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The Top Ten Mistakes that couples make when they move in together

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So you’ve just taken that big step from dating to actually moving in together. Congratulations! Maybe you recently got married, or maybe you’ve just decided to live in sin. The pitfalls to avoid are the same. Here are my Top Ten lists of mistakes that women and men make when they decide to move in together. Feel free to post your own suggestions in this thread or comment on the ones made!

The Top Ten List of Mistakes That Girls Make

Do Not be high maintenance. If you are high maintenance, he probably knows it already. But part of living together is being open to spontaneous activities like ‘hey, let’s go grab some breakfast’ or ‘want to catch the 8pm flick at the movie theatre?’ If suggestions like this tend to throw you into a panic because you can’t get ready in a reasonable amount of time, then you need to reassess your beauty routine. Every woman should be able to prepare for random activities in 15 minutes or less. This might involve jeans, a ball-cap, lip-gloss and mascara. You will look sexy, casual and carefree to your man. He does not expect to be walking around with a glamour goddess 24/7. Unless you are a celebrity with your own legitimate paparazzi stalking you at all times, then dial-down the perfectionist tendencies and learn to roll with being spontaneous.

Do Not stop being the kinky girl you were before you moved in together. If you enthusiastically claimed to love anal sex, watersports or threesomes just to win him over during the early stages of dating, then rest assured he actually believed you! This means that after pretending to be Sasha Grey to seal the deal, you can’t just breath a sigh of relief and suddenly switch back to your usual bedroom persona of a Catholic nun and expect him not to feel like he was totally duped. Stopping all the kinky fun once you’ve achieved the commitment of cohabitation is not a wise idea. It’s called false advertising and be prepared for repercussions.

Do Not overly feminize the place. I know you used to sleep in pink sheets and that you kept your assorted bath bubbles and raspberry-mango body lotions scattered all over your bathroom counter when you lived alone. Maybe you have an attachment to that portrait of your cat(s) that you had an artist hand-paint for you that used to hang in your living room. Take the smarter option and tuck your girly things into drawers and store the feminine artwork, your Hello Kitty lamp and those adorable embroidered pillows at your mum’s house. Women often excel at decorating, but if you have a tendency towards things that are pink, frilly or involve cute, furry animals, then please scale it all back. Your place should appear as gender neutral as possible to ensure peaceful cohabitation. That also means that you can veto the Darth Vadar mask that he’s been trying to pass off as an artistic sculpture.

Do Not roll over with zit cream, with your hair in a bun while wearing flannel pajamas and expect him to find you desirable just because there is a willing woman in the bed. If you wore lingerie and a bit of gloss to bed while you were dating and now you wear a full body suit of clothing (deduct extra points if the flannel you wear contains designs of flowers or barnyard animals) then don’t be surprised if you’re only having sex twice a month. That’s not to say that you have to look like a Victoria’s Secret vixen at all times. It just means that if you have the urge to be intimate, put a little bit of effort into the seduction. Don’t forget, he’s not a sex toy with an on-off switch. Guy’s need a bit of attention and enticement too.

Do Not bore him with gossipy issues about your girlfriends that nobody cares about except for you. Some women have the tendency to tell their men everything. That includes secrets and details about their friend’s lives that he should never hear, especially if you enjoy couples activities and combined group get-togethers. Spilling petty gossip because it’s exciting or to make you look better to him by revealing how evil “other women” can be is not cool. It runs the risk of backfiring in your face if he spreads the word in your social group, or causing him to dislike these girls and wanting you to avoid them, or just plain boring him to tears in general. Keep the excessive girly gossip for your girly friends and spare him the drama.

Do Not attempt to lock down his freedom by trying to veto Guy’s Night Out. This also doesn’t mean that he should be out with the guys every single night either, but try to create a reasonable balance. You may hate his friends or think they are all man-whores, but they are part of the social network that existed long before you came into the picture. If you try to turn him against his friends and become unreasonably jealous and suspicious every time he goes out to the bar, you are going to alienate him and even worse make his buddies dislike you. When the bro-code really kicks in and they start convincing him that you are crazy and clingy, this could spell disaster for you. You’d be far smarter to have his friends like and respect you as a ‘cool girl’ because they might have your back when you’re not around or when he’s second-guessing your relationship down the road.

