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Author's Notes

"Chicago Series... Part 24 of Many :)"


I shivered in my seat at the trendy Boston restaurant where Mark and I were eating. It could’ve been the cool breeze flowing through the outdoor dining area, chilling the June evening air. Or it could’ve been the egg-shaped vibrator in my pussy that Mark was controlling with the app on his phone.

“Cold?” he asked with a smirk.

“I’m not sure,” I chuckled, struggling not to moan as he increased the intensity of the vibrations.

He rested his hand on my leg, inching up my inner thigh slowly.

I bit my lip and smiled at him as a tingling sensation rushed to my core. 

I wasn’t sure I’d ever get used to the thrill I felt from the slutty public activity Mark always encouraged. But it was definitely getting easier to go along with whatever he asked of me, with little to no hesitation. Mainly because I knew whatever he proposed would cause at least one intense orgasm.

So when he told me he wanted me to wear Eggy (the remote-controlled vibrator he’d bought for me about a month earlier) to dinner and let him make me cum at the table, I agreed easily. 

Beyond the tingling vibrations between my legs, there was something else on my mind that helped to warm me from the inside out. It felt really nice to have the freedom to be out in public with my married lover, without having to look over our shoulders or worry about who we might bump into. 

Mark had arranged a week-long business trip right after my school year ended, as a chance for us to sneak off together and have some uninterrupted fun, away from real life. So far, the trip had been everything I’d wanted it to be. Any time that I had Mark to myself felt great. 

The nonstop adventurous sex didn’t hurt, either. It was almost too good. I knew I was letting myself get too comfortable in the fantasy that could never be my reality with Mark. 

My thoughts were interrupted as our server came by to clear away our plates. Mark’s attention diverted to her. 

“Anything else I can get you?” she asked.

“I can think of a few things,” Mark flirted back.

I felt a prickle of jealousy as I watched him check her out and listened to his playful flirting. I knew he was just flirting, and it shouldn’t bother me. 

And besides, I couldn’t blame him; she was very attractive. Lara, as her name tag read, had long, wavy, honey-blonde hair and bright green eyes. She wore tight black pants that showed off her curvaceous ass, and a deep v-neck t-shirt that offered enough cleavage to attract lots of attention from horny guys like Mark. 

She strategically played right into his flirting while giving at least as much of her attention to me, smiling and complimenting my top, telling me she has a similar one in another color. 

“Can we take another look at the drink menu?” I asked, struggling to maintain a straight face as the toy buzzed inside me.

“Sure thing,” Lara said, winking at me playfully. 

I felt a little tingle, heat rising in my cheeks as I smiled back at her. 

“She’s looking for tips in that outfit,” Mark said, his eyes trailing Lara as she walked away. 

“Seems like she’s succeeded where you’re concerned,” I teased.

Mark laughed, running his hand up my leg until his fingers slid just under the hem of my skirt. “She might be looking for you to tip her.”

“Maybe,” I said, smiling and breathing a little heavier, my chest heaving already. 

“Is that underwear still wet from earlier?” Mark asked, leaning in close enough to brush his lips over my neck and earlobe as he whispered into my ear. 

“Yes,” I breathed, smiling and spreading my legs wider under the table. “Wanna check?” 

Without responding, Mark slid his hand up further between my thighs until his pinky finger brushed over the damp fabric of my panties. He rubbed a little, feeling Eggy’s tail barely sticking out of me and flicking it a little. 

Then he looked back at the app, still open on his phone, and turned up the intensity of the vibrations, switching to a faster pattern. 

I gasped as my legs squeezed together and my back arched involuntarily. I realized I was also sticking my chest out, and a quick glance down confirmed that my hard nipples were visible through my tank top and bra. 

Lara returned with the drink menu just as my toes were curling under the table, and I fought back a moan. 

Mark smirked and set his phone down on the table, face-down. 

“So what’ll it be? Can I get you anything else?”

Mark looked right at me, a devilish smirk on his face. “What do you think, Sam? Do you need anything from Lara?” 

I met his gaze, smirking back defiantly. “I’ll take another margarita.” 

“Good choice,” she said, smiling. 

“I’ll take another beer, too,” Mark added. “And why don’t you also add on three shots of tequila.” 

I couldn’t help laughing when he ordered those. 

“I’ll get those right out for you,” Lara responded before heading off towards the bar. 

As she walked away, Mark ran his hand back up between my thighs, feeling the stronger vibrations. 

“How’s that feeling?” he asked into my ear.

“So good,” I breathed, my hips grinding a little on the chair. “I wonder if she could hear it vibrating.”

“Maybe she did,” Mark said, winking and leaning in to kiss my neck. 

Glancing around, I noticed we were definitely attracting attention from some fellow diners. I met eyes with a guy at a table nearby, and he smirked at me knowingly. 

The flush in my cheeks deepened as I smiled back, feeling Mark’s lips on my neck and his hand up my skirt. 

When Lara returned with our drinks, she set my cocktail and Mark’s beer down first, then passed out the shots, one each to me and Mark. 

“And where does the third one go?” she asked.

“Where do you think?” he asked, winking at her. “You can sneak one in while you work, can’t you?”

