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The Present…  Friday Morning...

Waking, I lifted my head from the pillow just enough to stare blearily at the numbers on my alarm clock. I dropped my face into the pillow with a mumbled yet heartfelt, Fucking asshole! Pretty pointless since Danny wasn't here to hear me. But it needed to be said! I hadn't slept well and I was in a bad mood.

According to my clock, I should still be sleeping for at least another two hours. But days and nights spent with Danny had re-wired my sleep time. Years of growing up on a farm made it impossible for Danny not to wake up with the dawn! Time spent with Danny during the wedding… Nights spent with Danny after the wedding when he woke me up in, admittedly delicious ways, for fooling around before he needed to leave for work... The asshole seemed to have infected me with waking up at 'Danny Time'. That bastard!

The sky was dark grey with only a hint of pink on the horizon outside my window. Barely past fucking dawn! I'm not a morning person. One big plus in my book for being a call girl was that I rarely had to get out of bed before 9am. Yet here I was. Awake and not in a good mood.

"All because of that asshole, Danny," I growled. And I was cold! The bastard had nudged my thermostat down the last time he'd been in my apartment. I like temperatures that Danny griped smothered him. He'd nudge the thermostat down when I wasn't looking and I'd nudge it back to where I liked it when I felt cold. My anger must have kept me warm last night, I hadn't felt the chill in my apartment. Now my apartment was an icebox and, of course, it was Danny's fault! My feet were cold! I needed to pee! I was watching the sun rise through my window! I was alone in my bed with no one to warm my feet up! No one to yell at...

"That fucking asshole," I growled again as I crawled out of bed, dragging and wrapping a blanket around me. I slipped on my fluffy, bunny slippers and they shush... shush... shushed across my floor in time to my slow, shuffling walk. I nudged the thermostat back to where I liked it and warm air began blowing from the vents. I began my morning routine to warmer air blowing on me. Pee, gripe about the cold toilet seat, brush teeth, wash face, exchange blanket for my robe, start coffee, drink first and second cup of coffee, brush out bed hair, gulp third cup of coffee, pee again. Pop Tarts washed down with a fourth cup of coffee... By the time I'd finished the basics of my morning routine, my apartment was warm enough that I could leave the cocoon of my robe to take my morning shower.

In the apartment below mine, Danny would be dressing and getting ready for work. I wanted to stomp across my floor so Danny would know I was aggravated with him. But I couldn't do that and give the asshole the satisfaction of knowing I was aggravated with him! Damn it! There's nothing more frustrating than being mad at someone but you can't let him know you're mad at him because then he'd know you cared enough to be mad at him and the worst thing in the world was for him to know you were mad because… My ability to circular logic my way through how I felt failed. I needed more coffee! 

Looking out my window I was on my fifth cup when I saw Danny in his overalls on the street walking towards the subway. I wanted to open my window and yell, 'You asshole!' But then I remembered I didn't care. Instead of yelling out my window, I went to pee again.

I'd agreed to see one client today before my weekend of French Maid cosplay began. I did a few household chores, took another warm shower just because I felt like it and got dressed for my appointment. This was another increasingly rare office visit, so I dressed well in a dark blue pencil skirt, a white, silk blouse, and a navy-blue blazer. 

I'd given up my German heiress alias because I'd used that with Tim. 'People' might be looking for that persona. I had no idea who these people were, but I knew I didn't want to attract their attention. I wore sensible flats now instead of heels to disguise my height a little. Stylish large-lensed, tinted glasses that covered much of my face added to the disguise. I was just a normal, rich American now with a Southern accent. I even had a manila envelope stuffed with blank papers I carried into 'meetings'. But underneath my business attire, I had on my 'business frillies'. The shelf bra and matching lace panties under my boring business clothes were guaranteed to get a guy's motor running.

On the sidewalk, I was aware of the men appreciating the way my tits swayed in time to my steps. A shelf bra is pretty much what the name implies. It forms a small, barely one inch, 'shelf' my Double Ds rests on. My boobs are supported but not confined by bra cups. The bounce and sway of my large boobs and hard nipples were very noticeable at times through the gap in my blazer.

