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Author's Notes

"These characters needed some building ... some 'fleshing out' if you will, along with a good spanking!"

“Oh, Simone,” Chloe sighed.

“What’s wrong, Chloe?”

“Nothing at all! I love being here with you like this,” she replied, curled up in Simone’s arms in the afterglow of loving, gentle sex.

“Even when you’re naughty? And I have to spank you?”

Especially when I’m naughty!” she said, turning to look at the cute, sexy Simone biting her lip. “Like today!” she added, goading her into it.

“Oh? What did you do, Chloe?” she asked as her hands strayed onto the blonde’s perfect tits, tweaking her erect nipples.

“Jamie’s been calling me all day, and I keep sending him to voicemail,” she confessed. “And I haven’t even checked my messages.”

“Maybe a sore bottom will teach you to treat your friends better than that!”

“I’m sorry!” she said as she turned to lay across Simone’s lap, her naked body begging for the exquisite pain of a good spanking.

She was surprised at the intensity of the first spanks on her perfectly presented bottom. It was harder than Simone usually spanked, but not hard enough to qualify as punishment. Unfortunately, not even Jamie’s spankings achieved that goal, and fleetingly, she thought of her first time with the Professor. ‘Now that was a real spanking!’ she thought.

Still, she loved Simone’s less-than-intense spankings, especially when her free hand found its way between her thighs, manipulating the tender, pink folds and plunging into her dripping hole in time with harder-than-usual smacks on her bottom.

“Oh God, Simone! Spank me! Spank me!” she cried as the fingers drove her to another of several orgasms she’d received tonight. “Oh! Oh! Ohhhmmm!” she sighed, breathing heavily as her punishing hands turned to soothing hands.

Chloe got up on her knees and, with a sly smile, grabbed Simone’s legs and pulled her away from the headboard to have her on her back, then pushing her legs up against her chest, dove in tongue first. Spreading the slippery lips apart, her tongue lapped at smaller petals within her flower.

She still marveled at how quickly she came to enjoy being with Simone, especially licking her pretty pussy. She could feel her own pussy, squishy wet, waiting patiently for her turn, knowing it would be so much better once she’d made Simone cum, her face covered in her juice.

“Mmm, you get better at that every time!” she said, complimenting Chloe’s tongue talent. “Now give me that sweet, little pussy of yours!”

Turning around and straddling Simone’s small, curvy body, she laid her pussy in Simone’s face and buried her tongue between the other’s thighs, picking up where she left off a moment ago. Rocking her hips, she raked her pussy over the brunette’s face and squeaked when the first of many playful spanks landed on her upraised ass.

Many grunts, groans, and gasps later, she rewarded Simone with a face full of her slick secretions while still tongue-fucking her spanker, bringing her to climax moments later.

Turning around again, she leaned over Simone’s prone body and kissed her lovingly all over her face, with grateful expressions of her lust. The two rolled over while fingers, lips, and tongues kept the fires of their orgasms on simmer.

“My God, Simone!” she half whispered to the one she incorrectly called her ‘lesbian lover,’ her amorous thoughts interrupted by the vibrating sound of her phone on the coffee table.

“That’s Jamie again,” she explained to Simone as they got up to confirm her suspicion.

Sitting on the sofa together, she nodded, acknowledging her correct guess at who it was. She held the ‘one’ key to start the messages playing.

You have ten new messages. First message received at two-fifteen today:
“Hi, Chloe! It’s Jamie. Call me?”
“Hi, Chloe, it’s me again. Give me a call?”
“Hi, Chloe, call me? Please?”

The messages continued, each getting a little more insistent and panicky than the last, with the final few mentioning Simone, “Chloe! Please call me? I need to talk to you about Simone!”

“They’re all about me?” Simone asked with genuine surprise. “Why? What did I do?”

“Do you remember where you were about two this afternoon?”

“I’d just come from speech class and … Oh! Really? Just because I kissed you?”

“Yeah. He went kinda nuts about it, asking me questions about it and feeling very unsure of himself. I didn’t answer any of them except to say you were a ‘very good friend,’ and I left.”

