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Demonstration Stories


The Tale of Danny Collins - Chapter 11

Danny begins his Senior year in high school by bedding all of the women in his life.

The start of Danny's senior year in high school was just a week away. He sat in the living room reviewing his school class schedule, which had just arrived in the mail. He checked the classes and the teachers he would have when his father walked into the...

416 - Part 10

The partners decide to go with the resort idea and set their plan into motion.

The next day, after a big breakfast, the men cleared off the table and discussed the new resort. David produced a map he had obtained from the internet and spread it on the table. “I’d like for us to pencil in the way we’d like to see the resort developed...

The Club - Chapter 2

Lisa and Peter meet some other members

“Tell me, what makes a good sub?” asked the stranger. “Wow!” responded Lisa, “That’s one hell of an open question… Sir. It goes hand in hand with what makes a good Dominant.” The stranger leant forward, he wasn’t the only one whose interest had been pique...

The Demerit System, part 10

Laura's new boyfriend learns a thing or two

"Pete, can I talk to you about something?"     It was Laura's voice that brought Pete's attention away from the bookkeeping task that he was working on at his desk. He looked up and turned around to face her. She bit her lip nervously as she stood before...