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Author's Notes

"Copyright © 2021 by Elizabethwrites92 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author."


My alarm woke me up from a deep and peaceful sleep.  Interrupting my dream about swimming through clouds that were water.  I turned off my alarm and saw that my husband was not in bed.  He must have woken up early and couldn't fall back asleep.  On days like that he would just get into work early.

I get out of bed and stretch my back and arms by reaching to the sky and curving my back.  Since Thomas was already gone I turned on the bedroom lights to a dim setting and headed to the bathroom.  I checked my phone while taking care of my business.  I turned on the water to the shower to let it warm up for me as I walked over to the scale and weighed myself.  

I was staying within the weight I wanted to so I was happy.  I rubbed my eyes while looking at the bathroom mirror.  I felt really rested and wasn't exactly sure why.  I just had that feeling that I was going to have a good day and no one was going to change that.  

Without any warning my mirror seemed to bend and shift, startling me.  Then a white nub appeared at the center of the bending.  It wasn't so much bending, more like the mirror had become water.  The white nub grew larger and longer as it began to start coming through the mirror.  

I screamed in response and tried to back up but ended up just tripping over my own feet.  I fell on my ass-backward, my eyes never leaving the thing in front of me.  My lizard brain must have kicked in because I quickly began crawling/scooting backward away from whatever was happening to my mirror.  

I managed to crawl out of the bathroom back to my bedroom in the most clumsy and uncoordinated way I think humanly possible.  I slammed the door shut and pressed my back against the door.  

Would my body be able to hold it off?  What even was it?  How was it doing that to my mirror?  Was I having some kind of stroke or seizure?  Should I call an ambulance?

So many thoughts were racing through my head and none provided any answers but only unanswerable questions.  I could possibly be hallucinating, that would explain why I was seeing stuff that obviously couldn't be real.  What causes hallucinations though, can they just randomly happen?


My body went rigid as a voice spoke out but it hadn't come from the bathroom.  My eyes began darting around the bedroom trying to see if someone was in the house.  The person had to be close as the voice was loud and very clear.  

As I sat there naked pressing myself against the bathroom door I realized that I was defenseless.  There was someone in the house, that much I knew from the voice.  Maybe they had drugged me or something.  Some kind of sick assault or something much worse.  

I remember that Thomas has a bag of golf clubs in our closet that I have complained about so many times.  If that is what saves my life today I won't ever complain again.  I push myself up from the floor and door and quickly run in a crouched position to the closet.  I grab what looks like the biggest club in the bag and pull it out.  

"Hello.  Can you hear me?"

It was so clear, they had to be right outside the closet.  This was some kind of sick fuck who was toying with me.  Probably getting off on terrifying me and who knows what they planned to do next.  I had to get out of the house and call for help.  I took several deep breaths and readied my nerves.  

With explosive force, I ran out of the closet wielding the golf club like a sword ready to strike whoever was in my house.  I quickly looked around the room but no one was there, it was completely empty.  They had to have been here though, their voice was in this room.

"Hello, you should be able to hear me."

A tsunami of realization hit me, the voice was so clear not because it was close but because it was in my head.  I was hearing voices in my head.  This had to be a dream I thought as I pinched my arm as hard as I could.  I felt the pain and didn't wake up.  

I am losing it, actually going crazy.  Is there a scale for how bad voices in your head are?  Does schizophrenia appear at a certain age? That has to be it. 


Before the voice in my head could finish speaking I screamed.

"What do you want?  Why are you in my head?"

None of this was sensical, but I am not sure how else I could have responded at that moment.  I believed that I was going crazy.  

"You are not going crazy."

How did it know what I was thinking?  I'm an idiot, of course, it knows what I am thinking the voice is my own head. Does being crazy mean that my head can have its own conversations with itself?

"This is not your head or your voice.  This is my voice as I speak to you."

This caused me to stop my panic for a minute.  What did that mean?  I've never been particularly religious but at that moment the thought crossed my mind that perhaps God was speaking to me.  Was this better than crazy or just the crazy itself?

"I am not the God you are thinking of.  I must speak with you though."

The voice was in my head, almost feeling like a speaker had been set up in the middle of my brain.  The voice was soft and slightly feminine.  It sounded almost human but something was off just enough that I could tell it was wrong.  

"Where are you?  How can I hear you in my head?" I asked aloud.  

Could whatever was speaking hear me from here?  Could I speak to it in my mind?

"You left me in what I believe you call a bathroom."

