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I spent the rest of the day working on my house. Getting four walls up was an accomplishment, but now I knew what I was doing. I wanted to expand my little home and turn it into a proper place to live. A few hours spent breaking rocks for the new foundation had me worn out, and I slept like a log.

A knock on my door woke me up, and I climbed out of bed with a groan. It wasn’t even dawn yet. Who the hell was bothering me at this hour? I pulled open my door and frowned out at the slender female elf standing on my stoop.

“Sorry, Mr. Jack,” the elf said nervously. “We haven’t met. I’m Lira. I’m, um, married to Tamara.”

I blinked in surprise and opened the door wider. It was still dark out, so I couldn’t really get a good look at her. “Lira, is it? Do you want to come inside?”

Lira blanched and swallowed, then nodded. “Yes, please.”

“I’ll make some tea.” I stepped aside to let her in, then busied myself getting some water hot.

I had a candle lantern that gave enough light for me to work by, and to sneak a look at the elf. She was slender, but not without curves. She wore a flowing robe that was belted about her waist, and her red hair was done up in a twisted coif. She looked disheveled, like she had spent the day in hard exercise.

Once the water was hot, I made a couple mugs of tea, and sat at the table across from her. “Okay, Lira, what brings you to my door before the sun is even up?”

She swallowed nervously, and sipped at the tea. “Tamara has told me about you,” she finally said. It came out in a nervous whisper, and she fidgeted before continuing. “You did something to her, didn’t you?”

I sat back in my chair and eyed Lira. She was a pretty woman, and taller than any elf I had seen about town. She was still barely up to my shoulder, but it almost felt like I was sitting across from a human. She looked to be a few years younger than me, and at least twenty years younger than her wife. “Not particularly. I gave her something she thought she didn’t need.”

“You had sex with her?”

I shrugged. “What if I did?”

Lira swallowed again and bowed her head. “Do you know what Tamara did when she returned from her trip to town?”

I kept the grin off my face, but it was hard. If Tamara was following her instructions, she probably used her new dildo on slender Lira. “No, I can’t guess.”

“She had sex with me,” Lira whispered. “It was not making love. She fucked me. Over and over again, and made me fuck her back. She had a wooden phallus.”

I grunted. “And?”

“She was insatiable, but I could not make her orgasm! I tried everything I could think of, but nothing worked. She was in such need! I couldn’t take another minute of it, and fled our home.”

Lira’s shoulders shook in a silent sob, and her slender fingers trembled on her mug. I felt a little bad about it, but that hadn’t been part of my instruction to Tamara. If she fucked the shit out of her wife, that was her own doing.

“I’m sorry, but why did you come here?”

“I came to plea for her,” Lira sniffed and lifted her gaze to meet mine. She had green eyes, a little bloodshot from her tears, but beautiful. “Whatever spell you put on her, I beg you, let her go.”

I frowned. “I didn’t put a spell on her. All I did was…” I hesitated as my exact wording came back to me. Only the taste of my cum would give Tamara release from her arousal. An arousal that was triggered by seeing me.

Ah. That explained why Tamara had been so desperate to suck my dick yesterday. She was out of her mind with lust, and then she went home to her loving wife.

“Mr. Jack…?”

“Yeah. Okay. I think I know what’s wrong with her.” I tapped my finger on my lips and let my gaze wander over Lira’s body. I had to admire her spunk. She thought I had put a spell on Tamara, and she had come here, alone, in the middle of the night, to confront me. “Tamara was needlessly mean, but I may have gone too far in punishing her.”

Lira blanched, but lifted her head defiantly. “Tamara is not a cruel woman, but she can be cold,” Lira said. “Please, I beg you, forgive her!”

“Well, I did say that I would punish her. But I will allow you to take her place.”

The slim elf flinched like I had struck her and she squeezed her eyes shut. “I will do anything for her. I will take her punishment, if you will release her from your command.”

“Hmm. I’ll consider it. Where is Tamara now?”

“Outside, at the edge of the clearing. I asked her to wait.”

I quirked a smile. “Did you now. Well, call her in.”

