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When I got home a week later, the house was empty. I didn't know where the girls were, but I was glad not to have to face their interrogation the moment I stepped through the door. I lugged my suitcase back to my room, opened it, and tossed my dirty clothes into the laundry hamper. I safely stowed away the few souvenirs I'd brought back from Wisconsin: Half a tube of lubricant, a pair of dark silky panties stained with Jenny's scent, and a small remote controlled vibrating egg - slightly used.

I was exhausted. I kicked off my shoes, and fell back onto my bed, savouring the familiar feel of my own sheets, my own pillows, my own mattress. I just lay there, reflecting on everything that had happened in the past week. About twenty minutes later, the front door slammed, and I heard the voices of the girls talking loudly.

"Bill!" Mel shouted. A minute later, there was a knock on my door. "Bill, are you home?"

"Yeah," I called, getting up reluctantly from the comfort of my bed to answer the door.

On the other side, was not just Mel, but all three girls, staring expectantly back at me.

"So...?" Bri asked.

"So?" I repeated.

"Come on, Bill. Tell us. How did it go?" Mel pressed.

"It was fine," I said.

But that obviously wasn't enough to satisfy them. The girls pulled me from my room, led me to the kitchen table, and sat me down. Kris and Mel sat to either side of me, while Bri got a bottle of limoncello from the fridge, and four shot glasses from the cupboard. She poured a shot for each of us.

"Well..." Kris prompted.

She took her shot and winced - whether from the citrus, the cloying sweetness, or the burn of the alcohol, it wasn't clear.

"What?" I asked.

"What was she like?" Kris continued. "Did you like her?"

"Jenny?" I said, still playing dumb. "Jenny's great. She's beautiful, and smart, and really a lot of fun."

"So, are you like boyfriend-girlfriend now?" Bri asked.

"Well...." I started, unsure how to tell them, or even what to tell them. "Um... no, I don't think so..."

"What?" Mel asked, shocked. "What happened?"

"Nothing," I defended. "Well, I mean, some stuff happened... obviously... but it's fine. I..."

"You what?" Bri probed, accusingly. "What did you do?"

"It's not me. It's her. She's... she's not really looking for a boyfriend right now..."

"Why not?" Mel asked. "I thought you guys were really into each other."

"We were," I said. "It's just..."

"Just..." Kris echoed.

"She's married," I confessed quietly.

"What?!" All three girls erupted simultaneously.

"Holy shit!" Bri exclaimed. "I think I need another shot."

She refilled our glasses, and we tipped them down our throats. The second was only slightly less disgusting than the first, but I had to agree, I definitely needed the drink.

"When did you find out?" Kris asked.

"Not until I got to their place," I said. "She kept saying 'I've got this surprise! I've got this surprise! I really hope you're gonna like it!' And so we got to her house, and there was another car in the driveway. And when we walked in the door, there he was."

"Wait, what?" Mel shouted. "He was actually there?"


"So he knew?" Kris asked.

"Uh, yeah," I answered.

"That's fucked up!" Bri said, pouring our third round.

"Yeah, it was really weird and awkward at first," I admitted.

"At first?" Mel repeated. "If it were me, I'd have been like 'Ah, hell no!' and been out of there right away. I can't believe you stayed there all week."

"What else was I supposed to do?" I asked defensively. "My return ticket wasn't until today. I can't afford to just buy another ticket, and I definitely didn't have money to stay in a hotel for the whole week. I don't know anyone in Wisconsin that could come and pick me up, or anything. There was nowhere else for me to go, you know?"

"Still..." Kris said with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah," I agreed. I could see their point of view. "But it wasn't that bad. I mean, Jenny and Steve - that's her husband - they're pretty normal people, mostly. She's a nurse, and he works for the electric company-"

"So what happened?" Bri asked, interrupting me.



The man standing in the living room was in his late-thirties, with a small build, and dark skin. He was dressed in a neat button down shirt and pair of shorts, and wore thick glasses. His smile was bright and friendly, as he extended his hand to me.

"Bill," he said. His voice had a Caribbean accent. His hand shake was firm and enthusiastic. "It's quite good to meet you. I've heard much about you."