I quickly turned towards the bathroom door that was still closed.  My hands instinctively tightened on the golf club.  Whatever this was, it was in my bathroom.  I softly crept towards the door making as little noise as possible.  

I rested my hand on the handle, trying to will myself to open it and see what was going on inside.  I took a deep breath and forcefully pulled down the handle and entered the bathroom.  Before I could fully take in the scene I saw something in the middle of the bathroom.  I bring the golf club behind my back preparing to swing it.  

In one fluid motion, I swing the golf club up, over my shoulder.  The club hits part of the ceiling causing a huge hole but I don't care right now.  The gold club comes down with all the force I can muster on the thing in my bathroom.  As soon as the club hit the white object it bent around the object as if it had been made of a wet noodle.  

I dropped the now-destroyed club and didn't know what to do.  Before me was a large white hose extending from my bathroom mirror.  No, it wasn't a hose, more of a tentacle, like an octopus has.  The tentacle didn't even respond to the hit that I had landed on it.  It just held itself in the air.  The tentacle curled in the air to face me now.  

I was frozen in fear and couldn't move a muscle.  I stood there naked in front of whatever this thing was.  My shower had warmed up plenty and had been filling the bathroom with steam adding to the horrifying scene in front of me.  This is it, this is how I die.  

"You do not have anything to fear from me.  I mean you no harm."

It was speaking to me.  The tentacle was the thing speaking to me.  

"How are you speaking to me? I asked.

"The explanation is long and I am not sure that your species would be able to understand."

Your species?  So this was a different species.  I mean, of course, it was, unless humans just this morning started growing tentacle trunks like elephants and walking out of mirrors.  

"What, what are you doing here?  In my bathroom?"

"That is a complicated answer.  Your world is in great danger and I will need your help to save your species."

This was too much for this early in the morning.  End of the world crisis and I'm going to somehow save humans?

"I think you have the wrong person.  You should talk to the President or the military.  They can help you, there's nothing that I can do to save the world."

"You can, it is why I have chosen you.  There is not much time though."

"Just hold on one second.  What is going on?  Explain it to me."

The tentacle twisted in the air a few times as if pondering what I said or what it wanted to say.  

"Forgive my English as you call it, I have only learned it from your head to facilitate communication.  Your world has been visited by a great threat.  An entity not unlike myself that will threaten your species's freedom and existence."

"There is more of whatever you are?  How did it get here?"

"It has entered your world through a, I suppose the closest word your species has would be a gateway.  It can enter your world through your mirrors.  We are of the same, but our interests do not align."

"So this other thing, this other bad thing can just enter our world from any mirror that it wants?  How would we know where it is?"

"It can enter your world from ours through your mirrors but it takes an immense amount of energy to do so.  He has consumed so many worlds that entering for him is a trivial task.  For me, it is much more difficult and I must be more selective and careful."

"Why do you have to be so much more careful than him?"

"He is a plague spreading through dimensions, consuming them and feeding off of their inhabitants to gain the energy he needs to spread further.  I do not consume as he does, it is wrong to do so.  That is why I had to use you."

I had been so focused on what I was being told about this other creature I had nearly ignored the last statement.  

"What do you mean you used me?  Do you mean talking to me right now?"

"No.  Yesterday I barely had enough energy to enter your world.  If I could not enter your world I could not try and save your species, so I made the decision to use you to help me enter."

"What are you talking about?  I have never seen you before and I definitely didn't feed you anything or help you through a gateway or whatever."

"No, you did not.  You prepared a beverage yesterday morning, called coffee.  While you were distracted I used some of my limited remaining energy to enter your world through a small mirror you have on your kitchen counter.  Once I entered I put some of my slime in your coffee to help you feed me so that we may have this conversation."

"You drugged me?" I shouted more than said.  

Suddenly yesterday started making sense.  Why the coffee had tasted so good and why I was feeling so different.  Was the slime causing me to have the thoughts that I was having?  What other effects could it have?

"I apologize for my actions, it is not what I wanted, but I had to in order to save your world."

"How does me drinking slime feed you?  If anything, isn't it feeding me?"  I asked, feeling a strange fondness forming in my mind of the slime.  

"You are correct, the slime does not feed me.  You feed me.  Rather I should say the energy your body creates feeds me.  The slime has an aphrodisiac effect on your species which causes you to go into heat."

"Into heat?  You are talking like we are some wild animals out in nature."

"You must understand, to me you are a wild animal.  Less mammal and more akin to bacteria to me.  The amount of energy your bodies generate greatly increases when aroused and reaching sexual satisfaction.  Likely due to your body lighting up with chemicals and electrical impulses."

