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Author's Notes

"If you haven't read the previous chapters of this bawdy tale, I highly recommend you do. If you like what you've read, or don't, please say so with a like or a comment. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Feedback is always welcome. Enjoy!"

The next morning, I awoke to find Rose still sleeping beside me but Anne was nowhere to be seen. I rolled over and pulled Rose close to me, she made a soft sound and snuggled into me as I held her. I must have fallen back asleep for a while because the next thing I remember is opening my eyes and seeing Rose looking at me. “Good morning,” I said softly.

“Hi,” she replied. I excused myself to the washroom and relieved myself, being sure to clean myself up and apply some more delay gel just in case things turned sexy in the next little bit. I got back into bed afterward and Rose went to the washroom to do her morning business. While she was in there, I checked my phone, and sure enough, there was a message from Anne.

“Just went for a walk to think, be back soon,” it read. I heard a noise and saw Rose standing there looking at me.

“Where’s Anne?” she asked.

“She went for a walk,” I answered, “said she needed time to think.”

“Oh, okay,” came Rose’s reply. “So, I was thinking, should we fuck when she’s not here?”

I reached for her and she climbed in beside me, “I don’t think she’ll mind,” I answered. We started making out and things quickly heated up. Rose pulled me on top of her and guided my cock to her opening. We fucked slowly, or as slowly as I could, I wanted to make things last as long as I could.

“You’re taking your time this morning,” said Rose between kisses.

“I just want this to last,” I answered.

“Mmmmm, I like that, but I think you have an ulterior motive. I know I do!” she said slyly.

I pushed myself into her and paused, “Oh, and what motive would that be?” I asked.

“I want Anne to catch us in the act,” she said. “I seem to remember someone saying something about cleaning your cum out of my pussy, I think I like that idea.”

“Mmmmm, me too,” I said. “If she comes in, don’t stop.”

Rose shook her head and smiled. We began again, and before long, we heard the latch on the door open.

Anne entered as quietly as she could in case we were still asleep, and then we heard her ask playfully, “Are you having fun, fucking my husband?”

“I am,” Rose answered, “and when he fills me with his cum, I want you to lick me clean!”

“Mmmmm, that will be my pleasure!” purred Anne. She sat in the armchair and watched as I fucked her lover. No longer seeing the need to go slowly, I quickened my pace, I was excited at the prospect of watching my wife of seventeen years clean my cum out of her lover’s pussy as Rose was about to have it cleaned.

I heard a soft sound from behind me and looked at Rose, “She’s playing with herself, isn’t she?” Rose just nodded and pushed her hips up into me.

“Come on, Baby, stay on task, I’m nearly there!” she whispered hoarsely. We shifted positions so Rose’s legs were under my shoulders to give maximum access and deepest penetration. I stared into her face as I started thrusting harder, my hips slapping against her ass cheeks each time I drove forward. Anne must have had a magnificent view of my cock sliding in and out of Rose’s pussy and it was my thought of what that must have looked like that pushed me over the edge.

I groaned loudly as I emptied myself into her, my cock pulsing over and over. “Don’t stop now,” Rose’s voice was ragged as she urged me to keep going. As I’ve recently discovered, this is where the cock ring really serves its purpose: it allows me to stay hard even after I’ve ejaculated so I can keep going.

I felt Rose’s fingers slide between us to rub her clit as we fucked and it wasn’t long before orgasm took over. Her hands clasped my ass and held me into her as she came. I could feel the contractions in her pussy, each one accompanied by a soft cry that her body couldn’t contain.

She released her grasp and moved her hand to the sides of my hips, “Just a little more,” she said so I started moving slowly out and in once more. “Mmmmm, the finishing touch, feels so good!” We kissed like lovers, softly and gently, the most intimate of kisses before I pushed my chest up and looked at her.

“That’s the way to wake up in the morning!” I said then I heard a soft sniffle behind me. I rolled off Rose and looked, Anne was wiping tears from her cheeks.

“You two are so beautiful together,” she said, sniffling once more. “I am so lucky to have you both!” She got out of the chair and came to us, wrapping us both in a hug and kissing us both. “I love you, both of you.”

Just as Sam had told me that I needed to reclaim Anne after she was with Rose, I somehow knew that Anne needed to reclaim her lover after I had fucked her. I wriggled myself out of the way and watched as Anne kissed her way down Rose’s body and began licking my issue from her lower lips. Once she had finished, she moved quickly back up and kissed Rose some more, I could see little dribbles of my come being shared between them as their tongues danced back and forth. I got up and left them to it and got in the shower.

