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Never Cross Arty, Part 1

"London, early 1960s. Beneath its surface, the was a different world."

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Author's Notes

"London, 1960, business was beginning to boom, after the recovery from WWII. The post-war baby boomers were yet to make their mark. The British pound (quid), was made up of twenty shillings, or bob! A quid would get you four US dollars. Enterprising people from the war years had taken advantage of the vacuum left by that conflict. <p> [ADVERT] </p>They had grown into building their criminal fiefdoms."

Rose was under my desk between my legs! This woman could do things with her mouth and tongue I never thought possible. I could hear her fingers slicking inside her as she worked on me.

This was supposed to be Rose's bonus, not mine! I looked down at her, the sun trying to cast its rays on her head. It would need to be a supernova to crack through the grime on the Victorian glass window. Suddenly I gasped as her tongue ran from base to tip.

Rose was my part-time secretary, friend, and lover. She was also pregnant with her third kid.

I was a secret from her husband.

I groaned as she scraped her teeth over my sensitive tip, "Oh fuck," I gasped, holding the top of her head, "You little bitch."

"Shut up!" she purred, licking her lips as her hazel eyes looked up at me, her long curly brunette hair matted over her face, "You love it, don't you?"

I just grabbed her hair and pushed her back down.

"Quit gabbing, and work some magic," I ordered as her tongue worked quicker, firmer.

With a groan, she sucked part of me into her. I could feel that gentle, constant numbness creeping through my inner thighs. I was getting close. Her fingers travelled down through the crack in my arse. I moaned as her fingers traced over my puckered rear.

Releasing me from her mouth, her lips moved back to my tip, that sensitive part she loved to tease so much. She firmly, but gently let her teeth press down onto it.

"Argh, my god Rose, that, feels, so fuc... urrgh," Rose slid her finger into my arse as she scraped her teeth across me again, "Oh, my Go…oh shit, oooooh fuck!" I groaned out as my belly tightened into orgasm. Holding her hair tightly, I pushed against her mouth as I came, covering her face with my cum. My belly clenched in time with my humping her face.

I was still recovering when there was a knock on the frosted glass office door. I groaned as Rose pulled her finger from me and announced innocently from under the desk.

"Come in!"

The door creaked open, and in walked a stunning young woman in her twenties. Her bleached-blonde hair tumbled over the collar and lapels of her black coat. She had curves where they should be, and pibs to match.

Fortunately, the desk was between us, as she strode into the grimy office. So she couldn't see the puddle of cum on the chair under me nor the glistening face between my legs.

"Oh, I am sorry, I was looking for Sydney Lester!" An expensively educated voice almost whispered at me in disdain, "Detective Inspector Warren told me I would find him here. I need his help."

I had watched the downward tilted head, those brown eyes looking up through half-inch lashes, and the subtle smile most men find attractive, suddenly disappear mid-sentence.

"Well, you've found me. Miss?"

"But, but, you are a woman!"

I looked down at my cream satin blouse, the top three buttons gaping. I could see the firm globes of my still heaving tits, snug in their cocoon of a french silk bra, a gift from Danny. The delicate laced edge of the bra, she could see.

However, the desk hid my still parted legs. I could still feel myself leaking and saw my cum covering Rose's face as she licked her lips. My skirt was still up over my stomach. All still hidden from the young genius standing by the open door.

I couldn't help but grin, and marvelled at how an expensive education served some purpose in life.

"That I am, and what can little old me do for you, Miss?" I did not attempt to disguise my irritation at the toffee-nosed bimbo hanging on to the door handle. A thought struck me, and I held out my hand and parted my legs further.

"I am so sorry, the times I have seen the disappointment on people's faces when they meet a woman private investigator," I looked at my hand and then bimbo, "I am Sydney Lester. If Bunny sent you, it must be serious. How can I help, Miss?" I thought, but I didn't add, 'for the third time.'

As I'd hoped, she closed the door and walked over, shaking my hand. I was expecting a shocked response. What I didn't expect was the most beautiful smile as she looked down at me.

"No, it is I who must apologise," Bimbo said, licking her top lip as she gazed down at my glistening goo, "I, I am Anne, er, Anne Rumbelowe."

My irritation was replaced by an idea, followed by another seepage. Posh Anne bit her bottom lip watching Rose emerge from under the desk, knickers in hand. Maybe, Anne might enjoy a bit of rough.

However, that would have to wait, business was business, and the rent was due on this wreck of a shell at the top of an old Victorian spice warehouse.