"So you drugged me in order to get me horny, all so that you could feed off of that and enter this world now?  Wait a minute.  So that was why I wanted to have sex so badly yesterday.  Were you feeding off of me while I was masturbating in the shower?"

I could feel a slight blush spread across my cheeks.  This certainly was not a conversation that I was used to having and I felt slightly embarrassed and defiled.  Whatever this thing was, it had purposefully drugged me and used me to feed itself.  

"I can understand that you are upset, rightfully so.  I did not make the decision lightly and I did it only with good intentions."

I stood there thinking over everything this creature had said.  How could I know if I could trust this thing?  The shock of it all had finally worn off and I realized that I was still standing naked in front of this creature.  I tried to cover myself as I reached for my robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door.  Once it was on I felt somewhat better.  

"So what exactly am I supposed to do to stop this other thing from destroying our species?"

"It will not destroy your species, it will enslave all of you and you shall end up in an endless cycle of pleasure as it feeds.  Trapped forever."

"That sounds horrifying.  How am I supposed to help though?"

"The most important task right now is for me to feed to ensure that I have enough energy to continue to enter this world.  Without entire worlds feeding me like him, I must feed more frequently.  Will you choose to help me save your species?"

I was completely dumbfounded.  Where do I even begin with all of this?  The part where I was drugged against my will and then fed off without my knowledge?  Or the fact that this creature was spying on me while I masturbated?

As the anger and questions flowed through my head there was another small part that was growing.  I had liked how I felt yesterday, so sexually charged and wanting what I wanted.  The masturbation in the shower had even seemed like it had been better than it typically was.  The lure was there, all I had to do was take it.

"If I were to help you, what exactly would you need from me?  Also, what else can that slime do?"

"I believe that he has visited your world before, but was unsuccessful in taking it.  We must discover why that was and hopefully find him and whomever he has already claimed.  I would also require you to regularly feed me as needed.  As for the slime, it can be ingested which greatly affects the mind or applied to your body to increase pleasure."  

The mention of the slime again triggered something deep in my mind as a bit of arousal started to grow.  Little did I know that I had already bitten the lure and was being reeled in.  

"When would you need to be fed next and how long does it have to be for?"

"Time is not relevant, the pleasures you reach are what must be focused on.  It would be best if I could feed now so that I could enter your world again without worry."

Right now?  This creature wanted to feed off of me?  What was I supposed to say to that?  Saying I was far from the mood would have been an understatement.  

"This is all up to you, it is your choice what you wish to do.  You can help me or choose not to.  I will neither force you nor feed off of you without your express permission.  My only goal is to save this species as I have tried and done countless times before."

My mind began racing again.  Could I really save our species with this creature?  How would I even keep this a secret?  That tiny part of my mind ignored all of that and simply said to go for it.  

"So I can just start now for you?  Do you need anything specific?"

"Yes, you may begin whenever you are ready.  There is nothing you must specifically do, I will feed and the more pleasure you experience the more energy I can consume."

With that, I gave a  sheepish look towards the tentacle as I made up my mind.  Holding my robe tight to my body to remain covered, I reached with my other hand between the folds of the robe and began to gently trace lines around my thighs and vagina.  Looking at the creature before me knowing it was feeding off of me kept me from getting in the mood.  I tried closing my eyes and focusing on my body.   

"You do not have anything to be embarrassed about, I have done this countless times over the eons."

While the words were clearly meant to comfort they had the opposite effect.  I continued caressing my body while remaining covered but I simply couldn't get into the right headspace.  I don't know how this was going to work if I would have to keep doing this for this creature.

"You seem to be having a difficult time, may I offer some assistance?  Please step towards me and rub your hands along the length of my tentacle.  It is coated in slime that could help you."

Worry flashed through my mind but I found myself walking towards the tentacle.  I tentatively reached out inches from the slick white surface.  It was decision time.  I pressed my hand against the tentacle letting the slime lightly coat my palm.  Within a few seconds, my hand began to tingle and feel warm.  

I placed my other hand on the tentacle and soon it felt the same way.  I began stroking the length of the tentacle coating my hands in the slime.  Once my hands were coated enough I was about to rub some on my body when I remembered the creature in my bathroom.  

I turned away from the tentacle and pulled the top fold of my robe apart exposing my breasts to the air.  This was it, no turning back now.  I cupped my breasts with my slime-coated hands and began massaging them, working the slime all over them.  My nipples responded by hardening and sticking out as the warmth and pleasure began to spread around my chest.  Each touch seemed to be intensified by the slime.  