Do Not let him see you partaking in embarrassing female-behavior. If your regular maintenance involves bleaching your upper lip, plucking your chin hair or squeezing pus-filled bumps on your face, please do not half-hazardly allow him to witness these things by leaving the bathroom door open or doing it in front of him. He knows that you aren’t perfect and that strange grooming rituals go on, but he doesn’t need to watch it all go down and have those images burned into his psyche forever. Nor does he need to secretly worry that you might be sprouting a full femme-beard in 30 years just like your Aunt Edna.

Do Not start snooping for evidence that he is a cheating asshole. And if you do, be prepared that you might find it. Most girls don’t start digging for evidence unless they already have strong suspicions. But if you are one of those girls that is carrying a lot of ‘cheating’ and ‘evil-boyfriend’ baggage from the past, please don’t instantly project it onto the new guy. If you feel the need to constantly check up on him after you’ve moved in together, then you probably shouldn’t have moved in with this guy in the first place, right? If he finds you going through his computer history or scanning his text messages, you are going to look unstable and like you have major trust issues. You may legitimately have trust issues, but the key is to hide them and not let them rule and wreck your relationship.

Do Not withhold sex because he pissed you off. First, this game actually implies that you don’t like sex, and therefore the avoidance or denial of it doesn’t bother you one bit. This is not a good thing to suggest to your mate. This makes it seem like sex is a chore and he only gets it if he’s a ‘good boy.’ It might sound clever now, but if he ever needed that extra push to get him to hook up with that buxom female coworker who is always lingering at his desk at work, then this would be it. Creating a sex-starved male partner is like creating a cheating time-bomb. You don’t want to foster this kind of resentment and blue-balls frustration simply because he forgot to put the trash out or he shrank your favorite cashmere sweater in the wash.

Do Not make him your entire life just because you are living together. Yes, I know you’re in love and maybe have been waiting forever to get to finally play house with the guy all your girlfriends swore to you would never commit. Do not take this to mean that you now get to do everything together, like symbiotic twins that are attached together by the chains of cohabitation. You should have some weekend activities that you do on your own. In the past when you were dating, all your time spent together was condensed quality-couples time. Well, now you will have lots of time-fillers when you are supposed to operate as separate individuals, even though you may still be in visual proximity of each other. You used to be your own person with your own interests before you met him, so please don’t lose sight of that and become clingy and dependent on him for all your entertainment needs.

The Top Ten List of Mistakes That Guys Make:

Do Not assume that you now have a live-in maid. Just because a bonafide female is living with you does not mean that you can now become a total sloth and expect that your new happy home-maker will relish the opportunity to take care of you. Even if she initially appears happy to make extravagant dinners, wash the dishes and fold your underwear, the honeymoon period of nurturing you will wear thin after a while. Make an effort to help cook, do the grocery shopping and scrub the tub now and then. The more you do to help out or at least acknowledge her efforts, the more she will want to please and reward you later (hint hint!).

Do Not criticize her outfit choices for various occasions. If you think she is dressing too slutty for work or that her ass looks too fat in those yoga-pants that she wears to the gym, keep your mouth shut. If she didn’t ask for your honest opinion (and exercise caution with this one even if she does), then the only comments you make should be positive ones. Don't be controlling about her image or think that her low-cut top and mini-skirt means that she's prowling for an upgrade every time she goes somewhere without you.

Do Not start trying to keep her away from her single, wild girlfriends for fear that they will be bad influences on your newly committed girl. I know you think that ‘Kelly the Cokehead’ and ‘Trisha the Drunken Hoe’ are secretly trying to get their girlfriend back into their ‘single-girl’ fold. They are not. And even if they were, trust your girlfriend to understand her commitment to you and to be able to resist the temptations that come along with consorting with those kinds of friends.

Do Not… leave skidmarks! If you used to do the laundry and clean the bathroom sink only on the occasions she was coming over to your place before moving in, you need to continue to hide your unhygienic slip-ups. Now that you are living together this will potentially require greater effort. If you routinely leave gravy on your tighty-whities, do your own small batches of laundry when she’s not around (or better acquaint yourself with the miracle of toilet-paper).