“I think ‘very good friend’ might be understating it a little, don’t you?” she asked before planting a tongue-twisting kiss on the cute blonde’s lips. “You still want to be with him too, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do,” she replied after a short pause. “He’s really very sweet, Simone. I think you’d like him.”

“I’d love to try, but I don’t think he will. Tell me about him?”

Chloe gave her a brief rundown of their short history together, including a more detailed and fun description of their camping trip.

“When he finally did spank me, it was really good. You know, that he’d finally done it, but it wasn’t very hard. Not even close to the Professor.”

“That beast? You don’t want it like that from Jamie, do you?”

“No, like the first time!” she said to Simone’s questioning look, having not been aware of a ‘first time.’ “It was amazing, Simone! That was a real spanking! It hurt so good! And then he had to spoil it the second time. Jamie still hasn’t spanked me like that, but the way he licks me after? Ooo, it’s fucking amazing! I wish you could experience that.”

“Again, I’m willing to try. He’s cute and seems like a nice guy, but …”

“Chloe!” The voice and knocking on the door startled them both.

“It’s Jamie!” Chloe said. “Go in the bedroom, Simone? I don’t want to have it out with him right now.”

They both walked to the bedroom, where Simone sat on the bed, and Chloe donned a silky robe to cover her naked body. She took a deep breath before opening the door, not knowing what to expect from Jamie.

“Hi, Jamie,” she said resignedly as she stepped back to let him enter. “What’s all this about?” she challenged.

“It’s about Simone, Chloe!” he said as though she should know.

“She just kissed me!”

“I may be a little slow on the uptake sometimes, but that was more than ‘just a kiss!’” he said, sitting on one of the chairs at her kitchen counter. Chloe took the seat opposite and put a comforting hand on his knee. “Are you with her now?” he asked as though he was no longer in the picture.

“I am,” she admitted, “but I still want to be with you too, Jamie,” she added, trying to soothe his excited nerves.

“Are you a … a lesbian?” he accused.

“No. I’m not. And neither is she, but I think I may be bi-sexual,” she said as though she wasn’t sure for his benefit.

“I’m sorry. What does that mean?” he asked, a bit calmer, showing his rural upbringing.

“It means I like being with both women and men,” she started, letting that sink in before continuing. “Simone and I have a lot of fun together, and we’d like to have that kind of fun together with you.”

“What, the three of us?” he asked. “What about the … the …”

“The spanking?” she finished for him. “She likes it too, Jamie! That’s how we got together, actually.”

“I don’t know,” he said, though it was clear he was thinking about it.

“I’d love to try it, Jamie!” Simone’s voice came from the bedroom door, surprising them both.

Jamie’s mouth dropped open at the sight of the comely brunette in nothing but a long T-shirt over her otherwise naked body.

“Oh. She’s here?” he said, embarrassed by her display, only just now noticing Chloe’s near-naked appearance in the robe that flowed sensuously over her body.

“Jamie, I’d like to …” Chloe started but was interrupted.

“I gotta go,” he said as he stood up and left abruptly.

Chloe called after him, and getting no response, she closed the door, frustration evident on her face.

“I’m sorry, Chloe,” Simone offered with her arm around her shoulders. “I hope I didn’t make it worse. I guess I was kinda naughty?” she added with a sly smile.

“Yes, you were! And I oughta have you over my knee!” Chloe threatened with very little fire in her voice, “But I’m really not in the mood anymore.”

It was with frustration, not anger, that the two hugged before gathering up their clothes, ending a magical evening.

With Simone gone, Chloe picked up her phone and called her mom.

“Hi, baby! It’s so good to hear from you! I can’t wait to see you on Thanksgiving!”

“Hi, Mom,” she said, and Susan knew from her tone that something was wrong.

She’d told her about Jamie before and ducked the question as to whether he’d given her a real spanking yet. She chuckled, thinking, ‘How many kids discuss their sexy spankings with their moms?’

“Mom, I have another friend I’d like to bring for Thanksgiving. Her name is Simone. Is that okay?”

“Sure, baby. The more the merrier! I don’t think you’ve mentioned her before.”

“I’ve known her for a year or two, but we only recently got together. She’s more than just a friend, Mom,” she said, hoping the implication was clear.

Before Susan had gotten together with Mark, she would not have picked up on the inference, but the two of them had gotten up to all sorts of sexy fun since they met and married, opening her mind to all kinds of lifestyles.  