She laughed and looked around, possibly checking to make sure there wasn’t a manager around watching her. When she turned back, she looked at me. Maybe seeking my permission, too. 

“Cheers,” he said, looking at Lara and holding up his shot glass in salute. 

“Okay, what the hell!” she said, finally picking up the third glass. 

We all threw back our shots. I shuddered as I felt the burn from the alcohol all the way down my throat. The tingles from Eggy added to the sensation and made me shiver more fiercely than usual. 

“Thanks for that,” Lara said, smiling and collecting our shot glasses. “Anything else I can get you before the check?” 

“I’m sure we’ll need you again in a bit,” Mark flirted, winking at me for her to see. 

“Alright, I’ll be back,” she said, smiling at me before walking away again. 

“I wonder how many shots she’ll do with us,” Mark said, smiling. 

I laughed back. “Don’t get her fired!” 

“I’ll just have to give her a bigger tip.”

“I think I know exactly what kind of tip you’d like to give her,” I teased, sliding my hand onto his lap and rubbing over the hard bulge in his shorts. 

“Want me to give her more than just the tip?” he asked, holding my hand there. 

My chest started heaving again, mouth hanging open as I felt how hard he was. “I think you want to.”

Then Mark slid my hand over his erection, so that I was rubbing him through his shorts. 

I thought the table mostly hid us, but caught a couple of pairs of eyes as I glanced around. That just spurred me on more, running my fingers slowly along his hard shaft.

He let out a low groan and picked his phone back up, switching over to the touch screen option for the toy. 

As soon as Mark did that, I knew what he had in mind. My pussy clenched in anticipation before he even started swirling his finger around the screen. Then I felt every touch through the vibrations. It was almost as if his finger itself was vibrating and rubbing around inside me. 

Watching Mark move his finger around and feeling the resulting tingles was too much for me. My pussy, my thighs, my toes, everything clenched. I bit my lip hard and somehow kept myself from moaning out loud or writhing in my seat as I came. The heat and tingling sensation flowed through my entire body, starting at my core and extending through each of my clenched limbs. 

When I opened my eyes, Mark was smirking back at me. He leaned in to kiss my cheek and whispered, “Good slut.”

Lara was back again before I’d recovered, still breathing hard. She had a conspiratorial look in her eye as she smirked at me, and I figured she must’ve seen, or at least suspected, what we were up to. 

“Just wanted to get this to you because my shift is ending, but no rush,” Lara explained, placing the check presenter on the table. “If you want to stay for more drinks, one of the other servers will take good care of you.” 

“Not as good as you, I’m sure,” Mark answered, staring at her chest as he picked up the check. “You must get great tips.” 

Lara laughed when she noticed him looking and squeezed her arms together to emphasize her cleavage. “These girls seem to help.” 

“I bet they do,” Mark answered, looking back at me and smiling. 

Seeing the way Mark looked at Lara caused my stomach to twist, flashing back to the way Mark had flirted with me when we first met a few months earlier. It made me feel… replaceable. 

I knew we’d both developed stronger feelings in the time since we met. But I was just a slutty young girl meeting his needs for sex that weren’t being met in his marriage. If it wasn’t me, I’m sure he would find someone else that he’d have just as much fun with. 

Still, I forced myself out of my thoughts and played along, not willing to give in to the jealousy. 

“Mark always gives a great… tip,” I said, adding to the flirtation. 

“That sounds nice. Guess it’s my lucky night. And yours,” Lara said, smiling at me. 

Then I looked right at Mark as I asked her, “Well, what are your plans for the rest of the night?” 

“I actually don’t have any.” 

Mark and I had a silent conversation, then. I tried my best not to let any signs of insecurity or doubt into my expression as he smirked and got excited by what he likely assumed I was thinking. 

Then he turned back to Lara and said, “You should come back to our hotel for another drink, then. Let someone else serve it for a change.” 

She laughed and looked between me and Mark before answering, “Sure, I like the sound of that.”

“Great,” Mark answered, handing her back the check holder with his credit card inside. “Then we’re ready when you are.” 

“Be right back,” she smiled, turning to head off again. 

Mark leaned in and kissed me again as soon as Lara walked away. “It’s so hot that you’re into being with other girls, Sam. I want to watch you with her. To see you kissing her and cumming for her.”  

It felt good to hear that Mark’s fantasies seemed to be centered on me, even though he was obviously excited by Lara as well. I hated that I felt disappointed and maybe even upset to see him showing interest in another girl. That jealous side of me made me want to keep him to myself. This was supposed to be our trip together. 

But then again, Mark had already encouraged me to be with two other guys. Why should this be any different? I felt like a hypocrite to even entertain the selfish thoughts. 

As I got lost in thought, it suddenly felt important to go along with whatever might happen between the three of us. Or at least to encourage Mark to have fun with Lara. My too-strong feelings were creeping back up, and I knew it was dangerous to let myself get so attached to him. Maybe this would be a good way to keep a certain amount of distance between us. This thing between us could feel less like a relationship and more like we were just friends doing kinky things together. That felt like the safer option for my feelings in the long run.

“What are you thinking?” Mark asked, pulling back and meeting my eyes. 

