I've always loved older 'classic rock'. Unfortunately these master rock musicians/writers are getting old and we're losing many of them. So many, too soon. At 67, Chris Squire could've had several good years left if he hadn't got sick. Yes made some really great music.
I discovered Yes fairly young, after first encountering Jon Anderson through his work with Vangelis. Every member of that band (One article I read said 18 people had passed through their "doors" over the years) was talented and Chris was one of the best of the bunch. On another board, I posted a couple clips of him playing solo on the bass and it was every bit as complex and interesting as Steve's guitar work or Wakeman's keyboard playing. A real loss to music.
My first real rock concert ever (Wakeman had just left the band). Had Yes posters all over my room. LOVED this band, and he was integral.
He will be missed.