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Josh’s cock was a protrusion of aching granite, the pre-cum oozing like syrup all over his knuckles. The scene to which he was bearing witness had all but overwhelmed him. Pretty Christina, his one-off fuck from the restaurant, had been turned into an orgasm-raddled play toy before his eyes, with her precious Miss Winter extracting the climax. The sixth-form student was shuddering out of control, Gavin releasing her breasts so that they could shiver and bounce all through her helpless pleasure. She was emitting unearthly moans, spilling juice all over her whore-teacher’s delving tongue. A picture of blond naked schoolgirl indignity—so wrong, yet so fucking cock-bulgingly right. That his machinations had helped put her here made the young chef’s ego swell to bursting along with his dick.

The guilt he had experienced earlier threatened a return, but the visual was so affecting there was no room for it. As Christina writhed in her ecstasy, Josh went beyond mere enjoyment; that word did not begin to describe what he felt. The evening had achieved a near-rapturous quality, like he had entered a virtual erotic fantasy. I made this. I fucking made it. Jesus, look at it!

It was all he could do to wrestle back control of his feverish situation. Gavin would expect him, however, to do more than stand like a fool and watch the show. Hell, he expected better of himself. As Christina’s knees buckled and her whole body melted in tune with her pussy, he rose from kneeling to catch her. The teacher still had a tight hold of her ass, tongue lapping the last from that spasming senior schoolgirl, but Josh took the weight of her wilting upper body.

“On your knees, sweetheart,” he said.

Amanda let her go and she sank semi-delirious to the floor, Josh guiding her into position. He was insane with arousal, his cock a monolith of forged steel before her. “Suck it,” he said, unbuckling his trousers so he could tower unimpeded. She blinked up at his face for a moment, those pretty eyes clouded with post-orgasmic bewilderment. Then his erection became all her focus and her mouth stretched wide for him, the fingers of both hands lighting on his hips. He held his breath as her cherry-red lips closed around him and she sucked.

Oh fuck, thank you. He didn’t know who would hear the prayer of a selfish bastard, but his mind cried out to those filthy gods with gratitude; he didn’t deserve this good fortune, but it had come his way nonetheless. Every nerve ending in his cock rejoiced under the wet vacuum of Christina’s sweet mouth.

“That’s it, darling. Suck it how you know I like. Use that dirty mouth on me.” He unbuttoned his shirt and chucked it away, staring down into Christina’s eyes all the while, returning her earnest cock-sucking gaze. “Fuck …” he groaned, stroking back the short blond hair from her exquisite features. She worked him with a gorgeous steady rhythm. “Jesus, you look so fucking beautiful with your mouth stretched wide like that. I love it when a sweet-faced girl gets dirty. C’mon, Chris, suck my cock. Show me how much you love it. Show teacher.”

Putting words to that last thought felt sensational. Amanda’s was fixating on the girl, eyes full of enjoyment at her student’s sluttiness. Christina took Josh deeper and slurped harder, head bobbing and eyes full of lust—along with that last hint of resentment at his betrayal. Beside her in the lime bikini thong Amanda was more evenly balanced between arousal and anger. Her big rose-nippled breasts heaved on every breath as she observed Christina’s fellating efforts. Gavin was scrutinising too, his smile a challenge as he watched his nephew’s progress. Josh couldn’t waste the opportunities presented by this unique dynamic, not with his uncle looking on.

It took all the focus he had left to address the teacher. “Think your pupil’s got good technique?” The woman’s glare was fuel to his already raging lust. “Think she’s taking it deep enough or do you need to take charge of this lesson? Go on, Amanda, make her swallow it deeper.”

He studied both girls’ faces as Amanda brought the notion to life and their expressions filled him with elation. The teacher looked fit to kill him as she knelt, fingers curling into her student’s hair, but a part of her, he felt sure, was impressed. Christina was simply shocked.