I forced a smile. “Just thinking about what might happen. I want to know what would turn you on the most.” 

“I want to watch you kissing her, to start,” he answered, his gaze trailing down my body, slowly. “Then I want you each to kiss me.”

I swallowed down another lump in my throat as I imagined Mark and Lara kissing. “What else?” 

“Then I want to see what happens. I’m sure it’ll be hot as fuck, whatever it is.” 

That helped me to laugh a little, easing some of my internal tension. “I’m sure you’re right.”

So, when Lara came back with Mark’s card and her purse, we finished the last sips of our drinks and left the restaurant together. 

It was a nice night and only a few blocks to the hotel, so I expected we’d walk. But Mark was clearly feeling impatient. He’d already requested an Uber, and it was pulling up by the time we stepped out onto the sidewalk. 

I smirked at him as he held the door open for Lara to get in, and then for me, and he winked back. 

During the short drive, it was semi-casual small talk. We asked Lara about things to see in Boston while we were in town, and she asked us about what we were interested in, the questions implying a clear double entendre. 

“Just looking to have a good time together, and maybe with some new friends,” Mark answered. “This is actually our first time venturing out of the hotel room so far, other than work for me earlier.”

“Sounds like a fun start to your trip,” Lara said, brushing her knee against mine in the slightly cramped back seat. 

I looked at our knees as they touched, then up at her, suddenly realizing how close we were. The proximity and the intensity of her stare caused more tingles between my legs, and I swallowed nervously.   

Just a few minutes later, we arrived back at the hotel and made our way inside to the bar. It was busy and loud as we waited our turn to order drinks. 

“Should we do another round of shots?” Mark asked, clearly not interested in wasting any time. 

Lara agreed easily, so I did, too. 

We each ordered a cocktail as well, but the bartender poured the tequila shots first, also setting us up with a dish of salt and sliced limes. 

Mark picked up one of the lime slices right away. Rather than holding onto it, he pushed my hair behind my shoulder and rubbed the lime on my neck as Lara watched. 

“Now that looks like a more fun way to do a shot,” she said, smiling. 

Then Mark took one of the other lime wedges and held it over Lara’s chest, squeezing so that the lime juice dripped onto her breasts and down her cleavage. 

My eyes widened as I watched, somehow still surprised by his boldness. 

Lara just laughed along as Mark drizzled her with lime juice, then placed the wedge between her boobs. 

“Only proper way to do a tequila shot,” he said.

“Can’t argue with that!” she laughed. 

Then Mark gestured between Lara and me, for us to go first. I looked at her, my eyes darting down to the wedge between her breasts. I couldn’t help noticing that her nipples were hard and poking out through her evidently very thin bra and top. 

“Shall we?” she asked, breaking my distracted gaze. 

“Yeah,” I agreed, shaking my head a bit. 

So we got ourselves set up with salt and were ready to go. 

“After you,” Lara said, squeezing her tits together and leaning in for me. 

Without another thought, I licked the salt from the back of my hand and took the shot. Then I moved closer to flick my tongue out and lick her cleavage, somewhat hesitantly. I used my tongue to slip the wedge out from between her breasts and sucked on it some more as I stepped back. As I did, I caught Mark and Lara sharing a smile and I had to force away the jealous thoughts once again. 

“Are you sure you got all the lime juice?” Mark asked. 

I smirked and rolled my eyes at him. “I got enough of it.” 

“I think I still feel some dripping lower,” Lara said, adding to Mark’s tease. 

Then she cupped her breasts and held them up for me as an offering. “Maybe you should have another taste.” 

I still felt unsure about where my feelings were at and figured that might be a sign that I should slow things down. But when I saw Mark holding his shot and waiting, watching me with an eager look to see what I’d do, I urged myself to just go along with it, not wanting to ruin the mood. 

So I leaned back into Lara’s cleavage, my tongue sliding between her breasts. I even took it a step further and reached up to take over for her hands, cupping and squeezing her breasts, my thumbs rolling circles over her hard nipples. 

I felt her tense up and heard her moan from my touch. Then, when I pulled back, she grabbed my head and pushed me down so that I buried my face in her tits. 

“Gotta make sure you get all that lime,” she teased. 

When she finally released me, I laughed as I pulled back, feeling the heat in my cheeks as I wiped my face with the back of my hand. I glanced around, conscious of the show we were putting on for the crowded bar. 

“Guess it’s my turn now,” Lara said.

Then she took her shot quickly and stepped closer, finding the traces of lime on my neck. She licked and sucked without hesitation, and harder than I expected, until an involuntary moan escaped my lips. 

When she pulled back, she brushed her thumb over my skin where her lips had just been and smiled, evidently inspecting a little mark she’d left. 

Then, before I could react, she cupped the back of my head in her hand and pulled me into her, kissing me deeply. I felt her wet lips slipping on mine and her warm tongue invading my mouth as our bodies pressed together. The uncertainty was still there, but there were also more tingles between my legs as she caressed my bottom lip between hers and her fingers played with my hair. 

Despite all the drinks I’d had, and the excitement of letting things get so carried away in public, I was the first to pull back after just a few moments. 

