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Author's Notes

"© 2012 Sal De Klerk, All Rights Reserved Final Revision 5/2020 Edited by ElmerStudd ​​​​​​​ This is a long story, made up of a prologue, 10 chapters, and an epilogue. They are all written and going through a final edit. I will submit each chapter as soon as the prior one gets approved. <p> [ADVERT] </p>The idea for this story came from janetsexy77 in a story idea forum. Warning: This story contains violent content including assault and battery, but no sex. If you are looking for something erotic, please read another story."

"You've done it now bitch," Bree said. "You fuckin' attacked a cheerleader and thought that nothing would happen. You walk around free, while our friend sits in jail. Who the fuck do you think you are?" Bree snarled at Aggie.

Pris elbowed Bree, and Bree's mouth dropped open. "What the fuck are you wearing? Did you turn into a fucking crack ho?"

Aggie was about to use her newfound confidence, and go off on the two women standing in front of her. Before she could say anything, Bree shoved Aggie hard. Aggie was already unsteady on her feet from the alcohol and lopsided from wearing one shoe. She stumbled backward and was almost able to catch herself, then her foot slipped off the edge of the curb. She went down hard, her head hitting the blacktop.

When she didn't get up right away, one of the girls squatted down over her. "She's breathing and has a pulse, probably just knocked herself out." the student nurse told her teammates. 

"Get the car," Bree told Pris. Once Pris pulled up her car, they loaded Aggie into the car and drove away.
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Aggie came to her senses in a dark windowless room. She was completely naked and tied to the bed she was lying on. She had no idea where she was or what was going on. Her memories were pretty foggy, her vision blurred, and it was a struggle to think. She remembered leaving the party and encountering someone in the parking lot. She lay there and struggled against the ropes holding her down. She had no idea how long she had been awake when the door opened.

"She's awake," yelled a girl, Aggie didn't recognize.

"Finally!" came a voice all too familiar to Aggie. Bree, Pris, and several other girls entered the room. "It's time we had it out once and for all bitch. I am going to kick your ass up one side of this room and down the other."

Aggie spat toward Bree. "Fuck you, cunt. I'm naked, tied down and you've got a bunch of your friends to back you up. Some fair fight that'll be. You must be a skanky chickenshit whore to need all of them to help you beat up one naked person that's tied to a bed. How fucking scared are you?"

Bree snapped her fingers, and Pris stepped forward and pulled out a knife. She waved it in front of Aggie's eyes, trying to scare Aggie. Slowly she lowered the knife, and sliced the ropes holding Aggie down. Aggie sat feeling disoriented dizzy, and fatigued. She eased herself up on the bed, stretching her limbs, trying to clear her head and steady herself. She knew that Bree was stronger, taller, and outweighed her.

Aggie doubted that she had a chance of winning. As long as the fight was fair, Aggie was confident that she could inflict serious damage on Bree. She hoped she could at least break that, oh so feminine, celestial nose Bree loved. Aggie giggled when she remembered Bree getting the nose job.

Aggie stood up as the other cheerleaders spread out around the room, forming a circle. Pris made a gesture and two of the girls moved the bed out of the way.

"This has been far too long in coming," Aggie said, getting into something like a fighting stance her body barely supporting her.

Aggie charged forward and rammed her head into Bree's midriff. It was firmer than Aggie expected but a surprised gasp of pain burst out of Bree's mouth as she fell onto her ass. Aggie pushed her advantage and kicked Bree, forgetting she wasn't wearing shoes. The sudden sharp pain in her foot, sent a wave of nausea through her. Her dizziness lack of balance overwhelmed her and she collapsed into darkness.
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This time when Aggie woke up, she was in a different room. This one had sunlight, and she wasn't tied to the bed, but she did feel some resistance to her movements. She started to take a mental inventory of all the aches and pains, surprised they were few and not too bad.

Her right leg was in a cast, as was her left arm. Her left ankle was bandaged, and she had several bandages covering other parts of her body. There were a lot of tubes and wires connecting her to various machines.

"Oh thank God!" Christina shouted, making Aggie wince, "you're awake." Christina stood up and walked over to the bed. You've been in a coma for almost a week. A nurse found you outside the ER naked, and unconscious. "What the hell happened?" Christina asked her friend and lover, with anger and concern in her voice.

