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Dances Of Desire: Act I

"The Firebird comes to town"

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I do not usually move in such exalted circles, but through a friend, I am invited to attend the post-performance party of the cast of a stage musical, visiting London. To be honest, it is not something that appeals to me greatly, but my friend seems excited and I do not want to seem churlish, so I agree to accompany her. She knows one of the visiting Superstars, because she works casually as an 'extra' on-stage dancer, and has somehow formed an online friendship with her.

The event is to be held in the grand ballroom of a London hotel, so I have to dress unusually smartly, even though I despise the wealthy financier who is funding the affair from his Kostkeys Investment business. I just hope I won't have to meet him and be polite! It seems likely that it will be a lavish affair, with free food and drinks, but I will have to take a room at that hotel for the weekend- that is expense enough!

My friend Sara is also staying at the hotel, and we meet there before the party begins. It will start on Saturday, after the very final performance of the show.

Sara tells me a little about the Superstar, who had sent her the invitation (plus one). She is a renowned dancer and from the description Sara gives of her career, it seems to me that she may be 'slumming it' a bit, to perform in this show. It seems a little beneath her talents, but I guess everyone has bills to pay, and "needs must".

So we join the event around 10 pm, as the exhausted cast gathers, to be surrounded by a mixture of fans, well-wishers, selfie-seekers and general creeps. The focus of all attention is Sara's friend, Anna Tsarevna.

I only see her from a distance, but even so I think she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, despite having just exerted herself for several hours on stage. I think she must be a very fit young woman, in every sense of the word; she seems to have been energised by her stage performance, rather than exhausted.

I stand back even though Sara encourages me to introduce myself. Anna is surrounded by handsome young men, seeking her favour, and trying to impress her in one way and another– by flattery of her beauty and of their own prowess in sport, business, finance or prestige. She is used to this sort of attention, I think, and is unimpressed by it all– maybe even a little contemptuous.

I observe that while she smiles politely at her young suitors, she avoids any physical contact completely, and the only moment I see any sign of life shine in her eyes is when we happen to make a few moments of eye contact at a distance. Her eyes are like blue-green laser beams, locking on to mine.

I do not take any thought of attraction seriously, because I am a much older man, and I sit in the background chatting with my friend Sara, and discussing the ostentatious displays of the other guests, trying to impress their idol.

As soon as the party begins to wind down, Anna prepares to go, and firmly takes leave from her admirers. She heads for the door behind us, but as she draws level, notices Sara alongside me and pauses to chat. She does not sit with us and it is clear that she is not going to delay long, but she looks straight at me again and raises an eyebrow to Sara, saying, "And who is this handsome gentleman, Sara? You haven't told me about him."

Sara blushes a little, and explains that we are 'only' friends from a long time back. I am amused at her apparent embarrassment because I have always thought of her as a good friend, and the suggestion that there might be something more between us is a little surprising to me.

I add, "No, Anna, we are just friends– I have been invited as Sara's 'plus one', but I think I am a little old for this company!"

Anna says, "Well, I want to escape from it now too, but if you'd like to catch up, Sara, we could go back to my room for a drink and a chat. Bring your... friend... along too. You haven't even told me his name!"

"Oh, I'm sorry," says Sara, "this is Simon. He came to keep me company, really. He is a very good friend."

Again, I notice a flash of... something... in Anna's eyes, but I'm not quite sure whether it has any real meaning. She is very young, very fit and very beautiful, and I think, way out of my league.

So we retreat together to Anna's room– or suite, I should say. She seems re-energised now that she has escaped from the throng of young male fans (and a few females) who clearly idolise her. She orders a bottle of champagne to be delivered and it duly arrives- only the very best, and perfectly chilled.

She asks me to open it, and I am happy to do that. From a previous life working in 'hospitality' I know exactly how to open a bottle of champagne with a flourish and a loud 'pop', but without spilling a drop. Anna seems impressed when the first foam spurts into her waiting glass, before subsiding into a steady flow, and she stares into my eyes yet again. What is she thinking of?

The conversation flows with the champagne, but is mainly between Sara and Anna. I have very little to contribute to discussions of the art of dance, but when I say so, Anna disputes it.

"Simon," she says, "the art of dance is all about seduction. Let me show you."

She stands and sways her body before me, all the while fixing my eyes with her gaze, and licking her pink lips with the very tip of her tongue. But when she begins to run her hands gently over her own body, caressing her swaying hips and fondling her breasts, I have to switch my attention away.