Lira got up from the table and went to the door. “Tamara! You can come in.”

I stayed seated until Tamara showed up at the doorway. The curvy woman looked defeated. Her black mane of hair was in wild disarray, and she wore nothing but a thin shift and some sandals. Her full breasts pushed at the fabric of her shift and her piercings were plainly visible.

“Tamara, apologize to Mr. Jack,” Lira said softly. “He will forgive you.”

Tamara thumped down to her knees. “I’m so sorry, Master Jack! Please, let me have your cum!”

I sat forward in my chair. “Tamara, you broke the rules of our game. I said you would be punished, but your wife offered herself in your place.”

Tamara looked at Lira with fear in her eyes and shook her head. “No, Lira! Don’t put yourself in his power!”

I clucked my tongue. “Tamara, you’re not treating this situation with the appropriate spirit.”

“Tamara, by the Dragon, be silent!” Lira hissed. “This is our only chance!”

Tamara closed her eyes, and her chin fell to her chest. “Fine,” she whispered.

Lira smoothed Tamara’s hair back and kissed her forehead. Then she straightened up and gave me a defiant look, daring me to do my worst. “I am ready,” she declared. “I will take her punishment now.”

“Very well. You won’t need that robe for what comes next.”

She moved her hands to her belt and slowly undid it. I thought she was being intentionally sexy, until the robes slipped from her shoulders and she covered herself modestly. “Is that it?” she asked in a tiny voice.

I snorted a laugh. “No. We’ve barely begun. Come over here.”

Lira reluctantly shuffled around the table until she stood in front of me. I reached up and gently took her wrist and moved her arm away from her breasts. Lira’s tits were swollen teardrops, with tight little nipples that were barely darker than her pale skin. Tamara’s giant breasts had started to sag, but Lira’s were still firm. I could see the semi-circular marks of teeth on her delicate flesh. Tamara had not been kind to her.

“They’re lovely,” I said gently. “No need to hide them from me.”

I brushed the back of my knuckles against her side, and trailed my hand down to her hip. Lira shuddered and bit her lip, but didn’t fight me when I moved her hand away from the joint of her legs. She had a neatly trimmed auburn pubic bush, and a thigh gap I could fit my whole hand through.

The lips of her pussy were red and abused, swollen from the aggressive fucking Tamara had given her. There were more bite marks around her clit and on the inside of her thighs. I frowned and traced one with my fingertip. “Tamara did this to you?” I asked.

Lira swallowed and looked away. I straightened up and touched her chin, gently bringing her face back to look at me. “Tell me, Lira.”

“She did,” Lira whispered in the affirmative.

“Does she do this a lot?”

The slim elf swallowed nervously and glanced back at Tamara. The dark-haired beauty was glaring daggers at me, but dropped her gaze when she saw I was looking.

“She… not a lot. Sometimes.”

Some of the bite marks were white instead of red, and I realized they were scars. My heart went out to the poor girl.

“Lira, do you know what Tamara needs to get relief?”

She ducked her head. “Your… sperm.”

“She needs to taste my cum,” I nodded. “Right now, I don’t think I could get it up for her. You will need to make me cum instead.”

“I will do my best,” she whispered. “But I have not done this before with a man.”

I touched her hip, then gently brushed my hand around to her cunt. She flinched when I touched her pussy, and let out a whimper of pain. Tamara had bruised her with the dildo, battered her delicate flesh repeatedly until it was swollen and sore. There was no way Lira was going to be taking my dick, not in her condition.

I looked over at Tamara, and she flinched when she saw my face. I got up and put my hands on Lira’s slender shoulders. She looked like she was on the edge of a mental break. “It will be okay, Lira,” I whispered in her ear.

Lira leaned her face against my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her in a hug. “I’m sorry, Mr. Jack,” she whimpered. “I’m very tender there.”

“Come to the bed,” I suggested, and guided her around the table with my hand on her hip. She had a great ass, tight and firm. Whatever she did for a living, it involved a lot of squats. I got her to lie down, then shucked off the shorts I slept in.