"That's what we want to know," said the police lieutenant who’d helped Aggie after her arrest, walking into the room. "This is the first sexual assault on this campus ever," she said. “I plan to find whoever did this and make sure they never have the opportunity to hurt anyone again.”

"Well then, I have good news," Aggie whimpered, as she started to cough.

Christina filled a cup with water and held it to Aggie's lips. Aggie took several sips getting her lips and tongue moist. "This wasn't a sexual assault, I reunited with some old FrIeNdS."

"Then tell me what the hell happened," the cop said, pulling out her notebook.

Aggie winced. "Are you asking as a cop or a sister?" Aggie asked her.

"Sister first and always," she said to Aggie sitting down on the bed. "We were never introduced. I'm Rikki Nagan. Nice to meet you, Aggie."

"You too Rikki. To make a long story short, some mean girls from high school transferred here..." she went on to tell Rikki about the fight. "... next thing I remembered was waking up here.

Rikki nodded her head. "That explains the concussion, broken foot and sprained ankles. The rest of your injuries must be from your falls, and when they dumped you outside the hospital. They did plan and execute an almost perfect crime. There was no foreign DNA found on you and they dropped you in an area not covered by security cameras. We only have your word, that's not enough for us to do anything but ask questions and I'm sure they'll have an alibi."

The door to the room opened and Kate walked in with Hannah and Tiffi. "Hey, Aggie, how you feelin'?" Kate asked as she tweaked one of Aggie's toes that was sticking out of the cast.

"Tired, sore, and hungry," Aggie told her.

After filling in the newcomers on what had happened to Aggie, tears poured from Tiffi's eyes. Those fucking bitches. I'm going to murder them in their sleep," she said outraged.

"A free piece of legal advice. Don't go around announcing your intention to murder someone. That would make you the primary suspect if anything happened. If you do get charged, it'll be for premeditated murder, a capital crime in this state," Rikki told the other girls.

Tiffi told everyone, "This is my fault. When I got home after my initiation, the squad was having a meeting. They were discussing how to raise money for my lawyer. They thought I was sitting in jail and you walked out free. They may have blamed you for my sudden prolonged disappearance."

"Wait! What? You're in...?"

"Well let me put it this way, is Erin always such a bitch?"

"Don't make me laugh, it hurts," Aggie said, laughing with everyone else.

"So what now?" Tiffi asked the group. "I mean we can't let them get away with this, right?"

"Without more, I can question Bree, Pris, and the rest of them. But...," she shrugged her shoulders. "I'll continue to investigate, but unless one of the Bimbos rats, there won't be an arrest," Rikki told them, standing up. "I have to get back to the station. Get better soon Aggie," she said, leaving the room.

“Alright, ladies, gather round. I already ran it by the headmistress, she took it to the small council, and they agreed. Now we can begin preparations for operation meltdown. Tiffi, you know what you need to do. The rest of you here's the plan. . ."
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The next day, Aggie was struggling with her women's studies essay. Pushing her books away from her, she sighed in frustration. "Could I get extra credit for the women I've studied," she asked herself aloud as she tried to focus on her school work.

As she reached for her books, the door to her room opened and a strange man in a well-tailored suit was standing there. Before she could even think to ask who he was, Beatrice walked in. Aggie smiled in delight at seeing the old woman she admired.

"Oh my dear, my dear. How are you feeling?" she asked Aggie.

"Honestly, tired of being asked that damned question by everyone who walks in this room," Aggie answered.

"Good for you, my dear!" Beatrice said smiling in delight. Refreshing honesty. An admirable trait." Beatrice smiled at Aggie.

"I'm sorry, that was a bit bitchy," Aggie said. "I'm ready to get out of here, but I need to be on bed rest, and since I live alone..."

"That simply will not do," Beatrice responded angrily. "Mr. Pierce, please go locate Ms. Allbuts doctor and have him come here at once."

The man at the door nodded and walked off. Without another word, Beatrice pulled out her iPhone and made a call.

"Hello, Chancellor Wormer? This is Beatrice. I am in the campus hospital and I've met the most interesting young lady, Agatha Allbut. Are you aware of her situation?"

Aggie could hear an indistinct male voice. After a few seconds Beatrice interrupted him, "Yes yes yes, we all have excuses why we can't do things. Now I'm going to tell you what will happen. I will take Aggie to live in my home, where she will rest and recuperate. I will also handle any further medical needs. You will ensure that any materials she needs to stay current are available to her. If her grades drop because she is not provided what she needs, you will answer to me and the board of trustees."

