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Several weeks passed and although Lori had suspicions about Jason and her mother, she could not muster the courage to directly confront him. Jason assumed she had forgotten all about his faux pas but remained cautious about slipping up again.

He was reading on the couch when Lori entered the room with a concerned look on her face as she stared at her cell phone.

"What's wrong? Bad news?"

"I just got a text from Mom. She's coming to Tampa and wants to visit us for a few days as a birthday present to herself. Her birthday is coming up. She's arriving next week if it's OK with us. I don't think she has a clue that we are intimate, but we'd better be careful. I'll need to get all my things out of your room."

"I could just leave...say I have to go on a business trip or something. That way you could have quality time together without me." Jason feared that Lori's mom might want a repeat of their last secret encounter and as much as he loved fucking Sharon, he was in no hurry to jeopardize his relationship with her daughter. Things had been going well lately.

"Naw...we'll work it out. Besides, I'm sure she'll want to see you. She is always asking about you. We'll just play it safe. No hanky-panky while she's here. You'll have to keep that big cock in your pants."

"No problem there." But Jason's cock had already swelled at the thought of his stepmother's big tits dangling in his face as she whispered dirty instructions in his ear and rode him with her fleshy ass. Fucking his stepmom had been a new level of excitement...for Sharon as well as for him.

So, for the next few days, both Lori and Jason worked to erase any signs of their true relationship. The week flew by and before they knew it, Sharon was standing in their doorway.

"Hi, kids! It's so good to see you two. You're looking good: tan and fit--both of you." She hugged Lori and kissed her on the cheek repeatedly before releasing her and eyeballing Jason. "And how are you doing, Jason? Come here and hug your old stepmom, Sweetie." She held out her arms in invitation as Jason stepped forward to embrace her. Sharon mashed her breasts into her stepson and kissed him on the cheek before smiling and kissing him a second time on the lips.

"There, that's a proper kiss, you big stud. God, it's so nice to see you guys. I hope I'm not putting you out." Sharon separated from Jason. Let me get a look at you two. You both look wonderful. Florida must be good for you."

"Oh, and by the way, happy birthday," Jason added.

"Well, it's still a few days away, but Dan is busy with work all the time so I thought, what the hell. I'll see the kids and give myself an early present."

They took Sharon's luggage and welcomed her into the living room.

"Nice digs. I hope I'm not putting you out. I'll just be here a few days and then be out of your hair. But I'm going to make the most of the weather and your hospitality while I'm here. I miss you guys at home."

They filled each other in on news and questions about school and work and showed Sharon her room.

"You can have Jason's room and he'll sleep on the couch while you're here."

"Oh, I wouldn't think of it. Give me the couch. I'll be fine. No need to make special arrangements."

But Lori insisted and her mom finally relented. Lori showed her the room and recommended she get comfortable with Florida attire... swimwear or something loose to lounge in and to make herself at home. Sharon kissed her daughter and thanked her as Lori retreated to the kitchen to prepare a snack.

A few minutes later, Sharon emerged wearing a two-piece and a loose silk robe.

"Where's the pool? I'm going to take a swim after a long day. I had to get up at 4:00 a.m. to catch my flight and even at that early hour, Dan wanted to play hanky-panky with me. He's a randy goat! But--without boring you with the details--let's just say I made short order of him, not that he's short in that department, if you know what mean. Oops, I guess you do. Sorry. Anyway, who wants to hear about the sex life of an old lady, let alone your mother?"

Lori handed her mother a towel. "Jason will show you where the pool is. Be careful! There are lots of lechers there, old and young alike. Those boobs of yours will get their attention for sure."

"Not to worry. I don't mind window shoppers. And at my age I kind of like the attention. It's flattering even though I know men and boobs create a special kind of predictable chemistry. Jason will protect me, won't you, Jason?"

"Fear not, Sir Jason will defend your honor." Jason gave an exaggerated bow.

"My hero. Lori, you have such a gallant brother. How can you resist him?"

"Stay as long as you want, Mom. I'll prep dinner and get some snacks ready. I've got wine chilling and a nice Cab for dinner. We also have liquor if you want something a little stronger." Lori blew them a kiss as they walked down the hall to the elevator.

Once the elevator doors closed behind them, Sharon threw her arms around Jason and kissed him passionately, her tongue finding his instantly. Jason's eyes opened in surprise, especially when he felt his stepmother's hand grab his crotch. She mashed her scantily covered breasts into him.

"God, I've been thinking about this forever. Your cock feels even bigger than I remember, and I remember it was huge."

"Sharon, this is crazy. We can't do this with Lori three feet away most of the time. Are you nuts?"

"Maybe I am, but, Jesus, you make me so hot. Speaking of nuts, I bet you'd like to empty yours. I need to find a way to get you alone." She kissed him again and felt his erection grow in his shorts. "I know you'd love to fuck me again, and trust me, the feelings are mutual. Your stepmom loves to have sex and especially with you. I've got some new ideas to try on you."

