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Author's Notes

"Thanks for your year-long patience as I continue work on this and other stories. I believe this series qualifies as a novel (more than 50,000 words) as of this installment. <p> [ADVERT] </p> So, fans, would you purchase this 'novel'? And would you prefer eBook or paperback? And what is this new coin thing?"

Monday at work passed fairly smoothly, at least for a Monday.  Whenever I ran into Tamara or Tony, there were warm smiles shared as we thought about Friday evening.

Towards the end of the day, Tony stopped by my office with his phone in his hand.

“Just got a text from Lydia,” he started. “She’s stopping by your house because she felt bad Ron missed out on the festivities.”

I glanced at the clock, noting I was done in less than forty-five minutes.

“When will she be over?” I asked, thinking about what I might do to prepare before she arrived.

“Right now,” he responded.  “That’s what it said.  She’s stopping by right now.”

“I’m not even sure Ron’s home yet,” I said, just as Tony’s phone dinged with another message.

Glancing at his phone, Tony said, “I’m pretty sure he’s there,” as he held the phone out for me to see the picture Lydia had sent.  It was a selfie in profile, with Ron’s cock in her mouth.

I looked back to Tony and asked, “Do you want her back satiated or comatose?”

Smiling and turning to leave, he said, “Anywhere on that spectrum sounds great.”  He paused as he reached my doorway and turned back to say, “You’re welcome to get off early and head home.”

“I think you might have those in the wrong order, Tony,” I said as I stood and started gathering my things.

He smiled again, thanked me, and left.

Not knowing exactly what I was going to walk in to when I arrived home, I slipped my panties off and dropped them in my purse just before heading out of my office.  Driving while commando has always aroused me, at least a little, but thinking about what was waiting for me at the end of the drive had me almost dripping by the time I pulled into my driveway.

I opened the front door and stepped in, closing it behind me as I took in the scene before me.  Ron stood, naked, at one end of the couch.  Lydia’s heels were resting on his shoulders with his hands around her thighs as he slid in and out of her while her moans filled the room.  I dropped my things and walked to the other end of the couch.

Lydia had her ass up on the armrest while her shoulders were down on the cushion.  Her eyes were closed, and I stepped right up and straddled her face, leaning forward to lick her clit while Ron fucked her.  It was only then that I realized Ron wasn’t in her pussy — he was fucking her ass, but her labia were leaking.

“Hi honey,” Ron said as he continued to slowly thrust into Lydia’s bowels.  “I’d offer you my cock, but it’s a little fouled up at the moment.  Lydia here,” he said as he thrust into her ass again, “has been working hard to save you my first load though.”

And with that, Lydia snaked her arms under me to her own pussy, then spread her lips wide for me.  Sure enough, I could see a white pool within her.  I dropped my mouth to her gaping pussy and started lapping between her labia.  I even used my tongue like a straw to suck up as much of their combined fluids as I could, tasting the salty mixture of my husband’s cum with Lydia’s sweetness.

Once I’d gotten her mostly cleaned out, I went to work on her clit, pulling forth an orgasm from her just as Ron came up her ass.

“Go clean that off, honey,” I said, “and come back here and fuck me while Lydia eats me to orgasm.”  And as Ron walked off, his beautiful ass flexing with each step away from me, Lydia and I repositioned ourselves more comfortably, now with her flat on her back and me curled over the top of her.

Ron returned shortly and stepped up behind me.  Lydia guided his cock between my lips and trilled her tongue over my clit as Ron slid in.  God I loved being filled by him.  God I loved being licked by her.  

I’d been in a heightened state ever since Tony told me what I was going home to.  My mind had played out any number of scenes on the way home, increasing my arousal.  Seeing and participating with them started me leaking, and now, with Ron’s cock buried deep within me and Lydia’s talented tongue egging me on, I knew I was going to cum quickly.

But then, her lips left me just as Ron started moaning, saying, “Oh God, yes, that’s good.  Jesus!”

Then, just as Lydia returned her attention to my clitoris, Ron pulled out and slammed back into me.  It was as if Lydia had just supercharged him by licking his balls while he was buried in me.  He pulled back and thrust into me again and again, increasing in speed and force it seemed, with every thrust.