Do Not make her feel like an idiot for watching reality-TV like The Bachelor, or MTV spin-offs about Hollywood socialites. It’s just mindless release, no different than your enjoyment of playing video games or surfing porn online.

Do Not continue to act like the single ‘playa’ that you used to be. Don’t worry, you are still allowed to go out on Boy’s Night and fly to Vegas for your buddy’s bachelor party. But if you find yourself still spending more time with your friends than you do with her and you know that she’s sitting at home and pouting or fretting about it, be considerate. This is not your roommate; this is your girlfriend/wife. That means letting her have priority sometimes and sending her a text if you’re going to get home from the bar later than 3am.

Do not think that romance can go out the window just because you expect to get laid every night. It's a wonderful thing to have a woman in your bed every night, however many men say that the sex goes downhill after they move in together? Is it because the availability of it makes it less desirable or exciting, or is because you feel like you can officially stop trying to seduce each other. Now since most men will take sex whenever they can get it, this means that women probably need a bit of romance or seduction to want to get kinky. Nothing works better than making a woman feel wanted. This doesn't mean you need to go the traditional route of flowers and expensive candle-lit dinners. It just means that she has to feel like you need and desire her on a greater spiritual and psychological level than when you already have a boner. Keep the sexual interplay alive, a little sexy growl in her ear, physical contact that doesn't immediately lead to something sexual, and a bit of creativity will keep her in the mood to be the sex-kitten you originally fell in love with.

Do Not compare her to other women that you used to live with such as ex-girlfriends or your mother. Unless you are Vinnie or Pauly D from Jersey Shore, the words “that’s not how my mother does it…” should not come out of your mouth when referring to cooking, cleaning or decorating.

Do Not invite all your buddies over for sports night or poker and expect her to serve everyone all night and still be game for an enthusiastic blow job to celebrate your bet wins after they leave. Schedule these nights for when she’s planning to be out of the house and be your own host. Don’t forget to clean up afterwards.

Do Not leave remnants of other women around your place. If you’ve been secretly storing a stash of sexy panties from your previous conquests, or you still have naked photos of your ex-girlfriend tucked into drawers that she might access… put them away into a lock-box (you can buy one cheaply from the hardware store) until you feel like you want to get rid of them, or until the demise of your current live-in relationship. Whichever comes first.
Do Not let him see you partaking in embarrassing female-behavior. If your regular maintenance involves bleaching your upper lip, plucking your chin hair or squeezing pus-filled bumps on your face, please do not half-hazardly allow him to witness these things by leaving the bathroom door open or doing it in front of him. He knows that you aren’t perfect and that strange grooming rituals go on, but he doesn’t need to watch it all go down and have those images burned into his psyche forever. Nor does he need to secretly worry that you might be sprouting a full femme-beard in 30 years just like your Aunt Edna.

Some guys don't care. Some guys have strange grooming rituals of their own.

Something like this makes me think girls out there will be developing self-esteem issues because they're worried their significant other will see them taking care of normal, every day, mundane shit and be horrified about it. Having a chin hair shouldn't mean hiding away; pluck the damn thing, stop being shallow and get on with the rest of your day.

I actually resented this part of your post. My husband has seen me pluck that rogue hair, and I've watched him trim his nose hair. Our sex life is still fine.

Why act like the human condition is an embarrassing disease?
Quote by Jingle
Do Not let him see you partaking in embarrassing female-behavior. If your regular maintenance involves bleaching your upper lip, plucking your chin hair or squeezing pus-filled bumps on your face, please do not half-hazardly allow him to witness these things by leaving the bathroom door open or doing it in front of him. He knows that you aren’t perfect and that strange grooming rituals go on, but he doesn’t need to watch it all go down and have those images burned into his psyche forever. Nor does he need to secretly worry that you might be sprouting a full femme-beard in 30 years just like your Aunt Edna.

Some guys don't care. Some guys have strange grooming rituals of their own.