Suddenly the elevator bell dinged, and the doors opened to the lobby where a middle-aged couple stood waiting. Sharon said hello as she exited with Jason close behind trying to hide the bulge in his shorts.

"Jesus, did you see the size of her breasts?" the husband exclaimed. "Gotta be fake."

"Get your eyeballs back in your skull, you pervert. Men! You'll drool over anyone with breasts." But even the wife couldn't take her eyes off of Sharon in her two-piece with a towel wrapped around her waist as she crossed the lobby.

Sharon and Jason entered the pool area, which was occupied by a half dozen young men and a few bikini-clad young women. Jason found a couple of loungers and sat, but Sharon immediately gathered her hair into a scrunchy and eased herself into the pool at the shallow end. Conversations stopped when the onlookers realized two giant breasts attached to a stunning older woman has arrived. Sharon gently dove in and began swimming to the deep end, then she reversed direction and rolled into a backstroke. The result was predictable. As she reached back to propel herself, her huge mounds gathered on top of her chest like two volcanos, and jaws dropped. Even the ladies watched in awe as she sensuously swam from one end to the other, her bikini top barely containing her twin orbs.

Jason watched, amused as her audience squinted in the late afternoon sun to get a better look. Sharon was the only one in the pool, so there was no question about the object of their focus. Finally, she swam to the shallow end and, dripping sensuously, slowly emerged to where Jason lay half propped in the lounger.

"That felt great."

"I bet. You put on quite a show for those guys. They'll probably be dreaming about you tonight."

"Oh, hush. I'm an old lady and you know it. I'd be ecstatic if I thought I could give a young twenty-something a boner just by swimming. Now, get me in bed, and that's a different story. I do know a few tricks, even some I haven't shown you. Maybe I'll get a chance before I leave. Hmmm? What do you think?" She bent over and kissed Jason lightly on the mouth and after looking over her shoulder to see if anyone was watching, pulled one cup of her top down to reveal a silver-dollar-sized puffy, pink nipple. She winked at Jason before covering it up again.

Jason felt a stirring in his shorts and automatically put his hands over his crotch.

"Got an itch there? I bet I could scratch it for you." Sharon giggled and lay back to dry off the rest of the way. "Mmmm! I can almost feel your lips sucking on my nipples as I settle onto that big cock of yours. I do like being a cowgirl but I love other positions as well. I bet you could really get deep if we did it doggie style. Oooh, I get tingly just thinking about it. You behind me slamming that big snake into me and your balls slapping my ass."

"Sharon, you're scaring me. What if Lori heard you talking like this?"

"Maybe I should ask her. How do I know you're not fucking my daughter? It's a little hard to believe you could resist that tight little ass and those big knockers of hers. And I think she is sweet on you. Hmmm? Maybe we could do a threesome. Wouldn't that be fun?" Sharon giggled teasingly. "I'm so horny that sex with my daughter sounds appealing, especially if you were in the middle. Now that would be a birthday present I'd remember."

Sharon settled back into the lounger and soaked up the Tampa Bay sun. Jason tried but could not get the picture out of his mind of Sharon on her knees moaning encouragement as he fucked her from behind. He kept his hands over his crotch in a weak attempt to hide his erection.

Later, as the sun started to dip, Sharon said she was ready, and they headed back to the apartment. Lori had hors d'oeuvres prepared and soon they were seated on the balcony sipping white wine and snacking.

As promised, Lori had a wonderful meal ready to go and wine to accompany it. By the time dinner was over, everyone was a little tipsy, Sharon more than the others after drinking a gin and tonic along with the wine. They sat on the couch together--Lori made sure Sharon was between them--and watched tv until Sharon had fallen asleep with her head on Jason's shoulder. Jason looked uncomfortable but didn't say anything.

Finally, Lori spoke up. "Help me get my mom to the bedroom, and I'll do the rest, OK?"

Jason and Lori got Sharon up and walking with their help and plopped her on Jason's bed like a limp corpse. She was wearing a pair of nylon shorts and a tank top with a bra underneath for support. Her boobs jutted prominently in the tank top as a result.

"I can handle it from here, Jason. Thanks. I'll undress her and get her in bed. Maybe just help me sit her up so I can get her top off."

Together they propped Sharon so she was sitting on the edge of the bed and mumbling how much she loved her kids. Lori struggled to get her mother's top off over her bra-clad balloons.

"Little help here, Mom. Raise your arms so I can get this off."

Sharon giggled and raised her arms like a little girl being put to bed. Lori lifted the tank top over her head and Jason excused himself to make up his bed on the couch, but not before doing a check of his stepmother's bra-filling boobs. Lori found her mom's night clothes and set them on the chair near the bed. She reached around and unfastened her mother's bra and removed it, exposing her huge breasts and causing a brief gasp from her daughter.

