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Author's Notes

"I love a wedding. And when you add the sun, the beach and lots of fizz, it’s even better. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Throw in loads of lovely young girls and boys and it is perfect."


We had just made love and I was snuggled into his body and, although I was hot, I wanted to hold on to him. My pussy was still tingling from my lovely orgasm, and I could feel his cum on the top of my thighs, which were hooked over his hips. I looked down his body and smiled. His beautiful cock was lying across his body, still covered in his cum and my juices.

“Eddie. Are you going to swim tomorrow, before you go?” I asked. I was hoping he would say no, as that would mean we would have time to make love.

“Oh, I need to,” he replied. “I’m not going to be able to swim this weekend and I think that will be my last one.” I understood. He had a big race the following weekend and even though he said he was ready, it was a comfort factor for him. Typical Eddie. Prepare and prepare again. And I wasn’t going to complain. I ran my hand up and down his body a few times. God, he is gorgeous and he’s mine.

This would be the first weekend we would not be together for over three years. That was crazy really, but it had been a crazy three years. Just the other morning, as I was sipping my coffee in the garden, enjoying the late summer sun, I had a moment of reflection. How many had it been now? Just the fact that I had lost count said everything.

In the first year alone, I had had three threesomes, the last of which is forever burned into my memory, as Eddie had been the third person. And I now accompanied him on most of his trips, perhaps two or even three every month, and although not all were ‘successful’, I had lost count of the number of the men I had fucked. Tall, short, big and small. There had been a few that I thought might be a disappointment but turned out to be wonderful, and some which promised to be wonderful which were perhaps not so. And we had had a few, quite incredible nights, notably when Eddie was there.


It was early September and Eddie was off for an end-of-season weekend with his cricket mates. It had been planned ages ago, but I had nothing planned and I wasn’t thinking of doing anything particular over the weekend. But on Monday before, my friend Helen rang. She knew Eddie would be away and asked if I would fancy a weekend in Cornwall.

She had been invited to the wedding of her friend’s son, and she had accepted months ago but her husband, Mike, couldn’t go now due to work commitments.

The wedding venue itself was on the beach, part of a restaurant below the cliffs. If you don’t know North Cornwall, you should imagine steep cliffs, with wonderful beaches between rocky headlands. This one was just east of a very lively holiday town.

Helen explained that the guest house was all booked and paid for and was a short walk to the venue. And there would be lots of fizz, and lots of dancing. The forecast looked great, so I thought why not? On the Friday morning I kissed Eddie goodbye, and Helen and I set off. 

We got to the guest house early afternoon and after booking in, we went exploring. The wedding venue was set up. It was a fabulous location. I had been to this cove before. It is down a steep stairway cut into the rocks which lead directly onto the sand. The restaurant has an excellent reputation and in front of it, just above the high tide line, was a beautiful marquee. We had an early dinner, a few drinks, and an early night. We were both excited for tomorrow.

In the morning, we were up early, and popped down to the venue and helped with the final bits and pieces. Helen introduced me to her friend, and we met the bride’s parents, and everyone seemed so friendly.  And then back to our room to put on our ‘glad-rags’. Helen is great fun. In fact, she is far better fun when she isn’t with her husband. I don’t dislike him, but he appears to be very controlling.

She is a very attractive woman, a couple of years younger than me, and as we got ready, I noticed she had a lovely full figure, and she put on some sexy underwear, which I commented on. She said she didn’t get to wear this very often, and this seemed an ideal opportunity. I picked my bra and panties out of my case and quickly put them on.

“Wow,” she said, and I looked up. She was looking directly at my panties.

“Do you like them?” I asked.

“Well yes,” she said, “they are very pretty. There’s not much of them but yes, very pretty.” But she continued to look at me. “But are you completely shaved?”

I turned and took my lovely summer dress off the hanger and slipped it on. A quick check in the mirror and I then turned to face her.

“Yes, completely,” I said. “And Eddie loves it, and so do I.” And she gave me the biggest smile imaginable.

“You look drop-dead gorgeous,” she said.

“And so do you,” I said, and we grabbed our purses and off we went arm-in-arm.


I love a wedding. The weather was lovely, and the setting was stunning. The tide was retreating, and the sound of waves and gulls made everything seem just so different. Helen and I were on a table near the back of the marquee, but our group was great company, and it was great fun. The food was superb, and the drinks flowed at quite a rate.