“Oh? Has my little girl got a lesbian friend now?” she said, teasing her in a friendly, accepting way.

“She’s not a lesbian, Mom, she’s bi-sexual. And I think I am, too.”

“Oh, Chloe!” her mom started and braced herself for a lecture. “That’s wonderful! I can’t wait to hear about it! Of course, you can bring her! I can’t wait to meet her!”

She shouldn’t have been surprised by her mom’s reaction as she’d had all sorts of strange conversations about sex and spanking with her since Mark came into their lives. She thought about Mark, whom she considered her Dad now, and wondered whether he might talk some sense into Jamie.

“Jamie’s not too keen on it. Do you think Dad would consider talking to him about it? I think I’d have to tell them both about you two crazy spankos!”

“Hey! Your dad’s the spanko! I’m just a newbie!”

“Yeah, right!” she replied sarcastically, and her mom laughed.

“You should have seen the way he spanked me last night! My hiney is still a little sore. I’ll get even with him tonight, though! He doesn’t know I bought a new paddle!”

The conversation continued along similar lines for a few minutes more. She got off the phone in a much better mood, reflecting on how her new dad had made all their lives better.


The next day, Jamie cornered her on campus, and although he seemed to be in a much better mood than last night, she still expected a confrontation, especially when she told him about Thanksgiving.

“Chloe, look, I’m sorry about last night. It’s just that I don’t know what to think about us anymore. And I don’t know about Simone. I’ve never …” he started, but she cut him off.

“I’d never done anything like that either, Jamie. I didn’t go looking for it, but Simone came to me looking for advice about things with her boyfriend, spanking things. One thing led to another, and we enjoy each other’s company, but that doesn’t change anything between me and you, not yet, at least.”

“What do you mean ‘not yet?’”

“Jamie, I think you’ve considered us an exclusive relationship. I don’t. Again, not yet. I may get there, but I’m not there yet. Will Simone have an effect on that? Maybe. Probably, but I don’t know how yet. I’ve only been with her a few times so far.”

“And you think the three of us could get together? Like a menage a, something?”

“Menage a trois,” she corrected. “I guess that’s what it would be. We don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I will keep seeing Simone either way.”

“I don’t know,” he replied noncommittally.

“I’m going to invite her to my folks with us for Thanksgiving,” she said, watching carefully for his reaction.

“Okay,” he said, but he certainly wasn’t okay with it, just accepting what was probably inevitable.

He kissed her affectionately and left.

Later that same day, she arranged to meet Simone after classes at a junk food restaurant. The contrast in her reaction between the two people was apparent. It was like she was heading to a debate with Jamie, but she was just happy to see Simone. She wondered whether that meant anything in the long run but abandoned the thought.

“Hi, beautiful!” she said when the comely, petite girl arrived, thinking nothing of receiving her passionate kiss in such a public place.

“Hi yourself!” she replied after licking the kiss off her lips. “Have you seen Jamie today?” she asked with genuine concern.

“Yeah, around lunchtime. He’s better than last night, but still ‘doesn’t know,’” she said, using air quotations to emphasize his noncommittal attitude.

“He’ll come around, Chloe.”

“What makes you so sure?”

“Have you ever met a guy who wouldn’t want to make it with two beautiful girls at the same time?” she said, laughing.

“I guess,” Chloe replied, chuckling. “But Jamie’s not like that. It’s funny. That’s one of the things I like about him. He’s not like all the guys. He’s a sweet, thoughtful person, which is probably why he won’t spank me like I want it. He’s still afraid he’s gonna hurt me.”

“You have to keep encouraging him.”

“Maybe. I may have my dad talk to him at Thanksgiving,” she said, getting a strange look from her friend. “Speaking of which, that’s why I wanted to talk to you. Do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?”

“I’m gonna stay here. My folks are going on a cruise. Why?”

“Would you like to come with me and Jamie to my folks?”

“What, stay at your parent’s house with Jamie?” she asked, wondering how that would work.

“No, we’d stay at my house and just go to my folks for dinner.”

“Your house? You have a house?”

“Yeah,” she laughed, “My mom just married Mark earlier this year, so they live in his house and gave me the house I grew up in.”