"Uh, thanks," I said, looking back at Jenny, and then again to this man. "I, um, I wish I could say the same about you. Uh...."

"This is Steve," Jenny introduced him.

"Ah... Steve..." I repeated, still not understanding.

"Yes," Steve agreed.

"Steve is my husband," Jenny clarified.

"Your husband?" I shouted. I could feel panic race through my nerves. I thought of the load of cum, I'd just deposited only minutes ago into this man's wife. What if he found out? Shit! He'd probably kill me.

"It's okay," Jenny said, observing the look on my face. "He knows."

"He does?" I asked. "What does he know?"

"Everything," Steve answered. "There are no secrets between us."

"Everything?" I asked Jenny.

She nodded, and then walked over to stand next to her husband, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Sorry baby, but I just couldn't wait until I got home," she said.

Jenny took Steve's hand, and guided it down the front of her jeans. I watched in stunned silence - I'm sure my mouth was hanging open - as Steve slipped his fingers inside Jenny, and then withdrew his hand from her pants. They were slick with our juices. He raised, his hand to his nose, and gave a sniff, while looking straight at me. His smile widened, and he nodded appreciatively. Then he stuck the fingers in his mouth, and sucked them clean. I was frozen to the spot, too panicked to say or do anything. What the fuck had I just gotten myself into?

"That's okay," he said to Jenny. "I know patience has never been your strong suit, but I still love you."

"I love you, too, baby," she said. And then they kissed again. Longer, this time, and more passionately.

"Would our guest like something to drink, or eat perhaps?" Steve asked me.

"Um...." I said, still not sure what the fuck was happening.

"You seem confused," Steve observed. "I must apologize for my wife. She does love to make quite a scandal. It's really unnecessary."

"For you, maybe," Jenny argued. "But I love seeing the look on his face. See? That's it! The one you're making right now. You should see yourself! You don't know how much it turns me on, though."

"Come. Have some tea," Steve invited, ignoring his wife. "We'll explain."

I looked uncertainly at Jenny, but she only smiled and nodded at me, encouraging me to go on. Mentally, I shrugged, and pursued the small Black gentleman to the back patio of their house, while Jenny put on the kettle.


We sat at a square white patio table in the back yard. I sat across from Steve. After Jenny had served the tea, she took the seat next to me. There was a tall maple tree in one corner of the yard casting a pleasant shade over us. In the other corner was a hot tub.

Steve began to tell the story of their relationship. He'd met Jenny in university, and they fell in love almost instantly. He knew she was a little bit wild, but that was part of what attracted him to her. They married after they graduated, and things were pretty good between them. But after awhile, the passion they'd had in the first few years just went away. They started to fight more. They began to wonder if they'd made a mistake, and even considered splitting up.

The thing about Jenny was that she was a bit of nymphomaniac. You couldn't really call it sex-addiction, because it wasn't like she needed to get fucked in the same way that alcoholic needs a drink. But there was some part of her that would never be completely satisfied with just a single cock for the rest of her life. She needed more than Steve (or any single man, really) could give her. She just wasn't made for monogamy.

"That was the thing, you know," Steve said. "At first I thought it was a problem with me, specifically - that I wasn't enough. I was taking it personally, you see? But it wasn't personal."

"It really wasn't," Jenny agreed. "I can't complain about Steve at all. He's an amazing husband. But he's only one man, and one man just isn't enough for me. I need other lovers. But I always come back to him. Many men may have my pussy, but it's Steve and only Steve who has my heart."

"And you, mine, my love," Steve reflected, taking hold of Jenny's hand. After a minute he continued, "But before, we tried everything we could think of to fix our marriage. We even went to couples-counseling-"

"For two sessions," Jenny interjected.

"But it was useless," Steve continued. "We were fighting as much as ever. So this arrangement was our last resort. Either we'd try an open-relationship, or there'd be no relationship at all."

As Steve talked, I felt Jenny's hand land on my thigh under the patio table. It started to move upwards. I cast a quick glance in her direction, but her attention was focused on Steve.

