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Am I in an abusive relationship?

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Quote by nickatplay
Wtf do you know, overmykneenow? I think for you to pick those words out of the whole of my post shows you know very little and understand less.

Let's have some respect and reality here...

I NEVER write BDSM... (I don't REALLY get it, so I don't paddle in that pool...)

I DO have a Cyber Lover I FREQUENTLY refer to a as slut, and worse, (I ASKED her permission to do that!) and it's one of our jokes that at CERTAIN times she'll remind of what is in fact MY equal dependence on HER!!!

If someone suggested to me that I was in fact A DOM as commonly (mis) understood by that term I'd really object to that, and yet, in SOME WAYS I guess I occasionally play that role as part of a MUCH bigger, more involving (and I believe) passionate, loving and respectful game...

Both of us are writers, both aware our Cyber Play is JUST that, but of course elements of reality sometimes creep in, usually making the scenes more believable, intense and "real'... And HIGHLY enjoyable, (and often very funny...) for both of us.

Example: We disagree politically on a lot of things and when that comes up in what can be argumentative discussion, my "Little Hooker" often ACES me by saying, "Yeah, you can SAY that but you're the one who likes licking my dirty Republican panties you kinky LIBERAL!!!"

There's no real comeback on that!!! Because it's TRUE!!!

My point is this... Be VERY VERY careful how you GENERALISE about what happens in ANYONE else's "bedroom" or wherever indeed... My LIMITED understanding of a TRUE Sub/Dom partnership leads me to believe it is indeed JUST THAT, a PARTNERSHIP...

As it happens, I think that OMKN, (a moniker that might indicate a certain DOM sensibility?) was touched as many of us were by the initial post and rushed to guard/protect a fellow member from possible exploitation... A noble goal EXCEPT when one is not in possession of all the facts.

So play nice, Kids!

xx Stephen
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by nickatplay
Wtf do you know, overmykneenow? I think for you to pick those words out of the whole of my post shows you know very little and understand less.

I understand how the peanut gallery's response can worsen the abuse a person's going through, which is probably one of the many reasons they're reluctant to come forward about said abuse in the first place, so I'll try to be sensitive here.

Lucy came here to open up about her abuse because she felt safe enough to do so. In return, she got great advice/offers of support from those sympathetic and empathetic to her situation.

Cue you, coming in to say how you're appalled...and then to creepily (yes, it was creepy) go on about how she's so responsive to your training and how great of a sub she is and how wonderful of a dom you are. It just all seems a bit...strange. Like, what was the point? Was it to offer her support? If so, great. But how's that helping her real-life, away from the internet situation?

Am I being presumptuous? Probably. But only because you haven't presented much of anything other than self-exaltation.

So asking someone 'What the fuck do you know?' when you yourself haven't presented much is unfair. Also, words like that can be very isolating, especially in relation to someone who's publicly asking for support. 'What do these people know, anyhow? They don't know us or our situation.' Do you see where I'm going with this?

Anyway Lucy, I think you're very strong for acknowledging your situation and knowing that it's not right. That's a giant leap in the right direction, and I commend you for being strong enough to take it. I truly wish you all the best.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Wild at Heart
Quote by nickatplay
Hi there everyone, I am Lucy's Master, and introduced her to Lush. I apologise for not having contributed here before but I have been offline due to a hardware issue.

On Lucy's behalf, I would like to thank you all for your good advice and positive thoughts directed towards Lucy. I am sure she has not mentioned me out of respect and discretion, but I can assure you all that over the past three months I have enjoyed training her in teaching her about her submissive side. She is a delight to bring new experiences to, but there are many years of contrary behaviour to correct.

Indeed, the quality of our sex has maybe had an impact on her decision, but I know this process, these thoughts, started more than a few months ago. I have offered advice when asked, and provided support. But it wasn't until last week, when she shared with me her original post, that I understood the nature of her married relationship, and like you, was horrified. I defined the relationship as being Dom/sub, with none of the respect or pleasure, and therefore, effectively abusive. She is attempting to increase her network of friends, having been stifled over the years.

As an involved party, but not really involved, I am seeking to respect her decision. I am recently separated myself (7 months), after a long marriage, so feel I can offer relevant advice.

So I wanted you to know that I exist, and that my Lucy Slut is performing above expectations, and receiving comfort in that sense. I suppose practical help at this stage would be if anyone has a flat share available in London, then message Lucy. I know that is occupying her time and energy. In the meantime, rest assured that she has my support. Thanks to all. xx

This thread was pretty depressing to read through until this post...that's just hilarious.
Quote by Magical_felix

This thread was pretty depressing to read through until this post...that's just hilarious.

I THOUGHT it was incredibly brave and uplifting...

(Up until that post!!!)

xx SF


(It was ILL-Timed, UNWISE to steam in with such a post in such a thread, PERHAPS... And to point out, OUR LUCY has made her decision so NOW we are all talking about something QUITE DIFFERENT to Lucky Bee's initial post...)

xx SF
Rookie Scribe
Hi all

A quick update - I am moving within the next week, having found a lovely place to rent. Whether I can leave quietly or not remains to be seen but I am prepared to face the fear and do it anyway.

I don't need to defend my Dom : ) - but just to add, I have been seeing my marriage more and more negatively over the last year. It is just perhaps that more recently, having spent time with Master Nick has accelerated some of those reflections because I have noticed how differently he treats me - ie - with respect.

He has helped me explore my sexually submissive side in a positive way and that is wonderful.

I am learning a lot with my counsellor about my own behaviour so I can really work at having better relationships full stop.

