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A Few Seconds Later... Olivia's Apartment...

"Why am I just now finding out that I'm having lunch with your parents? I thought we had a deal," Danny gritted out through clenched teeth. "You'd stop making plans that include me without asking."

"Who won our chess game," I reminded him keeping my voice sweet and calm. "Besides, what's the big deal? Look, Danny, my mom has wanted to meet you since I brought you left-over pot roast. She called today and issued an ultimatum. Either she meets you or she'll consider you're just someone I made up so she'll get off my back about looking for a husband."

"Husband! Did you tell your mom we're engaged like you told my mom?"

"Of course not, and your mom was just a mistake because I didn't know your sister was listening. So, we go shopping..."

"I have clothes!"

"We go shopping for you to get some nice clothes," I started again, ignoring the interruption.

"I have nice clothes."

...Sigh... This would move along so much faster without the interruptions I was just going to ignore. "We get our stories straight on how we met when I moved into my 'Mom' apartment. Maybe we'll even give you a made-up girlfriend so my mom will accept we're just friends. One Sunday brunch? How hard can that be? It'll be easy."

"Nothing about you is easy!"

I had to laugh at that and Danny realized what he'd said, "Well, nothing except the, umm... You know, the whole thing about you, uh..."

"My being an escort? You don't have to tip-toe around the subject. Sandra and I don't yell from the rooftops what we do to make money and maybe we lie to family and others, but we don't lie to ourselves."

Anyway, I managed to drag Danny to a store in time for me to pick out suitable clothes. He grumbled at the cost, of course. But his attitude perked up when I had our Uber driver turn into an Arby's drive-thru for the banana milkshakes I saw advertised. And large orders of curly fries... And roast beef sandwiches since we were there. I got our driver food and a milkshake, too.

Danny had only sucked up half of his shake by the time I'd finished mine. When he noticed me staring, with a sigh he gave me his to finish.

"Looking at how skinny she is, you won't believe this, but she eats all the time," Danny told our driver.

"She just has an active metabolism. My sister is like that, too."

"Exactly," I said to our driver. To Danny, I added, "And I'm slender, not skinny!"

Back at my apartment, I tossed the new clothes into the laundry hamper. I'd take all the piled-up laundry to the cleaners tomorrow. Danny wanted to play chess, but I was feeling loggy with my stomach full so we watched TV instead. Danny was still flipping through the channels when I stretched out on the couch with my head on his thigh. When he found something to watch, I was asleep by the first set of commercials.

I vaguely remember Danny walking me to my bed. When I woke in the morning to the radio/alarm blasting the air, I was surprised to find out I was laying half-on/half-off Danny under one sheet, naked except for a clean Hello Kitty nightshirt and panties. A short good morning kiss, a little cuddle time, and Danny left me for his time in the bathroom. I then had my time in the bathroom. No longer worried about morning breath, we shared a much longer good morning kiss as we took our time under the warm spray of the shower.

My back and ass cheeks were given a good scrubbing/scratching. I was humming in contentment when Danny captured me against his chest and hands reached around to 'wash' my boobs. After he'd placed me under the shower to wash the soap away, he pinned my back to the tile to suck each of my nipples to hardness. I was purring by the time he let me go. To repay Danny, I washed his back and tight ass buns before pulling him against me so I could reach around to 'wash' his cock and balls. After letting the spray wash the soap from his hard cock, I leaned over to lick and suck on the tip. Not for long, though. Both of us knew there wasn't time for more.

I dried off and put my nightshirt back on to make coffee while Danny dressed. Dressed and with one eye on the clock, Danny had time for a quick cup of coffee in the kitchen before pulling me to him for another kiss. When exploring hands pulled up the hem of my nightshirt, Danny discovered I hadn't bothered putting on panties... Hands gave my ass an extra hard squeeze as Danny murmured, "God, you drive me crazy."

"You just like tall girls," I chided him. I was barefoot and Danny had on his work boots, but I was still taller by two inches. When Danny released my ass, I filled a travel mug with coffee and handed him a foil-wrapped packet of Pop-Tarts for his subway ride.