Unless we’re recreating a scene, Ron rarely fucks my pussy with wild abandon.  He loves wild abandon up my ass, but he tends to fuck my pussy with tender love and care.  His added energy, with Lydia clamped on to my clit, sent me over the edge quickly.

It seemed like Ron didn’t even notice me cumming as he continued to fuck the ever living shit out of me, which only prolonged my orgasm.  And, between the two of them, they bumped me to the front of the line and sent me into another orgasm that built off of the first.  I was bucking and screaming for Ron to fuck me as that one crescendoed, drenching Lydia’s face in the process.

Ron finally pulled out of me and Lydia immediately started sucking on his cock.  I slowly climbed forward off of Lydia as I regained control of my body.  Once she was free, she shifted to the side, lay her head over the edge, and licked Ron’s balls again before guiding his cock back into her mouth.  The last thing I saw, as I headed towards the stairs to get a few helpful items, was Lydia’s hand on Ron’s ass, pulling him, then the swell of her throat as Ron’s cock slipped into it.

I headed directly up to our bedroom to get what I wanted.  I attached the longer, more narrow dildo, on the outside of my harness, and put a smaller, vibrating one on the inside for myself.  I slid it into me and strapped it on, pausing at the top of the stairs, hearing Ron’s grunts as I turned the vibrator on.

Descending the stairs was heavenly, as the long cock on the outside of the harness bounced with every step, moving the vibrator on the inside of the harness around within me.  I almost came before I reached the bottom step.

As they came into view, I could see Ron holding both of Lydia’s ankles with her still grabbing his ass.  He was thrusting into her throat as if it were a pussy, pulling back to only her mouth after every thrust to allow her to either breathe in or breathe out — it didn’t look like he was giving her enough time to do both — between thrusts.  With every exhale, she simply said, “Yeeeeeeess,” in a low, breathy grumble before he would stretch her neck again with his cock.

I waited until he was sliding his cock into her throat again, and said, “You wanna get fucked face up on the couch, or on your hands and knees?”

Ron moved to pull back, but she grabbed his ass tighter and held his cock firmly down her throat.  Then she pushed her head against the couch and rolled right over onto her hands and knees on the floor.

Ron’s eyes got wide as she rotated.  He moaned, “Oh my God that was amazing!” as Lydia pulled back and took a breath.  Then she drove herself back onto him, turning her head back and forth as she did.

“That’s good,” Ron said, “but nothing like your whole throat turning around my cock.”

I was amazed, then, to watch Lydia, throat wrapped around my husband’s cock, twist her shoulders to face her body towards the couch, before rotating to face away from it.  Ron’s moans and guttural, “Yeah, like that,” made me file that away for possible future use.  Now, however, it was time to fuck.

Lydia slowed, then stopped, her wild gyrations when she felt the dildo between her thighs as I brought my hips in contact with her ass.  She reached back and started moving it about, getting it covered in her fluids, but that moved the other end around within me, causing me to gasp.

I pulled my hips back and I could tell she was pressing it up against her clit as I did.  Looking down, I could see the head slip between her lips and I began pressing into her.  She pushed Ron back and moaned around his cock as I entered her.  Once my hips met her ass, she grabbed Ron’s ass and drove his cock deep into her throat again.

We fucked her together then, for a little bit, before Ron held out a hand to me.  I reached out and grabbed it as he offered his other.  With our hands intertwined, we pulled against each other as we drove ourselves as deeply in to either end of Lydia as we could reach.  I became glad Ron was fucking her throat, because he was the one who would make time to pull back and let her breathe.  I didn’t have that much thought left in me.

On one such breathing break, Lydia started talking around Ron’s cock, and she sounded kind of insistent.  I thought she might be having too much, but the moment Ron pulled his cock fully from her mouth at my insistence, she only said, “Fuck my ass, bitch, while I suck your husband’s cock,” before driving Ron back down her throat.