I leaned against the counter while caressing my breasts tenderly.  While this was feeling great, I still was not in the mood yet to masturbate.  The creature must have sensed that or heard my thoughts.

"If you choose I can help you get into the proper mood that you are looking for."

"Um, yeah I guess that's fine.  What do you have in mind?"

There was no response but I could feel my arousal increasing as if a switch had been flipped.  I was feeling much hornier and sexually charged.  My hands continued to work my breasts and were getting more into it.  This was starting to really work for me.  

On an impulse I brought my right hand up to my mouth and closed my mouth around my index and middle finger, licking the slime that was still coating those fingers.  The licking began to turn more into a combination of licking and sucking as I tried to get every last drop of the sweet nectar off my fingers.  

I could feel myself getting wetter and knew that I was very much in the mood.  My left hand remained on my breast as I brought my right down to my vagina.  I began to slowly rub my lips and work my way up to my clit.  The slight tingle of the little remaining slime on my fingers teased me.  

I became acutely aware of my robe and how restrictive it was now feeling.  I quickly and very clumsily undid it and let it drop to the floor.  I was once again standing completely naked in my bathroom.

"I need more of your slime.  Can I please have some more?" I asked the creature before me.  

Without hesitation, the mirror rippled again and another tentacle emerged from its surface.  It maneuvered itself in the air until it came to stop in front of me.  I stretched out my hands and cupped them under the tentacle to catch the slime.  

The first few squirts surprised me as its aim was off.  The first few ropes of slime landed on my face and some in my open mouth as I had opened it when the first shot hit me.  The tentacle adjusted itself and began squirting its slime into my open hands.  Using my tongue I licked any of the slime on my face that I could reach, savoring it.  

With more slime on my hands, I put one hand on my pussy, covering it with my hand making as much contact as I could with it and the slime.  My other hand started on my neck and slowly pulled it down across my body, coating more of it in the reflective substance.  I was in this now, my mind focused on nothing more than what I was feeling.  I was so focused I barely paid attention to what was said.

"I am feeding off of you now."

I didn't notice anything, so it must not hurt me or really give any effect.  That was good, but I needed to get back to the task at hand.  My body was on fire and I needed more of it.  One hand began to work my clit while the other traced, groped, and felt my body.  

I leaned against the wall of my bathroom indulging myself with reckless abandon.  I was also somewhat turned on by the creature watching me.  I continued to rub my clit while I slipped two fingers into my wet pussy.  The slime combined with my wetness eliminated any resistance.  

I was getting there, my hands finding a good rhythm and sticking with it.  I began to feel the muscles in my legs slightly contract in small spasms.  I was so close, almost there.  The moment came and it was like the floodgates had opened.  A massive orgasm washed over my body.  My legs shook and gave out beneath me as my hand continued to rub my clit not willing for it to end.  

As my legs gave out one of the tentacles moved with lightning speed and caught me before I hit the ground.  The embrace was comforting and it supported my weight as my orgasm crested and began to fade.  My legs were jelly under me, twitching as my orgasm wracked my body. I began to feel lightheaded as my world quickly faded to black.

I awoke with the tentacle cradling my body, consciousness returning to me.  It was a soft embrace that held me, one of care.  I stretched my body trying to ease my sore muscles from both the sexual experience I just had as well as the position I had apparently blacked out in.  I had never blacked out while orgasming before, it was a truly powerful orgasm.  

As I stood with wobbly legs, the tentacle hovered behind me in case I fell again.  I managed to get my footing under me and leaned against the counter while I filled up a glass of water and drank it down as fast as I could.  I looked at myself in the mirror, feeling light and content no happy.  I turned to face the tentacle again.

"So that is what you needed?  Was that enough to, um feed you?"

"Yes, you did very well.  This will ensure that I can make a few more trips to your world."

"Well, I guess I am glad to have been able to help.  Although I am not sure how I am supposed to help you defeat the other creature."

"First we must uncover what happened in this world and then we may focus on finding him."

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"OK, the whole pronoun thing isn't really working, do you have a name?"

"Nothing that could be spoken or understood by your mind."

"Insulting, but all right.  Let me think for a second.  I've got it, you can be Persephone.  Then the evil creature that wants to enslave us can be Hades."

"I do not see the importance of names, but I will accept it if you wish."

"Yeah, I think they are fitting names," I said with a genuine smile.  

I glanced down at my watch and a small bit of panic sprang up inside of me.  It was already past two in the afternoon.  How long was I asleep after that orgasm?  I started in the early morning.  I didn't call work to let them know I wasn't coming in, shit.  