"So, reluctantly mind you, I gave in. I allowed Jenny to take other lovers. She would have anyway, even if I didn't consent." The couple exchanged 'fuck you' smiles with each other. "At first, I thought if I simply didn't know about it, it would be alright. I mean, I was aware that it was happening in general, but not the specifics of who, when, where, or how. I thought if I wasn't privy to the details, I could pretend at least that we were still in a normal marriage."

Jenny's hand reached my crotch, and gave it a playful squeeze. Even though we'd just fucked only a few hours earlier, I was as stiff as ever at Jenny's touch. Still she gave no sign above the table of focusing on anything but her husband. I felt awkward and nervous being groped by the man's wife while sitting only feet away from him, but the nervousness made it exciting. In for a penny, in for a pound, I reasoned. I opened my legs wider, giving Jenny easier access.

"Well, for me, the curiosity was worse than knowing," Steve carried on. "You see, my mind was always questioning. Was it this guy? Or that guy? What were they like in bed? Were they better than me? What if she left me for one of them? I drove myself crazy thinking about it. But I couldn't concentrate on anything else."

"It's not like I went out and gang-banged the entire town," Jenny protested softly. Her hand popped the button on my pants and slipped inside them. I felt her fingers wrap around my hardened cock, and begin to gently stroke it under the table.

"For all I knew, you had," Steve argued back. There was no real dispute, though. It seemed like a worn-out topic, rehearsed a million times, and replayed now only for my benefit.

"Well, don't act like you just sat around at home the whole time, feeling sorry for yourself," she countered.

"No, that is true," Steve agreed. "Our relationship was open at both ends. I have also taken advantage of this arrangement."

"And did I complain when you hooked up with other women?" Jenny asked.

"You did not, my love," Steve replied, placing his hand over hers - the one that remained on top of the table.

"Mhm," Jenny responded, satisfied that her point was made. Beneath the table her grip tightened as she tugged my cock harder. I tried to keep my face neutral and passive, but it felt great. I was sure I'd give us away, but if Steve knew what was happening just a few feet from where he sat, he gave no indication that he was concerned.

"But I'm talking about jealousy," Steve continued, pointing a finger at me. "It makes a man paranoid. I was still getting used to the idea of being in an open relationship, and it was difficult at first. So we talked it over, and we decided that if we were going to be open, then everything needed to be out in the open. No secrets. If we were going to make this work, Jenny had to tell me everything, and I would tell her as well."

Jenny let go of my cock. A small dribble of pre-cum ran down the head of it. I felt an instant of disappointment, but then she slipped out of her seat, and into my lap. There wasn't much room for both of us, and her thighs pressed against the bottom of the table, as she grasped my forearms to steady herself on top of me.

"I thought it would be difficult to know about her other lovers, but preferable to not knowing," Steve continued matter-of-factly, not at all shocked that his wife was now grinding her ass against my erection.

Jenny began to make soft moaning sounds. She leaned back against me, took my hands and guided them to her breasts. I looked at Steve, but he just gave a small shrug, and smiled back. Tentatively, I gave them a squeeze. Jenny responded with a louder groan. I could feel her nipples poking through the material of her shirt.

"You know what, Bill?" Steve asked, leaning forward across the table to look directly into my eyes. "I found I actually enjoyed hearing about my wife's exploits. The stories of how she seduced and fucked other men, turned me on."

Jenny, pulled her shirt over her head, freeing her large beautiful breasts. I looked around, but the back yard was fairly private, protected from the eyes of their neighbours. I took hold of her tits again, savouring the feel of her bare flesh, while Steve passively observed us from where he sat.

"After awhile, I had to see for myself how she was with other men. At first, she would bring them home, and I would watch them secretly. But I have to say that I felt pretty damned silly waiting and hiding in closets, and so on."

Jenny melted from my lap, and ended up beneath the table. I felt her hands working at the waistline of my pants, tugging at them. I raised my ass slightly, and she pulled them down around my ankles. My cock sprang out into the warm summer afternoon air.