At the office building, I checked the time. It looked like I was going to be a little early. That was fine with me. In the building's foyer, I stood to one side to check if Marla had sent another e-mail to my phone. She hadn't. My client was in his mid-forties. A first-timer of our service. No special requests noted. Looked like all he wanted was a happy Nooner. He'd finish out his boring day at his boring job before leaving to go home to his boring wife. He'd be fine for a while, then he'd probably call Marla for a girl again. After our meeting, I'd text Marla a note of his likes and dislikes. That way Marla would have more info for the next girl to see him.

Mr. Simons, 'Please, call me Gareth', was pretty much what I'd expected. A little shorter than me. Early 50s with love handles and a soft belly that was overlapping his belt more than a little bit. He used a cologne I didn't like the smell of but at least he didn't reek like he'd taken a bath in it. After words of introduction to satisfy his secretary that I was visiting on legitimate business, Gareth closed and locked the door to his office. I sat in the middle of the small couch in his office and patted the seat next to me so he'd have to sit close.

"Wow. I saw the picture your, ahh, manager, sent me to look through but you're even prettier in person," Gareth told me, sitting down. "I was told your service was expensive but you're certainly worth it. You're very pretty."

"Thank you," I replied with a smile as I moved closer to Gareth. Initiating physical contact with the client ASAP was something you learned on the job. Twisting at the waist to face Gareth, I took his wrist and lifted his arm to rest along the back of the couch so I could move close enough to mold myself against Gareth's side. Putting my forearm atop his arm, I bent my elbow and made a fist. Resting the side of my head against my fist, I used my other hand to fluff my hair down my back and out of the way. These movements pulled my blazer open and Gareth's eyes were drawn to my chest where my Double-Ds were straining the buttons of my silk blouse.

I reached over to play with Gareth's tie. "So, I'm told that this is the first time you've used our service. Have you been using another agency?" If Gareth had some weird, crazy sexual requests that another service wouldn't, or couldn't, satisfy it was best to find out now.

"Oh, ahh no. No. I've never called a, umm... I was at a luncheon meeting and, umm, one of the men there, ahh, he was telling us about how exclusive this one service was and, umm, I just thought that... You know, maybe, I'd, ahh..."

Wow, Gareth was even more uncomfortable than Danny about talking why I was here. I widened my smile and ran my hand over Gareth's chest. I filled in the uncomfortable pause, "So, you decided to call a call girl? Hey! Don't worry. You can call me what I am. Hell, you can call me a filthy whore while spanking my ass if you want to." Gareth looked shocked at my language. I put my hand on his neck and pulled his mouth towards mine. Our lips met in a light kiss that didn't last long. My lips fluttered over his as I whispered, "Do you want to? Spank me?"

"No... I mean, I don't want to spank you. I just thought... I, uh, I..."

I laughed. Gripping his tie, I pulled his mouth to mine for a real kiss, then rubbed noses as I observed, "Maybe you didn't before, but now you can't stop thinking about spanking my ass cheeks until they're all red. Can you?" I took pity on the poor, stuttering guy and let go of his tie so he could regain some composure while I changed the subject, "You've never used an agency before, so, why now," I asked again.

"I, I mean we... My wife and I, we've been married for almost thirty years and for the last year or so... Well, for longer than that, she... She hasn't shown much interest in, you know... I'm not that old, and I get... You know..." Wow, Gareth could give even Danny lessons in how to fill up a simple story with awkward pauses. "So, when at a luncheon a business partner mentioned the, ah, agency you work for... He said that it was very, very private and, and... I guess I just wanted to try..."

Wanting to leave as soon as possible, I cut to the heart of the problem without ten minutes of stuttering pauses. "So, you called because your wife has been neglecting you and you're horny."

"I don't want you to think I don't love her," Gareth hastened to add. "She's a really great wife and mother. I can't think of anyone I'd rather be with if she just, you know..."

Yea, well. I wasn't here to offer marriage advice. "Yea, I know. I also know exactly what you need," I told Gareth while loosening his tie. I kept my voice soft, "What you need is a little of the TLC you're not getting at home."

Standing up in front of Gareth, I pulled my tight skirt up my thighs until my crotch was almost in view. Spreading my legs to encompass his, I moved forwards until my shins pressed against the couch. Gareth sat without moving as I un-buttoned my blouse. He looked like he was in shock as I bent from the waist to dangle my boobs in front of his face. Taking his hands in mine, I placed them on my breasts. He knew what to do and he was squeezing and playing with my boobs as I pulled his tie undone and tossed it on the floor. After loosening his collar, I pulled my boobs away. I gave him a nice kiss, adding, in what I called my Triple S voice... Soft, Slow and Sultry... "You just get comfortable and relax, Baby. When it comes to Tender-Loving-Care, you just hit the jackpot."

