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SissyMandy - Jeannie's Revenge

"Jeannie gets even with her cheating husband"

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Author's Notes

"This is the conclusion to the previous two chapters about Mandy and Jeannie. I didn't want keep you hanging too long, so I'm releasing this chapter sooner than I normally would. Please remember to hit the 'like' button if you think it's worthy of a second of your time to do that for me. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It's the only way I know if I should continue this series. Enjoy ~ Jill"

Jeannie and I are having an interesting week, chatting with her cheating husband on the gay website Grindr. Brent knows me as a tiny-titted prostitute named Tina, and he thinks we're chatting to arrange an all-night fuck date. But little does he know… he's been chatting with his own wife the entire time!

After each chat session, Jeannie prints out the conversation to put in a folder she'll give to her attorney. So while Brent thinks he's impressing me with his arrogant braggadocio, Jeannie's typing words that trigger him into bragging about the many times he's cheated on her.

To hear him talk when I sucked his cock last Saturday, you'd think that women just line up to be serviced by him. But as Jeannie's been methodically picking his brain, it's become obvious that he doesn't have near the sex life he brags about. Most of his girls, in fact, are whores that he pays for with money he's been secretly withdrawing from their joint savings account.

Jeannie shakes with anger at times when he constantly refers to her as 'the bitch', and calls his children 'the brats'. But she tries to stay light about it because she knows every hateful word he types will be seen by a judge when she files for divorce.


'So we're good to go for Saturday night?' Brent types during our Wednesday afternoon chat.

'Hopefully,' Jeannie types back at him.

'C'mon, Tina, what do you mean… hopefully? I have to know for sure.'

'Well, hopefully I'll be able to be there when you want me. I have a girlfriend coming in from out of town, so I'll be tied up with her until… whenever.'

'No shit…? You're a lez, too? Oh doll, that is so fucking hot!'

'We're not actually lesbians, baby, we just kinda lean that way every once in a while.'

'I'd love to see that! Would she be open to joining us for a three-way?'

'She probably would, but you'll have to pay her the same amount you pay me. Can you afford six hundred for both of us? Cuz if you can't, I have other guys who can afford a two-girl party.'

'For two girls? Oh, yeah! The Spoiler will find a way! Just tell me it's on, so I can tell the bitch I'm going fishing with the boys.'

'Your wifey won't get suspicious about you spending that much money, will she?'

'Naw, she's too busy with the brats to notice what I'm doing behind her back. I'll handle everything on my end.'

'Including the money?'

'Yes, I told you I'll get it.'

'Okay, baby, it's on then. I just wanted to make sure you understand we'll need cash upfront. We'll talk more about it tomorrow. I gotta go now. ~kisses~'


"That bastard!" Jeannie screams under her breath as she closes the Grindr app. "It's even worse than I thought."

"I don't know how you've managed to take his shit all these years," I sympathize with her, "but at least now there's light at the end of the tunnel for you and the kids."

"Yeah, well… I'm getting rid of his ass, but then what? After the divorce, I'll be a single mom and pushing forty years of age. How many guys want an over-the-hill mom with three kids? I'm not exactly an attractive young woman in her twenties."

"You're more attractive than you think."

"I guess I'll find out, won't I?"

"You're probably just upset after talking to the prick."

"Maybe, but until this divorce shit is over with, I'll just have to forget about finding another guy."

"You'll always have me and Sherry to take care of your sexual needs."

"I truly do appreciate having that, and I've loved lesbian sex ever since Sherry introduced me to it, but it's not like I'm a true lesbian who doesn't need men. I need a man in my life who'll give me steady cock, and someone who also understands my bisexual needs. That's not asking for too much, is it?"

"You're only asking for a happy life. My Mistress Virginia says that if you just focus on living in the moment, everything else will fall in place."

"That's good advice. I should probably take it."

"Well, it's Wednesday, so maybe you should just focus on coming over after work and let us take your mind off that prick."

"Sherry didn't tell you…?"

"Tell me what?"