Once I was all clean and presentable for the day and Rose had done the same, we all just sat on the bed and held hands.

“Now what?” I asked.

"Well,” said Rose, “I have one more night in town but I think maybe for the day we spend it to ourselves. I have a spa appointment and I’m sure there are things you guys need to do.”

“Like get fresh clothes for one,“ I said, “And I promised Sam I’d call her today.”

“Tell you what,” said Anne, “let’s meet downstairs here for dinner at, say, 6 o’clock?”

“Perfect!” said Rose. She stood up and pulled us to our feet. She kissed me and said, “You might want to take a nap mister, we’re going to fuck the life right out of you tonight!” She kissed me again and then turned to Anne. “Thank you for this morning,” she said. “Don’t tell me you didn’t plan that!”

“What, me?” laughed Anne. “I didn’t exactly plan it but I would be lying if I said I didn’t hope to catch you two at it!” She stared at Rose and then gave her a nice long kiss. “Until tonight, my darling!” Then she took my hand, “Come on my other darling, let’s leave this beautiful lady to her devices.”

Anne and I left and returned home, when we arrived we got the mundane chores out of the way, loaded the washer and Anne hand-washed the lingerie she had worn over the weekend to get all the cum stains out. We made a light lunch and then after we sat on the couch.

“So,” I said tentatively, “what now?”

“Well,” Anne replied, we could go into our bedroom and fuck,” she winked at me but I shook my head no. “How about right here?” she leaned forward and pushed on the top of the coffee table.

“Maybe someday but I thought for now we could talk about what happens when Rose leaves tomorrow,” I said.

“I don’t want to think about Rose leaving,” Anne complained. “It makes me sad to think about it.”

“Makes me sad too but it’s going to happen,” I answered.

“Okay, fine, let’s talk. What do you think should happen?” She leaned over and cuddled against me.

“Well, I think we just have a couple of normal days and then maybe we think about if we want to ask anyone else to join us for a fun night or weekend.” I was hoping she would suggest asking Sam.

“Did you have someone in mind?” she asked, looking up at me, her blue eyes twinkling.

“Oh God, that look!” I moaned, “I want to see that look later.” I shifted to rearrange my growing erection. “Maybe Sam?”

“I knew it,” she said, “I knew she’d be the first one on your mind.”

“Are you mad?” I asked. “You shouldn’t be, you practically set us up for Christ’s sake!”

“No, I’m not mad, not at all.” She rolled over so she could look at me without straining her neck. “Did she mention anything about being with both of us?”

“Not in so many words but I get the feeling she’s pretty adventurous and I wouldn’t be surprised if she hadn’t been with at least one woman before,” I said. “What if we ask her and she says no?”

“Then she says no,” Anne said. “I have a lot to thank her for, she was a really big help getting me settled before I went with Rose the first time, I can’t think of a better way to thank her than giving her a soul-wrenching orgasm!”

“That is a very nice way to say thank you,” I admitted. “But if she says no to us, would you be angry if I still slept with her?”

“No more angry than you’ll be when I go sleep with Rose,” she replied, “Or someone else if the opportunity arises.” She reached and fondled my cock. “Come into the bedroom, there’s something else I want to ask you.” I shrugged my shoulders and we went into our bedroom. We stood beside the bed kissing at first, then Anne sank to her knees and undid my belt, and pants and unzipped my fly. She took my almost fully erect cock in her hand and massaged it for a few seconds before taking it into her mouth.

I was stunned. She had sucked my cock before, but never had she gotten on her knees and given me a blowjob like that.

She was always a pretty talented cocksucker but on this day she was an expert. That combined with my not having used the delay gel or cock ring meant that I lasted less than a minute. My grunt warned her and she took her mouth off me, opened wide and milked my cum onto her waiting lips and tongue. It looked so hot and sexy, her looking up at me that way and smiling as she licked her lips and swallowed. She took me back in for one last long, slow suck before standing up beside me and kissing me. When her tongue snaked into my mouth I could taste myself. Our kiss broke and I looked at her, a small droplet of cum had escaped her lips and was resting on her cheek. I leaned forward and licked it off, kissing her again and sharing with her that last bit of salty spunk.

We sat on the bed, me lying on my back and she with one arm and one leg draped across me. “So, there’s something I want to ask you,” she said. “You can say no and that will be the end of it.” She got up and retrieved her iPad, tapping the screen a couple of dozen times before turning it to me. There was a picture of what looked like a middle-aged housewife on her hands and knees with the cock of what appeared to be a middle-aged man in her mouth and a somewhat larger cock in her pussy. “Can we do this?”