Sharon instinctively pulled her shoulders back, so her tits rose proudly even further from her ribcage. Gravity and age had caused some sagging, but overall, they were still perky for middle age and their weight. Lori had forgotten how big her nipples were--large pink areolae capped by pencil eraser nubs. Her nipples defied gravity somewhat by pointing out and up, making her tits seem even perkier. Of course, she had seen her mother's breasts before, but not in ages, and not up close like this. She had a weird temptation to reach up and feel them.

Sharon had seen that look many times on the men she was with.

"I know! My boobs are huge, but then yours are getting to be big bazoombas as well." Sharon offered a drunken smile and reached over and hefted her daughter's right breast through her t-shirt. "Very nice! Mine were about this size when I was younger. As I aged, they just got bigger, especially when I was nursing you. 'Boy magnets' I used to call them. Your stepdad still goes bonkers every time he sees them. I can get almost anything I want if I let him play with my boobies."

Lori frowned at the mention of Dan. She still resented his drunken exposure of his large cock to her--even though it had been ages ago.

Sharon took her daughter's hand and placed it on her bare tit. "Go ahead. Feel how heavy they are."

"Mom, what are you doing? I don't need to feel your tits! You need to get in bed. Too much wine!" Lori recoiled at first, but her mom held her hand there. The nipple hardened instantly at Lori's touch.

"Oh, Lori. It's OK. Go ahead and feel them. I'm your mom, for God's sake. Humor me for a sec."

Sharon grabbed Lori's other hand and placed it on the other breast and pressed both hands so that Lori was fondling them with her help. "Mmmm, I do love to have my breasts played with, and I do it myself all the time. They're firm for an old gal, aren't they?" She removed her hands, but Lori kept squeezing and fondling her mother's boobs.

"Know what I'd like for old times' sake? For you to suck on them. Go ahead, my nipples are so tender. It's like they are directly wired to the pleasure center of my brain, not to mention other areas. You used to feast on them when you were a baby. Remember? I loved nursing you and you couldn't get enough of my breast milk."

"Mom, I'm not going to suck on your boobs!" But her mother placed her hand behind Lori's head and she found herself leaning toward her mother's fat nipple.

Sharon gently pressed her daughter's head to her breast and Lori, startled at first, complied. Instinctively she put her lips around her mother's areola and gently sucked while she squeezed the other one in her hand. She figured if she went along, her mother would get in bed faster. But surprisingly, she enjoyed the sensation of nursing on her mother's puffy nipple as she fondled the other tit.

"Mmmm. Yes, just like that. Only harder. I love to have my nipples sucked and pinched. The harder the better. You're making me tingle."

Lori looked up to see Sharon's eyes closed in obvious pleasure. Lori smiled and moaned softly as her mother cradled her head in her arms. Lori's brain returned to infancy and the warm feeling she got when she nursed on those milk-laden breasts as a baby. And she also realized that she was enjoying it now as well as if some primordial urge was being satisfied. She suddenly realized that her vagina was getting moist and strange urges began to enter her brain.

"Many men have enjoyed my tits but only another woman would understand how wonderful it feels to have them fondled. You are making me horny, Lori. This feels so good. Thank God it's only my daughter breastfeeding, otherwise someone might think I'm a lesbian."

Feeling guilty, Lori released her mother's breast. "OK, Mom. Enough of that...stand up for me. Let's get these shorts off so you can get in bed."

Sharon stood on wobbly legs as Lori loosened her elastic waistband and slid her mother's shorts to the floor so she could step out of them. Sharon was wearing sheer bikini panties--no granny panties for her--and her blonde bush was visible through the fabric. Her thighs and ass had just a slight bit of extra flesh, but considering her age, she looked fantastic. Lori only hoped she could look so good at that age. Her mother had not yet succumbed to middle-aged spread.

"OK, in you go!" Lori pulled the covers back and her mother scooted under them. Her mom pulled the sheet up to her waist so her boobs were still visible and held her arms out for an embrace good night. Lori bent to kiss her on the cheek, but her mother pulled her close and gave her a huge smack on the lips.

"It's OK if I give my daughter a real kiss, isn't it? Why don't you send in your brother for a good night kiss, too, Honey? Maybe I could borrow him for a few hours. I could use some good lovemaking for a change from Dan." Sharon giggled. "Or should I say a good fucking? Pardon my French...a best describes it. His father just likes to paw me and then shoot his wad. I bet Jason could give me a run for my money. What do you think?" She paused and winked at Lori and then added in a dramatic whisper, "I also bet you're fucking him, aren't you? I've seen the way you two look at each other. You can't hide it from your mother. I know sparks when I see them."

Lori only smiled. But...

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Written by johndoe7
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