"She and Brenda are spending the night with a girlfriend, so I've got you all to myself tonight."

"For reals…?"

"For reals, hon. Kinda nice how that worked out, cuz I've been wanting to give you something special that I've never given anyone else."

"Oh yeah…? What?"

"You'll find out later. I better get back to my desk, so I can finish everything up before quitting time."


Damn. Two hours before quitting time, and Jeannie's got me thinking about sex again. With my clitty all pulsing hard and my sissy brain paralyzed with dirty thoughts, there's no fucking way I'll get anything done now. So, like I do most days, I just sit at my desk and stare at the work I'm supposed to be doing.

Lost in my erotic thoughts, I inadvertently start rubbing on my titties. It's cool that I've still got definite mounds almost a week after Cheryl pumped them up, but my nipples, still puffy and sticking out after she injected that collagen stuff into them, have been itching a lot lately. I do love the new, tingly feelings I get when I touch them, so I've been touching them a lot.

It feels amazingly different now when I play with my tits, but I'm not sure if it's because of my nipples, or if maybe the estrogen I'm taking is changing my entire psyche. I don't really care why I've been feeling this way, I just know that I do, and it's the most wonderful feeling in the world!

Fifteen minutes before quitting time, Jeannie catches me playing with my tits when she pops in unannounced.

"Looks like you're horny and ready to go, lover girl," she giggles.

"I got so horny after you went back to your desk."

"I did too. I'm probably as horny as you are."

"I'm horny for whatever you're going to give me that you haven't given anyone else."

"Won't be long now, hon. Meet me in the Safeway parking lot like we always do, and I'll follow you home from there."


I'm amazed as I'm driving home at how close I've become to Jeannie as we've plotted to set her husband up for the bombshell that's about to hit him. My eyes keep switching from the traffic in front of me to the rearview mirror, where she's back there blowing kisses at me. I'm so attracted to her now, so intimately concerned about Jeannie's well-being.

A neighbor lady three-doors-down is sitting on her front porch, giving me the evil eye as I drive by. I wave at her, but she doesn't wave back. I wonder why?

I decide to give her something else to gossip about, when I kiss Jeannie as she's getting out of her car in my driveway. I know she's watching us go in through the garage, and I hope she sees us kissing as the garage door closes.

"You weren't worried about the neighbors seeing you kiss someone who's not your wife?" Jeannie asks as we go into the house.

"Why should I? They've already seen me as Mandy a couple of times, so I don't even try to hide it anymore. Besides, when we move in a few weeks, I'll be living as a girl full-time."

"I've always seen you as more feminine than masculine, even before it became obvious that you're a sissy."

"I've always been a sissy. I just didn't know it until Brenda showed me."

"Kinda like I didn't know I was bisexual, until Sherry showed me. And speaking of bisexual, babe, I'll be wanting the male side of you tonight, but I'll enjoy you more as a girl, so could you wear a wig for me?"

"I'd love to wear a wig for you, just as soon as I get out of this disgusting suit."


Jeannie's got her hands all over me as we go into my bedroom, where I show her the three wigs I have to choose from. She picks the brunette one, and as I'm fitting it over my hair, she undresses me until all I'm wearing is purple pantyhose.

"You're not wearing panties?" Jeannie giggles.

"I almost never wear panties under my pantyhose. It might be unsanitary, but I love how the silky-smooth nylon fabric clings around my clitty."

"Such a sensuous sissy you are, with nice little titties even," Jeannie swoons as her thumbs trace circles around my nipples. "Sherry said they're cute after they've been pumped up, but I think they're adorable. You don't mind if I suck on 'em a little, do you?"

"Of course I wouldn't mind. I haven't had much of that yet."

"Oh, babe, your tits are gonna start getting loved on a lot, I can tell you that."

"They were bigger over the weekend, but at least they haven't gone down all the way like they usually do."

"Maybe the estrogen is making your body want those tits. They might be already starting to grow in."

"God, I hope so. I couldn't take my suit jacket off at work, because I was afraid my nipples might show."