Well, wish me luck for the great escape!!
Quote by lucybee
Hi all

A quick update - I am moving within the next week, having found a lovely place to rent. Whether I can leave quietly or not remains to be seen but I am prepared to face the fear and do it anyway.

I don't need to defend my Dom : ) - but just to add, I have been seeing my marriage more and more negatively over the last year. It is just perhaps that more recently, having spent time with Master Nick has accelerated some of those reflections because I have noticed how differently he treats me - ie - with respect.

He has helped me explore my sexually submissive side in a positive way and that is wonderful.

I am learning a lot with my counsellor about my own behaviour so I can really work at having better relationships full stop.

Well, wish me luck for the great escape!!

Midnight HERE in Dubh Linn... (I sleep BETTER because THE BEE is happy...)



(If SOME of us are GUARDING of you it is only because we CARE...)

Such a BRAVE girl... (So proud of you, Buzzy Mop...)

xx SF
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Daddypleaser
That sounds like a stressful way to live. PM me if you'd like. I'm a great listener. I've been there before. No two situations are the same, but I can relate to the "nervous feeling".
Please- open up to someone. I am here and willing, but if not to me, please open up to someone.

what wonderful advice
There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable."

C'è un fascino per il proibito che lo rende indicibilmente desiderabile.

— Mark Twain
There has been a lot of great advice but even with therapy he probably won't change. A 16 year marriage is more than just a relationship. Are you able to talk with him about his behavior? Is he aware of his actions? Do you feel unsafe?

I empathize with your situation. My father was much the same as you describe your husband. The psychological abuse I still carry with me. I like that you are aware and seek escape. Talk to a family member. If it escalates then leave and don't look back. Only you know your options.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dani

I understand how the peanut gallery's response can worsen the abuse a person's going through, which is probably one of the many reasons they're reluctant to come forward about said abuse in the first place, so I'll try to be sensitive here.

Lucy came here to open up about her abuse because she felt safe enough to do so. In return, she got great advice/offers of support from those sympathetic and empathetic to her situation.

Cue you, coming in to say how you're appalled...and then to creepily (yes, it was creepy) go on about how she's so responsive to your training and how great of a sub she is and how wonderful of a dom you are. It just all seems a bit...strange. Like, what was the point? Was it to offer her support? If so, great. But how's that helping her real-life, away from the internet situation?

Am I being presumptuous? Probably. But only because you haven't presented much of anything other than self-exaltation.

So asking someone 'What the fuck do you know?' when you yourself haven't presented much is unfair. Also, words like that can be very isolating, especially in relation to someone who's publicly asking for support. 'What do these people know, anyhow? They don't know us or our situation.' Do you see where I'm going with this?

Anyway Lucy, I think you're very strong for acknowledging your situation and knowing that it's not right. That's a giant leap in the right direction, and I commend you for being strong enough to take it. I truly wish you all the best.

Dani, your comments mystify me. First, where did I say I was appalled? Then, what do you want me to present? This is about Lucy, not me, and I posted here to show that she has my support, as she explains, and a friend to rely on. I also wanted to thank everyone for their support to her, and I reiterate that here.
Quote by Magical_felix

This thread was pretty depressing to read through until this post...that's just hilarious.

I have to agree with you there MF. (just a little)

I don't see the relevance of what some of that has to do with her in her being in an abusive relationship. Or for us to all know but whatever.

Good luck Lucy.
Wild at Heart
Quote by lucybee
Hi all

A quick update - I am moving within the next week, having found a lovely place to rent. Whether I can leave quietly or not remains to be seen but I am prepared to face the fear and do it anyway.

I don't need to defend my Dom : ) - but just to add, I have been seeing my marriage more and more negatively over the last year. It is just perhaps that more recently, having spent time with Master Nick has accelerated some of those reflections because I have noticed how differently he treats me - ie - with respect.

He has helped me explore my sexually submissive side in a positive way and that is wonderful.

I am learning a lot with my counsellor about my own behavior so I can really work at having better relationships full stop.

Well, wish me luck for the great escape!!

Okay, hold the phone... So you were having trouble with your marriage but you were also engaged in a real life dom/sub relationship on the side? ....It doesn't take a detective to sniff out a problem with this scenario.

You say your master nick made you see the light because he treats you with respect? Respect?? Yet, in this thread where you expose some pretty personal shit he comes in to basically brag? (I use the word brag from "master" nick's perspective because to me, it is cringeworthy at best.) But he did come in to brag. It's so fucking repulsive if true. Vomit, comes to mind. But It smells more like bullshit to me. It all smells heavily of bullshit. It's so off-putting and fascinating at the same time, wether true or not. I wish I could see every motivation behind all of this nonsense.

"Oh my god I'm leaving my husband, he sucks."

"This is so horrible... BUT I have trained my sub in the ways of the lifestyle and treated her with respect. The quality of sex I have shown her ass has influenced her decision to leave her husband."

Look, I know that sex is the ultimate motivator. But the way it has been presented in this thread. In such a bullshit fashion. In a "I'm going to come brag on the internet" stupid ass bullshit fashion... Is just so fucking stupid beyond belief. The reality of you and master nick makes me feel so sorry for you. If 'you' and 'master nick' are even more than one person.

If it's true... You two must be some pathetic ass coupling.

If it isn't true and you're posting this for whatever weird reason... It is truly sad.
Wild at Heart
Quote by BDSMBarbieDoll

I have to agree with you there MF. (just a little)

I don't see the relevance of what some of that has to do with her in her being in an abusive relationship. Or for us to all know but whatever.

Good luck Lucy.

It's bullshit.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix

It's bullshit.

I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Wild at Heart
Quote by overmykneenow

I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that

And I think we probably aren't the only two thinking it either.