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A Nursing Solution

"Erin finds a compatible partner for her lactating breasts."

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Erin Lovejoy sat in her bedroom, depressed and unsure what to do next. Divorced and alone, she was rife with attributes. She had plenty of money after the settlement. Her house was paid for. Her two children were both starting successful careers and even though they lived in different cities from Erin, they regularly kept in touch. She should be happy, she reasoned. Unfortunately, she was not.

Since the divorce, she had been hounded by numerous suitors. But as the saying goes, the odds were good but the goods were odd. She tended to attract men who saw two things in Erin: her boobs. She just happened to be blessed–or cursed–depending on one's perspective, with huge breasts. Even so, their size wasn't necessarily the problem. She loved her tits.

They were not only huge but also well-shaped and still firm for a woman in her mid-forties. A combination of weight and age had resulted in the pair hanging a bit lower each year as expected. No surprises there. Each mound was also capped with a rosy-pink areola and a large pencil-erasure nub that proudly shouted its presence, even encapsulated inside one of Erin's size 38D bras. The effect was even greater when she wore a cashmere sweater. And if she happened to go braless, heads turned on both men and women. Her tits were magnificent by most standards.

if this sounds like a solution in search of a problem, it would be just that to most people. But not Erin.

As weird as this sounds, the problem was her continual lactation. No, she wasn't pregnant. Her babies were grown up and long gone, not to mention weaned as toddlers. Erin loved lactating breasts, and she did everything she could to keep them that way as of late. She loved the sensation of milk-filled udders and even more–she loved the sensation of a pair of lips sucking on an engorged nipple. It was her version of perfection and the sensual pleasures she received from it were...well...addictive.

But she didn't have anyone to provide that service for least not any longer.

Her asshole husband had once provided that relief but no longer.

Erin had stayed in a tempestuous marriage for years because it was easier that way. Divorce is messy and expensive. But then Gregor was caught not only cheating on her but also blowing large amounts of money on other women and gambling. The gambling was the final straw. All bets were off, so to speak.

It turned out that he had been unfaithful for years. Erin suspected as much but had remained a dutiful housewife despite those suspicions, partly for the kids. Now the kids were gone, and she was financially stable since there was no longer a gambling drain on her finances, but she had one very personal need that was not getting fulfilled–those lactating teats.

When Gregor was still in her life, he loved to suck and fondle Erin's breasts, mainly as a prelude to sex. Even so, while it wasn't perfect, she did get relief from what could almost be described as painful pleasure. When those udders were full, they were uncomfortable to carry around. A breast pump helped but was not the preferred remedy. A pair of lips not only provided relief but also pleasure. And that became the most important part of the process. There was no replacement for a pair of warm, tender lips nursing on those fat, milk-laden nipples. But who could fill that need?

Erin had tried advertising. She publicized her dilemma discreetly in publications and websites that catered to unique markets, but most of the time she ended up being propositioned for sex. Thankfully, she used a double-blind alias so only she (and most likely some IT Geek) knew her true identity. Still, the results were disappointing.

She had actually met with a couple of promising prospects, but the results were always the same. Her breasts were just first-base. None of the men she met just wanted to taste Mother's milk and suckle on those glorious mammaries.

Hence, Erin Lovejoy suffered from depression and despondency. Her breast pump took care of the physical part of the equation, but her emotional needs remained a dry well.

And then she met Jerry.

As part of her downsizing after the divorce, Erin moved into a modest but nice two-bedroom condo on the edge of town. The development and HOA provided a variety of amenities and activities that took care of almost every home need as well as provided opportunities for meeting others.

Jerry was a neighbor. He was a widower in his seventies and handsome in his own way. Erin met him at a pancake breakfast for newcomers and then ran into him while doing errands like taking out the trash. He was friendly and personable, and he made eye contact with her face and not just her breasts. Miracle of miracles!

Over time, he asked Erin out for coffee, and later for a drink. He was never pushy, and in the course of their developing relationship, he shared personal things that revealed honesty and openness that Erin found refreshing.

Erin did not see Jerry in any kind of romantic role, but she wondered if he might be useful in other ways.

So one evening when he was visiting her in her home and they were watching a movie together and sharing some wine, she broached the subject that had been plaguing her. She started by bringing up her breasts.

"Jerry, I have to say of all the men I know, you are one of the few who hasn't commented on my breasts. Thank you."

"Well, that would be forward of me, Erin. I am a gentleman. At least I hope so."