Waving the Pop-Tarts over his head as he went out the door, he observed, "Ya know, some fiancées would actually make breakfast."

"Feel free to cook for me anytime you want," I yelled after him through the closing door.

It was while pulling my wheeled hamper to the cleaners that I realized I hadn't had an erotic dream last night and I'd woken this morning in a good mood.

When Danny arrived from work, I knew I wouldn't be able to put off our chess rematch any longer. Danny had White last game so I took White this game. "Okay! Let's see how you do now that I know how good you are," Danny challenged, rubbing his hands together while waiting for me to move.

<You can skip this part if you don't play chess or know the 'old' notation system.>

I moved P-K4 and Danny answered with P-QB4. Damn, he was going for the Sicilian Defense.

I moved N-KB3 and Danny replied with N-QB3. Both of us went for control of the middle while developing pieces.

Wanting to see his response, I moved P-Q4. Danny took my Pawn with his PxP. I considered that a weak move as...

NxP and my Queen had two open ways to go now. I waited to see what came next and Danny took his time before the expected P-KN3. Which wasn't a bad move but it signaled what his next moves would be in advance.

N-QB3 and as expected came B-KN2. Soooo...

B-K3 and I wondered if Danny would trade but instead, he moved N-KB3.

B-QB4 and I waited while Danny was thinking about his next move. I'd developed both Knights and Bishops to the middle. Danny knew he was behind in development but he was committed already so he did the expected King Side Castle.

I was undecided. King Side Castle or set up a Queen Side Castle. Or no Castle at this time... I decided to take my time. I'd had a game like this before with my Dad and he... I studied the board. If I remembered correctly, Danny's next move was critical!

I moved B-QN3. I guess Danny wanted to attack and threaten to exchange his Knight for my Bishop and doubling up my pawns which would weaken a Queen Side attack if I pushed one, so he answered with N-QR4.

Yep. Dad had called it Fisher's Trap. Danny was doomed. P-K5... Danny can still take my Bishop but I'd take his Knight with my Pawn. Then if Danny captures my Rook, I'd take his Bishop with my Pawn, and his Knight is trapped as Danny takes my pawn with his King and loses his Knight to my Queen. Two Knights and a Bishop lost for a Rook a Bishop and a Pawn. Point wise a pretty even trade but it left his King side position in shambles. Danny was thinking about it but if he declined the trade, there were only two places his threatened Knight could go. N-KR4? Way out of position of any hope of helping his center or he could go N-K1 and then maybe in another move be in position to help a Pawn attack in the middle? Which would he choose... He chose N-K1...

BxP Check... As expected, Danny hesitated wondering why I'd sacrificed my Bishop for a Pawn but he only had two choices. he could have survived a few more turns if he'd captured my Bishop with his King, but if he didn't see the trap and elected to keep his King protected... He didn't see it and so RxB.

I extended my hand across the board to accept Danny's resignation. "Are you resigning," Danny asked.

"NO! I'm waiting to accept yours!"

"What the hell? Why should I resign?"

I played N-K6 and waited... And waited... And waited... Finally, there was a completely disgusted, 'Son-of-a-BITCH!' from Danny. Yea, there was nothing Danny could do to save his Queen. I had that bitch no matter what Danny did next and the best he could get as a trade would either be my Knight or my Bishop.

PxN as Danny's move? QxQ would be mine. His defense was blown to hell. My Queen was in play threatening BOTH of his knights and he could save only one... OR he could move Q-QB2 and he loses it to my Knight, OR he could move Q-QN3 and he loses it in a trade to my Bishop.

It didn't really matter. Danny's defense was shot to shit. His pieces were way out of position and I was going to be up a Queen. Danny's hand moved over the board as he mentally re-played all the moves, then he shook his head in disbelief.

"You beat me. Ten. Fucking. Moves and you beat me!"

"And I didn't have to use a low-cut t-shirt and my boobs," I replied grinning. I waited. Then I leaned over to look him in the eyes, "Say it."

I waited a few more seconds and demanded, "SAY IT!"