“Wow! That’s cool! Yeah, I’m in, but you’re sure about me and Jamie staying there with you?”

“I’m hoping the forced cohabitating might bring him around. And like I said, I may have my dad talk to him.”

“Okay,” she said hesitatingly. “That’s the second time you mentioned that. Why do you think your dad would be able to get through to him?” Chloe laughed.

“Look. My mom and Mark met because of a common interest in spanking,” she said to Simone’s raised eyebrows. “Yeah, you wouldn’t believe some of the things they get up to, and she got her first-ever spanking from him just over a year ago! When I called to ask her about you, she started telling me about the spanking she’d gotten the night before and how he was gonna get his with a new paddle she’d bought!”

“Okay. That’s either really strange or really cool!”

“They are kinda cool in their own way. I think you’ll like them!”


She ensured they knew the plan, leaving on Wednesday morning and meeting her parents that night before Thanksgiving. Jamie was still being strange about it, insisting on taking his car and using some excuse about needing to be home Sunday for a school function. He followed behind her and Simone in Chloe’s car and arrived with minimal traffic hassles in mid-afternoon. When they got to the house, the subject of sleeping arrangements needed to be settled.

“I sleep in the big bedroom, and one of you can sleep in my old bedroom.”

“I’ll sleep in the other room,” Jamie volunteered. “We haven’t slept together yet,” he explained. Chloe shook her head to his back as he headed to the small bedroom.

They needed some things from the supermarket, and Simone volunteered to give the others some space. She hadn’t been gone five minutes when Jamie stepped into Chloe’s room while she was unpacking.

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“Do you think you should be sleeping with her?”

“Jamie, you could have …”

“Chloe, I think you’re being a naughty girl!” he said to Chloe’s startled and confused look. “Yeah, I think you need a spanking!”

“I’m sorry, Jamie, but I don’t think …”

“Come here!” he said with a compelling tone as he sat on the bed.

She didn’t want this right now, but hoping against hope, she stood before him. He didn’t say another word as he opened her denim shorts and pulled them and her panties down to her knees. Feeling a twinge in her bare pussy facing him, she was starting to enjoy this surprising side of Jamie and laid across his lap, now wanting this unexpected punishment from the usually staid Jamie.

“You shouldn’t be sleeping with someone you hardly know, so you need a good spanking!” he said and delivered the first smack to her near cheek.

“I’m sorry, Jamie!” she cried, absorbing harder spanks than she was used to from him, but still not as hard as she’d like.

She was into it now, loving the unexpected nature of it, and lifted her hips as a plea for more and harder spanks. Scolding her with repeated accusations of being naughty and a ‘bad girl,’ it was like he was laying claim to her, taking her from Simone.

Jamie kept his eye on the time, wanting to complete his plan before she returned. He was enjoying spanking her more than before and even stepped up the intensity a bit, still being careful not to hurt her. Wanting to be sure he made her cum, he spanked one cheek repeatedly and then provided the exquisite torture of his fingernails, scratching the newly sore spot.

“Oh, God, Jamie!” she shrieked with the overstimulation, nearly squirming off his lap when the other cheek was given the same treatment.

After another ten solid smacks, he ordered her to stand before him again. Standing up, he had her take his place on the bed and, kneading her tits, laid her down on its surface. Kneeling before her, he pulled her knees apart and buried his tongue between the swollen pink lips of her perfect pussy.

“Fuck, Jamie! What’re you doing to me?” she asked as his hyperactive tongue drove her to a climax quicker than ever.

“No, I won’t be fucking you right now, but I will make you CUM!” he said, plunging three fingers into her slot and sucking her whole pussy into his mouth for a good basting with his tongue.

“Oh! Oh! Ahhh fuck!” she screamed as the orgasm hit her like a ton of bricks, leaving her panting and heaving on the bed. Still shaking, Jamie had her sit up, and slipping her shorts and panties back over her feet, and getting her to stand, he pulled the panties up, snapped the elastic against her bottom, and gave her one good spank across both cheeks, just as he heard the garage door opening for Simone.

“Can you get the groceries, Jamie?” she asked when he appeared from Chloe’s bedroom.