Lira’s eyes went wide as she saw my dick swinging between my legs. “Oh, Dragon. That’s even bigger than the phallus!”

I leaned over and nudged her shoulder to get her to roll onto her stomach, then I climbed up onto the bed and straddled her waist with my knees. “Don’t worry about that right now,” I said. “I won’t put it where you can’t take it.”

I ran my hands up her back, feeling the hard ridges of tension in her muscles. She buried her face in her hands and did her best not to flinch at my touch. My hands moved to her neck, and I kneaded the muscles in her shoulders, then up to the base of her skull. I started pulling the pins out of her hair and unraveling the tight coif.

Her hair was beautiful, glowing a deep red in the candlelight. The pins had made it all wavy, and I slowly brushed it down the center of her back. Her hair went all the way to her hips. I smoothed it down until the last of the tight coif was undone, then leaned down over her.

I moved the hair away from her ear and kissed her earlobe. “You have wonderful hair,” I said softly. “You shouldn’t hide it.”

She let out a soft moan when I caught her earlobe with my teeth. “Oh… thank you, Mr. Jack. That’s… very kind.”

I brushed her hair to the side so I could reach the back of her neck again, and massaged her neck muscles. Lira sighed and bent her head forward to give me better access. I rubbed up behind her ears, then sank my fingers into her hair. I rubbed her scalp with my fingertips, letting my nails scrape her skin on the down stroke.

Lira’s moans were getting louder, and I could feel her hips push up against me. My hard dick pressed between the cheeks of her ass, but she made no effort to avoid it.

“Mm, that’s nice,” she moaned.

I kissed her neck, then slowly worked my way down her back. I could practically wrap my two hands all the way around her waist. I could knead a wide swath of her back at one time, and I spent a few minutes working at the tension knots along her spine.

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Her slim hand touched my knee, then she stroked my leg as I worked lower to the swell of her ass. When I pushed my fingers into the muscle at the top of her ass, she gasped, then giggled.

“What is it?” I asked.

“That’s very sensitive! It… feels good.”

Unlike her pussy and tits, the skin of her ass was smooth and unblemished. Tamara wasn’t an ass person, apparently. I grinned a little. It probably hadn’t even occurred to Tamara to play with Lira’s butt.

I ran my hands over the globes of her ass, and Lira made a pleased sound in her throat. I dug my fingers in a little harder, searching for the deep muscles, and she moaned loudly.

“Ohh! Oh, Dragon! Sorry! That was just… unexpected.”

She twisted around to look back at me, and I gave her a grin. “You haven’t been touched here before?” I asked.

“Only a quick pat or two,” she shook her head. “Nothing like that—AH!”

I squeezed her ass and kneaded her cheeks firmly. She ducked her head down and the lean muscles in her legs flexed. I relaxed my grip, shifted my fingers deeper into the crack of her ass, and squeezed again. Her back arched and she let out a throaty moan.

For a few minutes, I toyed with her ass, massaging the muscles in between finding out what made her moan and her legs shake. I shifted down and nudged her knees apart so I could kneel between her legs. She opened herself willingly for me and lifted her knees up so they were in line with her hips.

The new position made her ass tilt up toward me invitingly, and I saw her pussy open a little. Her lips were damp with arousal, but I saw splinters embedded in her cunt, and the flesh was rubbed raw. I leaned over her and kissed the small of her back, then trailed my tongue up the swell of her butt.

Lira moaned as I kissed the underside of her ass, then squealed as I brushed my tongue across the pucker of her asshole.

“Oh! What was that?”

“Just having fun,” I said and licked her ass again.

She sucked in a breath. “Oh, Dragon. I’ve never felt that before!”

I was careful to keep my hands away from her cunt as I kneaded her cheeks and made love to her asshole. Lira pressed back against my face, slowly rolling her hips. I could smell the sweet arousal coming from her cunt, and wanted to swap lower, but I knew that was going to be painful for her.

Instead, I focused on her ass, pushing the buttons I had discovered in my earlier exploration, and chasing the rising pitch of her moans.