"Do you notice my breasts? I mean, do you ever think about them?"

"Erin–your breasts are very large. It is hard NOT to notice them. Do I think about them? I guess I'd be lying if said I didn't. You know, I'm not an antique quite yet, but since my wife died, I try not to think about sex too much. And even when she was alive, we couldn't have sex except rarely. But you don't want to hear about that."

Erin paused before proceeding.

"Do you like big breasts, Jerry? Not everyone does. I've been called a variety of names over the years by some mean-spirited people. Names like cow, or Bessie. What do you think about big boobs?"

"I like boobs well enough, both big and small, since you are asking. Grace didn't have large breasts so my options were limited, I guess."

And after a fair amount of beating around the bush, so to speak, Erin explained her dilemma. Finally, she came right out with it and asked if he would be willing to help her. As odd as it sounded, she wanted someone to suckle her breasts. The caveat was that sex would not be part of the equation. It wasn't about sex except in the strictest definition.

"So, what do you think?"

Jerry shook his head in amazement at the offer he had received. His tumescent penis felt a bolt of energy he hadn't noticed for some time.

"Let me think about it for a while. This is all a bit of a surprise. I like you, Erin, and of course, I would help you with almost anything." He stared at the television without hearing a word of the dialogue.

Erin nodded with a smile. The groundwork had been laid.

As he thought about it, Jerry didn't know what to think. How could such an arrangement NOT be about sex? Still, Erin was convincing in her appeal. And since he had been without a partner for some time, not counting what his boyhood friends referred to as "Five-fingered-Frannie," he was willing to give it a try. And Erin certainly did have large breasts. This might be fun.

Erin broke the silence.

"Do you want to see what you're in for? There's no time like the present if that's okay with you. We could do a test run and you can take it or leave it after that."

"Sure, I guess. I'm not sure how to proceed, Erin. I'll just follow your lead. Tell me what to do and I'll do my best."

Erin suggested they scoot together on the couch for a first attempt. She bade Jerry to sit next to her and when he did, she took a deep breath, and after setting her wine down, she unbuttoned her blouse and slowly removed it. Her heavy juggs came into view as they spilled over the cups of her bra. She turned away from her friend so her back was to him.

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Jerry thought she was being shy, but he was wrong.

"Do me a favor and unhook me, will you? I can do it but it's easier this way."

Jerry did as he was asked, and in seconds, Erin's bra was removed and she turned to face him. His eyes grew large.

"Oh, my goodness. You do have rather sizable breasts, Erin."

"Go ahead and feel them. I'm sure you know how. Just be gentle. But before we do anything further, just feel how heavy they are. Yes, just like that. Watch this."

Erin grabbed a thick nipple and after massaging it for a few seconds, pulled on it and squeezed. A thin stream of liquid squirted out the end of her nipple and a drop formed there before falling to the couch."

"It is sort of like milking a cow this way, but I prefer a pair of lips sucking on them. Want to try?"

"Yes, just tell me what to do."

"Lie on my lap face up and I'll feed you. There, this is comfortable for now. I'll bend over and you just do what babies do. Lie there and suck. There you go. Just like that. Oh, yes, that feels so good, Jerry. Do you like the taste?"

He paused after a few seconds of lightly sucking. Her nipple was immediately distended. "Yes, I do. It's not exactly what I expected. It's sweeter than the stuff from a carton, but it's interesting. The best part is the look on your face. It is pure pleasure."

Erin smiled. That is exactly what she wanted to hear. For once, a guy was concerned about her happiness. She glanced down to see if Jerry had an unusual swelling, and, in fact, there it was. But there was no crime in getting an erection as long as he didn't try to do something with it. So far, this was a dream come true.

Erin continued to support Jerry's head while he nursed on her breasts. Once the flow began, it gradually grew creamier and sweeter than the initial taste. Erin cooed and encouraged him, switching breasts from time to time. Her nipples swelled in his mouth and the nubs became thick and rubbery.

Jerry loved it. He had never done anything like this before, and Erin was certainly more than a mouthful. He was sucking on the biggest breasts he had ever seen in his seventy-odd years.

He was also aware of the swelling in his crotch and tried to minimize it, first by casually tucking it to the side when he thought Erin's eyes were closed, and then by trying to think of things that would distract his brain from sex. But having two large tits shoved in his face for him to suck, nibble, and fondle while his buxom friend offered verbal ministrations made that task difficult.

Eventually, Erin stopped him.

