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Author's Notes

"This is an entirely fantasy story about two fictional girls, Jess and Holly. They get a Job at a hot tub place and enjoy some lesbian action together. Both of Holly's parents spy on them separately, Holly's Dad also videos Jess. There is less sexual content in this part, but it sets up later parts with more varied content."

Friday finally arrived. In one way it seemed to have taken forever, but the fear of the unknown meant it was ever present in the girl’s thoughts. They met Jimmy and he drove them to the club. Jack was very pleased when they confirmed they wanted to join. They met Mary again and each spent about half an hour with her.

"To make sure anything we get you fits," she said as she noted down their vital statistics. "It also helps the members have an idea what you are like." 

She was very meticulous as she weighed and checked them very diligently. Neither girl had ever been examined so thoroughly. They got private prescriptions for the pill and were told they could start to take it and would be protected in a week.

Holly was finished first and went back through to Jack, he had a kind of menu on his IPad that he showed her. When she looked more closely it was a huge list of sexual things which he asked her to tick or select all the things she would be happy to do.

The list was pretty detailed and in sections. Each section seemed to Holly to be very all or nothing. In the straight sex section, she ticked yes. All the rest seemed to be varied positions and indoor or outdoor or being watched, so she ticked it all. She had left a few later sections blank. There were things about bondage, humiliation, and punishment, and she also left all that blank. Some questions asked if she would meet girls, men, couples, or groups. She explained to Jack that she and Jess had slept together so she thought it would be OK.

“But what if someone wants something I don't know about?”

"Then put beginner or novice, in the comment," Jack told her. "You can always change your mind later on. You've got plenty of things there to keep a lot of people very happy. Most really just want to treat you like a girlfriend anyway."

Jess walked through as Holly finished. Jack called Jimmy and he took Holly through to a little studio and he showed her a selection of panties. Mostly lacy white ones, but a pair of quite plain white ones too. All were slightly different.

"Don't worry. I take the photos, but I'm not into girls. That’s why Jack trusts me so much. You can change behind the screen. We need to do a couple of full-body nudes but no face, for members to choose from. If you've got tight underwear on take it off now so any marks fade. We'll do the body shots last. Let’s start with the panties."

Holly went behind the screen and put on the first pair of panties, and also loosely put her blouse back on. She and Jimmy ran through all the pictures. There were front and rear close-ups of the panties, then the nude body pictures. Holly did her best to pose as Jimmy asked. She felt a twinge of sadness that nothing she did had any effect on him. Jimmy was very professional, and Holly found the whole experience quite a turn-on. As she put the last pair of panties back on she could feel her pussy already damp and didn't want to waste it.

Holly got dressed picked up all the other panties and went back to Jack’s office. Jess was just finishing up with her questions, Jack thanked her and sent her through to Jimmy.

"So Holly, what are we going to call you here?" Jack asked.

"I quite fancy being a Hermione, like in Harry Potter," Holly said.

"Done, Perfect, we don't have one, and lots of men fancy her, so that’s a head start for you though you've got a lot more boob than she ever had," Jack chuckled.

Jack and Holly chatted about the early days with the firm, and he went back over all the rules. Then he explained that some girls preferred to do a party early on almost like a coming out or debutante.

"What did she think?" Jack asked.

"Would we do that together Jess and I, or would we be on our own?"

"It’s up to you both, and you can decide if it’s guys, couples, or girls too."

Holly looked thoughtfully at Jack for a while and then spoke.

"I don't know how to explain it," Holly started slowly. "When we first went to the glory hole we never knew who would come. We never knew if anyone would come, or what they might ask. When we went on the picnic and you asked about the couple we met on the way down and about them joining in, it thrilled me. It’s the unknown or random things, does that make sense?" Holly paused and went on. "I think somehow I would like to be in a situation that just seems to be a little not in control, so I would not know what might happen." Holly fell silent and looked at Jack.

Jack looked thoughtful.

"I don't want to be abused or hurt I didn't tick any of those things, but also don't want to have things so pre-arranged and setup. I almost wish I could do an evening in the park - but safely."

"Let me think what we can arrange," Jack spoke at last.

Just then Jess came back with a bag of panties in hand.