Before he could respond Beatrice hung up and put her phone away. "I don't know what to say," Aggie told the older woman.

"I was dead set against hiring that man. After what happened at Faber College. I never understood how any responsible institute of higher learning could trust him to manage except an outhouse?"

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"Wait! Chancellor Wormer was at Faber? My grandfather is an alumnus of Faber. That's where my grandparents met." Aggie looked forlorn at the memory. "I miss Pinto and Mom Mom."

Beatrice patted Aggie on the hand, letting her work through her emotions. Aggie wiped her eyes with her unrestricted hand and smiled at Beatrice. "I'm never going to be able to repay you for your kindness," Aggie said to the older woman.

"Pish posh, my dear. Mother isn't only a term of endearment, I love all you girls like my daughters. The one regret I have is that medical science was not advanced enough to let Eunice and I have our own child. But we always had our wonderful lovely daughters to care for." As Beatrice finished speaking the door opened and Mr. Pierce entered followed by a man in a lab coat Aggie had never seen.

"Beatrice, what an unexpected pleasure," the man said, with unrestrained sarcasm.

"Please, Harry, call me Mrs. Remington-Webley. Most functionaries do." The scorn in her voice was palpable. Aggie could see how hard he was struggling to keep his anger in check. "So, Aggie tells me the only reason she wasn't released from this horrid palace of death, is because she didn't have a suitable place to live. Is that correct?"

"Yes, But we will need to see her..."

Beatrice held up her hand. “I will ensure she gets any treatment she needs. Thank you. Now run along and bring a wheelchair so I can take her home," Beatrice said dismissively.

"Please wait here. I'll have a nurse come right in with her discharge instructions and prescriptions."

"Of course, we'll wait here. Do you think an old lady and a cripple are going to run a marathon as soon as you leave?" Beatrice said to his retreating back.

They waited in silence for twenty minutes until a young, bubbly, student nurse walked into the room. "Aggie, I'm so glad you're okay," she told the bedridden girl. It took Aggie several seconds to place the face. She lived in the dorm, a few doors down from Aggie. Aggie disliked the girl because she spoke nonstop but didn't say anything. She was also a huge gossip.

The student nurse began to read the discharge instructions. Then explained, in detail, everything Aggie would need to do as part of her recovery. After twenty minutes or so, she finally asked, "Do you have any questions?"

Sheri! Her name is Sheri, Aggie thought in triumph.

"No, my dear, thank you. You are everything I've learned to expect from this institution and its students," Beatrice said.

Sheri beamed in pride mistaking the comment for a compliment as she left the room.

Mr. Pierce gathered up all the flowers and cards adorning her room and went to the car with Beatrice. By the time he got back, an orderly was helping Aggie get into a wheelchair. They headed to the elevator as the orderly's radio crackled to life. There was a lot of shouting and orders for people to report to various places.

"Umm sir," the orderly said. "A patient is being airlifted in right now. The elevator is off-limits until further notice. We'll have at least a twenty-minute wait."

"That is simply unacceptable, young man. I can not keep this young lady here any longer."

Mr. Pierce bent down and scooped up Aggie with ease. He kicked open the door to the stairway and descended the steps with Aggie in his arms. Aggie was so tired and felt so safe, that she drifted off to sleep, her head resting against his neck.
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Lars had seen Aggie around school several times, but she was always with people he didn't know. He also had no idea how to approach her. He didn't know if Tiffi had spoken with her. He heard that Aggie and Tiffi had gotten into a fight, and arrested. By the time he got to the police station, they were gone.

The next day, he went to Aggie's dorm and sat in front of it all day. When she didn't return from class, he went looking for the RA. Tina, I'm Lars, Aggie's boyfriend. She hasn't been here all day. Do you know where she is?"

Tina shook her head and used her passkey to enter the room. The bed hadn't been slept in and the notes Aggie wanted to study were on her desk. When Tina couldn't find the outfit Aggie was wearing last night, she began to worry. They began to ask the other residents of the dorm and no one had seen Aggie.

Lars and Tina decided to go to the campus police to report Aggie missing. When they drove out of the lot, Lars spotted Aggie's car, making his heart leap into his throat.