I grabbed my phone and sent a text off to my boss apologizing and letting him know that I was sick and had only just woken up.  It wasn't the best excuse but it was all I could come up with.  Thomas had been up early this morning, which meant he could be getting home soon.  I couldn't let him see me like this, I had to get cleaned up.  

The tentacle moved out of my way as I quickly darted towards the shower which I had left running this entire time.  Shit, our water bill was going to be so incredibly high.  Nothing but cold water was coming through the showerhead and I was sure not would be available for quite some time.  This was going to be significantly less enjoyable.  

"Um, I need to get cleaned up quickly because my husband could be home any minute and he definitely can't see me covered in a bunch of slime.  He also absolutely cannot see you, he would flip out and probably panic."

"I can leave your world when you are ready for me to.  I have enough energy to return."

"Okay, I'm going to shower and hopefully get cleaned up.  Then I've got to get this bathroom clean as well."

I got into the shower closing the door behind me as I stepped into the cold stream of water.  It shocked me to my core and I tried to shrink my body as much as I could to try and conserve my body heat as well as limit the water contacting me.  It didn't matter though, I had to finish this shower, and the quicker the better.  

Once my shower was complete and the slime had been removed from my body I stepped out of the shower grabbing my towel off the rack.  The bathroom was completely spotless, with no sign of anything that had happened this morning other than the hole in the ceiling.  Shit, Thomas was not going to be happy about that.  Had Persephone cleaned everything?  I would have to thank her.

Looking at myself in the mirror I got a slightly wicked idea.  Well, not so much wicked but naughty.  I grabbed my blow dryer and began to dry my hair, followed by my curling iron.  With the towel still wrapped around my torso, I ventured towards the back of our closet.  I found the box that I was looking for and pulled it out and set it on the bed.  

I opened the box and put the lid to the side.  Inside was a very beautiful set of lingerie.  I pulled out the top, followed by the thigh-high stockings, matching panties, then the bow that went around my neck, and lastly the garter belt.  I tossed the towel as I began to put on the new outfit.  It had been quite a while since I had last tried it on or used it.  

Once I had my outfit on I could feel an air of sexiness and I felt really good about it and myself.  I applied some makeup in the bathroom.  As I applied the vibrant shade of red lipstick I heard the garage door open, telling me that Thomas was home.  I finished applying the lipstick and darted to the closet to grab a black pair of heels to complete the ensemble.

"Thomas, once you put everything down could you come up here for a second?" I shouted down to him.

"Yeah, hold on a second," came his muffled response from downstairs.

I soon heard his footsteps coming up the staircase and I felt butterflies in my stomach that I hadn't felt in some time.  Thomas starting speaking before he even reached the bedroom.

"What are you doing home so early, I definitely was up before..."

He didn't finish his sentence as his eyes settled on me.  I could see his eyes traveling up and down my body, the look of surprise evident on his face.  

"I ended up sleeping in a bit late and just decided to take the day.  It gave me enough time to get myself all prettied up."

"You look absolutely amazing.  Not that you don't always, just you look extra amazing in that outfit."

"I don't want to talk anymore," I said as I approached him putting my face to the side of his neck breathing heavily while my hands undid his belt buckle.  

He was clearly surprised by this, but I didn't encounter any resistance from him.  I mean how could he when his gorgeous wife was dressed like this and wanted him so badly?  Had my libido increased, or had it simply been kick-started again by the events of this afternoon?  It didn't matter, what mattered was what was about to happen and I planned on getting my full of it.

I undid his pants and let them fall to the ground.  While I embraced him with a passionate kiss I began to slowly stroke his dick.  He was already halfway to becoming hard, quite the compliment for my outfit I guess.  Within a minute of kissing, he was fully hard as I now stroked his full length.  His soft moans reverberating in my mouth as I felt his hardness.  

It was time for me to make my next move.  As seductively as I could I lowered myself to a kneeling position in front of him as I pulled down his underwear.  His erect dick sprung out from its prison and greeted me a few inches from my face.  I gave him the best sexy eyes I could muster as I looked up at him.  

Then I began to give the head of his dick some light licks, slowly circling the head.  His slight moans were all of the encouragement I needed.  Without a moment to lose I opened my mouth and took in the first three inches of his dick.  I formed suction in my mouth while my tongue licked the bottom of his shaft.  Soon I had begun slowly bobbing my head back and forward on his dick, his moans no longer slight.

