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Author's Notes

"The fact that it was completely unplanned made it even more exciting than normal. "Did you enjoy that, Eddie!?" He had. "That has to be the horniest thing we have ever done." He agreed. Fuck, I just can't get it out of my mind."

I was tired, so very tired. The couple in the back seat were asleep, and although I had nodded off a couple of times, I could not sleep properly. I never can when I am in the car and, anyway, I did not want to sleep and leave Eddie driving on his own. And I knew he would feel as tired as I did, so I felt I should stay awake and keep him company.

I was half curled up, lying partly on my side so I could look at him. Now and again, I would reach across and rub his thigh or hold his hand, and he would turn and smile at me.  I was humming a song, which I would sing softly now and again, and he would turn and giggle.

“Shhh,” he would say, “they’ll wonder what’s going on.” But they were asleep, and anyway, they would not understand. It was a song my father used to sing to me, a song sung by a very naughty rabbit called Peter. Perhaps you know it?

Why do I do it?

What can it be?

There’s naughtiness in everyone

But twice as much in me

I’d give the world if only I could

Now and again, be good!


I love skiing. I am not that good at it, although I can cope with most slopes. It helps that we have a place in the Canadian Rockies, so I have many hours under my belt, but compared with many you will see in North America, I am no better than average. 

Eddie does not think I do myself justice, which is lovely of him. I am probably a good deal better than what you will see in the Alps. Yes, of course, some of the locals are quite superb, but let’s be honest: the majority of those you will see on the slopes in The Three Valleys are not locals. 

Eddie, on the other hand, is decent, even compared with the locals. It helps that he is fit, very fit, and he has spent hundreds of days skiing with some incredible skiers in the Rockies. However, this year, we decided not to go to our place for reasons I will not go into here.

So, when Helen asked if we fancied a week skiing with her and her husband, Steve, in France, we said yes. We both knew the skiing would not be a match for Canada, but they are good fun and the hotel they had booked looked ideal. It was a small family-run place with only a dozen rooms, a lovely little bar and only a ten-minute walk from the centre of the town, so close enough to enjoy the nightlife but far enough out of the centre not to be kept awake in the very late hours.

Our room was lovely, with a small balcony overlooking the small terrace. I immediately spotted the hot tub, which had a wood-burning stove, which Helen, Steve, and I used most evenings. Eddie is not a fan of hot tubs. He gets too hot.

The other guests were a real mixture, but all very friendly. On the fourth day of skiing, we were joined by a lovely couple from Bristol and spent most of the evening with them. The following day, we bumped into two German lads who were staying there. And I do mean bump, as one of them had lost control and nearly cleared us out. He was so apologetic, and he insisted he buy the drinks in the bar afterwards.

The following day, our last day, we decided to go to a different area and the plan was that Eddie and Steve would take on a couple of very difficult runs, meeting Helen and me for lunch. Steve was perhaps a little uneasy about that, but we thought we would head up that way, and if Steve didn’t want to do those runs, we would all head off together. Well, that was the plan anyway.

As we came off the lift, even I realised Steve was not going to do that run. After a brief chat, we agreed we would head down the easier way, although Eddie was a little disappointed, and were about to set off when the two German lads appeared.

We explained we were going to head down the easier route, but they suggested Eddie join them. I was more than happy with that, as I knew Eddie had been looking forward to doing it, and I watched him disappear over the lip of what to me looked like a horrendous drop.

Our run down was steep enough, including some icy stretches, and after another couple of other runs, we arrived at one of those lovely mid-mountain restaurants.

We had just sat down, when Eddie and the two German lads arrived, clearly very pleased with themselves. Christoph and Sascha, or Sash for short, joined us for lunch but then went their way, although Steve and Helen suggested we meet up sometime in the evening for a drink, this being our last night.


I was surprised Emma had not said anything. She was playing the perfect wife. There had not been the slightest bit of flirtation, no cute smiles, no flutter of eyelashes. True, ski gear does not exactly allow the wiggle of a scantly covered bottom or the flash of stocking tops, but I thought these two lads would have been her perfect targets.