"I loved that such a sexy thing having professional pictures taken while fingering myself, and with toys…"

"What the fuck!" Jack exclaimed and jumped up, raging towards the door.

"Wait, wait," Jess called.

"Gotcha, I’m only kidding. Just like £120 for a blowjob," she laughed out loud, Jack didn't seem too happy.

"Jess please do take this seriously, we do, please."

"I'm only teasing, sorry," Jess said feeling like she was about to get detention.

Jack went over everything again with Jess as he had with Holly.

"So what name did you want to use?" he asked.

"Can I be Juliet"?

"I can't believe no one has ever asked for that, so yes, Juliet it is."

They talked about parties and Jack asked if there was anything in particular she would like to experience or try.

"I'd like to meet a proper couple, a married couple, it’s a fantasy I guess." Jess almost felt she was confessing.

"Why don't we set you up with a nice couple whom I've known quite a time, they live not too far away. They like to have a girl stay over for a night. We trust them, and if they know it’s your first time they will take their time. If they know you are new they will enjoy it all the more knowing they are showing you the ropes so to speak, perhaps before we have a party for you."

"Do you girls want a nice Saturday or Sunday job over at the spa place? It’s a long walk or a bus ride from around where you live, but we'll make sure you’re dropped home most times. It’s a good cover for earning some cash, bring in someone to buy one and you'll get a commission too! We had a couple of girls who used to work there but they left a while ago, and I think it could be a lot of fun."

The girls looked at each other, smiled, and nodded.

"Great, see you there in the morning. I'll drop in and introduce you to everyone, get you started and leave you to it."

"You had better get off home, it’s gone six already. See you at about eleven in the morning. Just come casual, I'm sure there are shorts, tee's, and fleeces in company colours there."

Jimmy led the way out to the garage and drove them a few hundred yards from home.

"What did you tick on your likes list?" They asked each other.

The walk home covered all the main points. Both had ticked about the same, except Holly had put beginner for Anal and had also ticked watersports beginner under fetish.

"I thought it sounded kind of kinky and naughty," she said.

Jess just shrugged.

"Did Jack ask if you wanted to try anything?" Holly asked.

"Yes, I said I wanted to meet a real couple, a man and woman together," Jess replied.

"What are you going to wear tomorrow?" Holly asked. "I'm thinking about taking a one-piece swimmer with me. A bikini seems a bit too obvious."

"I think you might be right, but I might bring one in my bag anyway, just in case," Jess replied.

"Good idea."

The girls arrived at Holly’s house and went in, they called ‘hi’ to Holly's Mum who asked where they had been.

“We have been over to the garden centre. We both got a job starting tomorrow to save some holiday money, sorry we’re late.”

Friday night takeaway passed as normal with lots of chat and some junk television. The girls retired to Holly's room earlier than normal. Downstairs Holly's parents agreed with each other that the girls seemed to be growing up responsibly. A Saturday job too, that will keep them busy and away from boys they said to each other.

Upstairs, the girls washed cleaned their teeth, and made for Holly's room. Both stripped and climbed into bed together, the girls kissed and held each other.

"We’re officially in the firm now," Holly whispered.

"I can't wait until the first event is set up," Jess whispered back.

Meanwhile, her hands wandered onto Holly's firm tits, tweaking and teasing her nipples. Holly lay back and enjoyed the sensations. Jess slid a hand down to Holly's pussy, and very gently passed her middle finger up and down the very opening. She teased and slowly pressed the tip of her finger inside, already feeling a wetness building. Holly opened her legs wide allowing Jess full access and encouraging her to probe further.

Jess sucked Holly's nipples and then slid down the bed. She kissed down her stomach, teased her navel, and on down to the top of her pussy. She kissed down the crease of her leg and back up the other side before she kissed above her clit and then teased her tongue in and out, tasting her juices flowing.

"Oh, yes yes, use your fingers mmmm."

Jess pushed two fingers as deeply as possible while she licked and probed with her tongue. With Holly's clit now exposed it demanded attention and she moved her tongue to it. Jess Concentrated on slowly building Holly’s orgasm all the while she worked two fingers in and out to find her G spot and massage it. Holly slowly succumbed to the orgasmic waves that pulsed through her, shuddering and shaking she came hard.

