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jewel lay there on my OB/GYN table struggling against the rising tide within her. I could tell she was fighting valiantly because I saw the strain on her face, the curled fingers as they clawed at the armrests, and the sheen of sweat on her body from the effort she was putting out.

Since this was only the second time we had been together and the first time we had really done anything sexual, I decided to take it a little easy on her. Besides, I had other things in mind for my playtoy. 

She begged me again to let her cum and release her from her torment. I told her no, but right afterward, I stopped teasing her. She lay panting and trying to come down from the edge of her endurance, but that's not what I wanted. 

I removed the clit clip and fingered her pussy back to life again and as she writhed and struggled in the chair, I pointed my cock at her drooling hole. Without saying anything as a warning, I pushed into her, opening her tunnel wide and shoving myself deep into her. 

"OH FUCK, MASTER! Oh, my God! Oh, you are so deep in me! Oh God, it feels sooo wonderful!" she cried, arching her back as much as she could in her restraints.

I was careful as I sunk into her because I didn't know how far to go, but I felt no resistance until my balls slapped her ass, signaling to us both I was fully inside her.

I stopped only for a moment while she got accustomed to my size. She hadn't had anyone for some time according to her, so I wanted to make this first time pleasurable

"Now my little slut, I am going to fuck you the way a good slut wants to get fucked by her Master. I suggest you find something to hang on to... it's about to get busy in here!" I told her. 

I was only moderately bragging... I was pretty confident that what I was going to do to her would impress her. I hadn't had any complaints from my previous partners and they all left my house with a big grin on their faces! 

I made it a point to please my partner and leave her satisfied with my performance, even if it meant I didn't finish. I wanted them to remember who made them feel that way and where to go to feel that way again. 

"Ohhh..." jewel moaned. I saw her try to brace herself for the expected assault, but she had little to worry about–the restraints on my table had never failed to hold my intended quite securely despite her best efforts to escape. I had no reason to think anything would be different this time. 

jewel was actually smaller than some of the women who had been on my table before, so the chance that she could win out against my restraints was slim at best.

I started by slowly pulling back, teasing her with my cock as I pulled out until just the head remained inside her tunnel. I paused when I saw her tense up expectedly. I waited for her to relax, thinking maybe I had changed my mind.

But I hadn't. I plunged back into her hard, knowing now that I wasn't going to hurt her by going too deep. I rammed my cock fully into her and the second my balls slapped her ass again, I pulled back and rammed into her again. 

I set up a fast, hard, and deep rhythm as I pounded her. If this woman wanted to be my slut, she'd have to get used to being fucked like one!

To her credit though, jewel seemed happy to get all that I had to give her. She didn't complain or protest at all. Instead, she moaned and whimpered and groaned in ecstatic bliss as I thrust into her. I drove my cock into her like I wanted to punch a hole through her and she just asked for more.

"Yes! Oh God, Master, fuck me! Fuck me and make me your dirty little fucktoy! Oh God, your cock is so amazing! Fuck me, Master... harder please!" she cried out loudly.

I knew that jewel was close to cumming and I, too, was feeling the pressure build. But I wanted her to cum once more before I did. So I used a special technique I had developed. 

With my left hand, I pinched the hood of her clit capturing the little nub and at the same time pulling the hood back to expose the tender button. With my right thumb, I began rubbing briskly over the sensitive clit.

I may as well have hooked her clit to a live electrical wire because she came alive then. Had she not been strapped so securely, I swear she would have stood up in those stirrups!

"Oh, Master! Oh my God... ohhh fuck... ohhh..." she cried as she pitched and bucked, her clit flooding her brain with sensations. 

My special technique didn't let me down. As she was twisting and squirming against my hands and cock she let go, unable to fight anymore. 

With a scream of release, I felt the warm flood of fresh pussy juice and then felt it slip past my still pumping cock to run out of her and puddle on the floor under us.

I kept working her pussy and clit trying to drain her of both energy and pussy juice. 

"Please Master! Please... no more... I can't... please..." she said at last. 

I knew she had nothing left to give and I pulled out of her as she groaned her relief. She went limp on the table, softly moaning and panting as she tried to rest. 