I sat down on Gareth's thighs and started un-buckling his belt as Gareth's hands found my breasts again. "When was the last time you had a blow job," I asked.

"It's been a long time," Gareth answered softly. Poor guy was practically vibrating with anticipation.

"You won't be able to say that in a few minutes, Baby," I promised as I finished opening his belt buckle. The snap and zipper of his pants were undone quickly. Separating hands from boobs again, I slid off his legs and squatted on my knees. Gareth lifted his ass as I worked his pants past his hips and down to his ankles.

My hands on Gareth's knees pushed his legs open so I could knee walk closer. His underwear was still on and I traced my fingertips back and forth over the outline of the hard, still-hidden cock. I met Gareth's eyes, "You know, most of the girls I knew in high school... They'd only give their boyfriend's cock a little mouth loving because it was expected. Not me though. I loved sucking on my boyfriend's cock. Do you know why?"

"Why," Gareth asked in a breathy wheeze as I rubbed the palm of my hand over his shaft through his tighty-whities.

"I loved watching and hearing how my boyfriends reacted while I sucked their cocks." Okay, I was lying. But Gareth didn't need to know that.

There was a distinct wet spot on the front of Gareth's briefs where the tip of his cock was. I touched the spot with a fingertip, "Mmm, you must be happy to see me," I laughed as I slid my hand through the fly of the boxers to encircle his shaft.

His cock felt pretty much average in my fist as I said, "Your poor balls must be full of cum."

I withdrew my hand and pulled the elastic band of his boxers down to expose his cock. I put my hand back around his shaft and began a slow hand job. "At least, I hope your balls are full of cum. You know what I loved best about sucking my boyfriend's cock," I asked before leaning in to lick the underside of Gareth's cock from ball shaft to tip. "I loved making them come in my mouth," I lied again.

Another long, slow lick and, "There was just something about making a boyfriend leave a big load of cum in my mouth that excited me."

Lie, lie, lie… Okay, so much of what I said was stretching the truth a bit. Sucking on a boyfriend's cock had neither excited nor disgusted me in high school. I'd been one of those girls who'd sucked cock because it was expected. And I'd never let a guy come in my mouth until I'd become a whore. But Gareth didn't need to know that since my story excited him and that was why I was here, after all. 

Deciding that was enough lies, after my next slow lick up his shaft I lifted his shaft with a finger and took his cock to the back of my mouth in one fast move that made Gareth gasp. His cock was a decent size but I was in no danger of choking on it as I began rapidly bobbing my head over his lap.

I pulled back so just the tip of my tongue moved over the head of Gareth's cock. "Mmm, nice and hard," I whispered between licks. "I like that. I just know I'm gonna have fun with your cock. I love the way a cock feels in my mouth. How it slides over my tongue, the fleshy tip bumping against the back of my throat. I love the taste of cum and the sounds a man makes while I'm sucking him dry."

I heard Gareth's quick, in-drawn breath when I pushed forward again to take his length deep. When I felt the tip press against the back of my throat, I pushed harder to take more... Then a little more as I controlled my urge to gag. My lips and nose flattened out against Gareth's groin under his bush. Drool wet Gareth's bush as I bobbed my head up and down over his lap in a wet, sloppy blow job. 

Thick strands of saliva connected mouth to cock as I leaned back to stroke the now wet, slick length while clearing my throat and catching my breath. Gareth's groans and the wet, slurpy sounds as I alternated licking with sucking were the only sounds in the room for several minutes.

With hand and mouth, I brought Gareth close before stopping. Lowering my head so I could look up while licking and cuddling his ball sack in my hand, I asked in a whisper, "When was the last time you came in a woman's mouth?"

"My wife... She never would...," Gareth answered in a strained voice. Yea, he was close.

I leaned forward, opened my mouth wide, and took him deep for a long five count while tonguing the underside of his shaft. Gareth's moan lasted for the same five-count. Pulling back again, I caught my breath and smiled up at him, "I love it when a man's cum fills my mouth. The taste. The sound a man makes..." I made Gareth moan with another deep, long stay at the back of my mouth.