Speeches done, everyone was outside chatting and laughing, while the tables were whisked away, and the dance floor put down. A lovely young couple on our table introduced some of their friends. They were all friends of the bride and like her, they were in their late twenties. The girls all seemed so young and beautiful and the young men, handsome and charming. It was delightful and Helen and I chatted away with the youngsters and drank the fizz. We were having such a lovely time.

I slipped away to use the bathroom and whilst I was there, I messaged Eddie.

“Hi darling. Wonderful wedding. Lots of fizz. How r u doing?” I checked my make-up and quickly brushed my hair.

“Fine. Cricket is great. Drinking too much.” But before I could reply he messaged again. “Have fun.” Did he mean fun, or did he mean ‘fun’? And should I ask? I wasn’t sure I should, so I left it at that.

When I got back to the marquee, the music had started, and Helen was waiting for me, and we hit the dance floor. I love a dance, as does Helen and it was great fun and soon we were dancing with each other, and all the youngsters, all randomly. But as the evening went on, two of the lads, Steve and Nathan, were spending most of their time dancing with Helen and me. They were both very handsome young men. They had been seated just in front of us during the wedding dinner and I had spotted them looking over their shoulders at us at the time. 

It was only about 8.30 pm and Helen and I were having a breather outside in the cooler air, whilst the band got set up. I noticed Steve and Nathan standing near the entrance and they were clearly looking for someone. And then they spotted us, and they wandered over and started chatting. It was the usual, but charming chatter, and they were smiling and laughing. And yes, they were both lovely.

I took a deep breath, and I checked my phone.

“Sorry, just need to message my daughter,” I lied and I messaged Eddie. “You said have fun, can I play?” And as soon as I hit send, my pussy tingled. I waited a few minutes with the phone in my hand but there was no reply.

Everyone was heading back into the marquee, but I just held back. Please, Eddie. And then ping.

“Be careful, I am a long way away.” My pussy tingled again.

I quickly replied, “I love you xxx,” and I put my phone away and joined Helen and the lads on the dance floor as the band started their set. This time the two lads stayed close. The dance floor was crowded, and they held our hands and then had their arms around our waists, and there was some nice close contact with our asses. And a few more drinks and Helen and I were now dancing closer still to the lads, and they were pulling us closer until both Helen and I had our arms around their necks, and they had their hands on our bottoms. 

And then I suddenly realised Helen wasn’t there anymore, nor was Steve. Good on her, I thought. Nathan and I were dancing near the edge of the marquee where it was slightly darker, and he leant down and kissed me. It was lovely and I responded immediately, pulling him tight to me and running my hands down onto his ass. He returned the gesture, and I could feel that lovely tingle go right through my body and into my pussy. And I wanted to fuck him, now.

And suddenly there was Steve. Whoops, I thought, but he looked a bit flustered. He motioned for us to follow him, and we went outside. It was quite dark by now, but the moon was bright and about fifty yards away, near the rocks, we found Helen, slumped on the sand. Steve explained, rather shyly, they had gone outside ‘to get some air’ but Helen was obviously very drunk and had, sort of, passed out.

After a short while, we got her to her feet and, with the lads' help, I got her up the steps to the cliff top. Bless her, I thought, she had been having such a lovely time. The three of us walked her across the green to our guest house and they offered to take her up to our room, but I told them I’d take her from here, thanked them, and went in.

The flight of stairs was a challenge, but I got her into the room and onto her bed. It was only about 10 pm and whilst I wanted to make sure she was ok, I didn’t fancy an early night. The party was in full swing and would go on for a least another couple of hours. And there were two disappointed, handsome lads I’d like to get to know better.

I stayed with her for another fifteen or so minutes. She was fast asleep, so I made sure she was comfortable and put the waste bin next to her, just in case, and then I messaged Eddie.

“Hi love, you ok? I think I’m going to play,” and I had the usual flutter in my tummy as I waited for his reply.

I went to the bathroom and whilst I was there, I did a quick check. I brushed my hair and touched up my makeup. My phone went ping.

“Naughty girl, but what about Helen?”  I looked again in the mirror. Yes, she was there, Eddie’s little slut, so I quickly unclipped my bra and removed my panties. They were new and I didn’t want them covered in sand, did I?