I felt my emotions roll from concerned to slightly offended to even more horny.  I actually channelled the offended part as I pulled somewhat abruptly from her cunt and positioned my well-lubricated strap-on higher up.  I did pause to actually enter her somewhat carefully, but once I saw I was sliding into her smoothly, I grabbed her hips and slammed the rest of the way into her.

Within minutes, Ron and I were again grasping wrists to drive ourselves deeper into her, me in her ass this time.  As we relented and Ron pulled fully from her mouth for a moment, she managed to rasp out, “Please, God, Ron, fuck me.  I want you both to fill me!”

With that, she started walking her hands up his body as she straightened up with me still buried in her ass.  Ron scooted forward as she grabbed him by the cock and pulled him to her pussy.  As he entered her, he kissed me over Lydia’s shoulder, leaving her mouth free to moan her joy to the world.

Similar to the last time I’d fucked wearing a strap-on for a while, my hips and legs started to get tired.  Yet Ron, who’d already been fucking all afternoon, was slamming up into Lydia hard enough to lift her off of me.  As he pulled back, I could just barely see my strap-on disappearing back into her ass.

Lydia started cumming at one of those moments, just as she was impaled fully upon me.  She almost lay back against me, wrapping her arms awkwardly around my neck as she spasmed between us.  As long as she was lying back against my breasts, I decided to reach around and grab hers, gently flicking her nipples with my fingertips.  

That seemed to send her on another orgasmic wave as Ron continued to slide in and out of her.  Eventually, he pulled out of her completely and helped her off of me as he guided her fully onto the couch.  He immediately started working on my straps, freeing me of the strap-on and vibrator, pulling a gasp from me as it rubbed against my clit as it slid out before he dropped it next to Lydia on the couch..

“Allow me to offer you the real thing,” Ron whispered into my ear as he eased himself to the floor, pulling me on top of him.  I could still hear the subtle vibrations from the couch as Ron positioned me above his cock and entered me.

That was when all my other senses seemed to turn off for a while and I focused only on my sense of touch.  My pussy walls wrapped around his cock.  His hands on my breasts and sides.  Him sliding out of me as I shifted forward.  Him slamming back into me as he grabbed my hips and pressed me down.

I gradually became aware of Lydia again, moving on the couch, but when I heard her, “Oh!” I looked over to watch her strapping my harness onto herself.

“That’s why you enjoyed it so much when I moved around,” she said to me as she saw me watching her.  “You two carry on,” she added as she stood up.  I watched her face as the dildo bounced a little in front of her.  For a second, I thought she was going to orgasm again.  Instead, she smiled deeply, looked at me, and said, “I’m going to go wash this off before we continue.”

As she turned to walk to the bathroom, I offered, “Enjoy the walk,” as Ron pulled my hips down again and I watched Lydia take her first few steps, the dildo bouncing in front of her, moving my vibrator inside her.

After the first few steps, she staggered just a little.  I’m sure it was simply due to the wonderful feelings inside of her, but I also knew that created a lot more movement on other planes within her.

Ron sat up and, with his tongue on my nipple, refocused my attention on the person surrounding me, inside and out.  I love fucking, in case that wasn’t apparent from these vignettes, but I really love fucking my husband.  His cock fits me in all the ways I most love.  His strength is supportive and helpful as he lifts me — both physically and sexually — to a higher plane.

Laying flat on his back again with my hands on his chest, Ron gently rocked me back and forth with his hands on my hips, driving his cock deeply within me.  His hands found my breasts and, allowing me to control my rocking, he massaged my breasts and nipples.

I threw my head back and moaned.

“Get ready to make that sound again,” Lydia whispered into my ear.  She then nudged me and I allowed myself to lay forward on Ron’s chest, our mouths meeting in a passionate kiss as I did so.

While Ron tried to lick my tonsils, Lydia eased the head of my strap-on into my ass.  I did moan again, into Ron’s mouth.  That moan got louder and more guttural as she pushed the well-lubricated shaft deeper and deeper into me.  Ron made some sort of noise also, and I knew he could feel the strap-on rubbing against him inside me.

When she bottomed out, Lydia shifted her hips, letting out her own moans as she found a position that pressed the vibrator inside her just where she wanted it.

