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Pretty much Valken.
I keep thinking "You either win or you die", so that someone must win....
I'm waiting to see Tyrion go down.... similarly as Brienne I hesitate to call him a favourite... but we all know GRR Martin / producers will fuck us all eventually.
I loved Oberyn, bring back Pedro and his sexy smooth voice!

Someone has to win we assume but will the living be able to defeat the dead? Will they have the people to do it. Normally we would say yes and everything will turn out bright and happy but anyone watching the show by now knows this isn't true based on how things have gone. So many have fallen, so many have died. Good people. People we thought were the heroes! They have fallen and fallen and fallen. Shocks one and all. So yeah, someone has to win but will be left by the end? Winter is coming, and we've seen the visions of the ruined castle filling with snow. It may be too late by the end even if the battle is won. And it wouldn't surprise me if GGR Martin does that. I don't exactly expect a happy ending, nothing so far has made me think we'll get that. It will be if anything bitter sweet with more dying to triumph and save everything. That is, if they can. Maybe there won't even be a Westeros by the end. That they will have to flee across the sea because all that is left is ruins.

Also because it always struck me when I saw a friend post it years ago:
Oooooh that is a cruel reality. Very striking as you say.
Game of Thrones Final season to be shortened?

“Game of Thrones” will premiere its highly anticipated sixth season on April 24, but the executive producers say they are considering an abbreviated end game for the hit HBO series.

In an exclusive interview with Variety, showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss said they are weighing wrapping up the Emmy-winning saga of Westeros and the battle for the Iron Throne with just 13 more episodes once this sixth season is over: seven episodes for season 7; six for the eighth and potential final season.

“I think we’re down to our final 13 episodes after this season. We’re heading into the final lap,” said Benioff. “That’s the guess, though nothing is yet set in stone, but that’s what we’re looking at.”

Sources later clarified those exact numbers were premature, given that the showrunners are now just beginning to outline their plans, but said that any upcoming seasons may be shorter than the full 10 episodes of seasons past.

HBO programming president Michael Lombardo acknowledged the showrunners’ plan to wind down the series with two more years. “That’s my understanding from them right now, those have been the conversations we’ve had,” he says. “Because where these narratives go, it feels like another two years to them. As a television executive, as a fan, do I wish they said another six years? I do.”

But, he added, “I’m always an optimist, and I do believe we will figure this out.”

Is HBO about to let this go any time soon or will money talk.
Quote by sexygeek

He better not die...[-o<

Hello M...
I love Game of thrones and I'm really pleased with how close they keep the series to the actual books... That being said, the rest should be interesting as the last series ended with the last book so no one knows what will happen next... That said that red priestess better bloody bring Jon Snow back to life or I may have to consider never watching it again... the perfect outcome will be Jon Snow marries Daenerys and they rule together with the dragons with Tyrion as the hand. (Tyrion is awsome)

Cersei gets eaten by a dragon and Jamie ends up having to marry Brienne of Tarth and they have really ugly children.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Quote by Strangerlyd

He better not die...[-o<

Hello M...

It's not his time yet...

Hello Lyd

He need to hurry up and finish the next book!
Quote by sexygeek

It's not his time yet...

Hello Lyd

He need to hurry up and finish the next book!

YET!!! Nooo, it should be NEVER!!!

BTW, love this gif you post on my wall... :d/

Quote by Strangerlyd

BTW, love this gif you post on my wall... :d/

I loved that gif too!

and this
Are you prepared?
Okay fellow GOTers what did you all think of the last scene with the red woman "undressing"....I have some interpretations but want to hear yours too. I personally think with John Snow dead she has given up on finding a leader for the a way her transforming from the red woman to the old "hag" witch is her giving up her power temporarily.
Quote by lucky7gal
Okay fellow GOTers what did you all think of the last scene with the red woman "undressing"....I have some interpretations but want to hear yours too. I personally think with John Snow dead she has given up on finding a leader for the a way her transforming from the red woman to the old "hag" witch is her giving up her power temporarily.

Hey Stacey
Your interpretation has has some merit but I'd like to offer another view. My thinking is that the "cloak" of beauty that the witch wears requires a huge amount of magical power to maintain and by taking it off and showing her real ..very old .. self she can recharge her batteries for her ultimate test.. Bringing back our favorite bastard and future Dragon rider.. Any other interpretations out there?
Quote by prettyjoanne

Hey Stacey
Your interpretation has has some merit but I'd like to offer another view. My thinking is that the "cloak" of beauty that the witch wears requires a huge amount of magical power to maintain and by taking it off and showing her real ..very old .. self she can recharge her batteries for her ultimate test.. Bringing back our favorite bastard and future Dragon rider.. Any other interpretations out there?