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I left the guesthouse and, as I started to walk back across the green, I tried to message Eddie, but it was dark and I realised predictive text was turning my message into garbage, so I phoned him. He answered almost immediately.




Question? How would you react if you got a message from your lovely wife simply asking if it was ok for her to fuck someone? Because that is basically what she had asked. But I am not sure I was surprised.

As we lay in bed on Thursday night, I had thought she might broach the subject. But she hadn’t so nor did I. It wasn’t that I would necessarily object, it is more that I didn’t want to actually promote the subject. No, if she wanted to ‘play’, she’d have to do the asking, and in our conversation last night she had made no suggestion she was planning to get fucked.

I was with my mates in the bar when the message came through. My phone was on the table, and I had just been using it so I just glanced at it but my mate picked it up.

“It’s from Emma,” he said. “Just checking that you’re behaving,” and he laughed.

I took the phone quickly and, hoping he hadn’t actually seen the message, I opened it. I looked up but the guys were all chatting and laughing and so I took a sip of my beer and thought. What am I supposed to say?

I glanced around at everyone. Everyone here knew Emma. And most of them fancied her and several of them had told me so. But none of them knew about our secret life. At first, I was tempted to simply say no but as I started to reply I hesitated. I stood and went outside where it was quieter, and I could think.

Ok, so she is actually asking me. Well, that is what we have always agreed. In theory, I could say no, but I had not done that before, so why was this different? Of course, I wanted to ask some questions, like who and where and what about Helen, but Emma is not stupid. My big concern was straightforward. It was Emma’s safety and I was three hundred miles away. Deep breath. And I messaged Emma.

The next couple of hours dragged by. I was having a good time, but I just kept thinking about Emma, so when I got her next message, I was slightly taken aback. So, she had been at the wedding all this time and was now planning to play. I messaged her. I felt a bit sick.

I had my phone in my hand when it rang. It was Emma and I answered it immediately.

“You ok?” I asked. “Just a sec’ love, I’ll just go outside.” It was noisy in the bar but I also didn’t want anyone overhearing what was coming next.

“Perfect,” Emma said. “Helen’s crashed out back in the guesthouse.” So ok that answers one of the questions I had.

“So where are you now?” I asked.

“Walking back down to the party.” There was a slight hesitation and she continued. “Are you ok with this?” I wanted to say no, and I could hear her breathing into the phone as she waited for my approval.

“Emma, I don’t want you going off to some hotel, god knows where, with him. If anything goes wrong, I am a long way away.”

“No, I won’t, I promise. My plan is on the beach near the rocks.” And she giggled.

“Fucking hell Emma, my cock has just jumped out of my pants!”

“Good, give it a big wank while you think of me with the two lads.”


“Yep, got to go, I’m so fucking horny. I wish you were here to watch this.” And then she added, “I do love you; you know that.”

“Yes, I do. And I love you too.”

And then finally she said, “I’ll message you later when I get back to the guesthouse.”

I went back in, but no one had noticed I had popped outside, so I went to the bathroom to adjust my underwear. My cock was rock-hard.




I got back to the party and casually, I wandered in. The dance floor was bouncing as the band had started their second set and I grabbed a drink from the bar and then walked to the edge and scanned the floor. I couldn’t see the lads, but one of the girls spotted me and dragged me in and soon I was giving it everything. It was great fun and I shook my body as I danced with all these kids.

I have no idea for how long I danced like this, but then in front of me was Nathan. I smiled and we danced on. I noticed Steve dancing nearby, and I moved to include him in our little group and soon the three of us were shaking it up. 

Wow, it was hot in the marquee, and after a while, I went to get a drink and the lads came with me. We stood just outside in the cooler air. Steve wanted to know if Helen was ok, and said he was sorry about that. He explained they had been kissing and Helen had grabbed his arm and pulled him outside. They had walked towards the rocks and had been kissing and ‘stuff’ but suddenly she seemed to drift off and crumpled in his arms. We all laughed, but I could not help thinking what a good lad he was.

“I’m not sure every man would have just gone and got help,” I said, and I reached up and kissed him, properly. He was a little taken aback, and so was Nathan, so I turned and kissed him, properly, as well. And my heart was thumping, and my pussy tingled as I took their hands in mine and led them away towards the rocks.