I pulled back again to heighten Gareth's excitement and spoke softly while moving the soft bulb of his tip over my lips, "I'm going to suck your cock until you're ready to come." Edging his cock with my thumb, I continued, "When you're close, I want you to hold my head still. I want you to fuck my mouth like you would my pussy. I want you to mouth fuck me until I taste your cum."

"All right," Gareth was quick to agree. I think he would have agreed to anything. He was so close… His poor cock had been deprived of TLC for so long I thought I could make him come with just words.

I began working Gareth's hard cock with quick, short bobs of my head. I had to keep up the fast, rhythmic action of sliding his shaft between my lips for only a minute before hands clasped the sides of my head. Gareth's ass only moved a few times in short jerking motions to fuck my mouth before he began coming. I tasted the first of many streams of cum filling my mouth.

Poor guy had definitely been deprived of sex as I felt his cock pulse several times against my tongue as a large quantity of cum was pumped into my mouth. I kept my lips clamped around his shaft as gravity pulled cum over my tongue to pool behind my lips. Gareth finally released my head with a long groan of completion and collapsed backwards against the couch.

With my lips clamped around just the tip, I milked the shaft with my hand. Once satisfied I'd collected all the cum I could, I pulled away from the now satisfied cock in my hand. I let Gareth watch as I played his cum over my tongue until I swallowed. Without a word, I stood to collect my handbag and brought it back to the couch. Gareth seemed content to remain still, waiting to see what I intended to do next. Using my compact's mirror, I applied a thick coating of red lipstick and then left my trademark kiss on his cock tip. "Now you have my seal of approval as one of my PCs... Preferred Customers."

Gareth laughed and still seemed content to watch as I used hand towels from my purse to wipe the lipstick off my lips and the combination of cum and spit from around my mouth. Looking in the compact, I scrubbed until I was satisfied my face was clean. Only then did I lean over, and not giving Gareth a chance to refuse my lips, kissed him long and hard, but without tongue.

Still looking a bit dazed, Gareth continued to watch as I pulled the hem of my skirt down and quickly touched up my makeup. When I put my blazer on, Gareth asked in a disappointed voice, "You're leaving? But I thought we had more time?"

"We do. But for what I want you to do next… Well, it would make for some interesting noises that I don't think you'd want your secretary to hear."

"What...," Gareth started, then cleared his throat. "What would you want next?"

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With one last straightening of my clothes, I sat next to Gareth and handed him his tie. His cock was still half-hard and exposed between his legs. I ran a fingertip over it before closing my hand over it. Slow stroking, I answered, "What I want next is for you to call and find out what day we can be together again. Then I want you to get a hotel suite where we can meet." I leaned in close to breathe in Gareth's ear while kissing his neck, "And when we meet kiss I want you to put me across your lap kiss and spank me so hard kiss for being such a dirty kiss filthy kiss cum whore kiss that my ass cheeks are red kiss before you fuck me."

"Oh, my God..." I couldn't tell if Gareth shivered in anticipation or from my hot breath in his ear or from my use of words he'd probably never heard a woman use before. Resisting the urge to laugh, I stood up and adjusted my skirt again. I had a strong hunch I'd be seeing him again soon. Gareth seemed suddenly shy and I waited as he dressed. After he stammered and hemmed and hawed around the subject of his tipping me for 'services rendered', I cut to the chase.

"Okay, here's a polite way to gift a call girl," I began. "Just decide what you feel is a good amount and put it into an envelope. Then just say, I'd like to give you a present, or something like that. Anything between three to five hundred is a very nice present."

Gareth took out his wallet and handed me all the bills inside, asking if it was enough. "I wish I had more. I haven't felt so good in a long time."

I don't count money in front of clients. I put the bills in my bag and assured him I was certain it was enough. Then I had a thought on how to make the poor guy feel even better. Reaching into my purse, I pulled out the first bill my fingers grasped.

"You know something, Gareth? I had fun. I know… I know, that's what you'd expect a call girl to say, but I really had fun. You're a nice guy, so I'm going to give you a gift." Folding the bill twice, I pulled his belt out enough so I could push it down the front of his pants to rest beside his cock. "I bet when you woke up today, you didn't think you'd be a bought and paid for gigolo to a call girl." I patted the front of his trousers. "If you decide you'd like to see me again, I'll expect you to earn that money."

I opened his office door before he could reply. Unable to say anything in front of his secretary, instead we made small talk as I waited for the elevator. When the DING signaled the arrival of the elevator, out of sight of anyone I gave his cock one final squeeze before the doors opened.