I straightened my skirt, making a mental note to change it sometime. I listened and made notes as Anne (yes, she'd gone from Bimbo through Posh to Anne as my pussy pulsed down), explained her problem.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Rose washing me from her face, her baby bulge hanging over the basin. I squeezed my legs tight together, leak prevention!

Anne handed over a photo of a man in his mid-twenties. He was young looking. He was also as highly educated as his young sister. Big brother had gone missing on a visit to London a few months back. It seems Mother and Father were devastated when he unexpectedly ran out as he did. It was just as Daddy was about to appoint Jamie, a director of the family business.

I explained my daily rates and expenses process. I took a bullseye as an advance, in crisp tenners and fivers. The rent was due after all. I slipped them into my bra. Which again caused Anne to smile broadly. Oh, yes. I was going to explore posh pussy soon.

After she'd gone, Rose grinned at me.

"Posh fanny, you can smell it." She sighed.

"I thought it was posh money you could smell?"

"That too, but you can smell posh fanny," Rose smiled, turning her back and lifting her skirt. She bent over to put her knickers on, parting her wetness to me, "Even you could smell she had the hots for you. I bet her knickers are soaked now."

"Maybe, like me, she doesn't wear them?"

One leg in her knickers, she looked over her shoulder at me. "Syd! Posh bints wear silk ones. I bet she's heading to her hotel as we speak, maybe even frigging herself in the cab. She'll be cumming over the vision of your weeping twat for days."

"God, Rose, you have such a way with words," I pointed out, "Hey! Are you saying I'm not posh?" I laughed.

"Don't know, never eaten posh pussy before to compare." She grinned, still with her knickers around her ankles and her sexy, gaping pussy still glistening at me.

I stood looking at the door, and echoed those sentiments "No, neither have I."

Just then, Inspector Warren let himself into the office.

"Christ, Bunny, what have I told you about barging into the office without knocking?" I said, hands on my hips.

Detective Inspector James (Bunny) Warren, took a deep breath and grinned. He stood almost six feet tall. Under his trilby, he had salt and pepper hair. He may bend the rules, but never took a bribe and was well respected by all, except his bosses.

"Posh, fanny, Jim!" said a laughing Rose; her naked bum facing him.

"Rose!" I gasped.

"What? You want some, I can tell." She grinned at me. We both knew she was right. I'd also heard whispers in these parts of Bermondsey, about Jim Warren and Rose. About him being the father of her son. I grinned as she kicked her knickers back off.

"I have no idea what you ladies are discussing. I came here to tell you, Syd, that a young toff is heading your way. She's looking for her brother. I explained he's old enough to make his own choices, and nobody matching his description has been found dead, blah, blah, blah. Advised her to come and see you," He was explaining, whilst staring at Rose's arse. He was feeling the noticeable bulge through his trousers, "Fuck, Rose, you have a hot arse."

"The 'toff' has been and gone," I interrupted, "I am just off to start work looking for him." I wasn't sure if Bunny could see, but Rose was ready for Jim. Her nectar was inching down her inner thigh.

Usually, I'd stay. However, ever since Bunny saved me from being kicked senseless by an ex, Roger 'Shanks' Williams, I had an internal understanding, never shag a guardian angel.

"Arty?" Bunny said, openly rubbing his bulge, as he spoke to me, but watching Rose stripping off.

"Yeah, Arty. Rose, if the old guy turns up for the rent."

"I'll tell him you'll be here tomorrow for his hand job in place of rent!"

"Fuck, no. Tell him I have this month's money here."

"What if it's his grandson?" She grinned, fingering herself as she watched Bunny now wanking his cock.

I thought about the old man's nineteen-year-old grandson. He had a long cock, but was still green. He was eager to learn and recovered quickly.

"Tell him we may have to come to an arrangement." My pussy was beginning to leak again as I looked at Rose lying back on my desk, Bunny lining his curved cock up with her slit. I walked to the door and just before closing it behind me, saw that cock slip inside a piece of slurping hot paradise. For a moment, a fleeting heartbeat, I considered joining them, but I had been paid. Business first. I closed the door and sighed as I left them. Satisfied the whispers were true.


Arty, or Ronald Arthur Mayhew, was my go-to guy. He had connections, albeit tenuous in some circles. However, he knew people, tough people, who he helped, and they looked after him!