His hands rested on the side of my head as he let me set the pace and depth.  I spent a few more minutes bobbing on his dick as I worked what felt like close to five inches of his length into my mouth.  When I felt he was in the mood I withdrew his dick from its warm wet home.  He looked down at me with some surprise but was greeted with a coy smile.  I stood up and pushed him back onto the bed.

No sooner had he landed, my hands were already at my panties pulling them down while leaving on the garter belt and stockings.  I crawled onto the bed up to his body with my hand grazing his erect member slightly.  I came to settle just above his face.  We locked eyes and he understood.  

I lowered myself onto his waiting mouth and his tongue immediately began to work itself over my folds.  Thomas understood that you had to work up to the clit for a woman and I had always appreciated him for it.  I lowered myself as much as I could as my hips began to slowly move in tandem with his tongue's movements.  

As I rode his face, absorbed in the pleasure a naughty thought came popping into my mind.  I wasn't sure if it was possible, but I was perhaps in just the right state of mind to consider it.  I knew that I couldn't speak aloud so I had to hope that the non-verbal communication could be two-way.  

As my husband continued to lick me I focused my mind as best I could and spoke clearly within my own head.  I repeated myself several times as I wasn't sure if I was being heard or not.  

"Are you there Persephone?" I thought.

"I am here, not in your world but I can still communicate with you."

"I want you to come to my world Persephone." My thoughts were interrupted as a moan escaped my lips and drew my focus away briefly.  

"I will enter your world now.  What is it you want from me?"

"Just listen very closely to my thoughts and I will guide you.  You can only do what I say though."

There was no response from Persephone but I assumed that she was doing whatever she needed to in order to enter this world.  A few seconds later out of the corner of my eye I saw a white tentacle slightly poking out of the crack in the bathroom door.  OK, now I just had to ensure that my husband couldn't see the tentacle.  

I leaned forward, inadvertently pressing more of my pussy and mound into my husband's face.  I slid open my nightstand's drawer and rummaged around until I found what I was looking for.  I lifted my pussy away from my husband's lips and told him to raise his head up.  Once his head was raised I took the sleep mask and slipped it over his face covering his eyes.

"I don't get to see you anymore?" he said.

"Not right now.  For now, I want you to focus on the sensations you feel."

One side of his mouth curled up into a slight smile and he rested his head back down.  Perfect, this would work nicely.  I began communicating with Persephone as I lowered myself back down onto my husband's mouth.  Looking towards the bathroom I saw the tentacle now extending from within the bathroom to position itself at the foot of the bed as I had thought.  

I twisted my torso and extended a hand behind me and at the same time, the tentacle moved to meet that hand.  Once I wrapped my fingers around its girth I began to stroke it as to coat my hands in the slime again.  This time though it wasn't for me.  I stole a few quick licks of the slime from my hands before coating them again.  

My moaning was becoming much louder and frequent as I rode my husband's face and the slime began to take effect.  With my hand coated in slime, I reached behind me and wrapped it around my husband's dick.  The effects must have been very quick-acting as I could feel his already erect dick becoming even harder in my hand.  As I slowly stroked his dick coating it in the slime he began to moan quite loudly into my pussy as his hips began to buck.  

"Are you enjoying this new lube, sweetie?" I asked with a devilish smile and a flood of arousal.  

His response was muffled by my body that was still grinding into his face.  I spoke another thought to Persephone and she quickly moved into position.  As I withdrew my hand from my husband's cock, Persephone replaced it with her tentacle in a way that made the transition completely unnoticeable.  

With my hand free now I reached with both of my hands and grabbed my breasts, lightly kneading them as I rode Thomas' face.  Glancing behind me I could see Persephone had formed several coils around Thomas' dick and was stroking it up and down.  I could see slight contractions of the coils applying light pressure as well as the coil length traveling up and down his dick length giving a twisting sensation as well.  

"Holy fuck.  Oh my God!  Uhhhh, where did you learn this technique, honey?  Oh, fuck."

I couldn't help but smile as I saw my husband beneath me enjoying himself so much.  Having achieved a few orgasms while riding his face I decided it was time for some intimacy.  I told Persephone to continue but to keep my husband from cumming too soon.  I wanted that honor to myself.  I assumed that she could read his thoughts and feelings the same as she could read mine.  

I removed my soaking wet pussy that was a mixture of my own wetness and my husband's enthusiastic tongue and saliva from his face.  I slid my body down his torso until our faces were in line.  He tried reaching for the mask but I grabbed his hand and told him that he had to keep it on.  I think he was disappointed but I knew he wouldn't complain when we were finished here.  