"Besides," Steve carried on, "it's fairly difficult to observe without being observed in turn. You may catch bits and pieces, but the cover I hid behind had a tendency to obstruct my view of what was happening more often than not. All in all, my secret voyeurism of my wife and her lovers was quite a frustrating failure."

I felt Jenny's hand gripping my cock once more. And then there was another sensation - warmer, and wetter. I sucked in my breath, no longer making an effort to conceal Jenny's effect on me.

"So we put aside all that clandestine sneaking around nonsense. In the spirit of openness, we put it all out there. She fucks men, and I watch. There's no games, no deceit, it's all out in the open, you see. I find it's actually quite liberating to be so free and honest about our sexual proclivities."

Jenny was making loud slurping noises, as she sucked my cock. Her tongue pressed and darted around the sensitive underside of my shaft. Her hand was lightly caressing and pulling on my balls. I was breathing harder, and my hands gripped the edge of the table tightly.

"Some men have a problem with how we are. They don't like it. They get nervous about me watching them fuck my wife. But I can tell, Bill, that you don't have that problem, do you?"

"Um..." I said. I wasn't entirely comfortable with having Steve there, but I didn't want Jenny to stop doing what she was doing. The way she used her mouth was amazing. She teased my cock deliciously, reading every twitch and throb. As long as he stayed on his side of the table, I supposed it was okay. "No, I guess not."

"Good. I'm really glad. I know Jenny's been really looking forward to having you here. It would have been a shame if you weren't game for-"

"Honey?" Jenny called from beneath the table.

"Yes, my love?" Steve called back.

"Please shut up."

"Oh. Sorry, dear," Steve apologized. He turned his attention back to me. "I do have a tendency to ramble sometimes. Personal quirk, I suppose. I don't mean to be tedious, or anything. If it gets on your nerves-"

Jenny climbed out from under the table, and stood. She shot a glance at her husband.

"Sorry," he said again, raising his hands apologetically in front of him. He fell silent.

Jenny turned to me, and leaned over, kissing me full on the lips.

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I could taste myself on her tongue. After a minute, she stepped back from me, undoing the front of her jeans. She yanked them down to the ground, and stepped out of them, once again showing me that wild garden of dark wet hair. She moved towards me again until my nose was buried in her pubic hair and I couldn't see Steve. I inhaled her scent deeply. She reached around the back of my head, and pressed my face further into her pussy. I stuck out my tongue, and began to lick.

"Oh fuck!" Jenny cried out in a quivering voice as my tongue encountered her swollen clit.

At this angle, I couldn't give her pussy the same kind of attention Mel had coached me to give, but I did what I could. It seemed to be working. Jenny was moving her pussy against my face, rubbing it against me. Her juices smeared all across my nose, lips, cheeks, chin. I was covered in her arousal. I reached around behind her, and grabbed her ass cheeks, parting them. My fingers probed her pussy from behind.

"Oh fuck!" she said again, as I mumbled something indistinct into her damp heat.

After a few minutes, she released my head. She turned, pushed the chairs roughly out of the way, and bent over the table. Her face was inches from her husband. Steve pushed his seat back a little from the table. He had unbuttoned his shorts, taken out his cock, and was casually stroking it as he watched us.

I tried not to look at him. Instead, I focused on Jenny's big beautiful ass presenting itself invitingly to me. I stood up, and rubbed my hard cock against her wet pussy lips. She moaned at the sensation. Finding her opening, I pressed in to her, not entirely gently. Beneath the sex, there was something else... anger maybe? Irritation at least. I was annoyed at the way I'd been tricked into coming all the way to Wisconsin to become part of this weird couple's sexual fantasy under false pretenses. I resented that Steve was there watching when I wanted Jenny all to myself.

I took out my irritation on Jenny's hot slippery pussy, pounding into her, releasing my frustration. If Steve wanted to see me fuck his wife, I was going to really fuck her. Let's see how serious they were. I grabbed hold of her hips and slammed my pelvis against her ass so forcefully, the table budged a couple of inches in his direction.

"Holy shit!" Jenny shouted encouragingly. "Yes! Uh huh! Fuck that fucking pussy. Show my husband what kind of man you are. All he can do is watch and stroke that little black cock of his. Oh fuck! I love the way your big hard cock just fucking crushes my pussy. Shit! You're filling me up so fucking good..."