Bermondsey, like most areas here about the docks area of London, was close-knit. Everyone knew everyone and most things. Around here you always helped your neighbour if they needed help. However, nobody saw anything or knew anything, when the law was about, especially those rozzers on the take.

It was a short walk from my base, at the top of the spice warehouse on Tooley Street, to Art's place in Hamilton Square. I walked briskly, my short trench coat flapping in the breeze. It was mild in the damp autumn air.

I passed Guy's Hospital and turned down Kipling Street. After about a hundred or so yards, I turned right into a cobbled area. The greyness was overwhelming. It wasn't just the time of year. 

The great grey monolith of a former Victorian workhouse loomed ahead. It crowded out the sky around me. I shivered, but not from the cold. I crossed the quadrangle to the left-hand side of the building ahead. Climbing the large granite steps, I steeled myself for the interior.

It was dark inside, foreboding, and reeked of stale piss. I began to climb the narrow red-painted concrete steps, holding the black iron railings; you couldn't call them bannisters, as I went.

The paint on the cold, smooth walls was probably original. The first five feet from the ground up was a very dark green. From there to the underneath of the steps overhead, it was nicotine yellow. The Victorians built these places for one reason, and it wasn't to make you feel welcome.

Eight flights later, my legs killing me, I banged on the door to number 12 as loud as I could. Two minutes later, I heard the lock click. Usually, people leave doors unlocked when home. Arty knew better than to leave an opening for the law. The door opened a crack, and the shifty eyes quickly changed to a twinkle.

"Syd!" Arty shouted, throwing the door open. He threw his arms around me and, for a small man, smothered me. He ushered me inside before checking the steps. Arty was careful. He was a rogue and a petty crook, but he was alert most times.

"What's with the hammering on the door? I thought it was the fuzz, Syd."

I just stood there grinning as I took off my coat. "You know me, Arty, I love getting a man's heart racing."

"Cow!" He said with a giggle, "Wanna cup of rosie lee?"

"That's a stupid question, love. Of course, I do." I hung my coat over the back of a dining chair and followed him into the partitioned-off area of the kitchen. Four wooden walls, topped with frosted glass, smack bang in the middle of the room, served as the kitchen.

"Where are the kids, Arty? They're normally about at this time."

"Oh, Jenny's taken Gary over the road to the park. She dotes on the youngster. You just missed them."

There was a little pang of disappointment, after Shank's kicking, I couldn't have kids, so I kind of adopted Rose's. Jenny was redheaded with an attitude. Gary, even though he wasn't Arty's natural son, did have the same twinkle and cheeky grin.

"That's a shame. They're lovely kids." I sighed.

"They're little buggers! Gary is into everything, and Jenny, well, she's a real handful at times!"

Arty handed me a cup of tea before adding. "Rose, still at work? She said she would try and get some shoes  for Jenny on her way home?"

I took my tea from Arty and sat on the edge of the small table behind me. The one thing Arty disliked was anybody lying to him. He may be a charmer, a rogue, a crook, and a thief, but he could tell if anyone lied. I took a sip from my cup, gathering some thoughts.

"When I left her, she was finishing something off on the desk." It was the truth, just missing the best bits. I noticed him staring me down, still that twinkle.

"That's okay then. I know how hard she works," he said, still staring. "Syd?" he asked.

My mind had wandered back to watching Rose getting fucked on my desk.

"Syd, you okay?"

"Sorry, I was miles away. I need a small favour, Arty."

"Name it, love." He grinned.

I quickly explained the essential details and handed him the photograph.

"Can you get this copied for me, pronto, please? It is asking a lot, but it could help find him."

"I think I know someone down at the 'Sketch' who might be able to run off three or four copies without getting caught, but," he looked me in the eye, the schemer was back, "It will be tight though."

"How much, Arty, I know you have to pay whoever?" I had some money, and I knew that Arty took care of his friends. So I didn't mind handing him a few bob. He walked over to me and dropped his hands to my legs.

"I am sure we can come to some sort of arrangement now, Sydney," he said slowly, slipping his hand under my skirt and straight to my twat, "Don't you think?"

I didn't say a word; I lifted my bum off the table. Long enough to slide my skirt up for the second time that morning for a member of the Mayhew family. I grabbed Arty's head and pushed him onto his knees.

"I think it's a great idea, hun. Now lick my pussy like a good boy," I could feel myself ready to pour as soon as he knelt in front of me, "That will get things started nicely." The thought of his face and tongue being where his wife had been an hour or so ago was making my pussy so wet! 