I brought my lips to his and gave him a passionate kiss filled with both love and lust.  I had gotten caught up in the moment and hadn't realized that I had brought both my hands up to hold the sides of his face while I kissed him.  I quickly realized my mistake and thankfully Thomas didn't notice or focus on the fact that for a few moments I had to have three hands to be doing what I was doing.  

I brought my hand that was supposed to be stroking his dick back to my chest and continued to massage my breasts.  I briefly spoke again with Persephone and she helped to guide me into the position I requested.   With my body now lined up right above my husband's erect rod, I gave Persephone the green light.

She continued to massage my husband's dick as she moved it into position right at my hot, wet opening.  I pushed back slightly, just enough so that the head of his dick was just barely within my folds.  Then Persephone and I began to work in unison to rub the head of his dick up and down my soaking opening teasing him further.  

His expletive and cries to a higher power were only fuel for me to continue.  His hips kept trying to thrust up enough to penetrate me but Persephone's tentacle wrapped around his dick prevented it.  

"Oh fuck, I don't know how I haven't come yet.  My dick feels like it is a steel pipe right now.  I need to be inside of you.  I have to feel you on me.  I love you so much."

He was lost in the rush and euphoria but goddam if he wasn't making me feel amazing.  A quick inquiry with Persephone and another tentacle emerged from the bathroom heading towards me.  Checking that this was safe with Persephone I gave her permission to proceed.

The newly arrived tentacle positioned itself in front of my mouth, mere inches from my husband's face.  Something about being deceptive and all of this unfolding right in front of my husband was turning me on so much.  I broke my kiss with my husband and opened my mouth wide and let the tentacle enter.  I began to give the tentacle a blowjob, out of habit.  I applied the same suction and head bobbing that I would if it had been my husband's dick in my mouth.  

I could feel the slime coating my mouth and absorbing into my body.  The tentacle withdrew itself and I closed my mouth, then puffed out my lips.  The tip of the tentacle began to run itself over my lips as if it was applying makeup but instead, it was the intoxicating slime.  Once my new lipstick was on the tentacle retreated back to the bathroom.  

I leaned back in and kissed my husband in a fury of passion and lust.  Our mouths opening exploring each others.  The slime now coating his lips and his tongue as we made out.  It looked as if the slime was having the same effect as my husband began lifting himself up off the bed to try and get as deep of a kiss as he could.  My body was on fire and I knew what I needed.  

"Persephone, what else are you able to do with those tentacles?"

The thoughts that quickly filled my mind were overwhelming.  So many types and variations of tentacles greeted me.  So many ideas began forming in my mind, the possibilities endless.  There would be time later, I needed to find something to work in this situation.  Persephone made a suggestion and I thought it was perfect.  

Persephone positioned the tip of my husband's cock at my waiting opening just barely penetrating it.  She withdrew the tentacle around his dick and kept it a few inches away.  Our passionate kissing had not ended and continued while I waited on Persephone.  A few moments later I was greeted with another tentacle from the bathroom.  

This one approached me from the front and ran itself to the side of my neck and then followed my spine down my back.  Once it was a few inches from my pussy it began to unravel into many thin strands, each glistening in the slime.  These small tendrils positioned themselves at my opening forming a ring around my opening.  

It was time, here we go.  As I began to push myself down onto his dick the small tendrils traveled inside of me.  The tendrils wrapping themselves around the dick penetrating me as it continued to slide inside of me.  Once I had taken about six inches of him inside of me I could just barely feel the tendrils now wrapped around my husband's buried dick.

As I began to pull myself up off of his dick I could feel his cock sliding out but the tendrils remained in place.  They formed a sort of spiral structure within me, forming to the shape of me.  As the dick withdrew the tendrils closed in tighter and once he thrust back into me the tendrils expanded with his girth.  While providing me with sensations that I couldn't have ever imagined the tendrils were also lightly tightening on his dick giving him an immense amount of pleasure.  

The two of us began to buck our bodies into each other as our kisses became animalistic.  We had to have more of each other.  We formed a perfect rhythm with me bringing my body down to meet his upward thrusts and pulling my body away as he withdrew for another thrust.  Our hands were groping, pawing, and traveling all over each other's bodies.  Desperate to feel as much of each other as we could.  

A sudden surprise came when my husband wrapped one of his strong arms around my back and rolled me over onto my back.  Persephone must have known he was thinking of doing this because she made sure that her appendages were out of the way and enabled us to do it.  