Danny's hand shook as he tipped his King over, "I resign."

I didn't celebrate Danny's loss... Much! I did do a victory dance and spike his King onto the carpet. Maybe shaking my ass in his face was a little too much but he seemed to enjoy that.

He did get a pretty good smack in on my ass before I could move out of the way. Grinning, he asked if I did that to my dad when I won, then he asked if I ever won against my dad.

"Maybe one game in four or five if he's distracted. One in seven or eight if he's not. Many of our games end in draws though."

"Jesus. You can win or take a ranked Grandmaster to draws? Why the hell aren't you at the park playing for money?"

"I can't. Ever since my boobs grew I became pretty easy to remember and they stopped playing me. Besides, I don't like speed chess."

I turned down repeated offers for another game, "Danny, my nights are not going to be turned into marathons of chess games. I'll play you one game of chess a week. Take it or leave it."

Danny finally agreed and let it drop.

I slept soundly again. No erotic dreams and I wasn't even upset at being wakened at dawn by the alarm. I was draped over Danny again this morning with his morning woody hard against my inner thigh. I wasn't cold and Danny wasn't complaining of me smothering him. Now that he knew that, though I didn't want sex, my body wasn't off limits, his chaste afraid-of-morning-breath good-morning kiss was followed by cuddling with roaming hands. Kisses on my neck, back rubs, and butt scratching had me purring again before we had to call our cuddle time over so he'd make it to work on time. In a repeat of our shower yesterday, this morning Danny had me humming and purring and my nipples were hard while the cock I was slow stroking was stiff as a rock. I think we'd reached an equitable compromise while I was on my period.

No telling what we'd do on mornings when it wasn't 'my time'. A question for another day though. After Danny left with his Pop Tart, I went to Coffee Clutch for sweet rolls and biscuits.

The movers showed up an hour late, which irked me, but my mood improved as I showed them where each rug and piece of Danny's new furniture would be placed. I asked the movers if they'd give me another thirty minutes of labor and their trolleys in exchange for a hundred-dollar tip for each of them. I asked our building's super to open the storage room and in no time all of Danny's stuff was inside his new and much-improved apartment.

The rickety card table for his old, can't-be-traced computer fit perfectly beside the new Roll-Top desk where his new, gaming computer would go.

When Danny arrived he was giddy with joy that his apartment was 'his' again. Knowing I'd just be in the way, I left to give him time to put his things away. It seemed empty in my apartment with no one to talk to. Pretty soon it was getting late and no Danny. Not even a phone call. Wow! You let a guy crash in your bed for most of a week and he ditches you at the first opportunity! Men are scum! I wasn't in a good mood as I turned off the TV and went to bed. I couldn't sleep thinking how I'd been dumped!

When my phone rang, it was Danny. "Hey, I uhh, I lost track of time and I kind'a never got to my bedroom stuff. Think I can sleep with you another night? Oh, and I have something to ask you, too."

"Come on up."

We were soon cuddled together. Me under the sheet and Danny under the sheet and me, when he cleared his throat and hesitantly started, "My mom called today..."

That got me wide awake! "This isn't about Sandra is it? She isn't on her way here to find out if you're really cheating on me, is she?"

"No! No, nothing like that. Mom just wanted to know if you were coming to our 4th of July family gathering. She kind'a caught me by surprise and I couldn't think of a reason you couldn't come, so I said you'd be there."

"Oh. Is that all?" I gave it some thought. "Will there be as many of your clan attending as there were at the wedding?"

"Probably a few more since it's a work holiday."

"Okay. I'll call the hotel tomorrow for a reservation before they let out all their rooms. Coming up with a reason for my mom of why I'm not spending the holiday with her... That's a problem."

"Can't you just tell her the truth?"

"Tell my mom the truth about a boy? That's a scary thought but I guess I may have to."

"You can still lie about the wedding and our supposed engagement."

"That's true. That should satisfy my lie quotient."


Danny didn't have to work on Saturdays so I got to sleep late. At least I tried! Me? I can sleep and lounge in bed till noon. Danny? He seemed unable to sleep past sunrise! And lounging in bed was unthinkable. A lifetime of having morning chores around the farm to complete before the school bus arrived had completely ruined him!