We found an area under the cliffs but out of sight of the main beach and I took control. I reached up and put my arms around Nathan’s neck and kissed him. I then reached behind and pulled Steve so he was directly behind me. Steve's hands were on my thighs, and he ran his hands up under my dress onto my hips. I heard him gasp as he realised, I wasn’t wearing panties, and his hands went around to my stomach and then down to my pussy.

I could also feel Nathan’s cock against me, so I broke off our kiss and undid his trousers, and pulled them and his pants down in one go. He had a lovely big cock and I stoked him with one hand whilst the other cupped his balls. I opened my legs so Steve could slip his fingers into my pussy and he worked my pussy and clitoris for several minutes. I could feel his erection against my ass, so I turned around and unzipped him. Again, no messing, I pulled his trousers and pants down in one go and his cock sprung out, and I bent over and grabbed his erection, and slipped it into my mouth.

Behind me, I could feel Nathan’s cock, so I reached behind and guided him into my open pussy. Oh, that first penetration. I felt my body shudder, and I sucked Steve’s cock whilst Nathan started pumping, getting faster and faster. He had pushed my dress up to my shoulders, so my breasts hung free. They are not big but still pert, and he reached under me and squeezed them while Steve stroked my back, my neck, and my face. It was several minutes before Nathan started to jerk and then I felt his warm cum in my pussy. It was lovely and I rocked backwards and forwards until he slipped out.

I continued to suck Steve for a few minutes, and I could feel Nathan’s cum dribbling down my legs, so I straightened up and turned around. Nathan was leaning back against a rock, his cock hanging limp. I moved forward and removed my dress completely and pressed myself down on him, hips bent, ass up. The cool breeze gave me goosebumps and my nipples hardened but the feel of Nathan’s warm body against me felt wonderful. And then Steve’s cock slipped into my well-lubricated pussy in one movement, and then began to thrust.

Gradually he increased his pace. I felt so slutty and so horny and I slipped my hand between my legs and frantically rubbed my clitoris. I needed to cum and it was only a couple of minutes before I felt Steve begin to thrust harder and harder, his balls slapping against my hand and clitoris. He came with a loud groan, and I rubbed and rubbed until I felt my orgasm rise and explode. 

It was several minutes before I recovered my composure. I retrieved my dress and put it back on, as the lads pulled up their trousers and pants, no doubt covered in sand. We slowly walked to the marquee, stopping a few times just to kiss, and I went in first and headed straight to the bar. I filled a glass with fizz and downed most of it, refilled it, and then strolled over to the dance floor.

One of the girls saw me and came over and kissed me full-on. She was well pissed but she asked if I’d been having fun. I said yes, I had, and she just smiled and kissed me again, and then returned to the dance floor.

I left about ten minutes later. Both lads walked me to the top of the cliff, and I gave them each a lovely long kiss goodbye and was back in my room five minutes later. Helen was now in bed, and I could smell vomit, but she’d done her best to clear up. And as I brushed my teeth, I looked in the mirror. Oh my, there she was. I removed my dress and looked again. And I smiled. I quickly grabbed my phone, and I messaged Eddie.

“I’m back at the guesthouse. I can’t wait to tell you all about it,” and I put one leg up onto the side of the bath and ‘click’ and send. A quick wash and I was asleep minutes later.

I had to drive home as Helen was a complete wreck. She gradually started to tell me what had happened, and we both laughed as she recalled what she could remember. She told me she wanted to fuck Steve so bad, while they danced. He had put his hand under her dress and rubbed her ass, and she was, in her words, gagging for it. She had pulled him outside and was oblivious to who might have been watching. She had unzipped his cock and it was huge and rock-hard. She remembers him slipping his fingers into her pussy, and all she wanted him to do was to fuck her brains out. 

I told her he must have been a real gentleman not to have carried on, as I think many a bloke would not have stopped.

She looked at me and said very seriously, “I wish I hadn’t drunk so much, and I wish he had fucked me. I need something like that to happen to me.”

It was a few days later, in Helen’s kitchen, as we were having a coffee, she told me that she knew I’d gone back to the party, but she had seen my panties and bra on the floor. I was a little taken aback, but I just smiled. And she reached across the table and held my hand.

“I wish I was you,” she said.

I placed my other hand on hers and replied, “And I wish Steve had fucked your brains out, you would have loved it.”

Written by EmmaEddie72
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