“Go on,” Miss Winter hissed in the teen bombshell’s ear as she applied pressure. “Take that fucker’s cock right down.” Christina’s eyes grew wide as she was pushed past her gag-reflex and took Josh all the way into her throat. The grating squelch was music, the wide-stretched lips an image of the utmost beauty, more so because teacher was holding her there in place around the base of his shaft.

Amanda dragged the girl off so she could catch her breath amid a mess of spit. The student was still gasping wetly when her teacher shoved her back onto him, making her throat attack his thick length to its root, eyes wide and startled.

“That’s it, right to the back. Swallow that fucking cock!” Amanda’s face was livid with angry desire, her voice allowing the girl no quarter. Her gaze drilled into Josh as she pumped her student’s head on his shaft, so that he squelched deep in Christina’s throat, the sound obscene and gorgeous. Then she held her beautiful young charge gurgling in place, fingers rumpling that blond hair lovingly. “This what you were looking for, you filthy bastard?”

Josh’s head swam and he gripped Christina’s head, fingers wrapping Amanda’s, for support. “Oh yeah, oh fuck, it’s so what I was looking for.” The schoolgirl’s throat was squeezing his cock like a cunt and he laughed in feverish ecstasy. “Oh my fucking God …”

Once more Amanda pulled the girl off so she could suck in air, saliva dangling from her lips and chin. Every inch of him dripped with her. He’d never felt so gloriously male as he did now—his cock spit-glazed and hovering before Christina’s panting mouth, the teacher controlling her on his whim. “Damn—you like pushing your students, don’t you, Mandy?” Her murderous glare when he used the shortened version of her name was priceless. It fired him to new daring. “Let’s see you lead by example, Miss Winter. Your turn. Suck my fucking cock and suck it good. Show her how it’s done.”

For a split-second her eyes shot pure venom. Then she pushed Christina aside, grabbed the base of his cock and gobbled him. Fuck! Her mouth was as greedy as it was talented. Josh stared down in wonder as his cock was power-sucked by the busty schoolteacher, her cheeks concave and her head bobbing vigorously. She grabbed his ass and took him all the way down, fucking him with her throat, eyes still blazing like she would as soon have used her teeth on him. He had to admire her style as she worked him with the succulent pump of her mouth, tongue blanketing his shaft, lips surging ever further. If she had her way he’d be emptying his balls in seconds. He pulled her off before she had a chance to complete the task.

For a moment he struggled to regain composure and to calm his twitching cock. “Your teacher knows what she’s fucking doing,” he told Christina, who had been staring wide-eyed through the entire display. He seized her by her short locks, keen to take control once more. “Come on, blondie, let’s see how closely you were paying attention.” Christina glanced at Amanda as though for encouragement; then with a look as serious as it was eager, she opened wide, took a dive and filled her mouth with cock once more. She was busier this time, more focused and committed, all wetness sealed in as she slurped him luxuriously. Josh groaned, giving himself up to the bobbing attentions of that pretty blond head.

In the background Gavin was clearly enjoying his nephew’s efforts to steer the situation. He stripped casually as he watched, calm and ready in all aspects. Josh stroked Christina’s hair and grinned at the rebellious Amanda, as Gavin prepared to enter the lustful fray. Good. Teacher needed taming and his uncle was the man for the job.

Time to show both these hot bitches their place in the evening’s proceedings. Time to give it to them good …


Josh was proving his uncle’s nephew, Amanda thought, and the treacherous part of her could not help but admire the bastard’s chutzpah. He had young Christina sucking like his besotted slut-girlfriend, like no one called Gabe existed in the universe, and he’d tried to make the teacher his slut as well. It’s not going to happen, you cocky fuck. I’ll eat you alive if you try. It was undeniably delicious, though, how he was mastering the student; she watched the girl’s cock-guzzling subservience and could not control how much it excited her. That she had been complicit in the young woman’s debasement brought a sharp conflict of emotions.

“Just like old times, right?” that hated sexy voice said. “Face it, Mandy, you love to party this way.”