Mark was smiling, an intense, lustful look in his eyes as he looked between me and Lara. 

“You still have your shot,” she pointed out. “And I think I still have some lime juice left.” 

“Better be sure,” Mark added, taking the third lime wedge and squeezing it over her chest. 

Then he took his shot and dove right into her cleavage, licking and sucking eagerly. 

My heart was beating a mile a minute as I watched them together. Lara laughed and held Mark’s head on her chest, pressing it into him. 

Then he pulled back, and she kissed him just as deeply as she’d kissed me. 

I felt another twinge of jealousy, and another tingle of arousal as he squeezed her ass and pulled her into him, grinding his hard cock into her. My feelings were complicated, but the more I watched, the harder it was to deny that I was getting turned on by watching Mark and Lara together. 

Before I could hide my reaction, he pulled back and turned to me, bringing the lime to my neck and chest, and squeezing more juice out of it. Then he repeated the action, running his lips over my skin and burying his face in my chest. Rather than pulling back afterwards, he kissed me deeply, just as Lara had. 

“I can’t wait to bury my cock inside you again,” Mark said into my ear as he nipped my earlobe between his teeth. 

I sighed and moaned into him. 

“Hey, you three need to cool it, or go get a room!” one bartender finally yelled at us. 

I bit back a smirk as I looked back at him and apologized, pushing on Mark’s arms until he took a small step back. 

“Guess we better take this upstairs then,” he said, replacing the shot glass on the bar and leaving an extra tip for the bartender. 

“What do you say?” he asked, glancing at me, and then looking at Lara. 

“Let’s go,” she agreed easily. 

So we made our way through the lobby to the elevator bay. 

As soon as we were on the elevator and the doors slid closed, Lara pushed Mark up against the back wall aggressively and kissed him again. One of her hands gripped a fistful of his shirt, and the other went straight to his bulge, rubbing him through his shorts. 

Mark moaned into her, cupping her cheek to deepen the kiss and squeezing her ass through her tight pants. 

Then Lara broke the kiss just as quickly and turned to look at me, still in Mark’s arms. 

“Take your shirt off,” she ordered. 

I had just a moment’s hesitation before lifting my shirt over my head right there in the elevator. I shared a smile with Mark as we both remembered the similar experience with my friend Jenna just a couple of weeks earlier. 

Then Lara quickly moved in and kissed me again, clearing away all other thoughts and memories. She cupped my boobs through my bra and then unhooked it, pulling it aside and bending to lick and suck on one of my nipples right away. 

“Oh, fuck!” I moaned, my pussy clenching as I felt the sensation travel straight from my nipples to my clit. 

She moaned and sucked my nipple harder, scratching it with her teeth and biting gently before switching over to the other. 

The bell dinged, notifying us we’d reached our floor, just as I was combing fingers into her hair. 

We shuffled slowly down the hall to our room. I smiled as Lara backed me up against the wall and continued her assault on my chest. It brought up the memory of how I’d stood naked in the same hallway earlier, touching myself and knowing I could get caught. It felt just as thrilling with Mark and Lara, my chest covered only by her mouth. 

When we finally reached our room, it took Mark a minute to get the keycard out of his wallet and for it to scan correctly to let us into the room. Either that or he was stalling on purpose to give me and Lara more time to fool around in the hallway, with me already halfway undressed. 

I was too busy kissing Lara, laughing, and moaning to notice a couple coming out of their room. It wasn’t until I heard the loud click of their hotel room door closing that I realized we weren’t alone in the hall and looked up. By then, they were about to pass us on their way to the elevator.

“Shit!” I yelled, squealing and turning around and pressing my chest into Mark’s back, covering up as much as possible. 

“Don’t be ashamed. You have nice tits,” Lara teased. 

Then I finally heard the chime from the door as Mark unlocked it and pressed on his back to urge him inside. Lara was right behind me, and we tumbled in together, laughing and cursing as we almost tripped over each other. 

“Sit up on the counter,” Lara commanded once she’d regained herself. 

I did as she asked, hopping up right away. 

“Your girl minds well,” she said to Mark, with a smirk and a wink. 

Then she pulled him in by the back of his neck and kissed him again deeply, right in front of me.

I sighed and moaned with them, leaning back on the counter and reaching between my legs, turning Eggy back on. 

That caught Lara’s attention. She turned back to me and took a step closer, pushing my legs apart. 

“Fuck!” I moaned, spreading my legs for her as my head rolled back briefly in anticipation. 

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Lara reached up under my skirt until her fingers brushed over my lace-covered folds, feeling the vibrations.

“I hope you didn’t think nobody noticed you cumming in the restaurant,” she said, smirking. 

I laughed a little and smiled back, feeling my cheeks heating once again. 

“I certainly did,” she added with a wink.

Then Lara stepped back and walked over to the desk. She pulled a chair over and sat down in front of me, wrapping her arms around my thighs and tugging me closer to the edge of the counter. 

My chest heaved as she leaned in, kissing her way up my inner thighs. 

I glanced at Mark as he watched and took out his phone, opening up the app again to control Eggy. 

Then my attention snapped back to Lara as she sucked hard on my leg, likely leaving another little mark. 