"They were definitely showing. I noticed it right off. How long can you still hide it from your dad?"

"I don't know. I'll have to do it eventually, but I'm still too much of a coward to tell him."

"Time is running out, babe. You're already starting to show, so you better hurry up and figure out how you're going to tell him."

"I wish you'd hurry up and suck on my nips. I'll worry about my dad later."

"Ohhh…? Giving me orders now? Since when do sissies give orders?"

"Ummm… it wasn't an order, but maybe a request?"

"Request granted, sweetheart. I'm just teasing with you."


I love how my skin, after a couple months on estrogen, feels noticeably softer as Jeannie glides her smooth hands all over me. My sissy body is so tingly by the time she lays me on my bed, and my nipples radiate with new sensitivity atop my developing breasts.

Being naked except for pantyhose, while she's still fully-clothed, makes me feel so inferior compared to her grace and maturity, and yet, I'm so totally comfortable with it. Once her lips start kissing around my throbbing nipples, I realize I have a strong fetish for older women.

I squirm as Jeannie sucks each of my nipples into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the tips as only a woman would know how to do. Experiencing my tits like this makes me feel like her submissive little bitch, so eager to learn everything an older woman can teach me.

"Oh, God, Jeannie," I moan, "my titties have never felt like this."

"Enjoy it, honey. You're just now beginning to discover the pleasures of having breasts. The more they develop, the more fun they are to have."

She pushes my hands away when I try to grab her tits, saying that this her time to pleasure me, woman-to-sissy, and who am I to complain? As much as I want her bare tits in my hands, I'm in no condition to argue. My only option is to just lie back and let her love on my sissy breasts.

"Like that…?" she giggles after my nipples are on fire.

"God, I so love it. I've never felt so much like a girl."

"That's cuz you are a girl… a very unique little sissy girl. But now I want the male side of my sissy girl. Let's go get a drink of water, then I'll get between your legs."

"I'll do anything you want," I pant. "I love you, Jeannie, I just love you."

"I love you, too, Mandy. I always have, and now we can say it… in sexual ways."


I'm so light-headed that Jeannie has to help me up off the bed, and I'm getting so painfully hard as her hand slips under my pantyhose to grab my bare ass on the way to the kitchen. She still won't let me touch her fully-clothed body as we drink our water, but it doesn't bother me, because I'm quite content to let her do whatever she wants with me.

I feel so vulnerable when she sits my ass on the kitchen table and eases me back on my elbows, but sissies thrive on vulnerability, so being naked in front of her like this gives me the biggest thrill. As she spreads my legs and smooths her hands up and down my nylon-clad thighs, my poor little clitty feels bent out of shape with my hard-on still tucked away under the pantyhose.

I'm in no position to do anything about it as her fingers tease the erotic nylon fabric across my sissy shaft every which way. I shudder as she kisses my tummy and works her way down to my clitty shaft to lick and playful bite on my dick through my pantyhose.

The feeling is indescribable when the nylon becomes saturated with her spit as my hard clitty pulses underneath. Just when my clitty can't take much more, she grabs a handful of pantyhose on either side of my cock and rips it apart, tearing a big hole for my clitty to finally spring free.

God… I almost cum the moment she takes my bare shaft into her mouth, but somehow I don't. Jeannie worships my cock like I'm the best stud ever born, and once again I appreciate having a small cock as she repeatedly deep-throats me with my balls resting in her warm mouth.

I swear I'm gonna cum any second, but sensing my impending eruption, she stops sucking and helps me off the table. She then takes me back to my bedroom with my cock pointing towards the ceiling through the hole she's torn in my pantyhose.

"Undress me now," she whispers as we stand next to my bed.

It's pure delight to expose the skin on her back as I slowly unzip her dress. The way I smooth my hands across her shoulders to help her dress fall to the floor draws a sigh of anticipation from her. I'm already beyond excitement, because now I can finally remove her bra and get at those tits!

But then I'm suddenly nervous as hell, because even though I must have unhooked Sherry and Brenda's bras a thousand times, I'm having the hardest time unhooking Jeannie's. In fact, I can't even find the damn thing!