She was staring directly into his eyes. His hand was moving faster now, seeming to keep pace with my own wild thrusting.

"Keep fucking me, Bill. Fuck! I'm going to cum all over that big strong fucking cock of yours while my husband just sits here and watches me take it. Oh god! Oh GOD!"

I felt Jenny's pussy spasm around my cock, the muscles squeezing tight. Not ready to cum yet, I pulled out of her. She let out a loud deep groan, and shuddered.

"That looked intense," Steve observed.

"You have no fucking idea, dear," Jenny responded. "That was so fucking good, Bill. Now I want to feel you stick it in my ass."

"In your ass?" I asked.

"Yeah, fuck my ass," she said. "I want to feel your cum dripping out of my asshole."

This was a whole new hole that I'd never tried before. I slipped my cock between her ass-cheeks, and found the little brown button there. I pushed against it. It was tighter and more resistant than her pussy, but fortunately I was already well lubricated with her juices. I pushed a little harder and felt the head finally slip past the opening of her sphincter and into her ass.

"Mmm," Jenny moaned. "You have to go a little easier now. Yeah... that's it..."

I took slow strokes in and out of Jenny's ass. It was so tight and warm, and different feeling from her pussy, but I loved the new sensation. I looked beyond Jenny's back to Steve. He was staring at us intently, his fist still curled around his dark erection. I began to pump a little more quickly into Jenny. She groaned with each thrust. As my pace quickened, so did Steve's. Jenny continued her running stream of dirty talk, encouraging both of us to go on.

"I'm going to cum soon," I announced after a few minutes.

"Yes, Bill," Steve said. "Cum in my wife's big beautiful ass."

"Mmm, yeah. I fucking want that hot load," Jenny agreed. "Give it to me in my fucking ass."

With only a couple more strokes, I felt my entire body tense up. My cock throbbed and spurted cum deep inside Jenny who shrieked at the feeling of it. At the same time, I saw the little Caribbean man stiffen, and then blow pearly white cum over the dark skin of his hands and cock. Breathing heavily, I fell back into my chair. Jenny remained bent across the table. A small dribble of my cum ran out of her ass and down her thigh, splashing on the patio below her. Steve offered her his cum-drenched fingers, which she sucked one by one while staring deep into his eyes.

For the time being, I was forgotten, as the two of them focused only on each other. It was then that I understood fully how they could have an open relationship, fucking other people, and still feel secure in their love for each other. Whatever I was to Jenny (or MagdaOrcbane3232), I would never have with her what she and Steve had. For all intents and purposes, I would only ever be a fuck toy to them. Something to spice up their marriage. The thought made me feel lonely.

After a couple of minutes of being ignored, the couple finally invited me back into their house. Jenny got me a towel and washcloth, and directed me down the hallway to the guest washroom. To the left of the washroom was the guest bedroom, where I would stay. Then she and Steve went upstairs to shower together, leaving me to clean myself up.


Jenny and Steve were pleasant enough hosts. Apart from their sexual inclinations, they were actually a fairly typical, and somewhat dull middle-aged suburban couple. Steve enjoyed jazz and gardening. Jenny prided herself on her culinary abilities. They bickered frequently, but it was without malice. They genuinely loved each other.

In a way, they reminded me of my parents, but with two key differences. First, they were about twenty years younger than my own folks. Secondly, in the middle of whatever boring normal thing we might be doing, we were apt to spontaneously start fucking - whether it was eating dinner, washing the dishes, watching TV, playing board games, or doing laundry. Sex was always a possibility.

At first Steve mostly just wanted to watch Jenny and I. But Jenny had other ideas. As I fucked her, she'd reach out and grab hold of Steve's cock, giving him a hand-job. Hand jobs quickly gave way to blow jobs. And before long, Steve and I were double-penetrating Jenny. She went wild with Steve in her ass and me, between their legs, in her pussy, just that thin layer of flesh separating our cocks. I could actually feel him through her.