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“Do you have someone in mind?” I asked. She shook her head so her cute curls bounced. “Did you come up with this idea on your own or did you get a suggestion from someone else?”

She heaved a big sigh, “There’s something else you need to know. Since I first met Rose, I’ve been looking at porn.”

I was shocked. Any time I had suggested looking at dirty pictures and movies in the past she had stopped that idea dead.

“And I’ve become fascinated by pictures of housewives getting fucked by younger men. And then I saw my first pictures like the one I showed you, ‘spit roasting’ I think is the indelicate term. When I saw them, I came in my pants on the spot.” She hung her head as if she was afraid of what I might say next. I decided to have a little fun.

“Do you think you would enjoy that, having a large cock in your pussy and another one in your mouth?” I teased. “You know what they call such women who do that, don’t you?”

“I think I would enjoy that,” she replied, “Very, very much. But I don’t know the term for it.”

“You do know it,” I said, “and you don’t like the word.”

“Don’t say it,” she pleaded, “don’t call me that.”

“Slut,” I said. She dropped her head again. “That’s what you will be, a slut.” I emphasized the word for maximum effect.

“Would you call me that?” she asked.

“I would,” I answered. “Every time you took a strange man’s cock inside you while you suck me off, that’s what I’ll call you. Slut. My little slut!”

She moaned and collapsed onto me.

“I just came,” she admitted. “I can’t help it, the idea turns me on so much I just came.” She reached up and kissed me, “Say it again."

“SLUT!” I said forcefully. She buckled once more and moaned loudly. When she regained a little composure I asked her, “Who are you and what have you done with my sweet innocent wife who wouldn’t say shit if her mouth was full of it?”

“She’s not here right now,” Anne answered, “she’s been temporarily replaced by your sweet little slut!” She got up off the bed and started peeling off her clothes. “Did we bring that double dildo home?” she asked.

I said that we did.

"Then give it to me, your sweet little slut is going to fuck herself with it while she sucks your cock down her throat!”

Who was I to argue with that?

I stripped off and got onto my knees at the head of the bed, she got naked and got on all fours in front of me. Taking the dildo in both hands she guided it to her pussy and drove it home, she was so wet she need no extra lubrication.

“Fuck!” she grunted as it hit bottom. Leaning forward she looked at me, “Pull my hair!” she commended, “Pull my face onto your cock!” I of course obliged immediately both shocked and ecstatic about this turn of events. I grabbed a handful of her curly hair and pulled her face onto me. She opened wide as I pulled, stopping when I felt the tip of my cock hit her throat. She forced herself off me.

“Why did you stop?” she yelled. “Fuck my face! Fuck your sweet slut’s face!”

When we were first married, I had asked if she could try to deep-throat me and bless her heart, she tried her best to no avail. I wrote it off at the time and never asked her to do it again. Now she was demanding I drive my cock into her throat. So I did, I pulled her face forward by the hair and didn’t stop until I felt her nose touch my mons. I held her there for a moment until she started to squirm so I released her and let her catch a breath.

“This is going to take some practice,” she panted. “AGAIN!”

I pulled her forward again and started moving her head slowly so she could breathe between strokes. She started fucking herself with the dildo, awkwardly at first such that it slipped out a couple of times but she soon got the hang of it to the point where she could do both. Despite having come less than a half hour before, I felt the pressure quickly build once more. I called out my warning but this time, instead of pulling her mouth off me, she pushed herself forward. Just as her nose touched me again, I blew it, right down her throat. She did gag a couple of times and I started to pull out but she gave her best, ‘got my throat full of cock’ objection and hung in there.

A moment later she pushed herself away forcefully, flipped onto her back and said, “My god that was good! Now do me a favour?” I asked her what and she said, “Take that fake cock in both hands and fuck my cunt till I SCREAM!”

As always, when my lovely sweet wife asks me so nicely to do her a favour, I am happy to oblige. I took a two-handed grip and started pounding 16 inches of silicone cock into that pussy I loved so dearly. I had to adjust my hands a couple of times to get the length just right but soon the side of my hand was slamming into her cunt, making loud slaps when it hit and louder, squishy sucking noises when I pulled it away. Each time the head of the long cock hit her cervix, she cried out a little.  “Am I hurting you?” I asked. She just shook her head and motioned with her hand to keep going.