Jeannie giggles as I'm getting embarrassed, struggling at such a simple task. She finds it amusing to let me fumble away at her bra strap before she finally tells me, "This bra clasps in the front."

She says I shouldn't be embarrassed as I moved around to face her. Her bra, already unhooked and partially open, falls to the floor when I push the straps over her shoulders, but she only allows me to fondle them a little bit before embracing me in a loose hug. Then with a sweet passion, she kisses me as she brushes her nipples back and forth across mine.

I love it when Sherry does this with me, and Jeannie's tits make me feel the same way. I feel so fortunate that Brenda's trained me as a bisexual sissy, because homo sissies are forbidden to even touch a woman, let alone their breasts and other private parts, like I'm allowed to do. I'm sorry if they envy me, but I can't help it if I was born to serve both sexes.

It's a good thing Jeannie checks her watch after a few minutes of nipple rubbing. Our time is slipping away, so we'll have to get with it if we want to fuck before she has to pick up her kids. I so wanted to worship her tits and eat her out, but that'll have to wait for another time.

"Fuck me now, sissy girl." She beckons as she gets on the bed and takes off her panties.

Since she's a squirter, her pussy is already sopping wet when I spread her legs apart, allowing my little clitty to slip right in with no resistance.

The few times I've fucked her before, I've noticed that her vagina isn't nearly as tight as Sherry's. I guess it's because she's given birth three times, but whatever the reason, it's never bothered me none, because it's the woman I enjoy more than how my cock feels inside her. I'm pounding away, banging her for all I'm worth, when she stops me in mid-stroke.

"Remember I said I've been wanting to give you something special?" she asks with broken breaths.

"This is special enough," I tell her.

"Not as special as this," she giggles as she takes my shaft and places the head right up against her butt hole!

"I've never taken it in the ass before, so this is that special thing I'm wanting to give you, baby. Pop my anal cherry for me, would you?"

"Oh, God," I can barely say, "it would be my great honor to do that for you."

"Don't do it for me, sweetheart, do it with me."

There's no need for lube with her pussy flowing so profusely that it's running down her crack and soaking into my bedspread. She whimpers a few times when I push in to spread her apart, but then pure joy spreads across her face as I bury my four inches of sissy pride into her.

With my cock up her ass, we lie still for a minute or two, letting her virgin hole get used to my intrusion. Sweet kisses are exchanged between us as her ring relaxes around me when I then start pumping her nice and slow, just like I do with Sherry.

She seems to absolutely love it, just like Sherry does, and I swear, my tiny dick was made just for fucking women's assholes. Because of my small size, a juicy wet cunt can't compare to the tightness of a warm butt hole. It seems so right for a sissy like me who loves it in the ass so much herself. Sissies know exactly what feels good and what doesn't.

It's so hot to see Jeannie getting into it as I pump her at a faster pace. She quickly gets comfortable rocking her ass up and down in rhythm with my strokes, and it isn't long before she's squeezing her tight hole around my little shaft like she's been doing it all her life.

I don't have much left in my tank as she nears an orgasm, so to help her along, my thumb finds her big fat clit. I rub her nerve-nub hard, and I rub it fast while pounding her as fast as I can. This drives Jeannie out of her mind as she lets out a wild scream I wouldn't have guessed was in her.

Her eyes roll to the back of her head as her squirting pussy lets loose and sprays all over the front of her. The sight of it triggers me to burst inside her with an orgasmic force I don't feel very often.

"Oh, my God, Mandy," she pants as I collapse on top of her.

"So you liked it?" I giggle at her.

"Jesus, babe, Sherry told me what a good little butt fucker you are, but I had no idea my first time would be this good. You even made me squirt, you little pleaser, you.

"Geez… it looks like I've made quite a mess of myself, and your bedspread, too."

"Don't worry about the bedspread, but maybe we should take a quick shower."

"I'll have to. I can't get the kids looking like this, and we both reek with the smell of sex."

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"But it's a great way to smell."