So even though the alarm clock didn't wake me, Danny sliding out from under me did. I heard him in the bathroom and waited for him to come back to keep me warm. I stuck my head up when I heard him pulling his pants on. "You're leaving?"

"I'm going to go to my apartment and let you sleep. You're always complaining that I wake you up too early."

"Well, I'm already awake now," I told him and slid out of bed. I needed to pee. "How about a shower followed by coffee and Pop Tarts, then you can go work in your apartment? I'll treat you to a real breakfast when the Coffee Clutch opens."

Danny grabbed my nightshirt and pulled me into his arms. Hugging me tightly, he started nuzzling my neck, "Gee, I have to shower with you again?<nuzzle-nuzzle-hot-breath-on-my-neck>The offer of coffee and Pop Tarts and a breakfast sounds good, though."<nuzzle-nuzzle-hot-breath>

"Really? I can only get you into my shower by offering you food," I asked, shivering from Danny's neck attack. "Well, here's something else for you to think about. If you hug me any tighter, I'm gonna piss all down your leg."

Danny laughed and released me. After my alone time in the bathroom, we were soon in the shower where our you-wash-mine-and-I'll-wash-yours play time extended on and on until I was squatting on my heels stroking and playing with Danny's cock as the water began cooling. Cold water on my back stopped playtime.

Danny's cock remained hard as we toweled each other off. I decided that I wanted to continue the play time we'd started in the shower. Folding my towel several times, I dropped it onto the floor and knelt on it. Looking up into Danny's eyes, we watched each other as I ran the tip of my tongue up the underside of his cock and then down the side. I repeated this several times before opening my mouth wide to take the sensitive head between my lips.

With no time pressure, I sucked and ran my tongue over the head for several minutes until, bit by bit, more of Danny's cock disappeared between my lips. Grabbing Danny's ass cheeks, I began thrusting my head forwards to fuck his cock with my mouth in a slowly increasing rhythm.

It had been two days since I'd sucked him off. Sleeping with me. Showering with me. Danny was horny and it didn't take long before his fingers twined in my hair. He held my head still while he began to fuck my mouth. Looking up as best I could, I saw that his eyes were closed as his breathing quickened until, with a groan, he thrust as deep as he could and began to come with short, hard jabs against my lips and nose.

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Trying to control my gag response while a cock tip tried to force its way into my throat, all while hot streams of cum hit the back of my mouth was difficult... But I'd had practice. So much practice that I didn't choke, nor did I let a drop of cum or spit escape to run down my chin as Danny's hips finally stilled. His cock lay motionless on my tongue except for the occasional twitch which I felt on my lips as well as a few last contractions emptied more drops of cum into my mouth.

I waited with Danny's cock still deep in my mouth until he released my hair. Pulling away slowly, I tilted my head back and kept my lips tight around the shaft to keep from spilling any of the large amount of spit and cum that now filled my mouth.

I swallowed as soon as the cock tip slipped from between my lips, without letting Danny watch me play my tongue through his cum as I'd always done before. I didn't need to do that with him. Letting men watch me play with their cum before swallowing was something I did with clients because they expected it. And because it might earn me repeat 'business' and larger presents.

Swallowing hard again as I stood up, I asked, "Do I have cum on my lips?"

Danny shook his head and I swallowed again while his eyes were on my lips. "I don't have cum on my lips and I've swallowed many times. I'll kiss you after you've eaten my pussy and your lips are still wet with my juice. Will you kiss me now?"

Danny nodded and when I bent my head, his lips met mine. There may have been a slight hesitation and there wasn't any tongue, but it was a nice kiss. Just having Danny kiss me after coming in my mouth was a victory. There'd be time for tongue later.

For some reason, Danny turned down Pop Tarts. But whatever reticence Danny may have harbored about kissing me had disappeared after I'd sipped down a cup of coffee. There was definite and prolonged tongue play when he kissed me before going to his apartment. Maybe Danny believed that hot coffee dissolved cum?