Less than forty minutes after I entered the building, I was back on the sidewalk. I counted my gift and was very satisfied with the amount. Texting Marla the job was done so she'd deposit money into my bank account, I added that he'd probably have a spanking fetish so I, or the next girl, would know about or be remembered of. All-in-all, not bad money for less than an hour. Plus, I really did have fun teasing Gareth.

That's when I remembered Danny accusing me of enjoying what I did more often than I admitted to. "Well, what if I do," I said to no one on the sidewalk while snapping my sunglasses open. If I liked having sex with clients sometimes, having a good time sometimes while making a pile of money… It was nobody's business but mine!

Back at my apartment, I packed my rolling suitcase and was standing on the sidewalk outside Marla's office building in plenty of time. The limo driver was the same guy who'd picked me up the last time. The ritual was the same, too. My cell phone was taken and tossed into a metal box so it couldn't be traced. An electronic gizmo was run over me to look for bugs, the listening and location kind not the creepy-crawly type. My suitcase and contents were also searched and gizmo'd. It sounds extreme but there was going to be six to eight poker players: each bringing a buy-in of half-a-million dollars each. Three to four million in cash sitting around called for extreme measures to keep the location of the game a secret.

The estate I was taken to was different than the place the last game was held. The man hosting the game was the same guy though. He showed me to a bedroom he said was mine. When asked, I opened my suitcase and showed him the selection of French Maid costumes I had in my suitcase. Selecting one, he asked me to put it on. I had white and black thigh high hose. He selected the white. Stripping, I was able to dress quickly for his approval.

I must have passed muster because… "We've got a few minutes before the other players show up," I was told as he pushed me onto the bed. Knowing what he meant, I crawled further onto the bed. I pulled my long hair out from under me and fanned it out above my head. Pants dropped and I spread my legs to show the slit in my crotchless panties as the host followed me onto the bed. Kneeling between my legs, he used his hand to place the tip of his cock against my slit.

I hadn't anticipated being fucked so soon after arriving and hadn't moistened my pussy with lubricant. My employer was in a hurry, and I was tight and dry. My cries and lip biting sounds of discomfort at being taken so fast and hard slowed him not at all. Thankfully, I moistened quickly. He was in a rush so didn't want anything except a quicky. Afterwards, as he laid on top of me to catch his breath, I knew I'd taken the first load of cum of what would be many this weekend.

After he left, I cleaned my pussy and put on a clean pair of crotchless panties. Washing the used ones, I left them hanging over a chair to dry. I shook my head at the image of me in my maid's outfit as I brushed my hair in front of a mirror. It was black with a very low bodice and a very short skirt. Everything was trimmed in the stupid white lace you'd expect. Amazing what men thought was sexy.

I was in the kitchen taking inventory of what was available to eat and drink when the host walked in and decided to 'improve' my costume. He made an adjustment to the bodice by pulling it lower while pulling my boobs up until my tits were completely exposed. He was busy feeling me up as I was told to wear the silly costume that way for the rest of the weekend.

Knowing how much money I was going to make in two days, I would have agreed to walk around with my tits hanging out for a week. At least he hadn't stripped me of my black and white panties. Finding a steak knife, I cut the sides of the bodice so it wasn't digging into my under-boobs. Just as I completed checking what groceries and booze were available, I heard the front door open and the voices of arriving card players.

"It's showtime," I said to the empty kitchen…


The Present... Sunday Evening...

My feet were dragging as I tiredly dragged my rolling suitcase towards my apartment building. My two-day French Maid Marathon was blessedly over. My boobs were swollen from poker players grabbing them 'for luck' as I brought sandwiches and drinks to their table. My pussy was sore because as players lost their buy-in and dropped out of the game, they stated looking for other entertainment. I was that other entertainment.

Having swollen boobs and a sore pussy wasn't what made me struggle to pull my suitcase up the outside steps to enter my building. No, it was lack of sleep that made me have to try three times before I got my key into my door's lock. Once inside I dragged the suitcase to my bedroom and collapsed across the bed. My shins and feet were hanging off the bed and I toe'd my shoes off.