“Fuck!” I yelped. 

Her lips slid closer and closer to my tingling pussy as I writhed and moaned on the countertop. She bunched my skirt up around my waist and planted a kiss right on my underwear just as Mark turned up the intensity of the vibrations again. 

“I can feel the vibrations through your skin. I like how it feels in my mouth,” Lara said, as she pulled my underwear to the side. 

I let out a long, low moan as she flicked her tongue around, licking up and down over my moist lips. Then I met Mark’s eyes again as he turned up the vibrations again, watching and smiling.

Lara’s tongue darted over my clit, circling around and alternating directions as Eggy continued to vibrate inside me. Then she moved her finger up and down over my slit, pressing in just slightly.

“She’s a wet one, isn’t she?” she asked Mark, smiling up at him from her seat. 

“Very,” Mark agreed, adjusting himself and rubbing his hard cock through his shorts as he watched us. 

Lara turned back to lick from the bottom of my pussy to my clit as her fingers spread my lips apart. Her tongue played with Eggy’s tail, and then traced it up, slipping inside me briefly before continuing to dart around my clit. 

“Oh my god,” I sighed, squirming and writhing on the countertop, my toes curling in the air. 

“Suck on her clit,” Mark told Lara, sensing that I was close.

Her tongue circled and flicked around some more. Then I watched her place her open mouth over my clit, sucking in hard right away. 

“Oh, fuck!” I yelped, feeling her hand on Eggy’s tail, moving him in and out through my tight passage as Mark controlled the vibrations. 

I held as still as possible, feeling so close to imploding. 

“Cum on her face, Sam,” Mark said. 

When I glanced back over at him, I noticed that he’d taken his shorts off and was stroking his hard cock. 

“Be a good slut for Lara, just like you always are for me. I want to see you soak her face.”

Lara’s tongue rubbed and flicked over my clit as she sucked and moaned, adding to the vibrations. 

And then I felt it. I reached my peak and tipped over the edge, yelling out and squeezing my thighs around her head, holding her down as I writhed and bucked into her face. 

“Fuck, that’s so hot. I’m so hard,” Mark groaned.

I barely heard him as a muffled ringing sensation filled my ears, making me feel like I was submerged in water. As it passed, I eased my grip on Lara’s head, opening my legs and letting go of the fistful of her hair I’d grabbed. 

“Fuck, that was so good,” I moaned, bracing myself on the counter as she pulled back slowly. 

She stood up slowly, smiling at me, and then at Mark, her whole mouth and chin soaked from my pussy and her saliva. She moved the chair away and stepped over to Mark, wrapping her hand around his cock and taking over stroking. 

“Fuck!” Mark groaned, eagerly pressing himself into her hand.

“Clean up the mess your girl made on me,” Lara ordered him, smiling.

Mark leaned in and kissed her, moaning into her mouth. 

“No,” Lara said, pulling back just enough to break the kiss. “Clean my face.” 

Mark’s eyes flickered and widened slightly, and mine must’ve too. But the surprise seemed to wear off quickly, and then he did as he was told, licking my juices off of Lara’s chin, cheeks, nose, and lips. It was strangely erotic watching him lick her face like that, knowing he was tasting me. 

When Lara was satisfied that Mark had cleaned her face thoroughly, she stepped back to strip her shirt off, then wiggled out of her pants, dropping them to the floor. Walking towards the bed, she reached back to unhook her bra, then threw it to Mark. 

He caught it, just staring and feeling it for a few moments, as if stunned still. 

“Aren’t you going to join me?” Lara asked, looking between Mark and me as she climbed onto the bed. 

I slid down from the counter and removed my skirt and panties as well. Then I stepped up to Mark and pulled his gaze away from Lara briefly to kiss him. I pulled off his shirt and pushed down his underwear, stopping to give his hard cock and balls some attention with my hands.

He moaned into my mouth, gripping and squeezing my bare hips and ass. 

“Which of you is going to give my pussy a taste? Or do you want to share it?” Lara called from the bed, interrupting. 

Mark smirked and gestured for me to go ahead, so I did. I crawled over her, kissing her again and tasting myself, too. Then I swirled my tongue in circles over each of her hard nipples and teased her stomach on my way down, making her clench as I settled between her legs. 

Then I felt Lara’s hand on the back of my head, pushing me down impatiently. I took her encouragement and leaned in to flick my tongue over and between her lips, licking all around, dipping inside. 

“Ooh yes,” she moaned. “That feels so good.” 

Then she let go of my head to pat the bed beside her, beckoning Mark over. “Your turn. Or did you think you were just going to watch?” 

I felt the bed dip a moment later as Mark climbed on eagerly and knelt near Lara’s head. I did my best not to break my concentration on her pussy as I watched her stroking him again. 

“Your hand feels so good on my cock,” Mark groaned.

I rubbed my tongue over and around Lara’s clit, fingers spreading her lips open. Fresh wetness seeped from my pussy, and I squeezed my legs together to ease the throbbing.

“If you think my hand feels good, I bet you’ll love this,” Lara teased, leaning over and pulling Mark’s cock toward her mouth. 

“Fuck!” Mark groaned as she wrapped her lips around him. 

