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Ballsy P3

Jamie Goldsmith has a unique knack of being able to convince people of things.

Laura Clarke “Hi, Laura” One of Laura's classmates shouted over just as she was pinning the details of the after-school debate meeting times and topics to the student notice board. She didn’t know the girl well but knew that her name was Kate. “Hi Kate,”...


A passer-by throws confetti and something more over a new bride and groom and their guests.

The wedding Colin and Sophie stepped out of the church and into the bright light of the sunny rays that greeted them on their wedding day. Posing on the wide stairs in front of the church, large, happy grins were on both their faces as their families and...

Ballsy P1

Jamie Goldsmith has a unique knack of being able to convince people of things.

Ann-Marie Ann-Marie sat in the small room that the school used for guidance one-on-one. It sometimes doubled up as a room where teachers, including her, would invite a student’s parents in for a chat if their behaviour had warranted it. The room was about...

Agbagwa And The Homeless Addict Lawyer

Agbagwa is back, this adventure he humbles a bitch lawyer.

Part 1 Michelle, clad in her impeccable power suit and carrying her briefcase, scanned the gloomy alley. Her gaze settled on an ancient man curled under a tattered blanket, with a wrinkled face concealed beneath a scruffy beard. With a sinister grin, she...

Model wife Kate part 3

Kate, the model, is smitten with the Kirk, wouldn't it be amazing if he were a model hubby.

Chapter 3 Kate awoke with a start, sweat glistening on her skin from yet another torrid dream involving Kirk. Kirk was no longer next to her, her head was not resting on his chest like it had when she had fallen asleep. Her head spun around, she was alone...

Model Wife Kate part 2

Kirk is smitten with the Kate the model, wouldn't it be amazing if she were a model wife.

Chapter 2 Kate entered the room where the photo shoot was taking place, smiling at the photographer and apologizing profusely for her tardiness. The makeup artist and stylist greeted her warmly, and she quickly made her way to the changing area. As she re...

Model Wife Kate

Kirk is smitten with the Kate the model, wouldn't it be amazing if she were a model wife.

Chapter 1 Kirk stood in front of the full-length mirror, studying his aged face and frail physique. His wispy, grey hair only seemed to make him look even older. Today was the day he would introduce himself to Kate, the young, beautiful model. Kirk had ma...

My pearl in his pocket

People would joke she held her husbands balls in her purse, what if he held her pearl in his pocket?

Part 1: Dinner at HIS favourite restaurant My eyes focus on his hand, how he holds the pearl between his fingers. They follow it as he brings it to his lips, curling his fingers around the tiny sphere as he gently blows on it. “Ooohh,” escapes my lips. Hi...

Faye Evan's; Adored Actress To Porn Star

An A list actress is controlled by a Z list porn director

The Night before the Awards Faye Evans, an A-List actress, was mingling with producers, directors, and other actors in the VIP area of Bar Ocean, the trendy hangout of the top stars. She accepted a tall flute of champers from a waiter and sipped it while...

Diana Comes First

Diana was wronged, now armed with the gift of manipulation she begins her revenge.

Chapter 1 Diana was not the most physically attractive of girls. A little over five-foot with dirty blonde hair, she weighed around twelve stone but was considerably flat in the breast department. But she had a loving personality and was greatly loved by...

The Lucky Paperboy

18 year old Harrison is about to become the luckiest paperboy in the world, Kim fresh from her break up with Matt agrees to a date.

What an invitation Harrison cycled the familiar streets, never varying in the last five years his route. He still enjoyed delivering the papers even at eighteen, the round had allowed him to save for college and he would genuinely miss the customers. espe...