it was more likely that there could be someone outside your window. In that manner it was brilliant as a horror movie, because you were continously "scared" through the entire movie.

But best horror experience; A game called Amnesia The Dark Decent. It had the same kind of feeling of being icky creepy, so if you have a computer, turn the lights off, make sure the room is dark and play it on your comp, preferably with a headset. You'll be in for a treat.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Eli Roth is a great talent in the genre. I even enjoyed his more campy (yet still strangely disturbing) film Cabin Fever.

He is. I loved cabin fever. It isn't the greatest movie but it had some really creepy moments and also some really genuine funny moments too like the cop that just wanted to party. "You fucked up the whole party!"

Nerd Alert: In hostel Takashi Miike makes a cameo. He directed a film called audition that was mentioned earlier in this thread. I totally recommend that movie too. The first hour is slow and not like horror at all but stick with it. It is purposely done that way. He has directed a lot of really disturbing movies (lots of crap ones too). Ichi the Killer is another one that will make your mouth drop.
This is a remake of a german film. It is really really unsettling. I liked it better than the original. Michael Pitt and Naomi Watts are great.

This is a film by Lars Von Trier. It is a psycho sexual horror nightmare that takes place in some creepy ass cabin in the woods. It's beautifully shot and fucking creepy.