Each time Steve became more involved in the sex, I was initially apprehensive. New barriers were being crossed. But that reluctance melted away in the amazing sensation of fucking Jenny. Over time Steve's presence felt less and less intrusive between Jenny and I (which is weird, because if anyone was the interloper, it was me in their marriage), and we really became a threesome. I never completely lost that sense of being a third wheel, though.

Steve and Jenny also had a number of toys. My favourite were the eggs. They were about the size and shape of real eggs, maybe a little smaller, but they were black and plastic. Each had a small wireless remote with a slider that went from zero to five. I held one in my hand, and Steve slipped the slider up to one. The egg gave a mild humming vibration. Then without warning, he cranked the dial up to five. It buzzed so violently in my fingers that I nearly dropped it in shock. Then he switched it off, laughing at the surprised look in my face. I smiled and nodded back - this would be fun.

Jenny, slid her panties down, and lifter up her dress. She inserted one of the eggs in her pussy, and the other in her ass. Steve handed one remote to me, and kept the other. Then we went out to run errands around town. As we drove in their SUV to a local farmer's market, we played with the remotes going from one to five and back again, giving Jenny a taste of what they could do. She squeaked at the quick bursts of vibrations inside her.

"The trick," Steve informed me, "is to hold back. Only give her a little tease now and then. Make her anticipate it, not knowing when it will come next. Then when the time is right, we'll really give it to her, eh?"

I nodded again. We walked around the farmer's market, visiting some of the stalls. Jenny stopped at one selling home-made jams, and bought one. As she was looking for a five dollar bill in her purse, I saw Steve casually stuff his hand in his pocket. A small surprised look crossed her face, and then was gone. She turned around to look at us, and then went back to her purse.

I reached into my own pocket, and found the remote. I quickly thumbed it up to the second notch, and then back to zero. Jenny seemed to jump, as if shocked. She turned again to look at us, but Steve and I pretended to be interested in other things like an ear of corn, or some artisanal bread.

As the elderly woman was making change and remarking about the weather, I slipped the dial up to one, and left it there for a full minute. I turned the egg off as just as Jenny concluded her business with the woman, and caught up to Steve and I.

"You two!" she scolded, but it was clear that she'd enjoyed our game as much as we had. Even more, perhaps.

We were at the farmer's market for about half an hour. Steve and I kept giving Jenny random low-level zaps with the eggs - one in her ass, and one in her pussy - as she inspected the produce on display, and purchased a few vegetables for that night's dinner.

"You guys are so bad!" Jenny admonished, when we returned to the relative privacy of their SUV.

"Oh yeah?" Steve asked grinning.

He pulled out his remote and slid the control rapidly up and down between 3 and 1. I followed his lead with my own remote. Jenny squirmed and squealed in her seat, as if she were possessed by a demon.

"Oh shit! Oh fuck!" Jenny shouted.

Within minutes, we'd brought her right to the edge of an orgasm. Then abruptly Steve told me to turn my egg off. He did the same. He put his remote in his pocket and pulled out the keys to the SUV.

"Shit!" Jenny swore again. The frustration in her voice was palpable. "Do you know how close I was? Why did you have to stop?"

"It's not time yet, my love," Steve said calmly, turning on the SUV.

We drove across town to Steve's office, where he said he had a few things he needed to pick up. I gave Jenny a few small zaps, but mostly we allowed her to rest, and I took in the scenery as they made small conversation. Steve parked outside of a low brick building, and told us to wait while he went in.

"After this, do you want to get lunch?" Jenny asked. "And then maybe see a mov- OH!"

She suddenly jumped in her seat. Her hands went down between her thighs.

"Oh shit! That's fucking intense!"

Steve was operating the egg from inside the building! I reached into my pocket, and slipped my controller up to four. This caused Jenny to scream out inarticulately, as her body convulsed. After a minute, I slid my dial back down to one, but Jenny continued to squirm, and shout. Steve was really going for it! I pushed my dial all the way up to five. Jenny stamped her feet against the floor of the SUV, and growled through her teeth, which were clenched as tight as her eyelids.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" she swore. "Oh fuck, that's intense! I can't stand it! I'm going to fucking cum! OHHH!!!!!"