I stayed with her as I always do with all my submissives and gently brushed her sweat-matted hair from her face, stroking her hair and trying to calm her down.

It took jewel about ten minutes, I would say, before she felt strong enough to get up off the table and we went back upstairs. 

"Master, may I be excused to take a shower? I'm all sweaty and I don't want to sit on your nice furniture until I am clean."

"Yes, slut. There are fresh towels in the bathroom," I said. 

She began making her way down the hall and I got up to watch that she made it all right. Then I sat back down on the sofa to wait for her.

Soon I heard the bathroom door open and I could tell she was on her way back to the living room. She came around the corner, still naked and looking much fresher and happier.

"Feel better after your shower?" I asked as she approached me.

"Oh yes, Master, much better. Thank you," she said, smiling.

I reached out to take her hand and guided her to me, pulling her up on my lap. She straddled my hips, facing me with her legs folded under her.

"This was our first real training session, slut... did you enjoy yourself? Was it what you expected?" I asked.

"Oh yes, Master! Everything and more! I had a wonderful time and you were simply amazing! I haven't cum so much ever!" she said, "I was giggling like a silly schoolgirl in the shower as I thought about what you did to me."

"Well, I am glad you had a good time. I want you to enjoy your training, my slut – it makes you try harder and will make you more successful if you enjoy what is taught."

"Oh I agree, and I did enjoy myself. But while I was in the shower it occurred to me that you haven't had your orgasm, Master. I am so thoughtless and I am sorry. Please let me correct my negligent selfish behavior. Please, may I pleasure you now, Master?"

"What did you have in mind, slut?" I asked.

Without answering my question, she got up from my lap and knelt down on the floor in front of me. She reached forward and began unbuckling my pants and pulling them down my legs. 

I lifted myself up off the sofa a bit so she could get my pants down, and my cock which had started getting hard as soon and she sat on my lap popped up ready for play. 

When she felt my erection, she wrapped her hand around it, looked up at me with a smile, and closed her eyes as she put her soft lips around it and slid almost all the way down and up making a little pop when she pulled it out and said, "Mmm..."

My beautiful jewel looked hot as hell with her mouth around my cock, and thought I might bust a nut right there, seeing her pretty face bobbing up and down on my cock like that. 

She looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes and said, "Master, I've wanted to suck you since our second meeting... that time you first played with me. God, Master,  you got me so hot that day!" 

Then she began licking my cock like it was a big popsicle while her free hand went down between my legs to cradle my balls. With her long red nails, she lightly scratched my nutsack and perineum. 

Even though she was blind and couldn't see me, she looked right up at me and kept her eyes on me as she began licking and kissing my shaft and knob while massaging my cum-heavy balls. 

I was so surprised by her oral talents that I couldn't even think, 'this little slut is good,' as she popped me out of her mouth, pushed my cock to my stomach, and licked her way down to my balls.

She closed her eyes, sucking one of my nuts into her mouth. "Mmmm..." she moaned as she greedily sucked my ballsack. I realized this is one of those rare women who REALLY love giving oral sex.

jewel got more and more excited as she sucked and licked on my nuts. One of her hands had moved down between her legs and the squish squish told me she was furiously fingering herself. 

"Are you playing with yourself, slut?" I asked feigning anger. jewel immediately popped me out of her mouth and pulled her hand away from her wet pussy. She looked up at me thinking she had screwed up. 

"Put your hand back down there. I want you to continue... I want you to bring yourself right to the edge. When you are just about to cum, you can beg my permission," I said.

She smiled and took my nuts back into her warm wet mouth again.

I have to say, I enjoyed one of the best blowjobs of my life that day. And I think what made it so special was how much jewel enjoyed doing it. The girl loved using her mouth to pleasure me.

She licked my shaft back up to the mushroom head and then used the tip of her tongue all the way around under the rim. She laved her tongue in broad licks all over the cap making sure it was completely covered and shiny with her saliva. 

Then she pointed the tip of my aching cock at her mouth and slipped her soft warm lips around the head, slowly and deliciously sliding me deeper into that warm, wet heaven. She looked up at me again with those soft brown eyes as she did so. 