"It sure is, and I wish I could just lie here with you all night, but I'm a mom, first and foremost, so I better get cleaned up and go pick up the little loves of my life."

We're tempted to fuck again in the shower, but with little time to spare, we have to be content with washing each other's body. We get a few last kisses in to seal the deal, and before I know it, Jeannie kisses me goodbye, leaving me by myself, naked, but certainly not horny.


I'm so conditioned to always having Brenda or Sherry around telling me what to do, I'm all of a sudden feeling insecure about being alone. I'd really like to talk to someone, so I send a text to my sissy sisters Kristy and Marci, hoping one of them is available. Marci doesn't answer, but Kristy does, and after a few text messages, she calls me on my sissy phone, so we can talk sissy-to-sissy.

It's so wonderful to be in love with Kristy. She's already traveled this path I'm on, so she's the perfect person to talk with about the feelings I've been having lately. She says I'm definitely going through the estrogen change, when a sissy's brain starts thinking totally like a girl.

It's something only another sissy could know about, and it gives me much relief to know that what's going on inside my head isn't just my imagination. It's real, the estrogen is working, and as Cheryl told me would happen, estrogen is now my dominant hormone.

Kristy gets excited when I tell her what's going on with my tits. She says that itchy nipples are a sure sign a sissy's tits are beginning to grow.

Then I get super-excited when she tells me about a sissy friend of hers, who was getting saline injections like me before she went on HRT. Her breasts developed way ahead of schedule, like maybe mine seem to be doing. She's almost filling a B-cup bra after only one year, much bigger than Kristy's cute little A-cups, so that is also good to hear.

We spend about an hour on the phone before finally hanging up, but before we do, Kristy tells me to call her anytime I'm wondering what's going on with my body, so she can help me along in the process.

Sherry calls a few minutes later to say that she and Brenda are spending the night with Jainie, who I already figured they were with. I'd like to get in bed with Jainie sometime, but Jainie's a hard-core lesbian who hates men, so that'll probably never happen.

I'm so worn out from having sex with Jeannie that we don't talk very long. I do miss the two wonderful women I live with, but all I want to do is go to bed. Besides, I'm looking forward to getting a good night's sleep in their bed, the bed that used to be mine.


Jeannie's in a cheery, bubbly mood when I get to work the next morning, her face looking so refreshed after what we did last night. But that all changes two hours into the day, when I get a chat request on the Grindr app from you-know-who, Brent.

I call Jeannie into my office, and she says, "No. Don't answer him yet. Let him stew over it until this afternoon."

"Don't you want to get more dirt on him?"

"I've already got more than enough dirt to hang his ass. It's all about revenge now, and I'll damn sure get my revenge Saturday.

"The prick knows I won't confront him in front of the kids, so this morning he waited until I was busy getting them ready for school to tell me he's going fishing Saturday night. And then he left for work before I could say anything about it.

"Well, I've got news for that asshole. I'm going to confront him on Saturday, and I can't wait to do it!"

"How are you going to do that?"

"I'll tell ya later. If the prick tries to chat again, just ignore him. We'll chat at a time of our choosing, not his."

Oh, shit. Jeannie's on the warpath. I saw the anger in her eyes as she talked about revenge, and I sure wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of it.

Brent requests a chat three more times during the day before Jeannie finally says to accept around three o'clock.

'Hey, baby,' Jeannie types the first line.

'Where were you, doll? The Spoiler has been trying to reach you all day.'

'Sorry, baby, but I had a rough night last night. My date was a tiger in bed, and I didn't get home until six this morning. I've been sleeping it off, and just woke up.'

'Wow… you went all night?'

'All night long, baby. You think you can keep up with me and my girlfriend? I wouldn't want to wear you out.'

'Oh, shit…! The Spoiler never wears out. I'll fuck those pussies till they're sore!'

'Well, mine's pretty sore right now. I can't chat long, cuz I have to go soak it in the tub.'

'So we're still on for Saturday?'

'Do you have the cash?'

'I'll have it after I hit the ATM.'