“Eddie, it is impossible for me to flirt with them without Helen spotting it!”

Of course, she was right. We had spent the last ten years keeping this side of our life private, and I mean absolutely private. None of our friends nor our family know about our other life. And, for obvious reasons, we had to keep it that way. Yes, it is true that in the last couple of years, we had pushed the boundaries a little, such as Suzie and once or twice playing closer to home, but so far, our secret remained safe. 

“If it was just me and you here, yes, I would be flirting." She giggled. "No, that’s wrong, I would definitely be fucking one of them.”

“Not both of them?” I asked, smiling.

“Fuck yeah!” and she laughed and then pinned me against the shower wall. “You’d love to watch me, wouldn’t you?” and she slipped her hand between my legs and stroked my cock and bollocks. Yes, I would. 

“And watch me suck their hard young cocks?” I nodded , and I watched her drop to her knees and, looking up into my eyes, take my now erect, old cock, into her mouth.

We were a bit late joining Helen and Steve in the bar, but we had a lovely dinner and soon found ourselves in a very lively bar, the drinks flowing and soon the girls were on the small dancefloor, shaking their stuff.

Emma has said she is not the best skier. Perhaps that is true, but she is a superb apres-skier. There is no one better and, this being our last night, she was in top form. The two lads had appeared and it was not long before they joined the girls on the dancefloor and whilst Emma kept her distance, Steve and I watched as Helen enjoyed the attention of two good-looking young men.

The night was fun but we left the two lads trying their luck with a group of girls more their age and headed back, all of us slightly worse for wear. It was snowing and very cold, and when we got to the hotel, it was all shut up, so we said goodnight and headed to our rooms.

“Eddie, shall we?” Emma was looking out of the window. I was not sure what she was referring to, but she quickly added, “Come on, it’s empty , but it’s still lit,” and she was off. 

I trotted off after her and found her peeling back the cover. “It’s still hot,” and as I completed the job she had started, she simply undressed and jumped in. “Oh, Eddie, it’s lovely; hurry up!”

I put a few logs into the burner, picked up her clothes and moved them under cover and then undressed and climbed in.

Some soft lights were hanging from the handrails of the decking, but otherwise, it was dark, and it was just a few minutes before Emma had straddled me and kissed me passionately.

“Emma, you know what we should try?” 


I managed to stand, but she slipped off me. “Quick,” and I stepped out of the hot tub and holding her hand, she followed, albeit a bit hesitantly.  Before she could protest, I picked her up, stepped out into the snow, and plopped her down.

“Holly fuck!” she yelled, but I flopped down next to her. 

“Fucking hell!”


“You do realise I might have had a fucking heart attack!” Eddie was laughing and I was again straddling him, back in the lovely heat of the hot tub, and I kissed him, again. I could feel his cock against my tingling pussy and my nipples were still hard and I wanted to make love to him, there and then.

It was then that I heard them. I stayed where I was but looked over towards the hotel door and I saw them.

“Hi, guys.” The accent was German and, as they walked towards us, I slipped off Eddie’s lap. Even though it was dark, I kept myself close to him and was slightly surprised when they walked up to the edge of the tub. In hindsight, I was being silly.

I have been in several saunas, and the like, throughout Europe. No one regards nudity as anything other than natural and the fact that these two lads were standing above us, and happily chatting, was completely normal.

“Can we join you?” Christoph asked eventually, and a minute later, after they had topped up the stove, two naked young Germans were enjoying the water with us. 

It was still snowing, and with the tangle of legs and rubbing of skins, it was a lovely mix.

“OK. Emma, one more go. Ready?” At first, I thought Eddie was joking. “Come on,’ he said and stood, and, giggling, I quickly followed him up the steps, between the two lads, and down onto the deck. Hand-in-hand, we ran out into the snow and flopped down next to each other.

“Holly fucking shit,” it just took both our breaths away, but as we both tried to laugh and silently screamed, I rolled over onto him and kissed him deeply, the warmth of his body giving me a surge of excitement.