Lira shivered as an orgasm tripped through her and she tried to close her legs. I got out of the way and lay down next to her, stroking my fingers across her flanks until she stopped trembling and turned on her side to face me.

“That was amazing, Mr. Jack,” she whispered. She moved to kiss me, then blushed and hesitated.

I kissed her forehead instead. “You have a very sensitive ass,” I grinned.

“I never knew,” she giggled. “Was that my punishment? To have an orgasm from being licked there?”

“Mm. Not much of a punishment, was it?”

“I didn’t think I’d be able to cum again tonight. It was so different, though. Didn’t hurt at all.”

“Does sex usually hurt?” I asked, keeping my face straight.

She shrugged. “That’s just part of it, I guess.”

No, it fucking wasn’t. For some people, like Kitana, they enjoyed a bit of pain with their pleasure. But Lira wasn’t like that. She wasn’t a masochist, she just had a shitty wife. In a small town like Bening, there wasn’t a wide array of lovers to choose from. That number got even narrower when it was limited to lesbian partners. It was a safe wager that Lira hadn’t had sex with anyone besides Tamara. She probably didn’t even know another lesbian in person.

I grunted and let it slide, for now. With some gentle coaxing, I got Lira to roll over so her back was to me, and I wrapped an arm around her chest. I just meant to hug her close, but she shifted my hand higher.

Lira’s firm tit filled my hand and I massaged it gently. Her nipple was a tiny bump against my palm, small but hard. She made a happy sound in her throat and shifted her hips back to press against mine.

My hard dick pushed against her ass cheek, then slipped down into her thigh gap. I felt her flinch as my cock nudged against her cunt. I swore under my breath and pulled my hips back.

“Shit, sorry, Lira! Hold on, let me adjust.” I got my dick up against my stomach, then pulled her close again. “How’s that?”

My cock fit into the groove of her ass, and she pressed hard against me, undulating her hips. The cheeks of her butt enveloped my shaft and squeezed.

“I like the way you feel,” Lira said softly. “So warm and hard.” She grabbed my hand and returned it to her breast again. “You can be stronger with me,” she whispered.

“Is that what you like?” I asked.

“It doesn’t hurt yet,” she said.

I levered up a bit and kissed the side of her neck, then up to her ear. She moaned as I licked up to the tip of her ear, and pushed her ass hard against my cock. “I don’t want to hurt you at all,” I said.

“But I want you to fuck me,” she whispered.

“Not tonight,” I shook my head.

“No, not in my pussy. In my… thing.”

“You want my dick in your ass?” I asked, surprised.

She flinched a little and turned her head away. “I’m sorry. It’s weird. I shouldn’t have asked.”

“Well, hold on,” I grinned. “I didn’t say no, did I? If you want to, we can definitely try.”

“It felt… good. With your tongue. Really good.”

My dick was a lot larger than my tongue, but I shrugged. “Okay. Tamara, get the oil from the counter.”

I heard Tamara get up and fetch the oil. I sat up to take it from her, and she glared hate at me. “Damn you, Master Jack,” she hissed.

“We’re going to have words once this is done, Tamara,” I said, not at all fazed by her rage. “Until then, sit by the door and don’t interrupt us. You can eat my cum out of your wife’s ass when I finish.”

Her face went pale with fury, but she obeyed. I eyed her until she was sitting down again, then reached down to give Lira’s ass a firm squeeze. She yelped and giggled.

“What’s the oil for?” she asked.

“To keep things smooth. And hopefully, keep the pain to a minimum.”

I poured a bit onto my fingers, and reached down to feel for her asshole. Lira lifted her leg up helpfully, and her asshole opened easily for my finger as I pushed it in. I couldn’t help but compare Lira’s innocent eagerness to Kitana’s fearful anticipation. Fear of pain made Kitana’s asshole tight, and increased her pain. Lira was eager, pushing back on my hand and moaning in pleasure.

It was all in the state of mind. I gave a mental shrug, and added another finger. Lira sucked in a breath, and I thought I had hurt her, but it was only to let out a deep, throaty moan. She pushed back against my hand, and I held my fingers still and let her penetrate herself.