Jess's hand and face were soaked as she slowly returned to lie alongside her friend and hold her tight. They kissed and swapped the taste of Holly's pussy on their tongues. Once Holly recovered she rolled Jess onto her back. Jess spread and raised her legs and felt Holly grind her pussy against her. Holly moved down, kissed her neck, then down to her nipples, already hard and responsive. Holly sucked and kissed ever down, across her belly, then traced a wet line to her pussy. The bed covers were a discarded tangled mess. Jess held her legs wide and high, her hands held Holly's head in place.

Neither had a care as Holly's mum wondered if the girls were OK.

"They went up early," she said to Holly’s Dad. "Do you think they are OK?"

She stood and made her way upstairs. "Are you OK?" she called out on the way upstairs.

The girls were too engrossed to hear or respond. She reached the bedroom door and quietly opened it just a little. Neither girl noticed or cared at that moment. She watched her daughter with her mouth clamped over Jess's pussy, and admired Jess’ tight petite figure. She saw Jess writhe under Holly's oral onslaught. She saw Holly's tits hung free as she knelt as if praying into Jess's pussy, and could see her perfect arse raised as if waiting for attention.

For a while, she admired the horny sexy view. She felt drawn to enter and join in but did not want to break the spell. Slowly, reluctantly and silently she closed the door and quietly made her way downstairs. For a while, she had suspected the girls had become much closer than just friends and felt a calm happiness thinking about it. It had been a while since she had tasted that fruit and fondly reminisced to herself as she made her way through to the lounge.

"Yes, they seem fine, let’s leave them a while," she said as she snaked a hand down her husband’s pants, "I need a fuck right now," she said...


Upstairs the girls were unaware of their brief audience and were engrossed in enjoying each other. Somehow recent events had unlocked their inhibitions or just made them more open to try and enjoy themselves more with each other. Holly licked and teased Jess's clit while her fingers worked in and out of her pussy. Holly was feeling for her G spot to return the awesome orgasm she had felt earlier that came from inside and outside her pussy at the same time.

"My arse, finger me please," Jess whispered none too quietly. Holly dipped a third finger to coat it in pussy juice and teased it to and fro over her little puckered opening.

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"Oh, oooh yes."

Holly slowly pushed just the tip inside and paused, then pushed her whole finger far in as she could manage. Jess could feel her orgasm coming in little ripples and waves of pleasure passing through her whole body, building into tiny shudders. Her arse and pussy clamping and releasing with each pulse of pleasure. Holly licked and lapped at her pussy and clit, thrusting her fingers into her pussy and arse together. She got faster and faster until Jess's orgasmic waves caught up and overtook the rhythm.

"Stop, stop, oooohhhh."

Jess pushed Holly's head away unable to take any more. The sheets were soaked in her juice. Holly sat up on her haunches and looked at her friend, Jess’s nipples were hard and pointing her skin blotched red, and she was breathing hard as if she had been running. Holly smiled to herself, she loved this girl, everything else was sex, but she loved this girl and hoped she felt the same.

"I love you," she said as she lay back beside her.

Jess rolled onto her side opened her eyes and held Holly's face between her hands, "I love you too. Never let anyone come between us."

They kissed a long passionate honest kiss. After a while, they both pulled on a pair of Jack’s panties.

"These have a good head start," Jess joked.

They fell asleep in each other’s arms, not caring who might check on them or see.

In the morning Holly woke first and carefully disentangled herself from Jess. She slid out of bed and left her asleep. She pulled on a dressing gown, pulled the door quietly too, and went to the bathroom to shower.

Upstairs, Dad woke, pulled on his boxers, picked up his phone, and headed toward the kitchen. He heard the shower running and saw Holly's door not quite closed. He felt himself drawn to the gap to peer through, like a moth to a flame. Meanwhile, Jess lay awake on her back with her head turned away from the door. She pretended to be asleep and waited for Holly.

The covers were a crumpled mess at the bottom of the bed. Dad felt his boxers tented immediately, he had always had a thing for Jess. She was perhaps a little skinny for his liking as he preferred more boobs and curves. Jess saw a movement at the door in the reflection of the shiny radio alarm on the bedside. She could see someone blocking the light in the gap in the door, and she could guess who. One hand instinctively moved down to cup her pussy over her panties, the other hand wrapped around a small firm tit.