'Then it's still on. You realize that I'll have to see the cash before we meet you, right?'

'How am I supposed to do that?'

'I'll tell you tomorrow.'

'Tell me now.'

'I can't. I have to go soak my sore pussy. Bye, babe.'

'Wait, Tina, don't go yet, I still have to…'

Jeannie cuts him off and closes the chat window before he can finish the last sentence. But Jeannie did what she wanted, leading him on, making him think this was going to be the best sex he'd ever had. In other words, Jeannie's setting him up for the kill.

We don't accept any more chat requests from Brent until late Friday afternoon the next day. Jeannie's been happier than I've seen her in quite a while, but the anger she's been harboring in her soul comes out the moment she sits down to chat with Brent.

Like yesterday, she keeps it short and sweet. After he tells her he just got six hundred dollars from the ATM (his and Jeannie's savings account), Jeannie tells him she's already getting horny for the cock she (Tina) sucked last Saturday.

Then she tells Brent that her girlfriend has never had a cock as big as his. This really gets Brent going, triggering him into bragging about how he's never met a girl he couldn't satisfy. We crack up when he types that, and Jeannie's laughing so hard she can barely type his instructions as to how they're to hook up tomorrow.

The instructions are simple. He's to rent a motel room of his choosing, and take his laptop so he can then contact 'Tina' on the Grindr app. Once he shows her the money, she'll then come to wherever he is with her made-up girlfriend. Simple, right? He thinks so, but he has no idea what's about to come down.


The next day, Saturday, after Brent leaves for his 'fishing trip', Jeannie takes the kids over to her mom's, where they and Jeannie will be spending the night. Jeannie then comes over to our place, where we have a laptop all set up in Brenda and Sherry's bedroom on their makeup vanity. It's positioned so that when I sit in front of it for a video chat, Brent will see the bed in the background.

With everything set up, the four of us sit down for a delightful brunch that Sherry prepared for us. Brenda absolutely cracks up when Jeannie tells her how we've set him up during the week, and what we're going to do when he gets online. Halfway through brunch, the laptop rings with a chat request from Brent.

"Let him wait," Jeannie laughs, which gets us all laughing as well.

Finally, around two o'clock, Jeannie says it's time to spring the trap. I put on the wig I wore when I was with him, along with my fake pussy. It's not glued in place, because I might wanna pull it off during the chat.

The only clothes I'm wearing are a transparent trainer bra, so my cute nips will show through, and a skimpy pair of transparent panties, so he'll see my realistic fake pussy pressing against my panties when I stand up. Jeannie puts on this very long, blonde wig that belongs to Brenda and gets in bed totally naked.

Our timing is perfect because it's not five minutes before Brent is knocking at the chat window. I take my seat and open the chat. Brent's ecstatic when I choose video chat so he can see me, and he waves at me when I get online.

"Hey, baby," I giggle, "Watcha doin?"

"Hey Tina… what does it look like? I'm waiting for two hot pussies to come join me."

"So you got the room alright?"

"Oh, yeah. King-size waterbed to romp on, with porn playing on the TV."

"Oooo-weee…!" I squeal, "Mister Spoiler is ready to parrr-teee!'

Just about this time, Jeannie rolls over in the bed as if she's just waking up, which Brent is quick to pick up on.

"Who's that behind you in the bed?"

"That's Nanette, my girlfriend. I need to talk to you about her."

"What's to talk about? She's coming, isn't she?"

"Well… she wanted to, but she's having second thoughts."

"Second thoughts about what?"

"She's not sure if she's your type."

"Fuck that, every girl is my type."

This is when Jeannie gets out of bed, totally naked. The long hair of Brenda's wig obscures her face as she walks towards the camera in the dimly-lit bedroom. She lets her tits sway back and forth as she gets closer, then waves at Brent as she says to me, "I gotta pee."

"Holy fuck!" Brent yells as she disappears from view, "That girl is definitely my type!"

"Are you sure?" I giggle, "She's a lot older than me, which is why she's having second thoughts. She's worried you won't like her thirty-eight-year-old body next to my skinny eighteen-year-old bod."