I think that if you understand anything about the books, then Jon Snow being dead, is something Original Poster may not want to consider to be such a fore-gone conclusion. there are many clues, and reasons to not believe he is, not to mention somethings that they didn't include from the books, in the seasons so far. As far as her "cloak" of beauty, which I thought was basically due to the amulet, I don't think the power is necessarily meant for bring back the dead, but more to show that even someone as dark as her, has a lot of sadness, and tragedy in her life, which lends a lot of subtle beauty to her character, that wasn't so obvious before, since we just thought she was a power-fueling, sex-goddess.
I'm Team Tyrion and Team Arya
Ive just fallen back in love with khaleesi ! Awesome episode!
Anyone else think the "secret" told to Tommen Lannister was a setup, a trap? One that always shortsighted and predictable Cersei bought; hook, line, and sinker?

Also, that letter Ramsay sent to Castle Black... no way Ramsay wrote that. That letter was sent by Littlefinger. "Come and see". Spoken to Robin Arryn at the Vale, when Littlefinger showed him the falcon. Written, verbatim, "Come and see" in the letter to Jon & Sansa.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Quote by lafayettemister
Anyone else think the "secret" told to Tommen Lannister was a setup, a trap? One that always shortsighted and predictable Cersei bought; hook, line, and sinker?

Also, that letter Ramsay sent to Castle Black... no way Ramsay wrote that. That letter was sent by Littlefinger. "Come and see". Spoken to Robin Arryn at the Vale, when Littlefinger showed him the falcon. Written, verbatim, "Come and see" in the letter to Jon & Sansa.

Yeah I do most definately, Tommon is an idiot and Cersei is predictable, however the Grandmother Tyrell is not...I love her character and how she always gets one over on Cersei.

I have avoided this thread because I had not yet seen any of series 6 and didn't want spoilers but I had a Game of Thrones fest yesterday and am now up to speed on it. Love how Daenerys takes out the Dathraki leaders and becomes the new leader. She is going to be unstoppable now with the forces she commands and hopefully soon into Westeros am really looking forward to when she does and takes her rightful throne back...I will accept no other outcome, she is the only one deserving of the throne.

I can't wait to see Cersei's face when Daenery's arrives all powerful with the brother she despises and under estimated by her side along with others once loyal that she cast out but should have kept close now serving and advising Daenerys. Hopefully also She will team up with Jon Snow who will take back and unite the North and fight along with her.

The truth is though the real threat is yet to come is it not from the white walkers...I am looking forward to finding out more about them and why they take the babies and what purpose that serves.

I just really really love Game of Thrones.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
This series will probably end with Daenerys marrying her bastard, know-nothing nephew after the Lord of Light (working through him) and her dragons have combined to defeat the Wight Walkers; mostly because marrying and mating your kin is just how the Targaryen's have always rolled.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
What are your thoughts on tonight episode
This HAS to be THE BEST episode of Game of Thrones I have EVER seen...that is all.

I am going to go finish watching the rest now but just had to come here and say 9 minutes left and WOW just WOW biggrin
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Quote by kiera
This HAS to be THE BEST episode of Game of Thrones I have EVER seen...that is all.

I am going to go finish watching the rest now but just had to come here and say 9 minutes left and WOW just WOW biggrin

seconded! *fist pump* fucking A!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

***Spoiler Alert.. do NOT read if you haven't seen the season finale...

Funny about the lack of an uproar about that septa chick being captured and tortured by the Mountain? All those people complaining about Sansa and Ramsay's wedding night don't seem to mind Unella getting and tortured.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
And how would madam like her Grand Sparrow?

'Very well done please.'
The last two episodes showed why they are the number one show on TV. This rivaled any major movie production. Consider the cost of that battle scene alone. Hey I would have loved to be an extra. Now we have to wait another nine months for next season. Those friggin dragons are bas-ass. I was cheering as much as I was at Joffery's death when they torched the religious zealots. Moral of the story is never starve your dogs.
Quote by kiera
OMG!!!! What Bran saw...I did not see that coming that is an awsome twist...I just can't wait for next series...Is it true it's going to be the last one?

TWO more seasons, tho only 7 epis each, i believe.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.