Something like this makes me think girls out there will be developing self-esteem issues because they're worried their significant other will see them taking care of normal, every day, mundane shit and be horrified about it. Having a chin hair shouldn't mean hiding away; pluck the damn thing, stop being shallow and get on with the rest of your day.

I actually resented this part of your post. My husband has seen me pluck that rogue hair, and I've watched him trim his nose hair. Our sex life is still fine.

Why act like the human condition is an embarrassing disease?

Probably a good idea at the start but eventually you're going to need someone to squeeze that spot on your back that you can't reach.
Quote by Jingle
Do Not let him see you partaking in embarrassing female-behavior. If your regular maintenance involves bleaching your upper lip, plucking your chin hair or squeezing pus-filled bumps on your face, please do not half-hazardly allow him to witness these things by leaving the bathroom door open or doing it in front of him. He knows that you aren’t perfect and that strange grooming rituals go on, but he doesn’t need to watch it all go down and have those images burned into his psyche forever. Nor does he need to secretly worry that you might be sprouting a full femme-beard in 30 years just like your Aunt Edna.

Some guys don't care. Some guys have strange grooming rituals of their own.

Something like this makes me think girls out there will be developing self-esteem issues because they're worried their significant other will see them taking care of normal, every day, mundane shit and be horrified about it. Having a chin hair shouldn't mean hiding away; pluck the damn thing, stop being shallow and get on with the rest of your day.

I actually resented this part of your post. My husband has seen me pluck that rogue hair, and I've watched him trim his nose hair. Our sex life is still fine.

Why act like the human condition is an embarrassing disease?

We do it for the same reason that we close the bathroom door when we are using the toilet... simply because we can.

Now I can appreciate the true naturalists that believe that there is no bodily function or grooming ritual that is too private for their significant other to watch. In some cases, grooming and assorted bodily function can also operate as a sexually arousing fetish.

For those who don't enjoy this kind of fetish and are reasonably young and active enough to not require their partner's assistance in their bathroom habits, my advice remains quite simply to close the bathroom door. You have just moved in together and are in that dreamy honeymoon period where there is still an air of mystery about each other. There is no need to have it come crashing down prematurely.

I wouldn't want to watch my man trying to squeeze that nasty boil on his groin or observe him picking his nose or teeth anymore than I would be happy about him lounging in the bathroom door while I waxed my pubes or bleached my asshole.

There is no need to fear self-esteem issues. We all have our maintenance routines. It's not about being ashamed of it, it's about not needing to expose your new mate to the side-show of watching it all happen. This is not to say that if your significant other sees you doing these things, it spells instant doom. But men, especially, are visual creatures. A man that just moved with a girl might not to ready to see it all hanging out, know what I mean?

Privacy is often underrated and amazingly easy to achieve in most cases. It sometimes falls victim to the "well if he really loves me, he shouldn't care" debate (which I shall leave for another time).
Im just wondering where you got this 'Insightful' information from as these are just baseless facts. If you have decided to move in together or got married then you knew what you were getting into regardless. If you didnt then you are a dumb ass for not getting to know your partner properly simple as that. There are no dos or donts to living with the one you love. Just love and believe in them and things should work out. And for future reference any man or woman that expects their partner to have sex with them when they are angry with them is a fool. *edit* This person is not a new mate unless you move in with someone the first day you meet them you should have known them for a year maybe more before moving in or marrying
Quote by Olivia
Quote by Jingle


more stuff

Maybe a better way of posting the idea would be to say 'ease him into it gradually - it's a better idea to not drop your feminine mystique all at once' than to say 'hide when you do it because it's embarrassing and gross'.

I can certainly understand not suddenly exposing all the cracks under the foundation all at once, but can we please not act like it's a strange fetish if you don't care if you see someone use a nose hair trimmer?
Quote by GiganticTager
Im just wondering where you got this 'Insightful' information from as these are just baseless facts.

Unfortunately advice doesn't come in the form of facts, nor is it a one-size-fits-all concept.

Thank you for contributing your own advice on the topic.

People are free to agree or disagree.
Quote by Olivia
Quote by GiganticTager
Im just wondering where you got this 'Insightful' information from as these are just baseless facts.

Unfortunately advice doesn't come in the form of facts, nor is it a one-size-fits-all concept.