Outside Dad unlocked his phone and switched to video mode. He pushed the door very slightly further open to get a better view. He held the phone in trembling hands and hardly dared to breathe. His cock strained in his boxers. He also listened to the shower running knowing he must not get caught like this. Jess saw the door gap widen slightly in the reflection and smiled to herself.

I had better put on a good show she thought to herself and pulled her panties down to expose her pussy just enough to cup it in her hand. Come on Holly, come back to bed, she thought to herself. How can you resist? She traced a finger along her pussy lips, and her nipples stiffened. Dad heard the shower stop and reluctantly stepped back away from the door. He hurried down to the kitchen as he stopped the recording and hoped his cock would subside before anyone came down.

Jess saw the doorway clear and was surprised when Holly did not enter. She stopped teasing herself and sat on the edge of the bed as she waited for Holly and wondered who had been watching. Jess guessed it was Holly's Dad, who she felt watched them both just a little bit too closely lately. Thinking about the show she had put on made her smile. Today she liked the idea of being watched.

Downstairs, Dad wanked fast while he watched the video back, he knew this was the only way he could get his cock to go down and stay down for a while. He came very quickly, jet after jet of cum spurted into his hand and out onto the floor. He put away the phone and cleaned up, thankful his cock was now limp and concealed in his boxers again. He heard the bathroom door open and close followed by footsteps and more doors closing. He ventured back upstairs carrying coffee.

He was saddened but also relieved to see Holly's bedroom door firmly closed. He could hear the shower running again and guessed this time Jess was showering. Knowing Holly would be naked or dressing the temptation to peer around the door would have been too much to bear. He sauntered back down to the kitchen.

The girls eventually appeared for breakfast, casually dressed.

"We’re going to go over to Jess's, she needs to change for today, then off to the garden centre and our first day," Holly announced.

"I'll drive you if you can wait for me to finish. I'm off into town anyway," Dad offered.

The girls both sat in the back and chatted. The drive was uneventful except Dad kept glancing in the rear mirror and felt something had changed. He knew it must be his imagination but he was sure Jess had looked back and had smiled more than once, a fleeting quick smile. He tried to put it out of his head. I'm imagining this, he told himself as he sat outside Jess's parents' while the girls ran in. He picked his phone up and watched his clandestine video again, but had to stop as the girls pulled open the rear doors to climb back in.

"Did we make you jump?" Jess asked.

He quickly stopped the video and locked his phone. "N, no, just some work stuff," he stammered. I couldn’t look guiltier if I tried, he thought to himself. The rest of the drive to the garden centre was quiet. He did his best to avoid the rear mirror and was glad to drop them off.

"See you later, be good, and let me know if you need a lift home," he called through the window.

The girls thanked him waved goodbye and walked into the centre. They walked out towards the pool and spa area to the rear. It was in a large industrial unit with a big open roller door that held a collection of hot tubs. A couple of them were long and deep enough to swim in. To the rear were offices and stairs up to a room above. The girls looked around for Jack or Jimmy, neither could be seen. An attractive woman smiled as she approached the girls.

"You must be Holly and Jess, Jack said you'd be calling."

She was probably in her twenties the girls thought, wearing shorts and a tee shirt. They could see she had nice tanned legs and great boobs.

"Come with me, I'm Gemma, let me introduce you to my husband Peter."

The girls followed her weaving between the tubs, to the office at the rear.

"Come in, hi, welcome, pleased to meet you," Peter welcomed them warmly.

Peter was not the handsome man they assumed Gemma would have married. He was older but quite charming. He was smartly dressed with sharp trousers and shirt, and shiny shoes.

"So Jack tells me you girls want to sell hot tubs, he tells me you are fast learners and keen to impress."

Somehow it sounded genuine and although the girls both picked up a hint of innuendo, they felt flattered.

"I guess so," Jess replied.

"But to be honest, we don't know much about them," Holly added.

