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Trashing Your Ex

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I was bitter about being cheated on...but now after this past relationship. ..well I never would have met him and he brought only joy and love to me

Its not his fault I wanted more

Some people just cannot give u what u want

So u call it a day...and thank them for the love they gave to you

But it took 49 years and a man I truly loved to feel that way

Don't trash anyone on the internet or anywhere
'tis himself!
I used to trash one, calling her my psycho-ex-from-Hel. I got over it, and don't anymore. Even in the unlikely event my wife and I were to divorce, I don't think I would trash her.
I would never trash my ex-girlfriend. Sure, if there are questions about her, or if my later girlfriend will ask me about her I will tell her, but just with honesty and not with extreme bashing. Else there is no reason. And I wouldn't really warn others if they would go out with an ex-date or girlfriend. Especially if it just didn't work out between her and me. Maybe it will with others. I always wished them good luck and then the chapter was finished.
I never checked for my former dates and am not planning to do so. I might remember them, after all they are parts of my life experience. But I would never run after them again, e.g. for "another chance".
I would say: Step aside and move on. So I can find my girlfriend someday.
Active Ink Slinger
My ex has trashed me for over 25 years since our divorce. However, when I thought we were moving to a more cordial relationship (for the grown kids) she threw a couple more hand grenades. I would gain nothing by trashing her to anyone so I have never and will never do it. But – she makes me angry.
Active Ink Slinger
If I'm asked about a past relationship, I will explain why it ended, without making the person look bad, but I will be honest without getting too personal. What I don't like is when a person makes their ex look bad and entirely blames them for everything that went wrong in the relationship. It takes two to tango, just be fair.
Rainbow Warrior
Quote by ChuckEPoo

Quote by BethanyFrasier
Neither of my exes would ever trash me, nor I them. We parted amicably. Sadly, but on mutually respectful terms.

I applaud you. My first fatal ex was a conniving gold digging whore. My second wife was sweet and caring and loyal. We are still best friends and who knows maybe we will get past our problems and reconcile some day.

I actually do have a trash-worthy ex, but we were just in a sexual relationship, not a love relationship, but it still ended very badly. Even though he turned out to be a creep, I blame myself for getting into bed with him in the first place, because I was just rebelling against my parents at the time. Live and learn!
Active Ink Slinger
I would never trash my ex. She was the love of my life for so many years. We may not be together any longer, but she is still a good person, the mother of my children and deserves my respect.
When my marriage ended years ago I actually went out of my way to burn bridges and cause him enough agony that he would trash me. I thought it would make me look like the victim. He never went there. it actually upset me in the years since I have had two other relationships neither worked. But I learned something from my ex and have tried very hard not to even talk about either of them. I think that people understand there are two sides to every story and the more bitter and ugly of a picture you try to paint of them the more poorly it reflects on you.
When my daughter got married last year her father actually insisted that I stay with him for the week of the wedding while there are no feelings between us I again realized he wasn't the demon I wanted everyone to believe he was. Some lessons are hard learned but still worth remembering.
Quote by ChuckEPoo

I applaud you. My first fatal ex was a conniving gold digging whore. My second wife was sweet and caring and loyal. We are still best friends and who knows maybe we will get past our problems and reconcile some day.

Well... Since I wrote this we are back together where we belong.
Internet Philosopher
I recently came out of a ten year relationship on good terms with my ex. I was very happy to break up as friends and without animosity. Now, Ive been able to tell her Im seeing someone else and she was genuinely happy for me.

I can't begin to express how much easier it is for me not to have to carry excess guilt around, Im truly amazed that it was so amicable
Madam Carol
Quote by ChuckEPoo

Well... Since I wrote this we are back together where we belong.

Quote by ChuckEPoo

Well... Since I wrote this we are back together where we belong.

So happy for you..
Click below to see

If you trash at your ex, then you are trashing at yourself too? Isn't that right?
Active Ink Slinger
After two marriages, the exes are also mothers of my children. I want my kids to be able to love and respect their mothers, and I can't teach my kids to be respectful, if I'm not respectful myself. So trashing is simply out of the question.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

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Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Show class, he/she will look best out of the rear view mirror as you speed away and wave "Bye-Bye"
The Bee's Knees
never trash your ex. rant/vent to a close friend if you must. doing so in public just makes you seem bitter and spiteful.

Say. Her. Name.

Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
Human nature I'm afraid, I've done it out of a sense of bitter disappointment,
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
I embarrassed myself by doing that. I eventually got over the hurt and became a man.
Active Ink Slinger
If you walked out or ended the affair - then you have already trashed them.
If they abandoned you, there is no sense in trashing them - move on, there are many more where they came from, probably even better. The next affair you have will probably upset them more than you trashing them.