She looked up and found herself in the shadow of Gavin’s cock. It swayed over her, a wonder of natural engineering, as the bastard-in-chief took his place beside his nephew. Christ, every inch of his naked body looked majestic, none more so than those of his thick-veined phallus. His palm stroked it leisurely in all its glorious extension. Hunger and hatred warred within her, as he teased her hair and drew her face to himself. “Go on, Miss Winter, you’re a woman for all fucking seasons. Now do what you do best.”

Damn him—he didn’t know the whole of her, but he sure as hell understood the Mandy part. She focused on her hunger, tongue cleansing his shaft of trickling pre-cum, before she stretched wide and took him into her mouth. Hot, throbbing and delicious. She welcomed it when his hands closed on her head and bore her down onto him, so that she could suck deep.

“Call it a refresher course,” Gavin said, entwining his fingers and keeping her in place as she massaged his arrogant length with her mouth. “You sucked your share of dick back in the day, right Mandy?”

Fuck—I did, and it was great.

“I’m not judging you, you had every right. And you taught yourself to take it right the way down, didn’t you?” He squeezed on the back of her head and made her swallow his thickness deep down her throat. “Like any healthy red-blooded young woman should—satisfying her desires, however carnal.” He dragged her messily off him and she panted at his feet, drool spilling onto her chest from her lips.

“But a girl gets out of practice. Domesticity doesn’t allow for the same opportunities—does it, Mandy?”

“No,” she muttered resentfully. Not that he’d ever understand making that kind of deal with life.

“Well now you get to brush up on your skills, don’t you?”

She wrapped her mouth about him and sucked, her action lewd and delicious against the rigidity of the fucker’s huge shaft. “Very nice,” he said. “Keep that up. Everybody’s mouth full of cock, just how it should be. You bitches are both in school now.”

Amanda burned inside at his goading, but she did not break her rhythm. Teacher and student were kneeling naked side by side, heads bobbing as they served their respective blackmailer’s pleasure. Hell, I’d like to make you bastards suck each other. But recourse to payback was for some other time. All she could do for now was to feast on hard dick along with her sixth-form co-fellatrix, while the fuckers chatted.

“So Josh, how’s your entertainment for the evening?”

“Fucking quality. Yours?”

“Likewise. There’s no slut like a cheating slut, you remember that. Take Mandy here. She’s taking time out from her fiancé and she does the thing properly, or what would be the point? Look at her go at my dick. Christ, you think she ever sucks her partner that way?”

Damn you to hell. She devoured as she cursed and took solace in that fact that he was loving it, however much he did the ‘casual’ act. Did the fucker have to rub her deception in her face? Shit, what was she thinking? Of course he did.

“Mandy, remind me of your fiancé’s name …” He pulled her mouth off his cock.

“Rob,” she replied, voice thick with saliva and resentment.

“Good old Rob,” Gavin said, stopping her mouth again with a plunging thrust. “Good old lucky oblivious Rob. And what about your sweet young lady, Josh? Which beau has she left jerking off alone this evening?”

“Well, Chris?” Josh demanded, extracting himself. “You heard him. What’s your boyfriend called?”

“G-Gabe,” Christina spluttered, a mess of drooling abasement. “He’s called …” But Josh plugged her face again before she could even finish the sentence.

“Rob and Gabe,” Gavin said, his monologue taking on an edge of enjoyment as it proceeded. “Fine upstanding gents and caring lovers, no doubt. Yet here their girls are, butt-naked in a show-house and guzzling on other men’s dicks. And neither will ever know, as long as you keep on being good whores. The cheating slut teacher and her cheating slut student protégé. You must be proud how much she takes after you, Mandy.”

Shut up, shut up talking you fucker. At least let me suck your cock in peace …

“But she’s still in training. Time to do more mentoring, don’t you think?” He extracted his cock from Mandy’s mouth, moved to Christina and dragged her off Josh with a firm grasp of the girl’s hair. The student stared in shock at the pair of erect cocks that now swayed before her face. “I don’t think she’s ever had to cope with two on one before, do you, Mandy? How about some encouragement from the expert?”