Peter had the girls take a seat and over the next hour explained all about hot tubs who bought them, and how they worked. He walked them around the showroom pointing out the different models, features, and their relative differences. He went over pricing; the girls were amazed some of the larger ones were well over £20,000. Back in the office Peter also went over how sales worked.

"People wander in and around from the garden centre, but they rarely buy. Many are just browsing. Gemma works the floor so she's usually out wandering, and is there to attract people in to talk about the tubs. Your job will be to work with Gemma. We have shorts and tee's here with the logo on for you to wear. Initially just wander around and say hello to people, and if someone is interested Gemma will come over and start the process."

"Sounds easy," Jess said.

"Yes, this can be as easy and also interesting as you want to make it. Once you have learned all about the kit, you can do the sales pitch. If you bring someone back here for me to sign up, you get a 5% commission on the total sales price."

"Can I take the brochures home to read?" Holly asked, suddenly very interested. Mathematics was not her best subject, but 5% of £20,000 sounded good to her.

"You can take home and read all you like. The more that you know the more we sell and the more we all make. If you get them to also pay for the home training and handover you get half of that fee too."

"Go upstairs to the store room, you'll find new uniforms. Find your size and get changed, let’s make a start and see how you like the day."

Peter smiled as they went out and up the stairs.

"What’s 5% of £20,000?" Jess asked herself out loud. She took out her phone and worked it out. "Fuck, that’s a grand," she beamed at Holly.

The girls found the uniforms and dressed in red shorts and white tee shirts. Jess went braless and Holly made her put her bra back on.

"Too obvious under that top, not on our first day," Holly advised.

The girls also found their size in red flip-flops. Both put their hair up in a loose ponytail and made their way back downstairs. They said hello again to Gemma, and asked what they could do.

"You could both do us a favour now you are all uniformed up. Could you do a tour around the garden centre, it’s advertising but Peter calls it fishing. Just take a slow walk through to the front where there is a little café. Grab a white coffee each for Peter and me and get something for yourselves, she handed over a £20 note. Take your time, we like people to see the name and think of hot tubs."

The girls walked away and made their way through to the cafe, really just a cake and hot drink counter. They got a few looks and felt a little like lifeguards in red and white. They returned with the drinks, gave Gemma her coffee and Jess took Peter’s coffee into the back office.

"Hey look what your fishing trip brought in," Gemma said to Holly. "I watched this couple follow you over, here I go."

She gave her coffee back to Holly and wove her way through the tubs and sidled up beside the middle-aged couple. Holly watched from a distance, not wanting to stare but wanting to know all about how to sell. Gemma walked the couple past a few tubs, demonstrating and talking.

"Holly, could you please grab me a brochure for these from the office," she called out.

Holly was sent back and forth a couple of times. Gemma lured them in with promises of discounts and a fair bit of subtle flirting with the poor husband. She finally led them through to the office and Peter had them signed and sealed in no time. Peter shook their hands and they left.

"And that’s the way it works," Gemma beamed. "You two reeled them in, and we sell another hot tub."

The rest of the afternoon passed without another sale. Peter and Gemma seemed happy with the day though.

"Are you sure those shorts and tees aren't too big?" Peter joked to both girls as they came back from another fishing trip late in the afternoon.

"Let me see if I can find a better fit," Jess replied and followed Holly to the stockroom. Jess opted for a one-size smaller tee shirt, and this time defiantly bra less. Holly went down a size in shorts and a tee shirt, both seemed a little tight. They guessed the sales here were very much sex appeal driven. Peter wolf-whistled as they came back down, and Gemma gave them both an approving nod.

"Have you girls ever been in a hot tub?" Gemma asked.

Both shook their head.

"Next week bring swimmers - or bikinis, I dare you. You should try a few as you need to know how good one can feel. The corner seats in that one," Gemma pointed, "are better than any boyfriend I ever knew. Sorry, Peter." She laughed.

“OK, you may as well get changed and go. Take your uniforms with you and keep them clean, see you about ten AM next week.”

Holly texted her Dad and he soon arrived to collect them both. After they dropped Jess off, they headed for home.

"Good day?" he asked.

"Love it," she replied while waving a stack of brochures. "I want to read and learn these before next week, I can get a commission on sales too."

Written by john456berry
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