Thank you for contributing your own advice on the topic.

People are free to agree or disagree.

Quote by Olivia
So you’ve just taken that big step from dating to actually moving in together. Congratulations! Maybe you recently got married, or maybe you’ve just decided to live in sin. The pitfalls to avoid are the same. Here are my Top Ten lists of mistakes that women and men make when they decide to move in together. Feel free to post your own suggestions in this thread or comment on the ones made!

Unfortunately your post insinuates that there is factual basis to your 'top ten'. If you intended this as advice then perhaps you shouldn't have chosen a women's magazine style do's and don't's fact sheet lay out and just given out your advice normally.This is not to flame your post or your actual advice as some of it can be taken on board just pointing out how it can be misinterpreted in such a way
Quote by GiganticTager

Unfortunately your post insinuates that there is factual basis to your 'top ten'. If you intended this as advice then perhaps you shouldn't have chosen a women's magazine style do's and don't's fact sheet lay out and just given out your advice normally.This is not to flame your post or your actual advice as some of it can be taken on board just pointing out how it can be misinterpreted in such a way

Actually I meant it as a fun Top Ten list of Do's and Don'ts. When I said "here are my top ten lists of mistakes" I'm uncertain as to how you felt this was insinuating that it was 'factual'. The layout was chosen purely for entertainment purposes, as most Top Ten social commentaries are intended to be.
Quote by Olivia
Quote by GiganticTager

Unfortunately your post insinuates that there is factual basis to your 'top ten'. If you intended this as advice then perhaps you shouldn't have chosen a women's magazine style do's and don't's fact sheet lay out and just given out your advice normally.This is not to flame your post or your actual advice as some of it can be taken on board just pointing out how it can be misinterpreted in such a way

Actually I meant it as a fun Top Ten list of Do's and Don'ts. When I said "here are my top ten lists of mistakes" I'm uncertain as to how you felt this was insinuating that it was 'factual'. The layout was chosen purely for entertainment purposes, as most Top Ten social commentaries are intended to be.

The simple fact that you state this as a 'top ten' means you have done some form of research into the field there fore making them factual. If these are based off of your own generalised opinion. Most top ten social commentaries follow this rule of research so if you haven't then you shouldn't be posting in this format anyway seeing as it would be misrepresenting the 'advice' you are attempting to give as 'information'. Do you feel that people should not do anything your list says? Or are these supposed to be 'guidelines'?
Quote by Jingle
Do Not let him see you partaking in embarrassing female-behavior. If your regular maintenance involves bleaching your upper lip, plucking your chin hair or squeezing pus-filled bumps on your face, please do not half-hazardly allow him to witness these things by leaving the bathroom door open or doing it in front of him. He knows that you aren’t perfect and that strange grooming rituals go on, but he doesn’t need to watch it all go down and have those images burned into his psyche forever. Nor does he need to secretly worry that you might be sprouting a full femme-beard in 30 years just like your Aunt Edna.

Some guys don't care. Some guys have strange grooming rituals of their own.

Something like this makes me think girls out there will be developing self-esteem issues because they're worried their significant other will see them taking care of normal, every day, mundane shit and be horrified about it. Having a chin hair shouldn't mean hiding away; pluck the damn thing, stop being shallow and get on with the rest of your day.

I actually resented this part of your post. My husband has seen me pluck that rogue hair, and I've watched him trim his nose hair. Our sex life is still fine.

Why act like the human condition is an embarrassing disease?

This reminded me about a 'wife swap' show, I watched recently. The husband - who only preferred to see his wife in makeup - was sent by his 'new' wife to a spa and beauty centre. Upon returning home, he told his 'new' wife about his new found knowledge, stating that he appreciates his wife even more (now with tears in his eyes) after seeing what she has to go through to look beautiful for him.

I would suggest before moving in or marrying, to actually spend some nights over each others place to get to know each others bad habits rather than change who you are. Everyone in a relationship relaxes after a certain time and pretending to be someone who you are not, will only lead to disappointment.
Quote by Olivia
So you’ve just taken that big step from dating to actually moving in together. Congratulations! Maybe you recently got married, or maybe you’ve just decided to live in sin. The pitfalls to avoid are the same. Here are my Top Ten lists of mistakes that women and men make when they decide to move in together. Feel free to post your own suggestions in this thread or comment on the ones made!