He scooted closer and leaned up to her so she could take more of him.

Lara kept stroking and sucking, moaning on Mark’s cock as I ate her pussy. Then she reached her hand around to his ass, pulling him even further into her. 

I felt another rush of jealousy, wanting to push her away and take Mark’s cock in my mouth instead. But I was so turned on to see and hear his reactions, knowing he was close already. And that he’d want to cum in another girl’s mouth. I wondered if he’d stop to ask or say anything to check in with me, like he had when we were with Jenna. Or maybe he’d just lose control and let it happen. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it, but I knew I wanted him to cum. And I wanted her to cum, too. 

So rather than interrupting the blowjob, I slid two fingers into Lara’s pussy and curled them up, rubbing and stroking inside her as I licked and sucked on her clit. 

She moaned loudly around Mark’s cock, and I noticed his hand move to the back of her head, stopping her from pulling back. 

“I’m gonna cum,” Mark groaned, thrusting into Lara’s mouth. “Where do you want it?” 

It took me a moment to realize Mark was looking at me, and waiting for my response, still not letting Lara off of his cock for a breather. I found it was enough reassurance for me to make me feel comfortable letting go a bit more than I had last in our last threesome. 

“Cum in her mouth,” I answered, pulling back just briefly from Lara’s clit. 

No sooner had I said those words than Mark was grunting and cumming, his cock pulsing between Lara’s lips. It made me wonder if he would’ve been able to stop himself if I had a different answer, or if he would’ve even tried. 

For some reason, that thought turned me on more, to where I had to reach down to rub my clit while I continued licking and sucking on Lara’s. 

“I came so much,” Mark said, when he finally pulled back. 

Lara moaned and seemed to struggle to swallow all of it. 

“Fuck yeah, you did!” she finally answered. “You really filled my mouth.”  

Hearing how hard Lara made Mark cum stirred up another tingle of jealousy. But I realized that my mixed feelings were shifting more towards arousal as I felt closer to cumming again, too.

Then Mark moved down the bed and came behind me, pulling my hips up and diving in to lick and suck on my lips as I rubbed my clit. 

“Oh, fuck!” I yelled into Lara’s pussy as Mark fucked mine with his tongue. 

“Cum for me, Sam! Make her cum and cum again, now!” 

My pussy clenched and gushed a bit on Mark’s tongue as he got me close so easily and quickly. I kept thinking about how he’d just cum in another girl’s mouth and I’d watched. A random server we picked up at dinner. 

Lara brought me out of my thoughts by reaching down and pushing my face down into her pussy like I’d done to hers. 

I kept licking and thrusting with my fingers, rubbing them inside her over the spongy flesh of her G-spot, determined to make her cum like Mark told me to. 

“Fuck, that’s it!” she yelled. “I’m gonna cum!” 

It was a struggle to maintain my focus on Lara while Mark’s tongue flicked around inside me. But I kept at it until I finally felt her clenching around me and heard her moaning and yelling out as she came, rubbing her wetness all over my face. 

I pulled back before she’d finished grinding her hips on me and pressed back into Mark, rubbing my clit fast. 

Then Lara slid under me until we were face-to-face. She kissed me and I tasted all of us at once: her pussy was still fresh on my lips and tongue, and there was still a hint of mine on hers, combined with Mark’s cum. She set to work cleaning my face just as she’d told Mark to do to hers and then trailed her lips down my neck and chest until she could take my nipple into her mouth.

I moaned as she licked and sucked on my breast, then switched over to the other. The sensation of her mouth on my nipples sent me straight over the edge into another intense orgasm. It was a struggle not to lose full control of my body as I quivered and shook between them.

“Good girl,” Mark moaned, giving my pussy one more lick and my ass a slap before pulling back. 

I started moving to climb off of Lara, but Mark stopped me with a hand on my hip. 

“I’m so hard again. I want to fuck both of you just like this.”

Lara was still playing with my breasts and smiled up at me when she heard Mark’s request. 

“Is that okay?” he asked then, and I wasn’t sure which of us he was talking to. 

“You have condoms, right?” Lara asked in response, looking around me to where Mark stood. 

I was about to respond that we didn’t have any, but Mark beat me to it. 

“Yeah, I have some in my bag.”  

My face must’ve shown my surprise. And possibly the latest twinge of jealousy that burned through me when I realized what he was saying. Mark brought condoms with him on the trip. He and I had never used condoms together, so he must’ve been planning to be with other women all along. And why wouldn’t he? I’m sure he figured since he was encouraging me to be with other guys, I couldn’t very well deny him from being with other women, too. 

My mixed feelings swayed back to the jealous end of the spectrum suddenly, and I realized it had nothing to do with Lara in particular. It was just that feeling again, that I could be so replaceable to Mark. 

I fought to push away those thoughts and stay in a sexy mood as Mark put on the condom and moved back behind us, leaning down to fill Lara first. 

She moaned and pulled me down to a kiss, and I guessed he was teasing her lips and opening with the head of his cock. I could practically feel it, remembering all the times he’d done that to me. 

Then she gasped, and our kiss broke as Mark thrust deep inside her. 

He continued fucking her, alternating slow, shallow thrusts with faster, harder ones.