Both of us stayed busy in our respective apartments for most of the day. I went to the small grocery on the corner and when I saw who was behind the counter, I added two six-packs of beer to my buggy with the soft drinks I was going to buy. This was a family-run grocery and the teen wasn't old enough to even sell beer. But the weekend was the only time his parents got a break from running the joint and he wasn't going to call one of them to come downstairs to ring up the sale. Plus, I knew from experience that he was too busy looking at my cleavage to ask for ID.

I called for a pizza to be delivered and Danny and I had a late lunch-early dinner of beer and pizza. Feeling good and wanting dessert, I sucked Danny off again. Danny kissed me with even less hesitation afterwards, though with no tongue. But I guess cold beer dissolves cum just as well as hot coffee because there was more tongue just before Danny disappeared to continue to work hooking up his TV and old computer. His new, gaming computer should be ready to be picked up around Wednesday or Thursday.

A few hours later Danny called and asked if I'd mind his sharing my bed again. Apparently, he was just too exhausted to make up his bed. I'd eaten the two pieces of cold pizza left over from earlier, but Danny didn't seem to mind and we finished off the beer instead before bed.

I was just a little light-headed from the beer and didn't bother putting on my nightshirt before getting into bed. Danny didn't seem to mind. His cock certainly got hard quickly as I trailed my breasts down his body as I disappeared under the covers. I positioned myself so one of his hands could play with my tits while I sucked on his cock. This was the third time I'd sucked him off today and the amount of cum that coated my tongue wasn't nearly as much as he'd left earlier.

As I moved up to appear from under the sheet, Danny pulled me up more until my tits were dangling above his mouth. Both hands molded and played with my boobs while his mouth went from one nipple to another, sucking on each until they were so hard they ached. I wanted something more and I wanted it before I had to swallow. There was a soft, popping sound as my nipple was pulled away from his sucking mouth. With Danny pinned beneath me, I dipped my head down and kissed him. I could still taste the residue of his cum when, this time without any beverage, I gave him no choice as I pushed my tongue into his mouth. I hadn't swallowed but Danny would never know that as I gave him a long, cum flavored kiss.

Maybe because of the beer, I didn't wake up until after Danny had gotten out of bed, made coffee and left. I can drink straight bourbon or vodka or mixed drinks and I'm fine the next morning. Beer leaves me feeling like my brain is wrapped in fog. I called Danny to let him know I was awake. He hadn't had a shower yet so he joined me until my hot water ran out. I felt fine after my shower and coffee. There wasn't time this morning except for kisses before we had to run to catch the train to my parent's house.

Everything seemed to go fine as I introduced Danny. Our carefully constructed and rehearsed lies about where we lived and when we'd met meshed seamlessly. Mom did the questioning while my dad sized up Danny in his own way. Once, when Dad and I were at the stove stirring pots while Mom kept up the interrogation of Danny at the table, he leaned over and whispered, "Kind'a the runt of the litter ain't he?"

"C'mon, Dad. Five-nine isn't short!" My dad is six-two. Mom is five-eleven and I kind of split the difference between them at just a tad over six feet even. "He likes to play chess though."

"You've played him? Any good?"

"Played twice. Beat him. He's good but he hasn't had you as a tutor for fifteen years."

"That's my girl. You sure you don't..."

"No, Dad. I don't want to play in tournaments. I could play a hundred years and not be as good as you. I just don't have that passion for the game that champions need to have."

Dad let it drop, until the next time, and as we carried things to the table, "So, Danny. Olivia tells me you play a mean game of chess."

"I doubt she said that, Sir. She beat me two out of two games. Once in just ten moves."

"Fisher's Trap," I told Dad.

"Well, that combination won't happen often. I'm sure you'll do better next game. Tell me, what exactly is this job you have? Olivia says you move bricks from one pile to another."

Danny gave me a stink-eye and gave a better description of what he did. "...and that's it really. Some people pay a great deal for old bricks and the company I work for tears down a lot of old buildings."

Dad nodded. "I like a guy who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty," my dad the welder added.