Now with me laying on my back, Persephone's tendril appendage lay under me and the other floated in the air still at the base of the bed.  My husband thrust into me as if this was his last fuck on this Earth.  The sound of our moaning, screaming and flesh slapping against each other filled our bedroom.  

I grabbed both of my breasts and squeezed them tightly.  Massaging them roughly and alternating to pinch my nipples a bit.  My husband had been good and kept the mask on.  We continued thrusting into each other for what felt like an eternity, lost in passion and pleasure.

"Jessica, he has been ready to cum for some time.  I've been holding it off as you requested.  Would you like me to let him cum?"

Fuck, I had forgotten about that.  

"Yes, you can let him cum.  Let him work up to it though, don't just snap your fingers and have him cum."

The thrusting began to pick up speed and became a bit more irregular.  I knew it was because his orgasm was growing and he would soon be finishing.  

"Oh, I'm getting close babe.  Oh, fuck."

Lost in all of this I almost realized I was about to make a huge mistake.  My husband's thrusts became completely erratic and I could tell by his explosive moaning that he was about to cum.  Shit, fuck.  

I quickly pulled him out of me while I awkwardly crawled out from under him, the tendrils still inside of me as I hurried to get into a doggy-style position with me facing his dick.  

"Persephone, make me cum.  I want to cum so hard when he comes.  Oh, fuck."

Before I had even finished the thought, the tendrils inside of me twisted back together to form a solid appendage and began to thrust in and out of me.  As the tentacle plunged into me it would unravel somewhat, expanding its girth so that it was its biggest when it was fully inside of me and smallest when it was pulled out of me.  I wasn't going to last long.  

While that was happening I had enveloped my husband's dick in my mouth just in time.  As he erupted with his orgasm I grabbed behind him and held his butt so that he stayed stationary and began bobbing my mouth on his dick with all I had in me.  The tendril inside of me brought me to orgasm at the same moment as my husband. But it didn't stop once I began to orgasm.  

My husband began to shoot load after load into my mouth while I was bobbing on his dick.  With each thick rope, I swallowed it down as I pulled my head back only to be greeted with another load of cum as I pushed his dick back into my mouth.  The tendrils in my pussy kept pumping away at me.  

My husband and I were both screaming in pure ecstasy as our orgasms rocked our bodies and were held at that moment longer than it seemed we ever had before.  My legs shook from the orgasm as I focused on my husband's dick.  Finally, he had released all of the cum he was going to, but I continued to suck his dick.  

I could feel his legs trembling and his brain must have been overloaded by the sensations because his moans had become just noises.  I wanted to give him this pleasure but I also had to make sure to clean all of the slime off of his dick.  That had been what I realized when he was about to cum in me.  I had to make sure his dick was clean and nothing seemed off when he took off the mask.  

So now I sucked and licked and cleaned every inch of his dick while he was kneeled there shaking and riding what was most likely the most intense orgasm he had ever had in his life.  I popped his dick out of my mouth and gave a few deep licks along his length to make sure it was absolutely clean.  Once I had removed his dick from my mouth, he shook for a few more seconds before collapsing to his side on the bed.  

I cried out as the last of my orgasm faded and the tendrils withdrew themselves from me.  The two tentacles traveled back to the bathroom and I assumed through the mirror.  Once the shaking in my body stopped I laid myself on my husband's sweaty chest.  Both of us gasping for breath and trying to recover.  

After a few minutes, we composed ourselves and looked at each other.  We both broke out laughing at the same time and passionately kissed.  I suggested we take a shower to clean ourselves off.  Remembering what happened earlier I figured it was best to rip off the bandaid now.  We began walking to the bathroom hand in hand.  

"Now when we get in the bathroom, I want you to remember how awesome what we just did was and how much you love me."

"What did you do?"

I opened the door and walked into the bathroom.  His eyes locked on the broken golf club on the ground and soon focused on the hole in the ceiling.  

"What the hell happened in here?"

"There was a really big spider and I tried to kill it."

"With one of my golf clubs?"

"Yeah, it was all I could think to grab at the moment," I said as he picked up the club.

"Jesus, you really did a number on this.  How big of a spider was this?"

"It was big, but it bent when I hit the ceiling accidentally."  I hated lying to my husband but I figured that was better than letting him know some creature was coming out of the mirror and wanted me to save the world.  

"Well, it looks like I'll be shopping for some new clubs." He said with a smile.  

I let him remove the lingerie from my body and led him into the shower.  I turned on the warm water and let it flow over our bodies.  Today had been a better day.  We had connected again and I felt what we had once had before.  I had Persephone to thank for all of this.  



Written by elizabethwrites92
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