Jamie went to the garage, and Chloe stumbled into the kitchen to help put the food away.

“Are you okay?” Simone asked seeing her unsteady on her feet.

“I … I just got spanked!” she whispered, “and licked!”

“Oh, my God! Jamie?” she asked and realized the stupidity of the question immediately. “Of course, it was Jamie! It was obviously pretty good!?”

They stopped talking as Jamie deposited the first load of bags on the counter, looked each of them in the eye, and returned to the garage for more.

“He licks me like nobody else! Maybe we’ll get him to do you yet.”

They spent the next few hours getting situated, then lying about drinking beer and shooting the breeze. Jamie was a bit more talkative in the group of three; Chloe guessed he’d had something to prove and, having done it, was more comfortable. There was still an edge to any conversation with Simone, though.

It was about time to meet her parents, and Chloe felt an explanation was necessary.

“I know I’ve told you both that my parents are really into spanking, but you may not realize the extent of it. They’re very open about it with me, and since they know that both of you are into it as well, they may be equally forthcoming with you. They won’t do anything in front of you, but they may embarrass the hell out of you with questions and/or stories. I hope they offer to show you the spanking room!”

“They have a spanking room?” the two said almost in unison.

“Yeah,” Chloe laughed. “It’s just an upstairs bedroom with a whole bunch of implements on the wall and a spanking bench, but I hope Dad has the Spanker Machine set up!”

“He has a spanking machine?”

“Yeah, and you’ve gotta try it. Okay, let’s go!”

Knowing they were on their way, Susan and Mark met them in the driveway. Chloe went to her mom first for a good hug but made sure to say ‘Hi, Daddy!’ when Mark took her in his arms and held her for a long, loving hug. She loved that he’d been as happy to have her as his daughter as she was to have him as her dad. Jamie and Simone were welcomed similarly, and they all went inside.

They had a wonderful evening together, and everyone pitched in the following day for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Chloe, ever worried about her parents saying something embarrassing, relaxed during dinner when her fears seemed unfounded. Again, all helped to clear the dishes, but the women laid claim to cleaning up the kitchen as a dessert would be prepared next. Susan motioned with her head to Mark when she saw Jamie walking out the back door, expecting him to have the ‘talk’ with him that Chloe had requested.

“This is beautiful,” Jamie said, breaking the ice with a compliment about the backyard. He had felt nervous and even intimidated by Chloe’s dad, knowing what he did about him.

“Thank you, Jamie. It takes a lot of work to keep it in shape, but it’s rewarding. Are you okay? You’ve seemed a bit subdued,” Mark countered, doing his own ice-breaking.

“It’s okay. I’m just … not too good at building relationships. I see other guys take control as if it were second nature, but I’m not like that,” he replied, surprising himself with his candor.

“Well, doing what we … what we do,” Mark started, choosing his words carefully, “there are times when you don’t want to be in control, right? You don’t want to make decisions or try to figure out what needs to be done. You just want someone to tell you what to do.”

“Yeah, it’s a relief from all the pressures of school and my parents and the fraternity,” he admitted, comforted by someone who seemed to know his feelings.

“My work brings an enormous amount of pressure, and it’s great to have someone who knows when I’ve had enough, but then we have to realize they sometimes need the same and expect us to take charge and give them the same relief.”

“I see that, but I don’t seem to be able to give her enough. Know what I mean?” he replied, unsure how to clarify it.

“I think I do. Jamie, think of what she does that gets you to that place. It’s not right away, is it? It takes some time to get there, to have your limits pushed beyond what you thought you could endure. It’s when it’s almost unbearable when you want it to stop and yet want more, that you get what you want and need!”

“You think Chloe wants … wants that?”

“Yes. They’re not as fragile as we sometimes think, women. You know about safe words?”

“Yeah, but that’s for, you know, really rough stuff, isn’t it?”

“Not at all. It gives her a way to tell you without spoiling the mood when it’s too much. Try it,” Mark said, surprised at how he’d managed to have this conversation that he dreaded.

“Thank you, sir!”

“Call me Mark, and you’re welcome! You look better already!”

“I feel better. Now, there’s just this Simone thing!”