Gradually, she started moving again, always pausing at the end of her thrusts to enjoy the vibrations.  Her thrusts would also push me just a little off of Ron’s cock, but he kept pressing my hips back as Lydia would pull out so that one cock or the other was always fully inside me.  God, it felt so good to be fully filled with cock.  I could feel my orgasm building and gave myself to it fully.

Lydia suddenly thrust into me, cried out, and started convulsing, moving the strap-on inside my ass with every spasm.  That was enough for me and I started cumming, too, my pussy grabbing at Ron’s cock as liquid flowed from within me.  And, just as Lydia’s movements started to calm, Ron grabbed my hips again and started slamming himself into me before joining our cries of ecstasy and unloading deep inside me.

Sometime during my afterglow, I felt Lydia starting to pull out.  My pussy squeezed around Ron’s still-rigid cock, which made him pulse within me.  That set me off again and he and I traded pulses back and forth as Lydia slipped from my ass.

Ron helped me off of him and guided me to the couch.  He kissed both of my knees, red from where they’d been on the floor while I straddled him.  Lydia crawled over and I could just see the dildo hanging between her legs.  She looked up at me and asked if she could return the favor and drink Ron’s cum from my cunt, just as I had done to her when I returned home.

I spread my legs and she crawled closer and started tentatively kissing my inner thigh.  As she warmed to her task, I directed Ron to take the harness off of her.  He did and, after turning off the vibrator, he carefully set it aside before lying on his back and scooting up under Lydia’s legs.  I felt the moment his lips made contact with her labia, as she took in a sharp breath before moaning into my mons.  

I looked down over the scene, Lydia’s hair splayed over my thighs, her ass low to Ron’s face with her knees spread wide, and his beautiful body extending out from there.  I happened to be looking directly at his cock, lying softly against his pelvis, when it started to get erect again.  It was so lovely to watch my man’s cock come back to life.  It gradually lengthened, stretching towards his left hip, before it rose majestically, standing tall and wiggling slightly with each heartbeat.

“Ron,” I said, my voice much more haggard than I was expecting, “fuck her. I want you pressing her face into my cunt with each thrust.”

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Lydia only moaned at that, whether in response to my suggestion or to something that Ron was doing with his tongue, but he did slide out from under her and turn to face her.  I watched his cock bob up and down as he walked on his knees up behind her.  He grabbed her hips and lifted her, quickly putting his legs outside of hers and pinning her legs together between his.  I knew from experience that made Ron’s cock feel even larger in me, so I was not surprised when Lydia started crying out as he pressed into her.

He slowly slid in and out of her a couple of times before pressing deeply in and holding.  He leaned forward over her, pressing her face more tightly to my pussy.  I was a little surprised when he grabbed a fistful of her hair and started grinding her face into me.  I think her nose slipped between my labia at one point.

“Yes,” Lydia cried out, “control me.  Use me.  Fuck me!”

Ron, somewhat ironically, obeyed.  He peeked around her face and lined her tongue up with my clit.  He kept holding her face to me as he started pulling his hips back and shoving his cock into her tight, juicy box.

The combination of watching her get used for our pleasure, her mouth actually providing me with that pleasure, and the knowledge that Ron could probably fuck her for an hour or more set me off again.  

I grabbed her head then, and held her face exactly where I wanted it, just nodding and moaning as my orgasm overcame me.

I felt Ron release her hair, then heard the slapping as his pelvis smacked into her ass over and over.  Lydia started crying out as I watched her body convulse around Ron’s insistent fucking.

She slid off my lap and dropped her face to the floor in front of the couch, leaving her ass high in the air for Ron’s assault to continue.  And continue it did, as he shifted his hands to the top of her ass, grabbing a serious handful in each hand as he yanked her back towards him.  Her yelp at that only spurred him on, and he fucked her through at least one more orgasm, though it was hard to tell with all of the constant moaning and pleading for him to never stop.

I know she had at least the one more because, after he finally released her, she slid forward off of his cock and fell sideways to the floor, her body quivering with waves of orgasmic bliss.