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She took more of my cock in and out of her warm, slippery mouth. She was making all kinds of slurping sounds while getting sloppy with my cock. I had my very own porn star!

After a bit jewel grabbed my ass with both of her hands and started pulling me into her mouth. I was afraid that she would gag, but she would pull me harder into her. She was slamming my cock all the way down her throat now.

Finally, I got the message. She wanted me to fuck her face! So I stood up and pulled her to her feet. 

"Get on that sofa and turn around. I want your head off the edge of the seat and your legs up on the back!" I said. 

I moved her into the position I wanted with her legs spread wide and her head hanging off the front of the sofa. I shoved my cock deep into her mouth and she grabbed the back of my legs as I slid down her throat. 

I held myself down her tight throat until she tapped the backs of my legs letting me know she needed a breath. 

"Is this what you want, slut? Want me to fuck your face? You want my cock down your slutty cock-swallowing throat?" 

"Yes!" she gasped when I pulled out so she could suck in a breath. 

She pulled at my legs and I plunged back down her throat again. She tried to take even more of me this time, sliding down another inch or so until her nose was pressed against my ballsack.

"Mmm... Mmmhmm," jewel moaned as she tapped the back of my legs again.

This time when I pulled back she gagged a bit but she looked up with a huge smile and took me right back down.

Now that her throat had been opened and she was used to my cock in it, I started fucking this slut's face like in the porn movies I liked to watch. 

As I pumped her throat, drool and saliva started to run out of the corners of her mouth and down her face... she looked like a proper cocksucking fuckslut! 

My balls slapped against her eyes and face as I moved back and forth and her hands went to her tits, pinching and pulling on them like she wanted to tear them off her chest. She was definitely enjoying her work!

I decided to help her along and reached down to finger her soaked pussy. This only made her moan and suck harder. 

"Mmmhmm! MMMhmmm!" she cried around my cock which I took for an, "Oh God!" since her hips began to hump up at my hand.

I guess having my cock down her throat and my hand in her pussy was more than she could handle because without warning I felt her body tense and she groaned loudly as my hand got drenched with her fresh load of pussy juice. I saw her legs quivering and her whole body froze in place as the orgasm took hold of her. 

I pulled back just enough so that she could get air past my cock and let her orgasm run its course. Once it had passed, though I went back to my work.

It wasn't much later that I exploded in jewel's throat, continuing to thrust into her mouth as I blasted my load of hot cum down her throat. As she felt the first jets, she grabbed my ass again with both hands and held me deep in her throat, swallowing all my cum.

When I had finished dumping the contents of my balls down her throat she slowly withdrew me, sealing her lips tightly around my cock as she squeegeed my cock spotlessly clean. Then she pulled me close again to kiss my nutsack and my cock for the gift they had given.

I helped her get turned around again and sit up on the sofa. She was a bit dizzy from being upside down and from all the excitement, so I sat with her until her head cleared. I think she enjoyed sitting next to me with her head resting on my shoulder and my hand between her thighs.

After about a half-hour of cuddling and resting, I looked up at the clock. 

"Why don't you go into the bathroom and freshen up or whatever you girls do in there and we'll go grab a bite to eat. I'm getting hungry and I'm sure you'd like something a little more substantial than a mouthful of cum!" I said.

"Okay Master, but whatever we have to eat may be more substantial but I'm sure it won't taste as good as your cum!" she said grinning from ear to ear.

She went to the bathroom to get ready while I did the same in my bedroom. I was waiting for her in the living room when she came in. 

"Okay Master, I am ready. I hope I look all right – I don't have Tina here to help with my makeup," she said.

"My beautiful jewel, you don't need makeup. You look spectacular without any of those trappings," I said.

"Aww, thank you, Master. I'm glad I please you," she said. She had no idea just how much she pleased me!

We walked to the garage and I helped her into the car and after seating her and making sure she was buckled in, I went around and got in my seat. 

We pulled out of the garage and headed to the restaurant. As we got started I saw jewel reach up to the rearview mirror. "Master! You still have my panties on your mirror!" she giggled.