“Not sure if I can help you there. I’ve never been in that situation. I’d be apprehensive about it, too, like it would somehow diminish how I feel about her and doing things to the other with her watching. It would be hard, but I’ll tell you this. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for Susan, and if she really wanted that, I’d find a way to give it to her.”

Jamie looked thoughtful, thanked Mark again, and shook his hand just as they were called in for dessert. His problems weren’t solved, but Mark had given him food for thought and some hope.

He loosened up a bit but was still somewhat reserved, especially compared to the two bubbly girls. He was surprised when they went to the beach on Friday and found himself responding to the sight of both women frolicking in the surf in their tiny swimsuits. He found the contrast between the two arousing: Chloe, tall, strong, and sexy, and Simone, cute and curvy. He thought he could see himself with Simone, but adding Chloe to the mix didn’t work.

They left Saturday night to avoid traffic and have a full day Sunday to catch up on schoolwork before classes. Jamie wished he hadn’t taken his car, wondering what the girls who seemed so happy together were doing in the car ahead of him.


Simone was walking casually towards her next class, having some time before it started, when she saw Jamie sitting alone on a bench. She startled him when she sat down next to him.

“Oh. Hi, Simone,” he said reservedly.

“Hi, Jamie! It was a great weekend, wasn’t it?”

“It was. You know, Simone, I don’t want …” he started, but she interrupted.

“I’m not trying to take her away from you,” she said with a small smile.

“I guess I know that, but …” he said without knowing how to complete that sentence. He was still worried that he would lose Chloe to her.

“She really likes you, Jamie! And she likes me too, but if we make her choose one of us, we’ll all lose,” she said, finally putting what she’d thought all along into words.

He’d been gradually piecing it together himself, but this last from Simone cemented it for him. She was right. Even if he ‘won’ Chloe without Simone, his happiness would be diminished because she wouldn’t be happy. He looked at her with a smile she hadn’t seen before, and she smiled in return.

“You know, Jamie. I haven’t had a real spanking yet,” she said, biting her lip.

“I’m going to Chloe’s Wednesday night. Will you come with me?”

“I’d love to!” she replied, leaning over to kiss his cheek.


Chloe was expecting Jamie any minute and was reviewing what she would say to him. She was happy that Mark had seemingly helped him sort out his feelings for her but wasn’t sure about Simone. She was nervous because, in the end, she would be forcing a showdown, and if forced to choose between them, still wasn’t sure what she’d do. Who would she choose?

Her pacing found her standing next to the door when the knock came, and she opened it with Jamie’s hand still raised for another knock. Stepping aside to let him in, she thought she saw something in the parking lot: movement behind a tree.

“Hi, Jamie!” she said cautiously, dismissing the apparition in the lot.

“Hi, Chloe,” he said and took her in his arms for a passionate kiss, his hands gravitating to her ass to squeeze his favorite pair of cheeks and pull her tighter against him.

“Mmm, that was nice,” she said, loving the feeling of his hands on her ass and remembering the surprise spanking he gave her at her house. The pleasant memory was fleeting, replaced by apprehension when her mind returned to the anticipated confrontation.

“Jamie, listen. About Simone. I don’t want to lose …” she began.

“No, you listen! I know what you two are up to, and I won’t have it!” he declared with authority.

“Jamie! Please! Can’t we just …”

“Just wait a minute,” he said and went to the door. Chloe’s confusion compounded when he opened the door, and Simone walked in. She smiled and, going directly to Chloe, put her arm around her waist before turning to face Jamie, seemingly a show of solidarity with Chloe.

“As I was saying, I know what you two have been up to! Doing God knows what with each other and leaving me out!”

Chloe was about to interrupt but was left dumbfounded by his claim. She looked at Simone with a ‘Did he just say what I think he said?’ look on her face. Her confusion increased again when Simone smiled broadly.

“You’ve been very naughty girls, and there’s only one thing to do with naughty girls! You need a good, hard spanking on your bare bottoms!” he said, laughing inside at the surprise on both faces. He’d only clued Simone into the beginning of his plan, and she was happily surprised at the new situation.

“Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir!” they said in unison.

“Good! I want one of you at each end of the sofa. Now!” he ordered, and they scurried into position, sharing a conspiratorial look at each other. “Take your pants and panties off and bend over the arm of the sofa!”

