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1 week ago
Bisexual Female, 24
0 miles · Charleston


Active Ink Slinger

Zip, zero, nada no if you mean anywhere near my vagina. Anything that might disturb the natural ph can cause yeast infections and other problems.

Active Ink Slinger

We can add images to messages but not story bodies. LUSH has promised since the crap change they did what, a couple of years ago now, to give authors better writing tools. Where are they? LUSH has become just another shyte Chatroom site.

Active Ink Slinger

LOL... I've been accused of writing erotic novels, so I love a gradual buildup. My favorite story I've written on LUSH is 21 chapters and still growing because I love the characters and there are so many things for them to explore.

Active Ink Slinger

On Basilisk Station and the rest of the Honor Harrington Series if you love GREAT Sci-Fi. It's space combat meets C. S. Forrester's Horatio Hornblower. David Weber even gives a little cameo to Forrester in his book.

Active Ink Slinger

BTW, I see I'm not the only one to appreciate Lazarus Long. Best opener? 'It was a dark and stormy night...'

Active Ink Slinger

Thought I'd see what your 'rules' were since my story on Lush is about a young call girl. Very nice.

Active Ink Slinger

Fuck it... Weeks go by with promises of better tools for writers and nothing happens. You can add photos to replies but not stories. Hell, replies have tools as good as stories.

I get messages from followers saying they no longer get notices when I FINALLY (after 2 to 3 WEEKS of waiting for a moderator to post it) get a new story posted.

Face it! This site which advertises to and for writers is nothing but a chat room now.

Why the hell would anyone want to spend money to upgrade on a crap site now?

Active Ink Slinger
'Normal' sex... Up to an hour later I'll feel like I've had sex if it's energetic missionary sex that has pounded into my pussy lips. If mostly doggy, then no. If I didn't have an orgasm then I would just feel my lips being sore as I cross my legs or walk, the soreness gradually growing less.
If I did have an orgasm, the the above and a feeling of peace and satisfaction that might last as long as two or three hours depending on how explosive my orgasm was.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Twisted_Skald
Hatred, there's too many assholes consumed by their own misery who point the finger at others and stoke up hatred.
Can't we just share a little around and make the asshats with waaay too much give most of it back.

When you MAKE people give it's called THEFT... A simple thing Democrats never seem to grasp. Let's cancel theft...
Active Ink Slinger
Not really. I write because I enjoy it. Though I admit having my very first story I posted on Lush being selected as a blue thumbs up Recommended Read did feel good. But as long as I'm satisfied with my writing that's all that matters to me. Although when others like my writing my ego gets stroked.