"Of course. What good is a trophy if no one sees it?" I said. "Your panties have gotten me a lot of praised looks from other men and a lot of shocked looks from other women!" I could see her blush as I told her that.

"So where are we going, Master?" she asked.

"There's a nice casual steakhouse I go to pretty often. They have great food and it's a family kind of atmosphere. Everyone is really friendly there. I wasn't sure what kind of food you liked, so I didn't make reservations anywhere. This place doesn't require them," I said.

"Oh, I like just about anything, Master, as long as I'm with you. If I had to pick a favorite category, it would be Mexican food. But I'm just as happy with pizza or burgers or fried chicken. I'm not a finicky eater!"

"Well, that's good to know. There are several good Mexican restaurants around town. Of course, there are the 'fast food' taco houses too, but those can be risky places if you aren't careful," I said.

"Yes, I know. I got sick once eating at a place that a friend of mine took me to. Their hamburger wasn't good. They got shut down a couple of months ago for unsanitary practices."

"Well, this place has been around for several years, and I have eaten there many times... always great food."

"I trust you, Master. If you say it's good then I'm looking forward to it," she said, putting her head on my shoulder.

We arrived at the restaurant and luckily for us the place wasn't real busy. I found a parking spot not far from the door and we went inside, her holding onto my arm.

The hostess showed us to our table and as soon as we got there jewel turned to me. "Master can you show me where the ladies' room is?" she asked quietly.

"Of course," I said and I took her arm walking her to the ladies' room. 

"Are you going to be okay in there?" I asked when we got to the ladies' room.

"Yes, I will just have to find my way around. I'd better figure out the bathrooms here – from what you told me about liking this place, it sounds like we will be coming here often."

"Well, I will be right here if you need anything."

"Thank you, Master," she said, smiling. I waited for her to finish then we walked back to the table arm in arm. Anyone seeing us would just think I was being a gentleman and helping my date – she never let on she was blind.

The waitress came to give us menus, but I had been there so many times I knew just what to order. "Two 14-ounce rib-eye steaks, medium rare, with baby red potatoes and steamed vegetables. And a couple of glasses of Cabernet Sauvignon, please."

"Very good, sir," the waitress said and took our order to get it going.

"Mmm, that sounds delicious, Master."

"Well, not as delicious as my current company but they do make a good steak here." 

jewel blushed at my remark.

"I do like to see you blush my dear," I said.

"Well, you sure do it enough, Master!"

When our dinner arrived and the waitress had left I asked jewel. "So do you use the clock system to know what's on your plate and where?"

"You know about the clock system?" she asked surprised.

"I have done a little research and learned a few tips and tricks. I know the proper way to help you walk as you saw, and yes I do know the clock system. Now, your steak is at 3 o'clock, your vegetables are about 10 o'clock and your potatoes are under them at 8 o'clock. Your wine is up at 2 o'clock and about six inches from your plate. Your fork and spoon are on your right and your knife is on your left."

"Oh Master, thank you. That is so thoughtful of you!" she said. And I caught a bit of a catch in her voice.

Dinner was wonderful just as I knew it would be and the company was even better. We talked about our lives growing up and how we came to be the people we were. jewel was very interested in how I became a Master and how I knew that was who I was.

I explained that I always knew there was something different about me because of the way I thought and acted. I wasn't the kind of boy growing up that went from girl to girl depending on my tastes that day. I wasn't a jerk who treated them like they were just toys or disposable. I treated them just like I treated jewel now. 

"As for being a Master," I said, "I didn't start out to be one. People just seemed to listen to what I said and followed me. I didn't even know what BDSM was or that it was even a thing until one day I was online looking at porn like most teenage boys do and I stumbled across a BDSM site. 

"I suddenly realized there was a name for my fantasies and fetish!  And what's more, there were others like me! From that point on I devoured everything I could find on this new world and when I had accumulated enough knowledge, I began sorting through it to make my own journey. What I didn't like or believe in I tossed, and what I thought I wanted to be, I kept."

Written by Master_Jonathan
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