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Part Four


The next three days were a blur as we both worked bell-to-bell and barely had time to kiss, eat, and sleep. Monday and Tuesday were fourteen hours each for both of us. Wednesday was nearly as bad as neither of us got off work until almost nine at night. We both worked maniacally to get everything in place for our Thanksgiving time off, which consisted of Thursday and Friday. Both of us had to be back for Saturday cleanup, especially me.  

When I got home, Jared had already put our packed bags into the trunk of his company car in the garage and was waiting impatiently for my arrival. There he was, naked and sporting a seriously angry erection, which he'd obviously teased mercilessly in my absence. I tore off my scrubs and jumped into his arms before he plopped us both on the couch and took me. There were no other words for it, as I was his to take.

We both came far too rapidly, but Jared never slowed as he continued to plow into the sloppy mess that had become our nether regions. Our lips mashed together wildly with no real purpose other than to be as close as possible. I was already approaching a second climax when I noticed that he'd sped up his pistoning considerably. This one got us both as I contracted boa-like around his intruding pole. The wails and moans permeated our apartment and probably several others as we both crashed into a slick, sweaty wreck of flesh. Panting like Olympic runners in the aftermath of glory, we kissed softly when our hearts and lungs slowed.

"My God, you sexy man of mine. I guess that you've missed me as much as I missed you the last few days,"

"Yesss! It took all the restraint I could muster not to make love to you every night this week, but I knew how much each of us needed the sleep, especially you," Jared replied, still hard and buried deep inside me.

"I felt the same, but now is the time to let it all out, so if you need another, I'd be happy to oblige," I suggested as I clutched his man meat with my slippery puss.

"Mmmm," he hummed as I, on and off, squeezed him until he was a begging fool who needed that release. "Let me get on top and take care of you, Baby," I whispered in his ear.

Jared gradually turned us until I was astride him. I pumped up and down a few times as I scooped up some of our combined fluids and used them to lube my backside. Opened up and slick, I moved up and gripped his still-rigid prick before letting it sink into the depths of my bowels. We both groaned aloud at the sensation as I pumped him slowly. I could tell that he was very sensitive, which is why I maintained such a slow pace.  


Jamie already knew me so well. I'd needed her so badly these last few days, but knowing her schedule, I forced myself to let her get the rest that she desperately needed. Now, here I was after two nut-busting orgasms, still wanting her even more. She was on top now, riding my purple piston at a loving pace. The restrictiveness of her anal ring had me on the edge of climax from the beginning, and she actually slowed her stroke to keep me there.

Wanting her to feel the intensity that I was, I teased her swollen nub with my thumb after slipping two fingers inside her overheated womb. I could feel my hard-on rub against my buried digits as Jamie worked me into a quivering frenzy. As the heat spread throughout my loin, I tried in vain to bring her along with me but blanked out from the intensity of my orgasm.


Jared's climax was incredible! He slammed upward into me and remained in an arched position with his spewing hard-on fully ensconced in my rectum for over a minute before collapsing completely and passing out. I folded down on top of him and held him tight as my own acme washed over me like a warm tidal wave. We lay there for a few minutes before he stirred. I knew that he'd awakened when I felt his arms begin to encircle and caress my back and buttocks.

His hands roamed aimlessly as we kissed and offered our 'I love you's' until they found the root of his cock still inside my pucker. He slid them all over my stretched star and into my slippery puss as his penis slowly retreated back to its normal size. When it slipped out completely, Jared's fingers were there to softly tease the inside and outside of my leaking ass. It felt like little electric shocks that found the most sensitive areas of my body.

"Keep that up, and you'll make me cum again," I panted as his digits continued to scrutinize my splayed and willing private parts.

He played me gently and patiently as I gradually ascended to an all-consuming heat that exploded like a quiet volcano.

"Oh, Goddd! Fuuuccckkk!" I cried into his mouth as I flushed the last bit of fluid from my body and went to sleep.

I woke bundled in a blanket lying on the couch to the sound of Jared in the shower. Slowly rising, I pulled away the blankets to find myself still naked. Walking toward the bathroom, I saw that the bed had been stripped and remade and that he'd laid out a dress for me with no undergarments and a shirt and slacks for him and nothing else. I grinned at that and wondered whether we'd ever wear them again. The shower cut off, and I heard the curtain open as I looked back to see my lover dripping wet and looking like an adonis.

"If we didn't have to leave so soon, I'd make you take me again, you magnificent creature," I taunted.