Thank you for posting your list! I agree with pretty much all of it, but I'd like to add that it doesn't just apply to people who've recently moved in together or just got married. I still like to keep an air of mystique about me even after seventeen years with my husband. I think familiarity breeds intimacy in some ways, but in regards to bodily functions and grooming habits, there are some things I just don't want or need to know. Watching him stand at the sink and shave is one thing, having him come into the bathroom to pee while I'm in there is another.
So really? I should quit hassling her about watching reality TV?

I can do that. Even though I HATE reality TV, I can quit hassling her about that. I can always go in my study and play on the Lush Forum while she watches that stuff.

I think we are cool on all the other items on the list.

She had already decorated the apartment very girlie before I moved in and we got married, But Hey! She not only let me, but she asked me to put some animal heads on the wall in the den. We call it the Safari Room. But I really think she should quit teasing me about the stuffed Bobcat that is sitting on the mantle. I hated to, but had to shoot it to save a very expensive dog. Then I hated to waste the Bobcat so I had it stuffed and it fits perfectly on the rather large mantle. My wife derives great pleasure in telling all of our friends that I shot the neighbor's cat. She thinks it is so funny. Our friends do too! Damn. A Bobcat does not look like the neighbor's cat unless that thing has been on massive amounts of steroids!

Skidmarks? Damn..that's gross!
I think it is an extremely accurate list. im worried about the fact that "skidmarks" are common anough to u though that u have to put them on ur list. I had assumed that that stopped with everyone at around age 5-7
I've a female friend who will not consider marrying a man unless she has an opportunity to...

a. Shack up with him for at least a few months.

b. Spend a few weekends or weeks, living in sin at each other's habitat.

I am of a similar train of thought as well.

For instance, much like a Hollywood produced movie which asks me to suspend belief in the possible, probable or impossible - I know and hope (in the back of my mind) that your bowels work excellently and regularly.

I simply do not need visual, audible nor olfactory evidence of such, to endear you further to my heart.

I'm your boyfriend and I love to lick you from starfish to clit hood with great regularity. I'm not your Gyno.

When I shack up with a woman, I do insist on separate bathrooms (and she can have the larger more comfortable one). Just keep that sumbitch clean, will ya? I'm talking tub/shower enclosure, toilet bowl, any carpeted areas, sink and counter top.

I'm not a slob and my girlfriend - if she is one, will not be my girlfriend for longer than the initial lease period.

Then it is on - to the my next victim.

Excellent thread, Olivia - but you could've had a top 10 dozen!
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Olivia´s points are all good and I agree that living with someone is completely different then living alone and this usually causes contrasts and conflicts.

This is why I am a firm believer of living with someone before you get married. I´ve seen too many of my friends divorcing because they discovered a side of their "loved" one that they did not know existed after moving in.

There are things that any human being cannot keep "hidden" forever. She´s going to find the stack of porn, he is going to discover women don´t shit roses. This list could go on and on and on...

However, one should be open to adjust and compromise to make the "decision" work. It can´t be "my way" or "your way" - if the couple can´t create "our way" then there is absolutely no chance the relationship will go forward even if they follow every single advice on Olivia´s list.

Good luck everyone - ´cause living with yourself is already hard enough.
Quote by 1curiouscat
Good luck everyone - ´cause living with yourself is already hard enough.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
" him lounging in the bathroom door while I waxed my pubes or bleached my asshole."

I think anybody who knows about bleached holes is way qualified to determine 10 mistakes.

I'm so naive, do people really do that?
Quote by fish1212
" him lounging in the bathroom door while I waxed my pubes or bleached my asshole."

I think anybody who knows about bleached holes is way qualified to determine 10 mistakes.

I'm so naive, do people really do that?

Why, yes of course. It's quite common nowadays (with women and men!)... quite often I bleach mine whilst I am surfing online, with my morning cup of earl grey tea.

You can get this done at the salon by a qualified technician, but many people prefer to do it at home for privacy reasons.