Excitedly, they both rushed to comply, and facing each other from opposite ends of the loveseat, they waited expectantly. Surprising Chloe further, Jamie went to Simone first and spanked her shapely round bottom with a dozen firm smacks while smiling at Chloe. Giving her bottom a quick rub, he walked to the other end and gave Chloe the same. She gasped at the hardest spanks he’d ever given her and hoped it would escalate from there.

“Legs apart!” he said as he knelt behind Chloe, and with a hand on each cheek, her ran his tongue from the top of her slit to her puckered star and back.

“Oh my God!” she gasped as he did it again.

Returning to Simone, he spanked her again and locked eyes with Chloe when he bent down to lick her pussy. Gasping even louder, Simone saw Chloe looking at Jamie and smiled at the look on her face. She loved how he seemed intent on shocking them both.

Standing up, Jamie caressed her beautiful backside while Chloe stared, and with a single finger gliding down the deep cleft and between her legs, he slipped it inside and pumped it three or four times before pulling out and smacking her ass a couple more times, then heading over to Chloe again.

Simone was breathing hard as she and Chloe shared a ‘Can you believe this?’ look. Chloe’s mouth gaped open as she got a couple dozen of the hardest yet spanks on her reddening bottom. Simone’s face reacted to each gasp, each grimace as she watched her lover get spanked, anticipation plainly on her face when Jamie spent extra time with his tongue between her thighs.

Seeing how they both reacted to getting their bottoms spanked, watching the other’s spanking, and receiving his tenacious tongue in their dripping pussies, had him as hard as he could be. He wondered now why he’d fought it; this was beyond his imagination, and he made sure they knew it. Back and forth between two beautiful and deserving bottoms, he spanked harder and licked longer.

“Holy fuck!” Simone cried with the fingernail trick on both cheeks, and when he knelt behind her, he’d not get up until he made her cum. With his tongue traversing her flooded folds, two fingers pressing and pumping deep inside, and his right hand spanking away, he could feel her body tensing on her way to an extraordinary peak. She rose from her bent-over position, crying, ‘Oh God!’ repeatedly before falling back over the sofa’s arm, her body shuddering with the pulses that ran from her cunt to her core.

Jamie rubbed her back and bottom as she slowly calmed before returning to the other end. Chloe smiled at him, knowing her climax would be reached this time, crying out, ‘Spank me!’ at intervals as his hand smacked her sore bottom as hard as anyone had before. With a finger teasing her clit he kept her on full boil while he managed to yank his shorts and underwear down.

Simone’s eyes widened when his thick dick came into view. Seeing her reaction, Chloe turned to look back at Jamie and lifted her hips to line up better with her seething slot. With his left hand on her ass, he guided himself in with his right and slid smoothly to her depths, her tender lips stretched tight around his girth.

“Oh, oh, oh fuck, Jamie!” she cried as his hips spanked her again with hard thrusts against her hips. Delirious with pleasure, Chloe opened her eyes briefly to see Simone holding out her hands, and taking them in hers made Simone feel the pounding she was taking, Jamie fucking her too by proxy.

Bending his body over hers, he took her tits in hand and squeezed them roughly only a few times before he erupted, his pulsing cock and strings of seed triggering Chloe’s orgasm. Her body quaked and quivered as he held her tight against him, still bent over her punished body while he shrunk inside her.

“Oh … Jamie! That was … amazing,” she sighed with stuttering breaths as they calmed together, Jamie kissing her neck and shoulders as he held her close.

Standing, Jamie kicked off his shorts and moved to stand in front of the loveseat they were still bent over, waiting for him to say it was okay to rise.

“Have you naughty girls learned your lesson?” he asked.

“Yes, Jamie,” they said together, standing up and quickly baring their tops.

“We learned very well, didn’t we Simone?” Chloe asked as the two naked women converged on Jamie.

“Yes, very well, Chloe!” she replied as they pulled Jamie’s shirt off, leaving them all naked, and each taking a hand, led him to the bedroom.


So Jamie finally wised up and now they're all in for some interesting fun times together! I hope you liked this long-ish bit of character-building. Please 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' it if you did! Thanks for reading!

Written by 2bespanked
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