She is obviously teasing me, but it slowly becomes evident that she is having the desired effect on my body. I shift in my chair as my cock responds to her performance, and feel slightly embarrassed that Sara is witnessing this. I think she understands, and she intervenes to suggest that it has got late and we should all get some sleep soon.

The immediate spell is broken, but the performance seems to have enlivened Anna, and she is proud to have woken my cock. I would have loved to stay, if I had been alone, but Sara takes me by the arm and suggests again that we should leave.

As we do, Anna presses her body close to mine, and I'm sure she feels my erection pressed against her flat belly. She looks up at me again and as she says, "I hope to meet you again very soon, Simon," she presses a small card into my hand.

Sara also says goodnight to Anna, and leads me from the room by the hand, only letting go when we are at the far end of the corridor, on the way to our own separate rooms.

As we head towards them, Sara confides that she should perhaps have warned me of Anna's predilection for seducing older men. Apparently, she has confided a lot to Sara during their online 'chats', and she had heard a lot of very explicit tales of Anna's conquests. Apparently, she prefers the more mature, experienced man over the young buck.

"So you had to rescue me from that, did you?" I chuckle. "I am an adult, you know!"

"Of course," laughs Sara, "but I was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable there. As your host, I thought I should give you a chance to escape!"

"OK, Sara, thank you for your concern," I say, "and indeed for inviting me to this event in the first place. It has been a very interesting evening,"

So we both retreat to our own rooms, where I can at last look at the card Anna had secretly pressed into my hand, as we left her room.

It is a very highly decorated and colourful card on one side, and on the other, there is written the simple command "Call me now" and a mobile number listed as 'The Firebird'. I chuckle and wonder whether she really meant 'now', but thinking back to her energised performance, I suspect she did. And so I message her.

She replies immediately with the brusque command to return to her room.

I cannot resist, after witnessing her sensual dance for me, and feeling her body pressed gently against my hard cock. Her eyes had seemed to look into my soul and see that I wanted her in every possible way. So of course I make my way back to Anna's room, where the door is slightly open, waiting for me. I enter silently.

As I close the door behind me, and lean back against it, Anna emerges from the bedroom, and sweeps gracefully into the lounge area where we had sat before. The table, and all but one of the chairs have been moved aside.

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She is now dressed in a fiery robe of red, yellow and orange streamers, which flow sensually around her as she moves to the middle of the room, and gestures for me to sit. Her long golden hair cascades over her shoulders and down her back to the top of her ass. She is a riot of colour and movement, deserving the name of Firebird.

As I sit, she moves towards me in a sinuous cat-like movement, with her eyes fixed on mine. When she is close enough, she bends forwards at the hip, so that we are face-to-face, close enough to feel the waft of each other's breath. I can see her pert naked breasts beneath her parted robe, with hard nipples already standing firm in the centres of her dark round areolae.

She rests her hands on my knees, allowing her robe to open fully in front of me and reveal her body clothed only in the tiniest of red satin panties. She kneels between my feet, and unbuttons my fly to reveal the swollen head of my cock already protruding above the waistband of my briefs.

"Mmm, Simon, we're going to have to do something about that, aren't we!" she says.

She asks me to stand and I do so, While I unbutton my shirt and remove it, she pulls my trousers down to my ankles. As she lowers my briefs for me to step out, my cock leaps forward and slaps her in the face, much to her delight, I think, from her giggles.

"Wow, Simon, that's a handful- or two!" and she looks up at me with those gorgeous eyes and grins widely. She is obviously enjoying her self-appointed role as the seductress, as she squats on the floor between my legs, and studies my cock in the very greatest of detail.

With one hand, she pulls my cock down towards her, while the other gently grasps my balls and squeezes them, one by one, in the palm of her hand. The swollen head of my cock is pointing towards her parted pink lips now, and she moistens them with her tongue, while staring wide-eyed at me.

Slowly, she folds her lips around me and runs her tongue full circle around the rim, while sucking gently. She has remarkably precise control of her tongue, which she seems able to turn in any way, so that the point can be directed to whatever spot she wants, and to move almost independently.

Now she moves her head forwards and downwards, slowly engulfing more and more of my cock, until she has to remove her hand and hold my cock down with her mouth.

She can no longer use her remarkably flexible tongue to swirl around me, but she can exert much more suction, while both hands now cradle my balls; it feels as though she will suck their contents out like soda through a straw!