It originated with adult film stars, porn models and the exotic dancing industry for cosmetic reasons, but you know how it goes when people get exposed to these kinds of images and impressions of what society qualifies as 'sexy.' Now it's just become yet another maintenance habit. 'Anal bleaching' is like the new 'brazilian wax'...
Quote by Olivia
Quote by GiganticTager

Unfortunately your post insinuates that there is factual basis to your 'top ten'. If you intended this as advice then perhaps you shouldn't have chosen a women's magazine style do's and don't's fact sheet lay out and just given out your advice normally.This is not to flame your post or your actual advice as some of it can be taken on board just pointing out how it can be misinterpreted in such a way

Actually I meant it as a fun Top Ten list of Do's and Don'ts. When I said "here are my top ten lists of mistakes" I'm uncertain as to how you felt this was insinuating that it was 'factual'. The layout was chosen purely for entertainment purposes, as most Top Ten social commentaries are intended to be.

I agree with your list. And it's not like you titled it the Top Ten Commandments from Lord your God and ye must follow them or face the firey pits of hell! Most of it is pretty common sense stuff yet easily overlooked during the first passionate days/weeks of a relationship/shack-up. Good advice for sure. Advice, not mandates.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Quote by Lisa
Thank you for posting your list! I agree with pretty much all of it, but I'd like to add that it doesn't just apply to people who've recently moved in together or just got married. I still like to keep an air of mystique about me even after seventeen years with my husband. I think familiarity breeds intimacy in some ways, but in regards to bodily functions and grooming habits, there are some things I just don't want or need to know. Watching him stand at the sink and shave is one thing, having him come into the bathroom to pee while I'm in there is another.

I've always insisted on dual master bathrooms. I'll even take the one not attached directly to the master bedroom. I also would prefer to know if my significant other feels that it's acceptable to groom herself over the kitchen sink, out on the back deck, while tanning...or while driving down the street, 25 minutes before she needs to be at some appointment or her employer's office.

I also won't commit to a lifelong marriage without the required test drive cohabitation period.

Great advice Olivia! Keep on rocking

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Don't be persuaded to join your partner's bad habit's, if you do; they eventually will become your bad habits too!
Your post was right on the money! I moved in with my lover a little more than a year ago and I am so happy to say that I am amazed at how incredible our love and sex life continues to get smile. I have to say that it is the most wonderful experience of my life .Neither of us changed our routines from before we lived together and continue to have our own routines. We are able to be 100% open with each other and hide nothing. We have both been able to indulge ourselves and each other with fantasies, role playing and mind blowing sex!! We have been able to pursue our own enjoyment of porn and masturbation habits and it has strengthened our relationship to be honest and realize that YES it is normal and has proven to be a huge turn on for both of us. Thank you for allowing me to share.
Quote by hotatfifty
Your post was right on the money! I moved in with my lover a little more than a year ago and I am so happy to say that I am amazed at how incredible our love and sex life continues to get smile. I have to say that it is the most wonderful experience of my life .Neither of us changed our routines from before we lived together and continue to have our own routines. We are able to be 100% open with each other and hide nothing. We have both been able to indulge ourselves and each other with fantasies, role playing and mind blowing sex!! We have been able to pursue our own enjoyment of porn and masturbation habits and it has strengthened our relationship to be honest and realize that YES it is normal and has proven to be a huge turn on for both of us. Thank you for allowing me to share.

A case of bad habit's actually being a good habit ha ha just don't forget the nun's habit LOL
Quote by hotatfifty
Your post was right on the money! I moved in with my lover a little more than a year ago and I am so happy to say that I am amazed at how incredible our love and sex life continues to get smile. I have to say that it is the most wonderful experience of my life .Neither of us changed our routines from before we lived together and continue to have our own routines. We are able to be 100% open with each other and hide nothing. We have both been able to indulge ourselves and each other with fantasies, role playing and mind blowing sex!! We have been able to pursue our own enjoyment of porn and masturbation habits and it has strengthened our relationship to be honest and realize that YES it is normal and has proven to be a huge turn on for both of us. Thank you for allowing me to share.

A case of a bad habit being a good one... don't forget the Nun's habit LOL