I felt his fingers pulling my fanny open, and also my cum starting to flow, as he moaned out, "Oh, Syd. You are so wet. What have you been up to today, you young slut?"

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I just grabbed his short hair and jammed his face against me. "Shut up and just eat her." I tipped his wet face up to look at me. "Make sure you get it all," I added as I ground my gooey hole onto his probing tongue.

I was humping his face as the pleasure built with surprising speed. His tongue was sliding in, out, and around my insides. Rose was right when she said he had a long tongue. Only cocks and my fingers were reaching parts of me that his tongue was drilling.

Cum was pouring out of me. "Oh fuck yessss! Keep going, you bastard, fuck that pussy hard with that snake," I hissed at him as I reached up and began pulling at my tits through my blouse, "More, shit, oh hell, deeper, deeper you arsehole." I wailed as the first wave swept over me as I was pinching my nipples through my bra.

Through the ringing in my ears, I heard a belt buckle being undone and trousers rustling to the floor. I felt his tongue slipping out and braced myself for his thick cock. Oh yes, Rose had boasted of that too.

My legs were lifted off the floor and spread. I waited for him to slide his cock inside me. Instead, I screamed a second climax, squirting all over him as I felt that tongue worming its way into my tight arse.

"Oh, oh, yes, no, fuck don't stop. Don't you dare fucking stop." My back arched, my ears rang, my belly tightened, and colours filled the kitchen. I was still cumming as he wormed that snake tongue in and out of my bum.

I was fidgeting over his tongue, humping him, trying to get more. Then he grabbed my clit hard,  between his finger and thumb. With the pain and intense pleasure, I jolted into the biggest orgasm of my life. I couldn't speak, couldn't breathe just, cum!

The tongue left me, with an audible rasping slurp. Arty spun me over, so I was face down on the table. I felt that cock prodding my arse. No one has my rear, I thought. Fingers and tongues, yes, dicks, no! I turned my head to the side and watched him smear margarine along his cock!

"Take me, Arty, fuck my slutty arse, you dirty bugger."

I cried out in pain as his monster began penetrating, forcing my rectum open.

"Oh fuck, Syd. Your arse is tight. So fucking tight."

I pushed myself back against the burning pressure of him. He was sliding in too easily, and I was stretched around him. I moved forward, urging him to fuck me.

"What, don't you want it all bitch?"

"All!" I gasped, "How much more is there?"

I groaned as another inch entered.

"More?" He groaned.

I wiggled my bum, feeling God knows how many climaxes. I felt a little more cock burn its way inside before he eased back and then in again. He soon built up a steady rhythm, an inch in and a couple out. A couple of inches in and one out. My belly tightened as I felt him stiffen. He began to grow thicker.

"Arty, baby. God, you feel so good there, but please don't cum in me!"

It wasn't the spunk I was worried about. It was his thickness. He was getting thicker and more painful.

"Suck me then, bitch, swallow my cum." As I nodded my head getting ready to kneel, he quickly pulled out of my arse. The friction pushed me over the edge, and another cum ripped through me. I was screaming, groaning, screaming. Suddenly, still face down on the table, his twitching cock was at my mouth, and he thrust forward, holding the back of my head.

"Noisy little cow, shut up and suck it."

I stared down as ten inches of cock began to fuck my mouth. I was so high on the pleasure I grabbed his balls and squeezed. He grunted and started to jerk cum into my throat. I couldn't swallow it all as it dripped from my mouth onto the table.

He was still twitching when the kitchen door opened, and Rose stood there.

"What the fuck's going on here, Ron?" Rose barked, "You been shagging my boss, you sick prick?"

"Fuck no, I mean yes. She wanted it. I swear!"

"Better give it all to her then, hadn't we?" she said as she reached down behind, shoving a finger up his arse to push him forward and squeeze more spunk from his prostate.

He groaned as his knob hit the back of my throat and feed more cum down my throat. I began to gag, and Arty started to ease back. Rose had other ideas. She added a second finger as he groaned and pushed forward with another dribble of cum. I gagged again.

Rose held his prostate under her fingers. He was trapped in ecstasy. Rose held my head fast as tears filled my eyes. The bitch knew I loved being used now and again.

With the final drop, she pulled her fingers out of him as he groaned. Pulling out of my mouth, his cock left a trail of spit and sperm.

Holding her fingers up to her husband, Rose barked, "Suck 'em clean!"