I smiled over at him, glanced down at his glistening hard-on, and asked if I could clean it off for him.  He stood and moved to the arm of the couch, sitting sideways and allowing me to simply lean over and start licking.  I didn’t think I would make him cum again, so I just enjoyed myself, taking the head in my mouth, licking and kissing up and down his shaft, fondling and suckling his balls.  I even took him all the way down my throat briefly before sitting up again.

He leaned down and kissed me, then looked to the floor next to me, saying, “What are we going to do about her?”

“She’s a pretty good sex toy,” I said back.  “I think we should keep her,” I added as I kissed the head of Ron’s cock again.

Just then, Ron’s phone dinged.  He got up and I again watched his bare ass walk away from me.  Looking at his phone, he chuckled and walked back over.  (And, yes, I did watch his cock bounce with every step toward me.)  He rounded the end of the couch, held up his phone and snapped a picture of Lydia that somehow caught both the satisfied look on her face as well as her gaping ass and leaking pussy.  He was pretty proud of himself that he also managed to get the strap-on in the picture.  I heard the sound of him sending a text and looked a question at him.

“Tony was wondering how things were going,” Ron said to me, “and I thought a picture would be worth more than a thousand words.”

He then gently picked her up and placed her on the couch, curled up with her feet against my thigh, before putting a blanket over her and extending it over my lap.  He leaned in and kissed me again before moving slightly back and looking me deeply in the eye.

“We’re still deeply in love with each other,” he started, with just a hint of questioning in his voice, “and this is all just a bunch of fun, right?”

I grabbed his head and pulled him in for a passionate kiss.  “Yes, Ron, my love,” my response came, “we are ours!  Yours is the cock I want to always come home to — and with.  But this is a royal fuck-ton of fun!”  I kissed him again, and, as he stood, guided his cock back into my mouth and slithered my tongue around it.

He sighed blissfully, then chuckled, offering, “I was going to ask if you were hungry, but then I realized your mouth was full.”

I pulled off of him, kissing the tip before sitting back.  “Hungry for you?  Yes, always.  Hungry for food?  Yes, right away.  What did you have in mind?”

“Nothing too elaborate,” he said turning and walking away from me again, this time towards the kitchen.  Just before he passed through the doorway, he said over his shoulder, “Probably ought to be something our pet can easily eat…”

I pulled a crocheted blanket from the top of the couch around my shoulders and chest, put a hand on Lydia’s foot, and drifted into an easy nap.

I awoke from a very erotic dream to realize it wasn’t all a dream.  Lydia was actually gently licking my labia, but we weren’t on a cruise ship.  As her tongue found my clit, I let out a sharp gasp.

Ron was instantly in the doorway from the kitchen, apparently only wearing his apron, saying sharply, “I told you to gently wake her up, not get her off!” as he strode across the room and grabbed a leash that was, for some reason, lying on the floor next to the couch.

Only as he pulled back and started towards the kitchen did it fully dawn on me that Lydia had on a studded collar that was attached to the leash.  And as she crawled after him, I realized it wasn’t just a collar — she had strips of leather along and around her body, but somehow, I noted as her hips slipped around the doorframe, her pussy and asshole were fully exposed.

Intrigued, I stood, only to notice a silk robe with lace fringe lying on the arm of the sofa.  I slipped it on, appreciating the supple way it caressed me as I tied it, and walked into the kitchen.

I watched Ron walk over to the table and reach to set a platter down.  As he did, Lydia reached from below — kneeling under the table to be exact — slipped under his apron, and started bobbing her head on his cock.

“Whore dervs?” he said, somehow accenting it so that I heard it spelled the way he wanted me to.  I smiled as he freed himself from Lydia and pulled my chair back for me.  It was then that I saw he had taken the padded kitchen mat we kept on the floor below the sink and stretched it under the table between our chairs.  Even when he’s got a sex toy pet, he still wants her to be comfortable while she’s helping us enjoy a meal.  

After he had me seated, he sat opposite me and smiled beautifully, looking me in the eye.  “Time to eat,” he said, though it sounded more like a command than an invitation.