Muscles relaxed. I knew I should get up. I needed food. I needed a shower. I was dying for a long, hot soak in my tub. I needed the strength to accomplish all the things on my list. I was about to drift off to sleep when a loud knocking on my apartment's door roused me. Go away, I muttered into my bed's blanket. The knocking stopped, then began again even louder. Only one person can be this aggravating, I groused as I got off the bed. Asshole must have heard my suitcase being rolled across his ceiling. The knocking began a third time just before I threw open the door.

"What...," I began, then couldn't finish my question as Danny grabbed me up in an enthusiastic bear hug. "I. Can't. Breathe..." I managed after several seconds.

"Sorry. Sorry, I'm just so glad you're okay," Danny said as his arms released me. Hands gripped my forearms to steady me as I stumbled backwards. "I was calling and calling all weekend. I got worried when you didn't call back."

"Of course, I'm okay. You knew I'd be gone for the weekend."

Danny's hands still holding my arms began to shake me. "And you couldn't stop fucking long enough to return one damned phone call!?"

"Stop shaking me," I demanded, wrenching my arms out of his grasp. "And yell a little louder! I'm sure there's at least one person on the First Floor who doesn't think I'm a slut now," I continued hotly, slamming my door. "I didn't return your damned phone calls because I didn't know you were calling. All our phones were locked up in a metal box. Jesus, Danny! There was almost four million in cash there. No phone calls were allowed and no one could leave until the game was over."

Danny took a long breath and let it out. "Okay. Okay. Okay, I guess I over-reacted."

I smacked his forehead with the palm of my hand, "DUH! Ya think?"

Danny held up his hands defensively, "Look, can we sit down? I have something you need to read."

I led the way and Danny sat on the couch. I sat in the chair. I was mad and didn't want to sit next to him. "Knowing you'd be gone this weekend, I decided to do some research on getting our money..."

"Did you find a way," I interrupted to ask hopefully.

"No. I started by looking into the law firm your, ahh, client worked at. Do you remember a Ms. Phillips?"

"Sure. She was kind'a the receptionist for the firm and Tim's secretary."

Danny handed me a folded paper. "Not anymore," he said as I began to read what appeared to be a copier print-out of a newspaper article.

"She's missing?" The gist of the story was lacking in details. Ms. Phillips lived alone. When she didn't show up to work for two days and wasn't answering her phone, someone at Tim's firm had called the police. The police had found signs of a struggle in Ms. Phillips' apartment. She was still missing and the police, 'suspect foul play.'

Danny handed me another paper. "A partner at the firm is missing, too. His wife said he left for work, nothing out of the ordinary, he just never arrived at work. The police haven't even found his car."

"Sounds like someone is looking for the money Tim stole," I said.

"DUH! Ya think?" Danny probably would have slapped my forehead if I'd been in easy reach. "Now do you know why I was worried all the time you were out having fun?"

"Fun? You think staying awake for almost fifty hours now... Being felt up 'for luck' while giving lap dances was fun? Jesus, Danny," I shouted, mad as hell now. "You'll never understand that what I did this weekend was just as much a job as what you do and..."

I would have gone on in my rant except Danny was suddenly on his feet, pulling me up into another tight hug and kissing me. It was like something from a bad 1950s film noir movie. It didn't help that, just like the girl in that bad 1950s movie, after a few seconds I was returning the kiss with enthusiasm. When Danny broke our kiss, his arms remained around me. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Did we just make up," Danny asked.

"I think so," I whispered. "But I'm so tired I might still have some mad in me I just don't have the energy to let out." I sighed again and leaned into Danny more. "I'm dead tired and my period is gonna start soon. Raincheck on the make-up sex?"

"Okay." Danny's arms tightened and then I heard him sniff. "Have you been smoking?"

"Just lighting cigars while trying not to inhale. Though there was so much second-hand smoke in the room I may as well have. I was trying to muster the energy to shower and wash my hair when you started pounding on my door."

Given a task he could help me do, Danny led me to my bathroom. He ran the water to get it the right temperature while I undressed. When I said I needed food more than a shower, Danny shoved me under the spray with the promise to find me food. A few minutes later he was staring at me through the foggy glass of the stall. "Olivia! You have no food! How can anyone have no food? You only have three bottles of beer, a jar of mayonnaise and a carton of milk that smells sour in your refrigerator. That and boxes of Pop Tarts in your cabinet are all you have! What the hell do you eat?"

Damn! No milk for my coffee in the morning... "I get a lot of takeout from the Chinese place down the street," I replied in defense of my diet. "And my mom always has leftovers I can steal."