"I grew up on a working farm, Sir. We had cows, pigs and chickens. It wasn't always just dirt on my hands."

Dad got a good laugh out of that admission.

Seeing his chance to segue into the topic, Danny continued, "Speaking of my farm, I asked Olivia to come home with me over the 4th of July holiday, if that's okay with you. We have a big family get-together every 4th."

Dad didn't say anything. I don't know how they divide responsibility, but this was apparently Mom territory and she asked, "But all those people! Your mom will be so busy. She may not like Olivia just showing up."

"Oh, no worry about that! My mom loves Olivia and..."

I went still... I didn't hear the rest. Maybe it had slipped past my mom? That was a forlorn hope. My mom hears everything!

"Your mom loves, Olivia? So, they've met?"

Not sure what to say, Danny looked at me. I wanted to kick him under the table.

"I didn't say anything because I didn't want you to get the wrong idea," I said slowly, feeling for the right words. "Danny's older sister was getting married and he didn't want to show up alone."

"An old girlfriend was going to be there," Danny chimed in. "I know it's childish, but I wanted her to see me with a pretty girlfriend. Show her that I was doing great without her."

"Danny explained it to me and I agreed to be his girlfriend. That's it. That's all there was to it," I explained further.

"So, Danny's mother and family thinks you're his girlfriend," Mom observed. "What about sleeping arrangements?"

Trust Mom to think of that but Dad was suddenly all ears, too, as I answered, "Danny's mom thought we'd been dating for several months and that we'd... Umm, you know, during all that time and... The house was packed and she asked if I'd, ahh, mind sharing Danny's old bedroom. What could I say? That I'd dated Danny for that long and we hadn't, you know... I had the bed and Danny slept on the floor..." I stopped and took a deep breath.

"Okay, let me get this out into the open because we've never talked about it. I'm nineteen years old and I'm not a virgin. I haven't been a virgin for... Well, that's my business. Okay? But nothing happened in Danny's room," I could at least finish with those two true statements at least.

"I'm not a virgin but nothing happened in Danny's room," I added again, looking at Dad. I looked at Mom, "But I knew that if I told you that I was going to a wedding with a guy as his girlfriend..."

"Your mom would want to know when she should reserve the church," Dad finished.

"I'm not that bad! Both of you seem to think..."

"Mom, you are that bad," I interrupted. "Every guy I've dated since graduation, you want to know if I like him. How much do I like him. Does he have a good job... You hint how much you'd like grandchildren. You even tried to set me up with Irving. Irving, Mom! Holy shit! He's ten years older than me!"

"Watch your language, young lady! And I just invited him to dinner that one time."

"Only because I said I'd spill gravy all over him if you did it again. I told you about Danny and you haven't let up about wanting to meet him. Well, here he is and he's a friend of mine. Not a boyfriend, a friend."

Everyone was silent for a time. Neither Mom nor Dad seemed upset that I'd admitted I wasn't a virgin. I guessed they'd at least suspected that for a while.

Dad hadn't taken his eyes from Danny through all I had to say and he broke the silence to ask, with a nod of his head towards me, "What's wrong with her? Come on, I'm her dad but I remember being your age and I'm not blind. She's pretty. She cleans up good. She lives in your building. She shared your bedroom and nothing happened? Well, it wasn't because she wanted to stay a virgin, so, what's wrong with her?"

"DAD!!!!" OMG, my face was so hot, it had to be beet red!

Typical of Dad. He'd cut right to the chase. Mom was waiting for the answer, too.

"There's nothing wrong with Olivia! She's everything you say she is and she always smells good, too," Danny said in a rush. Then inspiration struck and he fell back on his old excuses, "Sir, I'm always broke and working. When I'm not working, I'm in class or studying. In the Fall I start Graduate School and I'll have even less free time. Olivia has guys she... Sees. I'm comfortable being a friend."

Dad fixed Danny with a death stare for a few more seconds, then smiled, "I like you. I don't believe a damn thing you said, but I like you. You'll take the leftovers with you, so you'll eat good for a day or so."