As he started putting crackers, olives, and cheeses onto my plate, Lydia pushed my legs apart and I felt her lips kiss me gently before she started sliding her tongue up and down my inner and outer labia.  If I hadn’t been so hungry and wanting the energy to keep enjoying our Monday evening fuck-train, I might not have been able to eat.

As it was, Ron later told me he’d never seen me enjoy a meal quite that much.  I was definitely groaning and moaning with each bite, but I can’t say I remember the flavor of anything but one particular olive.

I realized that we were all eating, but that Lydia wasn’t getting sustenance from her efforts.  I grabbed an olive and handed it down to her.  She took it with her hand — her lips never leaving my cunt — and I waited for her to pause for a moment to pop it in her mouth.

Instead, her hand reached back up to me to offer the olive back to me.  I was confused for a second, then the scent reached my nostrils.  I leaned down and wrapped my lips around the olive and her fingers, savoring the flavor of her cunt.  I handed her another olive immediately.

When her hand came back up again, I guided it to Ron’s side of the table, offering, “Marinated olive?  They’re quite literally finger-licking good.”

And, as he took her fingers into his mouth, suckling and licking them, she inserted two fingers from her other hand into me as she shifted her lips and tongue to my clit.  It seemed the more insistently he sucked her fingers, the harder she finger-fucked me.

As I came, I saw him removing her fingers from his mouth and covering them in kisses while looking me in the eye.  I was a bit preoccupied, pulsing around her fingers as she dropped her mouth to the bottom of my lips, lapping up all that flowed from me in my orgasmic bliss.

She eventually pulled her fingers out of me to the sound of my whimper.  I was dimly aware of her turning under the table and offering her cum coated fingers to Ron.  As he took her fingers in his mouth to lick me off of her, she took his cock in her mouth.

She bobbed once, hitting her head on the underside of the table.  Ron scooted his chair back, helping her out from under the table.  He turned her towards me as she stood, then stood behind her as he pushed her torso down over the table, her breasts swaying.

I watched her face as he moved his cock between her legs.  What started as gently moaning through closed lips turned into a sharp intake of breath, “Oo-ooh!” as he entered her again.  With his hands on her hips, he took his time with long, slow strokes, pausing when he was fully inside her to wiggle his hips a bit, pulling forth guttural groans from Lydia.

Still thinking about how tired my hips and abs were from the limited amount of thrusting I’d done earlier in the afternoon and evening, I was once again amazed at how Ron could just keep fucking.  Lydia wasn’t doing anything but maintaining balance — Ron was providing all of the movement, whether with his hips thrusting in or his arms pulling back.

And, as I was absorbed watching my husband’s muscles flex and release as he fucked my boss’s wife over our kitchen table, I heard her breathing change.  Ron heard it too, as he immediately thrust deeply within her and held her tightly as he shifted his cock around inside her.  Her body started to quiver, and Ron took that as a sign.  He pulled back abruptly and slammed into her.

Her cry of, “Oh fuck yes!” spurred him on, and he started royally fucking her as her orgasm overtook her.  She was convulsing on the table as he continued to slam into her over and over, only slowing to his original slow, gentle thrusting as her cries softened and her body mellowed from convulsing back to quivering.

Ron looked at me with love in his eyes as he kept fucking Lydia slowly.  “I think,” he said to me, “one more orgasm and we can send her home.  Follow me.”

With that, and over Lydia’s mumbled protest, “I don’t think I can…”  Ron pulled out of her, scooped her up, and carried her back to the living room, saying reassuring things like, “Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” and “You don’t have to do a thing.”

He continued talking as he sat on the couch and turned her away from him, “We’ll just sit right here, and all you have to do is sit on my lap.”

He pushed her forward a little and his hand went between them before she said, “Oh fuck.”

“Do you like that, then?” he asked her gently in her ear.  “Do you want me to slide that in for you?”

“Yes, please,” she breathed before her mouth opened in a silent scream.  Ron pulled her back against him, then, cupping her breasts momentarily as he pulled her back to lean against his chest before reaching down to guide her knees over his.