*Suck them, now. It's your arse, not hers. Only I bet you've been up there too haven't you, well? Remember, don't fucking lie to me you old salt!"

"Well, I didn't mean to."

"Get out of my sight, how could you not mean, to fuck my boss's arse. I will deal with you later. Now go clean your cock up," Rose said, and pointed to me, "I want a word with her!"

Arty pulled his trousers up and went to clean up, his cock swaying as he went. I rolled onto my back, coming down from orgasmic highs I didn't think possible.

I looked red-faced at my lover.

"I am sorry Rose, it kind of got out of hand. One minute he was licking my pussy and then."

"Hush now. It saves me a job later. What with eating my boss and fucking Gary's dad earlier, I need a rest." She grinned.

"Shhh, he'll hear you."

"What Arty? He won't believe we fuck. As for Jim."

"Exactly, Bunny"

"He knows! He isn't stupid! He spent five years on a battleship in the second world war. He was bombed and shot by German Stukas off Crete. Torpedoed by U-boats and Italian battleships, then his ship hit a mine off Harwich.

"Bloody hell, he thinks he has a kid in the States but is to shit scared to find out! He almost got knifed four years ago, in a pub in Shoreditch," Rose stated, "He is not stupid, he is also a good father to our kids. He has his faults but he's a good husband. He can also count, he was inside when he asked Jim to check in on me and Jenny. Gary popped out five months after his release, he knows!"

I just stared at her for a few minutes, before blurting out. "You were right about his tongue."

"I was a teenager on our honeymoon when I found out."

"It's, just…"

"Fucking amazing. It's when he snakes it over that soft spot just inside your twat."

"That was when I started to cum after only a few minutes."

"Yeah, I know. I never get used to it. My mum threatened to throw us out of her home when we came back from our honeymoon to stay there. We, well, I made so much noise."

We both laughed. "You will be able to soothe the savage beast though Rose."

"What, him?" she said, hooking her thumb over her shoulder, "I'll have him eating Jim's cum out of me in no time!"

I just raised my eyebrows.

"He thinks I sometimes taste different because I'm up the duff," looking down at me Rose asked, "Why Bunny?"

"Sorry?" Then it dawned on me what she meant, "One evening about four years ago, 'Shanks' really lost it, he came home from a pub, in a foul mood. He gave me a good going over, Bunny burst in as the boot was going in, and Shanks had pulled his knife. Bunny threw him against the wall and started to give him a taste of his own medicine. Then he dragged him outside, threw him in a waiting car telling the driver, Shanks fell from an upstairs room. When he came back in, he introduced himself as Sergeant Warren. 'Like the bunny rabbit homes,' I'd gurgled through the blood. With one eye closed and puffy. Then he made sure I got to the hospital safely. Before taking Shanks in. Hence Bunny!"

Rose helped me off the table, scooping up some of Arty's cum from the table explaining, "He does taste good," I nodded in agreement, "Is he able to help?"

"What? Oh, yes. Arty knows someone at the 'Sketch', and claims it will be a bit tight though!"

Rose laughed so much I thought she'd go into labour.

"Did I say something funny?"

"Jack, the print he calls him," I waited, "How can I explain this? Jack, well Jack enjoys cock and it's against the law. Arty, well as we know, Arty likes a little back door."

"Arty, fucks him?" I wasn't shocked. "Horny fucker."

After straightening my skirt, I headed out. Inside my head, I knew I wouldn't need the photograph. People who came to London either ended up dead, on the game, or involved in crime. Someone well-spoken would be an asset to some, and a trophy to others.

Arty would ask around because he knew the information was currency. He had contacts, high up. So did I, on both sides of the River Thames. I was going to use them.

First though, home, my bum was stinging like crazy, but in a good way.


The next morning I got to the office early, well, 9 am is early for me!

I panicked when I found the office door unlocked, then realised there was nothing to steal anyway. Rose was already there, sitting on the desk with her legs crossed. She was waving some bits of paper in front of her, like a paper fan.

"Morning, Rose, how are you, love?"

"Me, I'm peachy. How's your bum?"


"It's okay, you'll get used to it." She laughed.

"Scuse me?" I replied, my eyebrows raised.

"Oh, come on now. You're not going to turn that cock or tongue down, pleeease girl." She gave me a knowing wink, then held out the papers, "Arty said you needed these."

I took ten, crystal clear copies of the toff's mugshot. I looked at her, and we both smiled. "I hope he enjoyed himself."