Having been reminded of the stakes Amanda did not hesitate. “Do it, girl, grab those dicks and get busy. What are you fucking waiting for?”

The girl responded with surprising alacrity, reaching out and stretching her delicate fingers around the massive wet trunks. Maybe she too feared the threat of exposure as she began to massage up and down. Or maybe she was forgetting the original reason for her being there and giving in to filthy urges awakening within her eighteen-year-old soul; there was enough fascination in her face as she regarded her own gliding palms.

Amanda had clear recollection of the first time she had jacked two guys—on a picnic rug in Cornwall summer of ‘01—and of all the sensations of decadence that accompanied. Of course the cocks had been less huge, the choice her own and no teacher had been in attendance to spur her on. Aside from those minor considerations, the situations were identical.

“That’s it, Christina, wank those cocks, both of them, base to tip. Feel how fucking huge they are. Spit on them, get those big poles nice and slippery.” She spat fulsomely on Gavin’s shaft to help lube the girl’s efforts. “Now you.” Christina spat saliva all over Josh’s shaft and persisted in her act of dual masturbation. Goddamn, what a delicious treat she was, how earnest and angelic her face as she pumped those horny bastards’ cocks with her fists. Amanda couldn’t help but indulge her most illicit, most evil urges.

If not tonight, when ever?

“Come on, darling, get to work. Suck those big delicious dicks while you wank them. Teacher wants to watch, baby. Show Miss what you can do, what a hot young woman you are.”

Christina went for Josh first, slurping away as she gripped both shafts, at the cock with which she was better acquainted. She guzzled him long and deep, giving her best work so far that evening.

“That’s it, you’ve done the nephew. Now suck on the uncle. Suck your Uncle Gavin.”

Josh gave a choked laugh at that and Gavin seemed amused as well. Christina quailed as her mouth gaped to take in the bigger more experienced cock for the first time, but then she stretched and engulfed, eyes wide at taking in so much.

“That’s it,” Amanda urged, as Christina sucked heroically on Gavin’s jaw-aching proportions. “Get your mouth around it. Suck it deep and slow. Keep sharing the love.” The girl managed it. Amanda looked on entranced as her student alternated between the men, bestowing the liquid favours of her mouth equally on their two great fuck-poles. The sixth-former was losing herself to whorishness like she had never done before, boyfriend be damned.

Gonna be your dirty girl tonight, gonna be your dirty girl, the vocalist on the music track promised, as if speaking on Christina’s behalf to everyone else in the room. The urgency of Josh’s dance mix continued to subtly power the evening’s decadence. He’d selected his tunes well, this boy.

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“Tell her what she is,” he ordered Amanda, mesmerised by the younger girl’s performance. “Tell her what she is and what she’s going to get.”

Amanda told her and, heaven help her, she enjoyed the telling. “You’re a slut, Christina.” Just like me. “You’re a filthy cock-sucking slut and you fucking love it. Now work those cocks and work them good, because they’re going to be fucking you soon. Fucking you hard.”

“Damn right,” Josh said, like he meant it. Gavin controlled himself and smiled, fingers teasing Christina’s hair.

Amanda thrust her hand inside her sodden panty-thong and frigged herself. She’d been blackmailed, cheapened and used that evening, but hot damn, this was an amazing show—one she wanted to see right to its finish.



Oh God, so much cock, so much big wet cock … Josh’s was impressive, and his uncle’s was bloody gigantic. I mean seriously? It had been all she could do to get her mouth around it. Together they had reared and bobbed before her, etched in all their erectile glory; now her dainty hands and mouth were doing all they could to tame these monsters. Hot phallic flesh pulsed in both her palms, pre-cum oozing all over her tongue, while her teacher spat the most filthy phrases. “Come on,...

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Written by Jaymal
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