Danny shook his head and left muttering he'd order a pizza. "Extra onions," I called out and added, "And ask if the delivery guy can bring some milk, too." I liked onions but I was usually careful about onion breath. But only Danny was here tonight and he didn't count. The pizza arrived as I was filling my tub with hot water for a soak. When I invited Danny to join me for a bubble bath, he readily agreed that the pizza could wait.

Soon I was lounging in my oversized tub between Danny's legs. Reclining back on his chest, there was a hard cock pressed into my back. But Danny didn't make any sexual overtures. I think I fell asleep while he massaged my shoulders. At least, I remember little before Danny was helping me stand up from the now cool water. While in the shower to rinse off the bubbles, there was still a hard cock and a few kisses but nothing beyond that.

Dried off, I wore my smaller bathrobe while Danny wore my larger house robe. Sitting on the floor around my coffee table, we drank beer and ate warmed up microwaved pizza. Danny later claimed I fell asleep with pizza crust in my mouth. Maybe I did because the next thing I remember clearly was the alarm clock next to my bed going off…

The Present… Monday Morning…

I heard Danny slap my alarm off as he rolled away from me. I grumped because his warmth was gone, leaving me under suddenly cooling sheets. Raising my head, I watched as he sat on the edge of the bed and stretched out back and shoulder muscles. Very nice muscles, I thought as I reached to grab his arm to pull him back under the covers.

"Don't tempt me, Olivia," he said as he stood and easily slipped from my grasp. "I need to get ready for work."

"Screw work," I grumped. "We're millionaires."

"Not yet we are. If I start missing work my dad will find out and want to know why."

"But it's the middle of the night," I complained while waving my hand at my still, mostly, dark bedroom.

"No, it's not," Danny replied while pulling on his jeans. "The sun is half over the horizon already."

To me? Dawn was the middle of the night! I'm not a morning person. Danny, however, was. Growing up on a working farm had given him the detestable habit of waking up bright-eyed-and-bushy-tailed at ungodly hours. Listening to Danny close my bathroom door and… I sighed. All hope of going back to sleep was dashed. Now, I needed to pee.

When Danny reappeared, Did you lower the seat?, turned and then reappeared again, I swung my legs out to put my feet on the cold floor. "Make me coffee before you leave for your apartment," I grumped. "And turn my thermostat back up!"

Danny complained that my apartment was always too warm. He'd sneak and turn the temperature down when I wasn't watching. Danny left mumbling something about, "Turn the thermostat up. Make me coffee. Put the seat down. Worse than my mom!"

Peeing, I saw that my inner thighs and outer lips were pinkish. My time-of-the-month had truly begun. I cleaned, inserted a tampon, and checked my bed sheets. No spots. Going to sleep while my hair was wet had my hair tangled into a rat's nest. I tried to finger-comb some order into my hair but it was beyond help. In running shorts and a sports bra, I joined Danny in the kitchen just as the last of the coffee gurgled into the pot. I grabbed a piece of pizza we hadn't eaten last night from the box and munched while sipping coffee. Cold pizza and hot coffee. The Breakfast of Champions...

Danny looked pointedly at my flat stomach and shook his head. "How? How do you stay so skinny," he asked. "I've never seen you exercise and you eat like a frat boy. Nothing but junk food and snacks!"

"I prefer to think of myself as slender. Not skinny," I said to set the record straight and shrugged. "It's just something I inherited from my dad. He's forty and can still eat anything and not gain a pound. Drives my mom crazy."

Danny rinsed his cup out and pulled his keys from his pocket. Waiting until I'd finished chewing a tough piece of crust, he leaned in for a short, but nice kiss. "I'll be ready in a few minutes," I told him. "I've got things to do today. Wait for me and I'll go to your work first and boost your rep with your co-workers."

Danny agreed to wait and left for his apartment. It took me only a short time to dress. Pulling my hair into a ponytail, I joined Danny. Somehow, as I was pulling the door to his apartment closed, I forgot to lock it... Go figure.

Boosting Danny's rep with a few kisses didn't take long. I did have something I wanted to get over early. Marla required a clean STD test every month. I scheduled my monthly visits to a clinic while on my 'Menstrual Vacations'. I made the phone calls I needed to make while at the clinic. Back at my apartment building I went to Danny's place and let myself in. Thirty minutes later the men I'd called arrived...

Written by campusvamp
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