"If you don't get your hot little ass in the shower right now, there'll be no more sex for you, Sis," Jared replied with a mock stern look on his face. He held back the smile of his kidding well but apparently wasn't able to control the swelling of his little head.

"You know," I started while walking up to him and grasping his stiffening manhood, "I'd be much more likely to believe you if you could have controlled your man-meat while leering at my naked body."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, but you are so fucking hot!" he responded before smacking my ass and walking away. "Now get in the shower so that we can go home, and I can do you in your childhood bedroom while Mom and Dad listen from the next room."

"You dirty little bastard! I wish I had thought of that!" I yelled before hopping in the shower.


I don't even know where that last statement came from, but I was definitely going to fuck Jamie silly while in her bed and wasn't going to be quiet about it at all. As all sorts of sordid thoughts washed about my brain, I struggled to get my pants on due to those impurities. Once I cleared my mind as much as possible, I quickly dressed and waited impatiently for my love.

Jamie walked out of the bathroom naked and dry. With her wet hair in a ponytail, she paused right next to me as I sat on the edge of the bed. She picked up the dress I'd picked for her and made a show of pretending to get it stuck around her shoulders while teetering back and forth within licking distance. Finally, unable to take the outright exhibitionism of it all, I grabbed her hip with one hand while pulling down the dress with the other.

"There, are you happy now, you sexy tease?" I asked as she sat on my legs and moved in for a kiss. There was no doubt that there was a magic between us that I'd never felt with anyone else, and her kisses were the absolute proof of that. I could feel her love and lust with every movement of our lips entanglements.

"Mmmm, Yesss!" Jamie exaggerated in an overtly sexy way before spinning around to find her sandals. Bent over to pick them up, left the base of her enticing ass just barely covered. She lingered in that position for a little too long before spinning around and placing her foot on my knee. Handing me the sandal, she inquired, "Could you clasp these for me, kind Sir?"

Of course, the view wasn't lost on me. Since Jamie's legs were shorter than mine, her dress was wide open to reveal her freshly shaved and baby-smooth pussy for my viewing pleasure. I gawked like a schoolboy for nearly a minute before attempting the task at hand. Unfortunately, the task had nothing to do with my tongue meeting that fine specimen of womanhood, although I was sure that she wouldn't have minded that one bit. With my resolve nearly depleted, I managed to get both of her sandals buckled and drug her out the door to the car.

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Once in the car, Jamie promptly removed her sandals and put her feet up on the dash. This left the hem of her dress at the top of her hips and exposed just enough to leave me leering whenever I could. Fortunately for both of us, the ride was a short thirty minutes, and we arrived unscathed at our parent's house just before eleven in the evening. Mom was still awake, but Dad had passed out on the couch. There were hugs all around as Dad finally woke from his slumber. We chit-chatted for about twenty minutes before we all decided that it was time to hit the sack.


After waking Dad we all sat at the kitchen table and did the basic relaying of recent events before deciding that it was time for bed. Jared carried my suitcase and his, opting to drop his into his old bedroom so as not to stir things so late at night. After they closed their bedroom door, Jared joined me in my bed and snuggled up close before we both went out quickly.

I woke sometime in the night as it was still dark outside. Jared was curled up tightly behind me, and his pecker was at full staff between my thighs. It was a wonder that it wasn't already deep inside me since we'd been spooning all night. But that was easily remedied by raising my thigh and moving forward just enough to place the tip between my lower lips.

I dropped my thigh back in place and began gyrating my hips to help Jared sink in gradually. Once his hard-on was about halfway inside, I began pumping forward and back and enjoying the control of the movement. Jared was mumbling something as one of his hands found my hip. The other, which was under my pillow, slipped down to fondle a breast. I wasn't sure but thought that he was still asleep and having a sex dream.

He'd begun to take over the motion but hadn't sped up at all as he continued to jabber incoherently. Assuming that Jared was still dreaming, I slowly rolled onto my belly with him still attached. Once settled, I spread my legs wide, slipped my hand down, and began teasing my clit. Jared was picking up the pace, which felt amazing in this position. Nearing my peak, I blurted out, "That's it, fuck your Sister good, Big Brother!"

Jared's energy instantly increased, and just before cumming, I managed to stick my face in the pillow to dampen my ecstatic wails.

"Oh, Fuck! Your pussy feels so good, Jamie!" Jared growled while obviously awake and happy to be fucking me.