Wow. Dad giving up his leftover roast beef sandwiches? He really liked Danny. Danny sealed the deal by giving Dad a decent chess game after lunch while Mom and me cleaned up the kitchen and put together a take-home for Danny. Mom wanted details on Danny's house and family. I gave as much detail as I remembered, even admitting I got cow crap on my boots in the barn. Mom laughed at that because she knew how I love my shoes.

She howled when I told her about Danny's ex-girlfriend, The Bug, and how I'd sent her to the nearest mirror to look for crow's feet around her eyes and age spots. "...and after the rehearsal that bitch came to Danny's farm in a spandex top so tight it shoved half her boobs up to her chin! She hit on Danny as if I wasn't even there! Laughing and giggling at everything he said while plastered against his side! She was rubbing her tits all up and down his arm! I can't believe Danny ever dated that hag!"

Mom gave me a long look and then smiled, "And Danny is just a friend, huh?"

I didn't answer and we needed to leave not too long after the chess game to catch our train back to the city. On the short walk from the train station to our apartments, I put my arm over Danny's shoulders, "So, I always smell good?"

"Don't fish for compliments, Olivia. You know you're physically perfect."

"Only physically?"

Danny started walking faster, "I wonder if my refrigerator is big enough for all the food your mom sent with me."

I caught Danny by the neck of his shirt and pulled him back, "Only physically?"

"You really shouldn't fish for compliments, Olivia. It shows a huge lack of self-confidence."

I gave him a stink-eye but let the matter drop. The food wound up in my refrigerator and somehow Danny wound up in my bed again.

The next morning my tampon was clean. I knew my period was over. Which was all to the good since I'd agreed to meet a client later today. What cemented the fact that my period was over was what I began to feel between my legs as Danny's hands slid over my soapy boobs. I was wet. I was horny!

A short time later, in the kitchen after our coffee and after Danny kissed me goodbye, I didn't take my arms away from around his neck and, instead, buried my nose in the nape of his neck. Danny had said I always smelled good and that's exactly what I was thinking about him.

No matter how many times his coveralls were washed, there was still that faint whiff of brick dust and sun and sweat and... and Man!

"Ah, Olivia? I really need to go," Danny told me while trying to pry my arms from around his neck.

"Give me your phone," I told Danny without letting go.

"What? Why do you want my phone?"

"You'll see. Just give... Never mind," I said as my hands felt the familiar shape in one of his coveralls voluminous pockets. Pulling it out before Danny could stop me, I fended him off while putting in his code to open it.

"Hey! How do you know my code?"

"Oh, please. You've made how many calls when I've been around? Don't you know mine," I asked.

"No! I respected your privacy. I never tried to look."

"Good for you! You're much more honest than I am. You think your boss or someone will be in the office by now," I asked. Danny said yes and tried reaching for his phone again.

I found the quick call for his work. Moving to keep him from snatching his phone away, I waved at him to hush while into the phone, "Hi, is this Danny's boss?"

"No? ...Oh, I remember you... This is Olivia, Danny's fiancée... Thank you. That's so nice for you to say..."

I held the phone away and out of Danny's reach as he continued to try to take it from me, "Phil says he remembers me because I'm so pretty."

Back into the phone, "Hey, Phil? Would you pass a message to Danny's boss when he arrives? ... Yeah, tell him that Danny will be about three hours late today... No, Danny isn't sick... Tell Danny's boss that his fiancée is horny as hell and she isn't letting Danny leave her bed until she's no longer horny... Yes, three hours late. Thanks, Phil," I concluded and hung up.

After I turned his phone off and set it on the kitchen counter, Danny continued to stare at me with his mouth open as if I'd just slammed him between the eyes with a hammer.

"I... I can't believe you just did that. They might fire me."

"Bullshit," I told him as I worked the zipper of his coverall down.

As I continued to strip off the coveralls, I concluded reasonably, "Danny, no man can fire another man for getting some morning pussy from his horny fiancée. I just bought you three hours. You can waste it by arguing or you can get naked, get in my bed, and get inside me!"

Written by campusvamp
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