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We were back in the hot tub in a few seconds and still laughing when Christoph and Sash stood, took deep breaths, and off they went. And what a sight. Whilst it was dark, the snow reflected what little light there was, and I realised they would have got a very good view of me. As they ran back and jumped in, they were laughing.

A few minutes later, Christoph jumped out again, but this time he headed for the door and returned a few minutes later, beers in his hand, and sporting an impressive, semi-hard erection. As he handed out the drinks, I took the opportunity to place my hand on Eddie's lap and was not surprised to feel his cock was hard, perhaps not fully erect but enough to send pulses through me.

The four of us chatted away, and occasionally the two lads would speak to each other in German as if explaining what we had said, but it was when suddenly Eddie replied to something they had said in German the conversation stopped dead.

“You speak German?” Eddie replied in German, and I could see they were embarrassed.

“Eddie, what is it?” I asked, but he continued to speak to them until they visibly relaxed and laughed, and soon they were chatting again, still laughing, and apologising to me and Eddie.

“Eddie, what is it?”

‘Well,” he said, smiling at the lads and then me. “They think your bottom is as horny as fuck and, well, how can I put it? They would like to see more of it.”

“Oh, do they!” I said, trying to sound offended, but failing miserably. We all laughed, and I took a sip of my beer. OK, I thought, they would like to see more, would they? 

They were all chatting, so I stood and turned, kneeling on the seat and leaning out over the edge of the tub, and placed the bottle into the snow, and the conversation stopped again.

The cool air on my back and bottom was quite thrilling, and when a hand began to stroke my cheeks, that thrill rose, and when a second joined the first, my pussy tingled, and my already hard nipples ached. Fuck, yeah, I thought, and I’d been such a good girl!

It was too cold to stay like this for long, and when I turned and slipped back into the water, the lads were smiling, and instead of sitting next to Eddie, I sat on his lap, my back against his chest, his now fully erect cock pressed against my “horny as fuck” bottom.

The water was not quite covering my nipples, which, due to the cold air, made them even harder, and when Eddie’s hands cupped my breasts and gently squeezed them, I could only purr. And, as I stretched out my legs, my feet explored, and I was rewarded when first one, and then the other, discovered erections, having gently found their way via firm thighs.

Fuck, it was so, so, fucking horny! Eddie’s hands had now worked down my body and were gently stroking my pussy and, as I spread my legs, the two lads moved along the seat on either side of us, so that now, with my feet still rubbing their erect cocks, my knees were out of the water. 

The first feel of another hand on my thigh and then another on my other thigh was exhilarating, but when those hands joined Eddie’s and he pressed his hand onto my pubic mound, fully exposing my clitoris, I felt spasms deep inside me.

I stayed like this for several minutes and, to be honest, I think I could have stayed like that forever. It was heaven, the heat of the water, the cold of the night air, snowflakes on my legs and breasts, hands exploring my pussy and bottom, and three very hard cocks, two being rubbed by my feet, and one pressed against my lower back. And I knew that all three of these lovely hard cocks were going to fuck me, and fuck me, and fuck me.  

When, after several minutes of shear bliss, Christoph stood in front of me, his young cock big and hard, I initially wondered if I was ready, but Eddie’s fingers slipped into me and spread my lips wide, and as Christoph stepped between my legs, Eddie, with the help of Sash, lifted me, my legs spread wide and I knew I was about to find out.

That first penetration! Oh, how I just love it, and as he positioned his cock against my pussy, my lust surged, and after a few gentle thrusts, he slipped in, and in, until I could feel his pelvis against my clitoris. It was heaven.

Lying on Eddie only increased the pleasure, one of his hands holding one leg, my other leg held wide by Sash, which gave Christoph full and unrestricted access to me, and within a few minutes, he was pounding into me, Eddie’s free hand squeezing my breasts and Sash’s fingers rubbing my clitoris. And suddenly, quite out of the blue, it hit me.

My whole body began to shake and, with my legs still held firm, I raised my whole body off Eddie, with just my neck and head pressing against him, and I orgasmed, Christoph lifting my hips, my pussy impaled on his gorgeous erection.