As her legs parted, pulled by his, I watched her glistening labia separate just as Ron said, “That pussy is all yours, my love.  Finger it, lick it, or get your strap-on and fuck it.  You get to decide how we make her cum again.”

As I crossed the room to them, I watched Ron’s hips tilt back and forth as Lydia let out a low moan.  I crawled right up between her legs and slid two fingers into her.  As he shifted his hips again, I felt through the back of her vaginal wall, Ron’s cock slide down the back of my fingers before gliding up against them again.

And I allowed myself to be impressed with him again, still due to his capacity to keep his hips going and, in this case, how far he was able to move in and out of her ass with only that hip movement.  Her body barely moved.

I lowered my lips to her clit as I started moving my fingers in and out of her slowly.  I’m not sure what possessed me, but I pulled my face back and watched my hand as I pulled back, then slid three fingers easily into her.  Before long, I was working in a fourth, then my thumb tucked in with them and I started working my hand into Lydia’s spreading cunt.

If I thought she’d moaned appreciatively as Ron thrust into her ass, it was nothing compared to the wail she let out just as my hand slipped into her and her labia closed around my wrist.  I immediately felt the length of Ron’s cock moving against my wrist and hand.  I started a smaller movement, opposite Ron’s.

As he would thrust into her ass, I pulled back, my hand just starting to spread her.  Then, as he pulled back, I pressed deeply into her wiggling my fingers ever so slightly.

Lydia struggled with words, but managed between wails, moans, groans, and whimpers to say, “So… fucking… full… fuck… fuck… FUCK… YEEeessSSS!” as she built to one of the most amazing orgasms I’ve ever seen and felt.

Only Ron’s firm grip on her body kept her from flying across the room so violently was she bucking.  But that allowed me to savor the various sensations surrounding my hand.  First and foremost was the clenching, grabbing sensation pulsing around my wrist.  I’d felt that on my fingers before, but it felt so much stronger around my wrist.  I was also suddenly aware of how wet her cunt was.  It felt like my hand was underwater as her cum leaked out between her labia and my wrist.  Then I became aware of the pulsing of Ron’s cock as he came deep up her ass while her cunt was still grabbing at my wrist.

When she’d finally calmed down enough, I started working my hand out of her.  It was just as the thickest part of my hand slipped out that she again found words.

“Aah! Oooooh, fuck that was amazing.  No one’s ever fisted me before, Julie.  Holy fucking shit!”  And with that, she simply fell to the side.

Ron got up to go wash himself off, and I simply sat there, smelling my hand.  I gradually got up and crawled over Lydia, curling behind her on the couch and wrapping my arms around her.  

She grabbed one hand, pulling it to her nose, asking, “Was it this one?”  She then switched to my other hand and said, “No, it was this one!”  With that, she started gently kissing and licking herself off of my hand.

Ron walked back in, grabbed his phone and snapped a picture of the two of us, naked and curled up together on the couch.  He sent that to Tony.

“I’m going to ask him if he wants me to come get him so he can drive Lydia home, or if he just wants me to drive her and they can figure out how to get her car tomorrow,” Ron told us, standing halfway across the room in all his naked glory.

His phone pinged and he glanced at it.  He grabbed a blanket and lay it over us before he snagged his pants and shirt from where he’d thrown them long before I got home.  He was out the door in under a minute.

Then he and Tony were waking us up gently, with most of their effort on getting Lydia in a robe and to her car.  I heard Lydia’s car driving off as Ron closed the front door.  He walked over and sat on the floor in front of me as I lay on the couch.

“I will happily carry you up to bed,” he spoke softly to me, “but it is only 8:30.  How ‘bout I go get your bathrobe while you pick something to watch?”

“M’kay,” was the best I could offer.  He handed me the remote and headed upstairs.  And again I found myself wondering how I had partnered with such an amazing man.

We watched stand-up for a half hour before he curled into me, once again declared his love for me, and carried me up to bed.

“I love it when we create together, so we don’t have to recreate scenes later,” he sighed as he lay down next to me, curled one hand around my hip, and pulled himself up behind me.  I fell asleep wondering if his cock was going to get hard to give me one more gentle fucking for the day.

Written by Snowbody
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