Sherry and Brenda are standing to the side, just out of view. Brenda's role is to speak for Jeannie, so Brent won't know it's her. She gets a little closer when Brent hears the toilet flushing, ready to take her cue.

Jeannie walks by the screen again, this time standing behind me a few seconds with her tits in full view, before moving off to the side.

"Oh, shit, honey," Brent yells to her, "come back over here, Nanette. Let me get another look at you. Age doesn't mean anything to me. C'mon, baby, I won't bite."

"I'm not afraid of you biting," Brenda says for Jeannie, "I just don't know if I can do this with someone I've never met."

"Sorry, baby," I say to Brent, "she's kinda shy at first. She might be afraid of your size, cuz I told her this morning about your Big. Fat. Cock!"

"Oh, c'mon Nannette," Brent's taking the bait, "every woman loves a big hunka man meat."

"I know for most girls," Brenda again speaks for Jeannie, "big dicks are supposed to be fun, but the last time I had one, it almost tore me apart. I guess I'm afraid to try it again."

"Don't worry about that, Nannette, babe, I'll be gentle."

"Maybe if you showed it to her," I break in to say, "she might not be afraid of it."

"You mean, right now?"

"Hell yes, I mean right now. Nannette wants to see what she's getting. Whip it out for us, baby, unless you're like… afraid to."

"Show me your pussy, Nannette," he laughs, "and I'll show you my cock."

I then stand up in front of the screen, fingering my fake pussy as I tell him, "If you get it hard for me, I'll spread these lips for you."

"Oh, Jesus, Tina, are you trying to get me off before you even get here?"

"It's part of the date, baby. I like teasing my dates before we meet. Ain't this fun?"

"It would be more fun if I could see Nannette's pussy."

"Pull your pants down, and you'll get your wish."

That's all it takes to get Brent to drop his pants. When he's standing there with his Levi's down around his knees, Nannette (Jeannie) steps in front of the screen.

"Oh yeah, baby," Brent starts stroking himself, "now that's what I'm talking about!"

Nannette responds by fingering herself in front of Brent, and in no time at all, he's got a big hard-on he's flashing in front of the screen.

"So, Mister Spoiler," I ask, "what do you think about Nannette? Is she good enough for you?"

"Oh shit, the Spoiler loves Nannette!"

"Would you like to fuck Nannette's pussy?" I tease him.

"Oh hell ya! I'd fuck that sweet twat in a split-second!"

That's what Jeannie's been waiting for him to say. She all of a sudden rips off the wig and sits down in front of the camera, exposing herself to Brent as she laughs in his face. Oh, God… I wish you could have seen Brent's face, standing there with his pants down and his dick in his hand when Jeannie says:

"Gee, Brent… that's strange. You sleep with this pussy every night, and yet, you haven't fucked it in over five years, you FUCK-face!"

"What the fuck…?" Brent panics. "Janine…! Where did you come from?"

"I've been here the whole time, SHIT-head!"

"Teee-Naaa…!" he yells for me.

"What is it, babe?" I ask sarcastically.

"What the fuck is this…!"

"It's a fishing trip, Brent," Jeannie then says, "Didn't you say you were going fishing?"

"Fuuuck…!" Brent yells as he realizes he is so fucked.

Then I say to him, "Yeah, baby, it's a fishing trip, except that I'm the bait, and you're the fish. You swallowed the bait, and your wife has caught you in the act. Now she's gonna reel your ass right into divorce court. Isn't this fun?"

"No, Janine! Please don't do this to me. You can't do this to me!"

"Not only can I do it, Mister Spoiler, I already did! My attorney filed for divorce yesterday. They'll probably serve your papers next week at your job."

"No… fuck no…! Not at my job, for Christ's sake!"

"Well, unless you get a new address by then, where else should you be served?"

"N-new address?"

"You heard me, fuckhead… the kids and I are staying at my mom's tonight. You have until noon tomorrow to get your shit out of my house."

"Your house?"