I don't know how I got there, but I woke from a dream of having sex with Jamie to doing the very same thing. There she was on her belly as I slipped in and out of her wide-spread legs and told the whole world how good it felt. I also realized that Jamie was in mid-orgasm, so I slowed down a little to let her enjoy her climax.  

After a minute or two of feeling Jamie's clenching vaginal muscles, she freed her face from the pillow. "You really do know how to make me feel good, Brother. You don't know how many times in the past months I wished that we'd done this years ago. But now that I have you, I'm never letting you go," she said while clutching me hard once more.

I slipped from inside her and rolled her over before moving back into her pussy and kissing her passionately. I made love to her for a while before finally cumming. After settling down, I rolled her on top of me before we both finally deferred to sleep.


The sun was beaming into the room as we cuddled up close. I held her tight as we whispered our 'I love you's' and heard Mom and Dad downstairs rattling around in the kitchen.

"What time is it, Jared?" 

Craning my head backward, I saw the bright red digits on the clock burning the time into my sleepy eyes. "Holy crap, it's nine-fourteen," I offered with a stunned voice.

"Isn't it wonderful," Jamie replied with a contentedness in her voice that I couldn't recall ever hearing.

I moved back in close and felt some of that serenity also while softly pecking at her neck and ears. Our nirvana lasted about another ten minutes before Mom yelled out, "Hey, you two, breakfast is ready. Get your butts down here!"

"Okay, let's get dressed and go tell them all about us," I stated firmly before pushing her toward the edge of the bed.

"Heyyy! I wanted a little more snuggle time," Jamie pouted.

I pulled her back and held her close for another minute before Mom reminded us that breakfast was ready again.

"She always was a bossy pain-in-the-ass," Jamie mumbled as she scooted off the bed, dragging me with her.

I stood and watched Jamie root through her suitcase to find some clothes. There was something about gazing at her naked body that got me going like no one ever had before. She never acted awkward while naked and definitely never gave me any shit for staring like I was want to do.


My past lovers had a tendency to stare when I was naked, as Jared was doing now, but I could tell with him that it was more than just sexual. I loved being nude around Jared because I knew that he truly loved me in every way, as I did him. I lingered there, bent over my suitcase, hoping that he'd come and touch me. Seconds later, I wasn't disappointed as his hands caressed my buttocks before moving forward to cup my breasts. Jared's fingers brushed lightly across my nipples, tantalizing them into rigidity while his hardened cock pressed against my lower back.

"You know how badly I'd love to have you again... but, if we don't get downstairs soon... Mom might burst in!" I breathed, feeling his ballsac press into my gluteal cleft.

"Okay, but we'll need some more us-time very soon!" Jared demanded as he sucked on the back of my neck.

"You know that we will," I responded while grinding my ass back against him. "Now, let's get dressed and go eat. We have a lot to discuss with Mom and Dad."

"Okay," Jared replied before trailing his tongue down my spine, across my pucker, and into my seemingly always slippery puss.

I growled ferally as Jared pulled away, grabbed a t-shirt and sweats, and pulled them on in seconds. The next thing I knew, he was opening the door as I was still finding shorts and a tee.

"Heyyy, I'm not dressed yet!" I whined softly.

"Well, you better hurry up before I take mine off and throw you back onto that bed of yours," Jared needled as I managed to slip on my shorts. Once I pulled my shirt on, Jared pulled me toward him and kissed me tenderly. After he backed off, he continued to hold my hand and led me down the stairs right into the kitchen, where our parents sat eating breakfast.

Standing before them, still holding my hand Jared announced, "You may as well know right now that Jamie and I are having a passionate love affair and that I intend on marrying her with or without your blessing!"

I watched their faces for any hint of their thoughts but saw nothing. Jared's hand continued to hold mine as he stood like a statue, awaiting our parent's reply. There wasn't a sound as they turned to face each other. The quiet was deafening, and my ears rang like a fire alarm was blaring. After another excruciating few seconds, I saw it. They broke out in smiles as tears began to stream down Mom's face. They both jumped up and ran to us.

We molded into one big hug as Dad said, "We're so happy for both of you and hoped that this day would come."

"I was sure that you'd finally done it after that not-so-subtle call we had about Thanksgiving. And then there was that romp that the two of you had in the middle of the night. It woke us both, and we listened ecstatically," Mom added.

"So, why did you think this would happen? Was there something from our childhood that made you believe that we might end up together?" I asked.

"Why don't we all sit down? Dad and I have some things that we need to share with you," Mom offered, a bit somberly.

To be continued...

Written by stockingluvr
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