Jenny's body lifted up from her seat, then fell back spasming. Her eyes rolled back in her head. She groaned loud deep and gutteral. Her knuckles were white as she gripped the armrest of her seat.

"Oh my fucking God! Fuck!" she shouted. "Fuck! It's too much! Too much!"

I slid my control back to zero, but Jenny continued to squirm for a minute longer. Her hand was pressed firmly between her thighs where Steve's egg continued to vibrate. Finally, it stopped as well. Jenny, leaned her head back against the seat, slouching slightly. Her chest, deeply flushed, was rising and falling visibly as she regained her breath. Her face had gone red as well, and there was a slight glisten of perspiration across her forehead. A few minutes later Steve reappeared.

"Anything interesting happen while I was gone?" he asked with a devilish smile.

"Fuck you," Jenny shot back. "You nearly fucking killed me."

"Me?" Steve asked, looking shocked at the aspersions against his innocent nature.

Jenny smacked him. I laughed. She turned around to swat at me as well, but her arms weren't long enough to reach me. I laughed even harder.

"Fuck you both," she said. "Let's get lunch. I'm starving."

We went to the Olive Garden for lunch. Steve and I continued messing with Jenny's eggs as our waitress took our orders. The waitress asked if she was alright, with a concerned look on her face. The three of us burst into laughter.

"I'm fine for now," Jenny said. "But I might be going to jail soon for murdering these two assholes."

The waitress gave our table a puzzled look, decided it was better not to pursue the subject further, and retreated back to the kitchen. We left the eggs vibrating at level one as we ate. It wasn't enough to send Jenny into another orgasm, but she was definitely aware of them.

"You must be totally soaking," Steve mused as we waited for dessert.

"Feel for yourself," Jenny invited.

Steve leaned over and stuck his hand beneath the table. His face took on an appreciative look.

"Bill, you must try," he said, as if offering a sip from a glass of fine wine rather than his wife's soaking pussy.

I looked around the restaurant, but no one was paying any attention. Trying to act inconspicuous (and failing, I'm sure), I reached under the table myself. I found Jenny's knees parted, and ran my hand up her thigh. I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy before I reached her panties. As Steve had predicted, they were absolutely drenched. What's more, as I slipped my fingers around the edges of the gusset, I could even subtly detect the faint steady buzzing of the eggs inside of her. I let my fingers linger too long there at the edge of her lips.

"Ahem," the waitress cleared her throat, looking down at me, while holding three small plates.

Startled, I sat up, and withdrew my hand, cracking it on the side of the table.

"Oww!" I cried.

 Steve favoured the waitress with a sympathetic smile that pretty much said Please forgive the boy. We're aware he has no manners. It's a burden we deal with.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

I could feel my face turning red. The waitress left our slices of cheesecake on the table, and went away again without a word. Jenny and Steve laughed at me.

"Caught with your hand in the proverbial cookie jar, eh?" Steve said.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked. "I didn't even hear her."

"It's funnier this way," Jenny said.

"You saw her too?" I asked accusingly.

"Uh huh," Jenny admitted.

"Oh yeah?" I said.

I reached into my pocket for the remote, and cranked it up to five and back to one quickly. Then I did it again. The sudden jolts, made Jenny shriek and flail. She nearly fell out of her chair. Heads turned toward us, and then resumed their own respective conversations.

"How would you like it if I stuck one of these eggs up your ass?" Jenny threatened.

"Come on," Steve said. "Let's finish quickly, and get out of here before they throw us out."

We drove over to the movie theater to catch a matinee of some generic action movie. In the back of the theater, in the dark, Jenny sat between Steve and I. We continued to play with Jenny's eggs. In return, she reached to both sides, extracted our cocks, and stroked them simultaneously until we blew our loads onto the already sticky floor.

We made her cum for the second time, just moments later. Her barely muffled groans drew more than a little irritated shushing from the rows ahead of us. We decided we'd pushed our luck enough for one day, and left the theater as the second car chase scene began.

Written by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
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