“Ooooh! Dragon! That feels good!”

“Yeah? You want my cock now?”

She nodded eagerly. “I do!”

I got another splash of oil for my dick, and lubed up before touching the head against her asshole. Lira pushed down, and my dick popped through her sphincter. She froze and drew in a shuddering breath. I didn’t push into her, as much as I wanted to. The long wind up to this moment had me on the brink, and I wanted to sink my cock all the way into her ass and blow my nut.

Instead, I hugged Lira close and gently cupped her breast. The slim elf moaned, then gingerly worked her hips back and forth, only moving about an inch each way.

“It’s big!” she whimpered.

“Does it hurt? We can stop,” I said.

“No! I mean, yes. But just a little. Don’t stop, it’s going away. I can go deeper, now.”

She pushed her ass back at me, and I felt myself slide another inch into her bowels. Lira grabbed my hand on her breast and squeezed hard. The muscles in her abdomen were tight, and I could feel the tremor in them. She was on the edge of her own orgasm. I buried my face in her thick red hair and clenched my teeth. I could hold off for a few seconds longer.

“Pinch me, Jack!” she whimpered. “Twist my nipple!”

I didn’t do it. Instead, I released her breast and turned her head to face me. I had to lift myself up on my elbow to kiss her, and the moment my lips touched hers, she shook in a sudden orgasm. Her butt clenched on my dick, tight as a fist. I was only a few inches into her, and her muscles squeezed the head of my cock.

I grunted and exploded into her, pump after pump. Her ass milked me, and she rolled her hips as she cried out into my mouth. She finally relaxed, and her ass loosened enough for my dick to slide out. Lira lay unmoving, panting after breath. Her asshole flexed slightly, and a bubble of my cum oozed out.

I kissed her neck, then climbed off the bed. Tamara looked up at me for her spot at the door. Her hate was replaced with lust and she stared at my dick hungrily.

“Can I have it now?” she whimpered.

I made a face. I didn’t want her mouth anywhere near my dick, but it was better than letting her near Lira right now. “Make it fast,” I grunted.

Tamara leapt to obey, and sucked my cock into her mouth. She slurped at the head a few times, then slumped back to the ground. The manic energy that had driven her puddled away, and she groaned.

“It’s time for Lira’s punishment,” I said grimly.

“You fucked her in the ass!” Tamara muttered. “That’s plenty of punishment!”

“No, that wasn’t the punishment. Her punishment is to stay with me for one week. She is not to see you or return to your home. If you try and violate the separation, then the timer starts over again. If at the end of the time limit, Lira decides she wants to return to you, she may. If she decides she does not, you will not make any attempt to convince her otherwise. Finally, you will do everything in your power to avoid me in the future.”

Tamara gaped up at me. “You can’t take my wife from me!”

“That’s up to her,” I growled. I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of my house. I kicked the door shut behind me and gave the buxom elf a shake. “Tamara, listen to me very closely. If you ever hurt Lira again, I will make you regret it. You think I’m cruel? What I’ve done to you is nothing. I will ruin your life, piece by piece, until all you have left is dust and ashes.”

Tamara stared at me, her mouth open but unable to speak.

“Nod if you understand me.”

She swallowed, and jerked her head up and down.

“Good. Now get the fuck out of my sight.”

I watched Tamara leave until she turned the corner up the trail and was gone, then I headed back inside. There was still another hour or two before dawn, and I was exhausted. I blew out the candle and climbed into bed beside Lira.

She pushed up against me and reached down to pull my arm up around her chest. I kissed the back of her neck and lay down.

“I heard what you said to Tamara,” she said softly. “My punishment is to spend the week with you?”

“If you want. Or you could go somewhere else. But you can’t go home or see Tamara. Not for a whole week.”

She was silent for a long time, and I thought she had fallen asleep. I was about to drift off myself when she said, “I want to stay with you, Jack.”

I tightened my arm and hugged her against me. “You can stay as long as you like.”

Written by Alaristar
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