"You know my husband, he won't do anything unless there's something in it for him. He came back whistling first thing this morning," Rose confirmed, "Arty did say he popped into 'Mr. Smith's' club, and spoke to Danny!"

"What, Danny Park?"

Rose just nodded, uncrossing her legs as she went to stand up. I stood in front of her and leaned in for a kiss. Parting my lips, I let my tongue find Rose's as my hand felt her baby bump, powerful kicks filled me with sadness and I backed away.

"Do you still see him, Syd, Danny I mean?"

"Occasionally," I nodded. "He does me good on some lonely nights." I sighed.

Rose lifted my chin and gave me a soft motherly smile. "Take care, my love. These are dangerous times, you know." Kissing me on the forehead she added, "I know he's good-looking and has money, but he's in deep with tough people."

I knew all about him being part of the Lyons' crew, named after one of the toughest gangs south of the Thames. They got their name from the Lyons tea rooms, where they used to meet in a backroom upstairs.

"I know Rose, but he is a good man. He has never hit me, or done me any harm."

"Oh, I know, he won't hurt any woman. He'll make sure nobody else hurts any woman he knows," Rose looked thoughtful, serious, "Syd! Arty trusts few people where his family is concerned, but he got Danny to be Gary's godfather!"

"I had no idea."

"Yes, but Arty knows for a fact that Danny wouldn't think twice about putting a bullet in somebody's head," Rose looked thoughtful, "Remember I told you about Arty being knifed in that pub in Shoreditch, the 'Longshores', a few years back?"

I felt my blood run cold at the mention of the 'Longshores', and I nodded slowly.

"Danny said if he ever found out who did it, then he wouldn't be around for long. So be very careful."

"I am my love, I am. Trust me."

I kissed her on the forehead. I took the pictures from Rose. "I need to get going now, I have to go see someone about a toff!"

"Not Danny?"

"No! If Danny knew anything, Arty would have you. No, I am off to see Jimmy Harsley, over in Stretford."

"Geez girl, you pick 'em. Go easy."

"Rosie, you know as well I do, that neither of the gangs will touch me. I am too valuable, a go-between." I said, trying to calm her nerves. 


Even so, I could see the concern written all over her face. I leaned forward, for a reassuring kiss. Her lips parted and her tongue sought mine. The toff was forgotten.

Before I knew it, I had her lying back on my desk, her full thighs in my hands as I lapped at her swollen lips. Rose always tasted sweet, like warm cream. Today she was flowing into my mouth. As I got into my stride Rose was grinding her hairy mound against my probing tongue.

I could feel myself dripping on the floor as I crouched in front of her, listening to her groans, admittedly, stifled by her thighs as they gripped my head tightly. I took her swollen clitoris in my mouth and sucked almost as hard as I squeezed her nipples. Suddenly Rose gushed into my mouth as she pulled on my hair.

Her thighs relaxed as she slumped back on the desk. She was breathing heavily as she twisted my hair in her fingers. "Oh boss, that was fucking amazing."

I stood up and moved to lean over my panting friend. Rose grabbed my top, pulling me closer, as she sucked my lips clean of her. "Thank you, Syd. That was wonderful," then she looked me in the eyes, "Promise me you'll be careful out there. You heard what happened to Crossman?"

I nodded slowly, remembering how the poor man was found dead, in an alley down Rotherhithe way. Burn marks on his chest where he was tortured.

I stood and went over to the belfast sink in the corner. I splashed some water onto my face and freshened myself up. I checked my makeup in the cracked mirror balanced on the water pipes behind. 

I could see Rose staring at me, as she straightened her clothes, her face still flushed. "What!"

Rose moved behind me, her arms around my waist. "Arty thinks something is brewing."

"Sweetheart, there is always something brewing, in London," I chided.

"Not like this boss. Danny's told Arty, well, he's given him the nod."

I tensed, momentarily. When Danny gives anyone the 'nod', it's a warning to keep clear.

"Thanks for the heads up, Rose. I will watch my back," I said smiling at Rose's reflection in the mirror, "Now make sure you lock up when you're done here."

"Of course, no problem. I always do, not that it does any good. A breeze through the cracks in the windows will just blow the door open!"

I turned and kissed her. "It's a good job, there's nothing worth half inching then," I smiled before whispering, "You tasted nice my love, really sweet."

With that, I picked up my three-quarter-length trench and closed the office behind me. I took a deep breath and headed down the three floors to the street below.

To be continued….

Written by stanglia37
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