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Constant Gardener

I don't suppose anyone ever thought to unveil this new chatroom set up on a server which wasn't in production and thus live - so the admins could experiment and fine tune or make changes to what would be a 95% completed chat product before it was rolled out to the production chat servers. Like how 100% of the rest of the computing world (with any credentials and experience) would choose to roll out a new product. Instead this is like Microsoft rolling out a new OS and asking the current customer base to make suggestions to improve the lousy 1st efforts.

Constant Gardener

The polling was bad for Biden in 2020. There's more of us than there are of them and nobody has ever polled me or anyone I know.

Trump is getting rolled in November - prosecuted in all his remaining court cases and will probably be fitted with an ankle bracelet and get to spend all of his incarceration in that cockroach infested Mar-a-Lardo until he expires with his death rattle.

He'll get the Jeffrey Epstein imprisonment handshake deal.

Constant Gardener

Now it comes out that Alito, next to Thomas, one of the obvious degenerates wearing a robe on that court - was flying an American flag upside down - after the January 6th, 2021 insurrection.

And he isn't recusing himself from sitting in on any hearings involving Trump or those who tried to overthrow the government on that abysmal day.

SCOTUS has been rigged by the GQP for the last 20 years.

Constant Gardener

It's been 21 years ago so many of you - might not even remember this, or know that it actually occurred. But -

James Comey, who was the Director of the FBI when Trump came into power - actually, once upon a time - gave people a reason to believe he was a 'good guy' when in fact, Comey was just another motherfucker - forcing his word and actions upon the American public. He seemed good - and then, 15 yrs later he fucked us and gave us Trump as President.

Biden and Comey and Obama & Garland and Bush and Trump: A group of motherfuckers nobody should have leading their country. But Americans have super short shelf life memories.

*note (Obama never actually did shit to help America, he just survived 8 years without being assassinated). And he leveled up on the Drone War flights to 'That Other Place Over Yonder'. 4 times more efficient using drones to bomb Iraq and Afghanistan than even George W. Bush.

And Trump - trumped them both.

Constant Gardener

Trump's campaigns are well known to never ask an artist if they could use a song an artist owns - so they can play it at their Trump rallies. They just go ahead and do that - until an artist complains (and even then, that doesn't stop them from stealing the work of someone who is extremely opposed to their campaign stances).

Why? Cuz Trump does whatever the hell he wants - without someone feeding him a knuckle sandwich about 30 years ago when he first started hijacking other artists songs to play at his beauty pageants and other media events.

He is the most miserable thief in the world (who has never been punished and incarcerated).

Constant Gardener

You may not agree, but if this is truly implemented and followed through - it'll be a first time - since Ronald Raygun was elected to the office of President in 1980, that the wealthier Americans and US corporations are put under the IRS microscope.

No better place to start than the billionaires who 'own' professional sporting teams (and they've also actively held American cities as hostages during negotiations for new stadiums to house their extremely profitable hobbies inside of).

Constant Gardener

Quote by RowanThorn

The stock market needs to go away. When I say it crashes, it should not come back.

That's synonymous with saying: Legalized Casino gambling needs to vaporize and be no more.

Neither event will occur in our lifetimes. But it's a rosey thought.

Constant Gardener

A bunch of pervs escaped the same fate as Ghislaine Maxwell and especially Jeffrey Epstein. Still unknown members of law enforcement attempted to cover up those crimes by not investigating very long if at all. This freak needs to be thrown from a helicopter with no working 'chute.

One free article read per month - unless you're already a subscriber. Pretty damning for all accused. (for good measure)

Constant Gardener

These conservatives recently installed after being appointed by Trump are going to set this country back to the 1940s - doing their part to make America great again (for conservative Caucasians who claim to also be Christians). And they'll have plenty of assistance from Alito, Roberts and (blech) Thomas.

I came across this article this morning and after reading it I couldn't find any faults with the author's retelling of the events which occurred and landed Clarence Thomas on the bench for life, in 1991. I even learned a few 'minor things' which occurred in the background (because President Joe Biden steered them into obscurity - as he was working in concert with Republicans to land this particular jerkwad onto the court).

This is faithful to history for anyone who wants a refresher or younglings who were born in the 80s/90s/00s and never learned about this sordid chapter of appointing a new justice. His wife, Ginny - attempted to overthrow the 2020 election as well and he won't recuse himself from hearing anything related to that incident which comes before the court.

This author has made it his mission to find justice for the victims of Jeffrey Epstein - some of you may know of him.

Constant Gardener

Boeing isn't the only US corporation where greed rules over all else.

Here's a common load of horseshit with a bow and ribbon around it, courtesy of a great American Insurance company:

And here is the reality:

Medicare Advantage Plans are fraudulent con-games designed to fleece people who think they can believe their insurance company's representatives.

You can roll the dice with flying on a Boeing jet and successfully reaching your destination without dying and you have better odds of success and ongoing health. These insurance companies are what Republicans used to call - DEATH PANELS

Constant Gardener

I welcome our pre-skynet Overlords.

Youtube still on the janky side within the forum, I see. Pity.

Constant Gardener

Immigrants get all the better paying jobs which ordinary Americans find too repulsive to entertain the thought of accepting.

Case in point...

Constant Gardener

House Democrats have introduced a bill that would strip Secret Service protection from convicted felons sentenced to prison, a move directly targeting former President Trump who is currently on criminal trial in New York City for alleged hush money payments made during the 2016 election campaign and faces several other cases which could land him behind bars.

Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., the former chair of the now disbanded Jan. 6 congressional committee, introduced legislation that would automatically nix Secret Service protection for those who have been convicted of a federal or state felony that carries a minimum one-year prison term. 

The proposed bill is provocatively called the "Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act.

Constant Gardener

Grabbed this on Monday, got it delivered yesterday morning. Been trying to figure it out and configure it out ever since. I paid under 2k for the unit I purchased.

As a broke dick dawg, (and an older one at that) it's hopefully the last television set I throw money at.

But then...I'm addicted to new tech like I am to tight, wet pussy - so....if something better comes plopping out in the next few years. I'll prolly suck it down and bite off another chew. This set kicks ass, visually.

Constant Gardener

Quote by lynnwitt

New jeans. Oh, the excitement.

I bought 6 pair of those last week. 1st Jeans (yes, I capitalize the important words) I've purchased new since the late 1990s. I loves me some denim.

Constant Gardener

Six days ago. Fucked a MILF in a closet, in her McMansion, who was probably closer to a GILF. I am a DILF, without the dad part. But then again, who's counting.

Constant Gardener

RFK junior has quite the roster of backers. Mostly grifters and predatory opportunists backing the idiot son of a true patriot and statesman. All he brings to the party is his famous surname.

The too long to read, brief: Multitudes are joining up and backing RFK Jr - who also financially donate to Trump's candidacy. And they are a laundry list of opportunistic status climbers, hangers on and predators seeking influence.

JFK junior is dragging the corpses of JFK, RFK and his uncle Ted, through the streets of MAGAville, spewing stupid thoughts, incoherent plans, bald faced lies about easily debunked topics. Acting and appearing all patriotic and shit - for those cultists who have zero idea of what patriotism actually looks like.