I looked down between our bodies, then over my shoulder to watch as best I could, and listened to his moans. I caught an expression of pure pleasure on his face briefly until he noticed me looking and smiled. 

Soon, Mark pulled out of Lara and knelt up to enter me, sliding his covered cock along my slit and pushing inside. His fingers dug into my hips as he pulled me up and onto him with a groan. 

“So fucking wet,” he muttered, his cock slipping in and out of me easily with his thrusts. 

Then Mark slid a hand up my back and gripped a fistful of my hair. 

My pussy clenched in anticipation, expecting him to pull my hair and force my back to arch. 

Instead, he used the hold to push me down towards Lara. 

“Kiss her again,” Mark ordered. “And touch each other. I want you both to cum again.”

I did as I was told, kissing Lara and moaning as I felt Mark grinding his cock inside me the way he knew I liked. I slid my hand down to Lara’s pussy and rubbed over her clit, letting her moans guide me. 

Mark switched back and forth a few more times between our pussies as we built each other up with our fingers and mouths. I could tell Lara was close as Mark was fucking her hard and I was rubbing fast, back and forth, over her engorged clit.

So I kept grinding on top of her, kissing and biting her neck, and rubbing her clit fast until she came.

She moaned loudly and arched her back, likely clenching on Mark’s cock, and causing him to groan. 

Then it was my turn. Lara repaid the favor by teasing my nipples and clit with her fingers, and my neck and ears with her mouth. 

I guessed that she’d also reached back to tease Mark’s cock and/or balls, because he suddenly groaned a little louder and I could feel him clenching up behind me. 

As good as it all felt, especially when Mark reached around me to rub my clit the way he knew I liked, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to cum again with the cloud of jealousy hovering over. 

“God, you’re such a good slut, Sam! Cum on my cock! I need to feel your slutty pussy squeezing me,” Mark tried, knowing that dirty talk was normally a surefire way to get me there. 

But I knew I wouldn’t. Rather than attempting to fake it, knowing that Mark would see right through me, I looked over my shoulder and pushed back on his chest gently until he pulled out. Then I finally climbed off of Lara and crawled away from them to the top of the bed, leaning back against the pillows and headrest. 

“Keep fucking her. Cum inside her and I’ll watch,” I said, spreading my legs open and rubbing my clit. 

Mark knelt back, stroking his cock and watching me, as he seemed to consider what to do next. 

“I want you,” he said earnestly, looking right at me. “I want to feel your pussy when you cum. And I want to cum inside you.” 

My chest heaved, and I liked the way his words warmed me and reassured me. Still, I looked down at his condom-covered cock and then at Lara. And I couldn’t help wondering whether he really meant that, or if he was just doing his due diligence to make sure I felt good. 

So, I tried again, forcing a smile and hoping it wasn’t obvious. “It’s okay, you should cum inside her. You’ll cum inside me next time.” 

Maybe Mark really meant what he’d said about wanting me instead. Or maybe he just saw through my thinly veiled insecurity. Whatever the motivation, I lost my say in the matter as he suddenly grabbed me by the ankles and dragged me onto my back on the bed. He pulled and stretched the condom until it slid off his cock, and tossed it aside as he knelt between my legs.

“I want to fill you up,” he said, leaning down to kiss me deeply as he slid his hard cock back in through my wet, puffy lips.

“Oh, fuck!” I moaned as he pounded me with his hips, filling me deeply and grinding even deeper. 

“Fuck, you feel so good!” Mark groaned. “I’m gonna cum deep inside you.” 

My back arched, and I kept my legs spread wide as his hips slammed into mine and his pelvic bone ground into me. I dug my nails into his biceps as he held himself up over me, and my toes curled as my feet bounced around in the air above me with each thrust. I wasn’t sure what had come over him suddenly, but I was in no position to complain. Not that I would’ve been able to manage it, with the loud moans and curses flying from my mouth. 

Then Mark was grunting and shaking, surging his cock deep inside me as his hot cum painted my inner walls. It felt like an impressive amount, considering he just came so hard in Lara’s mouth.

It could’ve been Mark’s roughness or the sensation of his cum flooding my pussy, or possibly a combination of both that sent me over the edge. The sensations of his need apparently pacified my jealousy.  

Mark leaned down to kiss me deeply as he waited for me to calm down from my orgasm. Then, once I’d finally loosened my grip on him, he pulled out slowly, searching my expression. 

I couldn’t help smiling after all that, but still felt uneasy, too. I knew it should reassure me to know that he wanted to cum inside me. But the insecure thoughts came rushing back in. What if he just wanted to cum without a condom, and I’m the easy slut that would let him? 

Before my thoughts could spiral much further, Mark and I noticed that Lara had gotten up and started redressing. 

“That was really fun,” she said, smiling sweetly at both of us. “I hope you guys have a great time for the rest of your trip.”

We both thanked her, and Mark got up to somewhat awkwardly walk her to the door, checking in to make sure she was okay getting home on her own. 

Once she’d gone, he locked the door behind her and came back to bed, wearing nothing but a smile. 

I wasn’t sure what I was feeling exactly and knew I must still seem a bit off. 