The journey home was long, but Steve and I took turns to drive. Both girls slept or snoozed most of the way and we managed to get an earlier spot in the tunnel and were back home late the following morning. After dropping off Steve and Helen, just a few streets from ours, we were soon home, and even as I was making a coffee for Emma, she was undressing me.

“Fucking hell, Eddie,” she said, an hour or so later, her head on my chest, her hand stroking my used penis, “I can’t stop thinking about that, can you?” No, I couldn’t. “Eddie. That was so fucking horny; I think that’s the horniest thing we’ve ever done, don’t you?” Yes, it was.  “Please tell me you enjoyed it.”

The sight of my wife, and the feel of my wife, being fucked from behind, whilst kneeling over me, with her mouth full of another cock, is something I will not forget. 

After her first orgasm, Emma had straddled me, kneeling on the seat, and Sash had taken his turn to fuck her, her lovely bottom just on the top of the water and it allowed me to slide my hand under her yummy body and work her clitoris, as a very impressive and very hard young cock drove into her. 

“Fuck, yeah,” she kept whispering, with the occasional “oh, fuck yeah, Eddie, fuck,” and kissing me passionately, gasping on every thrust.

Christoph had taken a breather and had sat next to me, stroking Emma’s back and bottom but it was not long before Sash upped the pace and Christoph put down his beer and knelt right next to me, his cock still erect. And Emma did not need to be asked twice.

I have seen Emma suck many cocks, and some in very close proximity, and, as Emma drew him deep into her mouth and sucked passionately, I could sense her excitement, the exhilaration in her, her body shaking and, as I worked her pussy, I realised she was building to her second orgasm.

“Oh, fucking hell, Eddie,” she said, briefly releasing Christoph’s cock from her mouth, and she kissed me deeply, and then turned to suck his cock, then back to me, and then again back to the rock-hard cock in her hand. But the next time, as she turned again, she pulled Christoph’s cock with her, so this time as she kissed me, his cock was still in her mouth.

This was a first for me and it was notable just how much her body seemed to respond so when I did finally take it fully into my mouth, she almost ate my mouth, and the cock, grabbing my hair, her breathing almost frantic. 

It was an incredible five minutes of sex. I have seen Emma highly excited before, but this was on another level. And as we continued to kiss and suck this hard young cock between us, Emma’s body began to shake and shudder, little yelps escaping from her, and she began to drive her bottom to meet Sash’s thrusts until suddenly her orgasm crashed through her, just as Sash groaned and moaned, and slammed himself as deep as he could into her.

Christoph did not last long, but long enough for Emma to squeal in delight, this time lying between me and Sash and when we eventually got back to our room, she had ridden me like a woman possessed.


I let Eddie escape for a beer with his mates. He looked quite exhausted, but off he went, and I quickly jumped into the shower, to freshen up. I, too, was exhausted and a little sore, but I needed more reclaiming, so I planned on a quick doze, and then, as soon as he got in the door, I intended to ravish him again. Blimey, I thought, I could not remember feeling as fucking horny as this for, well, ever! 

I had just got out of the shower when the front doorbell rang. I had a quick look at the monitor and was surprised to see Helen on the doorstep.

An hour or so later, as Helen closed the door behind her, I was not the happy little bunny I had been. Holy fucking shit!

I was sitting in front of the fire when Eddie got home.

“I thought you’d be in bed,” he said, opening the fridge and grabbing a beer.

“Eddie, we’ve got trouble.”

“What’s the problem?” he said, smiling.

“It’s not a problem, it’s fucking trouble! And, it is not anything to smile about.” I had caught his attention, but before he could say anything, I continued. “Remember, this is not my fault.”

He sat down next to me, and I resisted the temptation to snuggle into him.

“Helen called in.” He took a sip of his beer.

“Had they left something in the car?”

“No. She thought she should speak to me, face-to-face.” He looked at me, his expression one of concerned interest.


“We had an audience. Helen. Apparently, she had a ring-side seat, in the bar. All of ten metres away.”

“Please tell me you are fucking kidding? Please.”

Written by EmmaEddie72
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