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Can you truly trust a person after they cheat?

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Not in my experience, but in that case I was also trapped in an extremely abusive relationship (which I am recently liberated from!). She was specifically cheating with the goal of hurting me – as she later bragged about to others as well as myself. Even after we had opened relationship to a non-monogamous status, she would go have unprotected sex with others and not tell me about it until later, because... I don't even know. She doesn't care about the sexual health of others? I think cheating is the only way she enjoys sex. Maybe? Doesn't really matter at this point, I guess. I finally moved out three weeks ago and I have literally never been happier.
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Quote by She
I finally moved out three weeks ago and I have literally never been happier.

Good for you!


I would like to think it is possible, but the lying has to stop for it to even begin to happen.

How wonderful life is while you're in the world
Absolutely not
For me I will say yes, but things in the relationship would have to be looked at like the reason why.
No you can't. Once a cheater, always a cheater.
No,once a cheat always a cheat,and once a liar always a liar.A leopard never changes its spots!
The answer is No. Not because a leopard never changes its spots (as Dancewithwolves10 pointed out above), but because we, as humans, can forgive but we can't forget. Especially when it is something that causes us physical or emotional harm and injury. Cheating does both which is one reason I value honesty (and its cousin, openness) and commitment so much. If you have a truly committed relationship, you can be open with the other person knowing that they aren't going to hold it against you, even if they disagree. Commitment requires an element of trust and requires an equal commitment from the other person to work. (Sorry, but we're all individuals and relationships are always one-to-one although you can have equal relationships with more than one person. Each relationship has to stand on its own and is independent from any other relationship(s) you may have or that the other person might have.)
No. Been there, done that, Have the t-shirt. Once they cheat, more likely to do it again.
yes but it takes 100% commitment
No, Cheating and the thrills that accompany it are HARD habits to break. I know from my on experience.
I remember my father telling me: Unhappy people cheat. It can be taking another lover, at the card table, the gold course, or in a business deal.
If you're unhappy you need to take something more then you're supposed to have, to hold back your own misery.

So if I'm cheating I must be unhappy, I may not be able to put it into words. It may be I have a fear of intimacy, poor impulse control or a thousand other excuses.
In the end it's because I'm unhappy and I'm chasing something to blot that out.

So can you trust a cheater, absolutely. You can always trust someone to be their nature. You can trust the cheater will chase new prey, will invent excuses to hide behind.
Some people respond by giving the cheater free reign to do it. Changing the nature of the relationship from it being an act of betrayl to something else.
There seem to be many swingers, sharers, people in poly relationships, and even happy cuckolds and cuckqueeens.
For some once the illicit thrill of the secret isn't required the fun goes out of the straying and they stop.

Each of us is responsible for our own choices in life, we must take the credit and the blame for them. Anything else is just doomed to failure and compels the other people in our life to take on archetype roles.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.

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YES, I feel Cheaters should be give a 2nd and 3rd Chance
In my opinion..If, you like fucking them..Keep Fucking them