Mark attempted to lighten the mood by joking around. “She was a little demanding there, in the beginning. And taking charge like that in the elevator.” 

I smiled back, but could tell that it didn’t reach my eyes. “Was it fun for you to take a break from being the demanding one?” 

“Maybe a little,” he chuckled, rubbing my hip as he lay beside me. “I know how much you like that.” 

“Yeah,” I agreed.

“What else did you like?” 

I thought carefully about how I should answer, but in the end, just went with the truth. “I liked watching her suck your cock, and seeing how hard you came in her mouth.”

“Oh, yeah?” 

I nodded, and couldn’t stop myself from going on. “It made me wonder whether there’s anything I could do better, that you’d want me to do better?” 

I sort of hated myself for asking that, as soon as the words left my lips, knowing how insecure it sounded. 

Mark seemed to pick up on that and shrugged it off. “It felt good, but I don’t think it was anything in particular that Lara did. She was hot, and it felt good. But it was mostly the excitement of being with someone new, I think. I know you get that, too.” 

He was right. It sounded like the same feeling I always got from being with different guys. I knew I couldn’t fault him for having that feeling, or get mad at him for it. 

Mark went on a bit more, his hand sliding down between my legs once again. “But she didn’t use her tongue as much or as well as you do. And she didn’t play with my balls like you do.” 

I had to smile at that, letting his words sink in and ease my insecurity. Still, I brushed it off with a shrug. “I learned that through experience.” 

“Yeah, experience making me cum so fucking hard,” he said, tugging my legs apart and rubbing along my wet slit again, kissing his way up from my shoulder.  

“Maybe not as hard as you came for her, though.” 

Mark pulled back to look right at me. “I’ve definitely cum harder for you. You keep me so fucking hard all the time, Sam. Watching you going down on her turned me on so much.” 

Well, fuck. I guess I somehow hadn’t thought about how watching me going down on Lara might’ve contributed to how hard he came in her mouth. Maybe my thoughts were off-base after all. 

“And I’ve still been thinking about how you let me make you cum at the restaurant, in front of all those people. I bet all the men there knew what was happening and wanted to be doing that with you.”

I sighed and moaned as Mark pressed between my folds, sliding two fingers into my pussy as his thumb found my clit. “I love doing things like that with you. I love when you tell me to do slutty, daring things like that.” 

“I know you do. You’re always such a good girl for me. Such a good slut.” 

Just like that, I was panting and moaning, squirming on the bed as Mark touched me. “I love being your slut.”

“Good. Then I want you to cum again for me right now. Be a good slut and cum again for me, thinking about how slutty you’ve been over the past couple of days. How slutty you’re going to be for the rest of the trip. I can’t wait to see how many guys you fuck. And girls. How many times you cum for them.”

“Oh, fuck,” I groaned, feeling close already. 

“You turn me on so fucking much. I can’t believe how lucky I am that I ran into you that day at the Shamrock Shuffle. And then again at Sluggers. I always want you. You always make me feel so good, Sam.”

Mark’s reassuring words sent me spiraling into another orgasm. My moans almost seemed to reverberate off of the hotel room walls as my whole body clenched and spasmed from his touch. 

“Good fucking girl,” he growled. “I’m so fucking hard for you again.” 

As soon as I’d calmed down, taking a couple of deep breaths to slow my heart rate a little, I rolled to my side and leaned up onto my elbow. Mark wasn’t kidding about how hard he was. The sight of his once-again hard cock actually caused me to salivate, and I felt like I had to lean in further to get a taste.

“Fuck,” Mark cursed when he saw me sliding down the bed and getting into position. “I don’t think I’ll be able to cum again.” 

“That’s okay,” I said, not letting that deter me.

“I’m not a college guy with a huge cock who can cum multiple times in a row,” he added, and I knew he was referring to my neighbor, Chris. It also felt like he was letting one of his own insecurities out, possibly another effort to reassure me. 

“I want to suck your cock anyway,” I said, teasing and smiling. “It’s okay if you don’t cum. I just want to feel your hard cock between my lips, and to make you feel good. You always make me feel so good.” 

Mark groaned again, and he didn’t stop me from licking and swirling my tongue around his cock and balls, slowly making my way to his head and taking him deep.

“You know I want you so much more than Chris, or anyone else,” I said, pulling back briefly as my hands continued to caress his balls and stroke from the base of his cock. 

“I know,” Mark said, smiling down at me, his chest heaving. “I like hearing you say it, though.” 

I smiled back, happy to reassure him if I could. If he really needed it. “I always want more of you. I love the way you make me feel.” 

I felt a tingle of nerves almost like butterflies every time I shared any deeper feelings with Mark that scared me as much as it excited me. But even though it always felt like a risk, whenever he encouraged me, I had a hard time holding back. 

I dropped my mouth back on his hard cock, sucking and rubbing with my tongue, slowly and sensually. I wanted to keep it up as long as he would let me. 

It seemed like a little reassurance went a long way for both of us. 

And while I still felt unsure and nervous about what might come in the future for me and Mark, for the time being, or at least for the rest of the business trip, I decided to try my best to let go of the worry and just have fun. 

Written by AJPages
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