That night, campus police called Tina to identify a 'Jane Doe' found outside the ER matching Aggie's description. Tina went to the hospital and identified Aggie. She kept Lars updated on Aggie's condition. Once Aggie came out of the coma, Tina advised him to wait a few days before visiting.

The day after Aggie woke up, Lars couldn't wait anymore. He decided to take matters into his own hands and explain everything to Aggie. He was going to make her hear him out no matter what. He was willing to beg for her forgiveness, he'd even grovel if that was what he needed to do to win her back.

As he walked up to the main entrance, he saw an antique automobile idling by the curb. He whistled at the 1939 Mercedes Benz 540K that looked to be in mint condition. He fixated on the gorgeous piece of automotive history. Appreciating the elegance and beauty of the luxury car. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a tall good looking man carrying a large load. He held the door open for him and the old lady hobbling along behind him.

"Thank you," the man said as he walked through the door and placed his load in the back seat of the antique car. The old lady got in and the man got into the driver's seat and eased the car forward and was soon lost from view.

Lars shook his head and headed into the hospital. He started to whistle as he imagined the tearful reunion he was sure was about to happen. He had no doubt that they would be a couple again. As Lars walked toward her room, he began to feel nervous. He stopped in front of the door to calm himself. His hand rested on the lever, not sure if he wanted to open it.

"Man up asshole," he muttered to himself as he eased the door open. REgretting he didn't think to bring some flowers, a stuffed animal or even a get well card.

"Lars! Hi. Long time no see," said the nurse that was in the otherwise empty room. She looked over his muscled physique licking her lips with desire.

"Yeah, uhhh hi . . . Sheri," he said, recognizing the gossipy girl from Aggie's dorm.

"If you're looking for Aggie, she just left. Some hot guy in a suit carried her off. It was like the end of An Officer and a Gentleman. Too bad he wasn't in uniform."

"That was Aggie?" he asked, shocked, wondering why he’d waited so long.

"Yeah, it was soooo romantic. I was like soooo jealous. No guy has ever carried me anywhere," the coed rattled on, not realizing the pain Lars was suffering.

While she prattled about someone carry her, Lars had a vision of picking her up, carrying her down the hall to the laundry chute and dropping her into it. Walking away before he lost control of his emotions, he kept thinking, ‘some older guy got her. An older guy with money. How could she? Why did I wait?’

He drove around campus, not paying attention to where he was going until he stopped in front of the student union. He parked his car, went inside, and sat down to think. As he sat there wallowing in self-pity, he happened to notice a poster advertising a student exchange program. He stared at the poster for several minutes, then pulled out his phone, went to the website and filled out the application.

Several days later, Lars decided to try one last time to win Aggie back. He went to her dorm, hoping to see her. He was happy to see her car still in the lot. He entered the building and tapped on Aggie's door. As he dropped his hand Sheri walked by.

"Heyyy Lars," she said coyly. I think she moved out. That same guy came by, packed all her shit, and left. Actually, she hasn't even been to any of her classes. I think they might have gotten married."

As she prattled on about weddings, Lars hung his head in sorrow and left the dorm. As he walked out, he saw a tow truck leaving the lot with Aggie's car. He ran to his car to try and follow it, but by the time he got out of the parking lot the tow truck was gone.

Lars went back to his apartment and submitted his application to be an exchange student. After a quick phone call to his dad and another to Chancellor Wormer, his application was approved before the day ended. By the end of the month, he was jetting off to Australia, where he would study for the rest of the year.

Aggie settled into Beatrice's home. The guest room was comfortable, with a 32" smart TV with a Bluetooth keyboard for her to surf the web and do her homework. Several of her female teachers were coming by weekly to make sure she was keeping up with their classes.

The rest of her classes had at least one sister in it, so Aggie had all the notes and help she needed to keep her grades up. Aggie never ceased to be amazed by the reach of the sisterhood. It seemed like they were large and powerful enough to take control of the Illuminati.

Tiffi, Tina, and Christina came by every day to spend time with her, and keep her up to date on the progress of their plan. Two days after she moved in with Beatrice, Tiffi ran into Aggie's room and said: "I have some bad news..."

Please let me know whether or not you liked this story. I do not make money from writing. My sole reward are your comments, votes, likes, follows, shares and emails. Hearing from readers is what encourages me to keep writing. I truly believe feedback is a gift, and I like gifts.

Sal De Klerk The Salacious Scribe.

Follow me on Twitter @scribesalacious

Written by Salacious_Scribe
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