Just as I felt my wrist tiring, this was a motion I wasn’t used to making after all, she reached down with one hand and placed it over mine. That’s when the curses started. “Fuck! I’m so close! Fuck! Yes! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! She finished with a scream, “AAAAGGGHHHH! FUUUUCK MEEEEEE!”

She held the thing inside her as I watched her pussy spasm, each twitch emitting a stream of clear, slick fluid in one long, delicious orgasm. She caught her breath, pushed my hands away and started pistoning it into herself again and a few strokes later she came again with another equally loud scream. This was definitely not the woman I married but I can’t say I didn’t love what I was experiencing.

After a third, slightly less intense orgasm, she calmed a bit, took my hand and placed it back onto the toy, “Slowly baby, nice and slow. Your sweet little slut needs to come down easy from her high,” she purred.

After a few minutes of easing the toy in and out of her, her legs clamped together, holding my hands and the toy in place as she came once more, this time a softer sweeter orgasm. Once more I felt the rush of warm liquid envelop my hand as her pussy ejected what little lady cum was left inside her. She reached up and pulled me close, kissing me softly and whispering, “That was amazing!” she said softly. “That was the best orgasm I’ve ever had!”

“Better than when Rose was licking your pussy?” I teased.

“Yes, better than when Rose licks my pussy,” she repeated.

“Well, then, we’ll have to do that again sometime,” I said.

She held me tightly.

“Not too soon,” she said, “I couldn’t do that every day.”

“I’m surprised you did it today,” I said. We cuddled for a bit and then I said, “By the way, the answer to your question is yes, we can do that.”

“Mmmmmm, did you just decide that now?” she asked.

“No,” I replied, “I decided the second you asked me. If you ask me for something and I think it will bring you pleasure and you will enjoy it, as long as it doesn’t make you unsafe or hurt you, I will never deny it to you.”

“Mmmm thank you, I’m looking forward to it.”

Just then I heard the doorbell ring and a loud pounding on our front door. I quickly jumped out of bed, pulled on some pyjama pants and rushed to the front of the house. Just before I got to the door, I heard the pounding again. “Police! Open the door please!” came from the other side.

 I unlocked the door and pulled it open to see two police officers, one male and one female, standing on the step. “Can I help you?” I asked, completely oblivious to any reason why the police would be at my front door.

“Can we come in sir, we’ve had a call about a woman screaming. The caller said she sounded like she was in pain.” Their voices must have carried because just then Anne came up the hallway, wrapped in our comforter and carrying 16 inches of silicone dildo in her hand.

“I wasn’t in pain, officers, I was in heaven!” She looked at the female officer, “Have you ever been fucked by a sixteen-inch cock sweetheart? No? You should try it!” I was aghast that my wife would do and say such a thing to complete strangers. I guess my sweet little slut wasn’t quite ready to go back into hiding just yet.

“Be that as it may, ma’am, we have to come in and look around,” the male officer said. I started to object saying something about a warrant but my darling slut wife placed her hand on my arm.

“That’s okay baby, let them in,” she cooed sweetly. They both entered and Anne stopped them, “Not you big guy, just her,” she pointed at the lady cop. “Come on sweetie, I’ll show you what we’ve been up to."

Anne told me afterward what had happened when she took her back to our bedroom and showed her the mess, the sheets with several large wet spots and the odour of sex made it unmistakable that this was just a married couple having fun on a Monday afternoon.

“Anyone else in the house, ma’am?” the lady cop asked. Anne shook her head.

“Nope just us two lovebirds,” she replied.

“I gotta know,” the lady cop asked, “Did you get all that,” she pointed at the dildo, “inside you?” Anne grasped it so that almost a foot was sticking out from her hand.

“Not quite,” she said, “but we gave it a damn good try!”

“Fuck me,” the lady cop whispered.

“If you play your cards right, maybe,” Anne said to her with a giggle. She just shook her head and made her way back to the front door.

“It’s as they said, partner,” she told the male cop. “Just a happily married couple fooling around on a Monday afternoon.” She guided him toward the door. “Thanks for your cooperation, Sir, Ma’am, sorry to have interrupted your day.”

“Oh you didn’t interrupt anything,” said Anne, “We were all finished!” She waved the dildo at them again and they turned their backs to leave. We watched them out the window as they went back to the squad car, talking animatedly. Just before the lady cop opened the car door, she held her hands about a foot apart and said something rather forcefully.

We laughed when we both saw the guy cop mouth the words, “Fuck me,” as he opened his door and got in.

Written by CaressofSteel
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