"That's right, shit-for-brains… MY house! I'm having all the locks changed, so don't even try to get back in, or I'll slap a restraining order on your perverted ass. When I get done with you, you'll be lucky to own the clothes on your back!"

"You can't just kick me out!"

"The hell I can't. I won't have my children living with a pervert!"

"God-dammit! I know this looks bad, Janine, and can explain all that. But I'm not a fuckin' pervert!"

"Then why are you on a gay website?" I break in to say. "Talking to a queer like me?"

"Fuck you, Tina! You're not a queer, and I'm not a pervert!"

"Oh yeah…?" I laugh as I stand in front of the screen with my panties pulled down. "What do you think this is?"

"It's a fuckin' cunt, and you're a little fuckin' cunt!"

"Look again, pervert," I sneer as I rip my fake pussy away and flash my sissy dick in his face.

"Surprise, fucker! Look who sucked you off last week, pervert! Wanna suck me like I sucked you? Huh…?"

"Oh, Jesus Christ, get it away! Janine… can't we just talk this over?"

"From now on, cheater, talk to me through my lawyer! I'd advise you to get one, cuz you're gonna need it… prick!"

"Oh, no… oh, no…" he's practically crying in front of us.

"Oh, yes… oh, yessss…!" Janine hisses like a viper. "Goodbye, Brent, and have a nice fuckin' life… without me!"

Jeannie then closes the chat window, leaving Brent to think about what just happened to him.


Jeannie looked like she was enjoying it at the time, but she really wasn't. All the heartbreak and anger she'd built up over the years, everything she did to save her marriage, only to have it fail like this, it all came out in one massive heap of rage.

She was exhausted when it was over, and she asked us if she could be alone for a bit to get herself together. When we closed the bedroom door, we could hear her crying her heart out. We might have had a triumphant day dropping the hammer on Brent, but it was actually a very sad day. One woman's heart had been broken for years, and it will probably take years to put that heart back together.

Sherry went in to talk with Jeannie after an hour or so, and they came out a half-hour later. Jeannie was still teary and red-eyed, but definitely on the mend. Jeannie started breaking down again when we all embraced in a four-way hug,

"I know it hurts right now," Brenda says to her, "to have your marriage blow up like this, but Brent had already gone too far astray to save it. You were forced to play the hand you were dealt, and you played it well, very well indeed."

"It hurts more than I thought it would," Jeannie starts sobbing again, "because I once loved Brent so much that I was spending my life with him. That's all gone now, and I have to start all over."

"I'm in love with you," Sherry then kisses her. "Lovers are always there for each other, no matter what, and I'll always be here for you."

"I couldn't have done this without you and Mandy," Jeannie says as she starts cheering up. "Girlfriends like you are so precious to have, cuz I'm so scared I won't find another man."

"I can probably help you with that," Brenda then says. "I know a few good men who'd love to meet a quality woman like you."

"I might take you up on that," Jeannie says with a forced smile. "But I'll have to get my life back together before I'm ready for something like that."

"Take all the time you need," Sherry tells her. "We'll always be here for you."

"I better get going," Jeannie then says. "I still have to tell our kids that daddy doesn't live with us anymore."

"Okay, baby," Sherry then embraces her lover, "let us know if there's anything you need."

The three of us cry as we watch Jeannie drive off, but estrogen has made my emotions so fragile that I'm crying more than Brenda and Sherry are. Brenda takes me in her arms and comforts me, saying that I'm feeling what a girl feels when one of her sister friends has been hurt like Jeannie has.

She says it's a sign that I'm starting to think like a girl, to be feeling the same hurt that Jeannie's going through. It's reassuring to hear that, because it validates how I've felt about Jeannie through this whole ordeal. But most of all, it validates that the hormones are turning me into the feminine sissy I've wanted to be for so long.

I know I'll still have hurdles to overcome before I'm a total sissy like Kristy is, but somehow I know I'll get through it after having this valuable experience with Jeannie, my girlfriend, soulmate, and lover.

Written by Jilluvscox
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