I can no longer bear to look down at her long golden hair cascading across my thighs, while the crown of her head moves inexorably downwards. I throw my head back and look at the ceiling, gasping for breath.

Anna does NOT gasp for breath, nor gag, as she takes more and more of my cock into her mouth, and now down into her throat. I can feel the head engage with her throat and when she gulps, it sends a pulse of pleasure through my cock. She begins to move slowly and steadily up and down, and the slurping noises she makes are driving me crazy with lust.

I think she recognises that I am perhaps about to cum, because she suddenly lifts her head from me, and huskily says, "Would you fuck me now, Simon?"

She gently squeezes my balls and adds, " I want you to deliver all of that cum deep up inside me- fill me with it, until I overflow."

I do not need any more prompting, and stand up, lifting her from her knees to stand squarely in front of me. We hug and my cock presses hard against her belly.

I gently peel her satin briefs downwards, and kneeling in front of her, I see the most beautiful pussy, completely devoid of any hair at all, with slender lips already moistened and parting in front of my eyes. I glimpse a firm red button protruding, demanding my tongue to flick it, but that will have to wait, because she pulls me to my feet.

I reach down and put my hands behind her thighs to lift her, while she puts her arms over my shoulders and clasps them around my neck. We need some support though, so I carry her across the room to the wall alongside the balcony doors, and press her body against it.

She is now sandwiched between my body and the hard wall, with my throbbing cock pressed against her belly; she groans loudly, and says, "Fuck me, Simon. Fuck me here and now. As hard as you can..."

I lift her bodily and feel my cock spring forwards between her legs. Neither of us have a hand to spare, so my cock has to find its own way, like a guided missile. It is not difficult, because her smooth bare pussy is gaping with desire and dripping with honey.

Her pussy lips part easily around the probing head of my cock, and as soon as I feel it engage with her, I give one enormous thrust to full depth, the root of my cock banging hard against her swollen clit. She screams at the sensations rippling through her body, as she is impaled fully against the wall.

Her legs are spread wide, her thighs clasped around my waist, and her ankles locked together over my ass. We stay still for just a moment, both enjoying the feeling of that first full-depth penetration; I can feel her pussy convulsing around my throbbing cock and it is clear that this first engagement is not going to last long.

We are both fully primed and ready to explode. I support her ass and press her hard against the wall, while I withdraw as fully as I dare, before thrusting into her again... and again... and again. She squeals with every thrust, and her body undulates against mine.

We move in unison for what seemed an eternity, seeking to maximise the intense stimulation of our bodies, until we are both grunting in sync with every thrust, harder and harder, faster and faster.

But it has to end. And it does, with a spectacular mutual release of all the built-up pressures, and suppressed passion. We both shout and curse loudly, while our bodies shiver and shake against each other.

Anna's pussy convulses again, while my deeply-embedded cock pulses spurt after spurt of rich creamy cum up inside her. She squeals at every pulse, until she is full, and I am empty.

We both slowly subside to the floor, sliding down the wall. My softening cock slowly disengages and I can feel rivers of cum, combined with Anna's copious juices, flow freely from her pussy.

We hug and shiver together, from the simultaneous release of mental tensions and physical pressures.

After a few minutes, we stir and Anna says, "That was spectacular, Simon. When can we do it again?"

I am a little taken aback, I must say, because I thought she had been fully satisfied, but it seems that her sexual appetite is very hearty, to say the least.

'Is she insatiable?' I wonder.

I stand and raise her to her feet in front of me. "Anna," I say, " you are much younger, and much fitter than me, and we have had a lot to drink this evening. I need some time to recover before I will even be able to move! Can we just take some time in bed, to cuddle and rest for a while?"

She casts her eyes down and says, "Of course we can, but I am leaving London on Monday, so we don't have a lot more time together. Can you just stay with me and see how you're feeling in the morning?"

"I don't think I could go anywhere right now!" I say, "We can get a few hours sleep before dawn now, can't we?"

Anna helps me to my feet and leads me to the bathroom, where we shower each other clean. I'm sure she would have wanted to do more, if I could have, but we content ourselves with washing and patting each other dry- very carefully.

Then we head to the bedroom of this grand suite, and I slide gratefully between the crisp, clean sheets, alongside Anna. She curls herself around me, with her head resting on my chest, and we both drift off.

As I fall asleep, I wonder whether all this had really happened at all. It will only be confirmed, I think, if and when I wake up alongside the beautiful young woman who seems to be with me now.

We will see what the morning brings.

Written by simoncam1
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