"I think that's good for now, Jerry. Thank you so much. Let me wipe your face–you're a messy baby."

Erin grabbed a napkin and dabbed the corners of his mouth where breastmilk had leaked onto his face. He sat up and she gave him a motherly peck on the lips. Jerry started to kiss her back, but Erin stopped him.

"Sorry, Jerry. No sex. Remember? Let's not get started. Again, thanks. You have no idea how good you've made me feel. If you'd like to fondle and kiss my breasts for a while, that's fine. But no sex. You know what I mean, I think."

They sat next to each other and Jerry had his arm around Erin. He stole glances at her beautiful breasts from time to time but decided to keep his hands to himself lest he get carried away. Erin occasionally fondled her own breasts, pulling on the nipples and tweaking them. Eventually, she put her bra back on after sensing a certain amount of sexual frustration in Jerry. Finally, when the movie ended, Jerry said he had better head home, and after a brief peck on the cheek at the door, he was gone.

When he arrived at his condo, he immediately went to bed and beat off to the most satisfying orgasm he had enjoyed in many months.

This could prove to be a wonderful relationship, even though it was platonic...sort of. Regular kissing and sucking on someone's lactating huge boobs probably didn't qualify exactly as platonic, but how would one describe it? Professional? Medicinal? Certainly sensual. Regardless of what it was called, he was looking forward to doing it again.

Jerry's sex life with his wife had been okay. She was conservative about their physical relationship, and so Presbyterian sex, as he called it, was their mainstay. They had no children and their relationship was one of mutual respect. Sucking on a pair of huge breasts would not have been a consideration for several reasons–the main one being they weren't available. His wife's tiny boobs hardly qualified. They were certainly no match for Erin's mammoth mammaries.

But now, Jerry felt like a door had been opened for him. While he wasn't too old for regular sex, getting an erection was not as easy as it used to be. Erin had made it clear that sex was not part of the equation, but nursing on her tits seemed to give her a similar kind of pleasure. He certainly enjoyed the experience and would love to repeat it, but that would be up to Erin.

It was a few days before they had contact again. Jerry was unsure how to broach the subject, but Erin made it easy for him. She knocked on his door and came right out with it once invited inside.

"I think you enjoyed our nursing session the other night, didn't you? I know I did. So, what I'd like to propose is something a little more systematic, Jerry. These udders need stimulation once or twice a week to keep them lactating. I can use a pump, but I'd prefer something a little more personal. Would you be interested in providing that service for me? We could do it at either your place or mine."

Jerry didn't have to think about it.

"I'd be happy to do that. As you know, I'm free most of the time so whatever works for you is likely fine for me. Any particular days in mind?"

They worked out a schedule and a way to communicate if there were glitches. Erin got up to leave, but Jerry stopped her.

"How about right now? I'm willing if you are."

"Sure, I could use some nursing."

Erin unbuttoned her blouse, revealing a satin see-through bra housing those huge orbs. She sat on the couch beside Jerry and asked him to unfasten the back strap. Once the bra was removed, her breasts settled into place and Jerry eyeballed her huge areola and rubbery nipples.

"I like it best if you fondle them a little first. You know–squeeze them and play with them a bit before you go right into sucking."

Erin lay back against a pillow and closed her eyes as Jerry began by massaging her breasts and kissing her nipples. She was in heaven. Jerry was not only a gentleman, but he was catching on quickly regarding nursing her breasts.

After a few minutes, he switched to sucking on her tits in turn and once again, a thin stream developed and gradually increased in volume. He varied his efforts so that at times he was taking her entire areola into his mouth and sucking like a vacuum-cleaner, while other times he gently licked and nibbled on just the tips of her nipples.

Erin was once again in heaven and she automatically held his head in her arms and complimented his efforts with loving murmurs and occasional kisses to his forehead. This went on for about fifteen minutes before she finally let him know that she had to get up. But first, she gave him a sweet kiss on the lips–nothing lingering–just a sweet kiss of thanks.

However, her maternal instincts were not the only emotions she was feeling. Her vagina was sending signals of its own that she tried to ignore. She didn't want to spoil their relationship with something that could easily go wrong.

But for now, she dismissed those feelings. She put her clothes back on and gave him another peck.

"See you Saturday, Jerry. Thanks so much. I wish I could find a way to repay you for this. Anyway, you are making me very happy."

"That's all the payment I need, Erin. See you Saturday."

But secretly, he hoped for more.

Written by johndoe7
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